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He ______(按下) the button and the doorbell rang

科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:






My classmate,Joseph,is at present in hospital                                                         

with a breaking leg.He was walking to school the other                                              1.         

day when he let a bicycle ran right into him.He never                                                2.         

watches where he is going,so he often gets into the trouble.                                     3.         

But he is having a nice time there.He has a comfortable                                             4.         

room,patiently nurses,and a great deal of time to read.                                                 5.          

Some friends of his go to see him every day,they take him                                         6.         

lots of good book and fresh fruit.He is not losing any time                                                7.         

from school because he is busy study what he has                                                               8.         

missed in class.The doctor says he is recovering fast than                                        9.         

expected and will be out of hospital a few weeks.                                                      10.         


科目:高中英语 来源:吉林省长春市2010届高三期中联合考试英语试题 题型:单词拼写



66. He became a top sportsman at some ________(牺牲)to himself, for example, by training very hard, giving up many pleasures, etc.

67. They say such unkind things about you just out of ______________(嫉妒)。

68. Today there are more opportunities for disabled people to develop their _________(潜力).

69. On _______(平均),people who don’t smoke are healthier than people who do.

70. He ______(按下)the button and the doorbell rang.

71. It is said Yogo is of great b___________ to human health.

72. I washed and _______(剃须), then hurried out of the house.

73. The thunder is a natural _____________________(现象).

74. The local c       is francs(法郎)

75. Those who wanted to enter the USA must go through both m        and physical tests.



科目:高中英语 来源:2009年高考试题(全国卷2)解析版 题型:单词拼写



1.On       (平均),people who don’t smoke are healthier than people who do.  

2.For a goalkeeper. It’s a great        (优势)to have big hands.  

3.Many of his finest pictures are        (悬挂)in the National museum.  

4.Sydney wants to become a        (律师)in the future.  

5.He        (按下)the button and the doorbell rang.  

6.Farmers are reporting a very big        (收成)this year.  

7.I washed and       (剃须), then hurried out of the house.  

8.John missed the game because of       (胃)pains.

9.Callie will start      (幼儿园)in September.  

10.The old lady needs a few feather        (枕头)to make herself comfortable.  



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1.On       (平均),people who don’t smoke are healthier than people who do.  

2.For a goalkeeper,it’s a great        (优势)to have big hands.  

3.Many of his finest pictures are        (悬挂)in the national museum.  

4.Sydney wants to become a        (律师)in the future.  

5.He        (按下)the button and the doorbell rang.  

6.Farmers are reporting a very big        (收成)this year.  

7.I washed and       (剃须), then hurried out of the house.  

8.John missed the game because of       (胃)pains.

9.Callie will start      (幼儿园)in September.  

10.The old lady needs a few feather        (枕头)to make herself comfortable.  


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



66. He became a top sportsman at some ________(牺牲)to himself, for example, by training very hard, giving up many pleasures, etc.

67. They say such unkind things about you just out of ______________(嫉妒)。

68. Today there are more opportunities for disabled people to develop their _________(潜力).

69. On _______(平均),people who don’t smoke are healthier than people who do.

70. He ______(按下)the button and the doorbell rang.

71. It is said Yogo is of great b___________ to human health.

72. I washed and _______(剃须), then hurried out of the house.

73. The thunder is a natural _____________________(现象).

74. The local c       is francs(法郎)

75. Those who wanted to enter the USA must go through both m        and physical tests.

