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These desks and chairs can be ___ to the height of any child.

A. adjusted           B. adapted             C. fit             D.adopted



考查动词词义辨析。Adjust 调整,调节(不修改)符合题意;adapt(修改,改变)后的适合适应;fit 大小合适;adopt采用,收养。


科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省望江县2012届高三第二次月考英语试题 题型:053



  We all need physical exercise.Exercise uses up food we eat and keeps the body full of energy.It works your muscles and makes your heart work hard so as to send blood to your muscles.So, exercise makes your heart and muscles strong.Exercise also makes you feel refreshed.If you exercise a couple of times a week, you will stay happy and healthy.

  Some Western countries, such as the United States, have problems with exercise.In the US, many people don't have enough exercise because it is hard for them.People have to work from dawn till dusk, so they don't have time to take exercise.They work in office buildings sitting in chairs all day long in front of computers.They cannot get much exercise sitting at desk passively.

  Some Westerners can get exercise walking from their homes to work.However, the majority of people cannot do this.It is too far from their homes to their offices.They have no choice but to drive to work.In fact, some have to drive one or two hours to their offices.This is unfavourable in two ways.First, these people don't have a chance to exercise because they are sitting in their cars for two to four hours each day.Second, driving is challenging especially in rush hours and calls for too much attention.It makes a person worn out.So, when these people arrive home at night, they don't have the desire to take exercise after work.

  Today, many people in the West are overweight, which causes health problems for them.Doctors say exercise can help people both lose weight and improve their health.So many people are trying to get more exercise.But it takes time to change, and when people don't see a difference right away, they will lose heart and stop exercising.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Western New Bridge Library Announcement


Shortened Library Hours for Spring Break

Library Hours have been shortened to 7 hours a day (9:00 a.m. – 4:00p.m.) for Spring Break from March 24 to March 30.

Coming Events

On Monday, March 24, at 10:30 a.m., Scott Sutton, a children’s writer, will tell stories to kid over seven. Sutton’s attractive style will surely inspire everyone present!

At 1:00 p.m., on March 26, the Geogetown Musicians will present an Irish Folk Concert, which will be entertaining for the entire family. Come for the music and stay to check out some relevant books for the rest of the week!

On Thursday, March 27, at 2:00 p.m., the annual Children’s Gathering will take place in Room 201, the second-floor. Pick up an invitation in the Children’s Room and return your RSVP(回复) to reserve your seat at the table by 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 25. Only children are allowed in the Gathering.

At 10:30 a.m. on Friday, March 28, Enzo Monfre of the hit kid’s science show, Enzoology, will bring Fossils Live! Surely Enzo will take the audience back in time, deep beneath the surface of the earth, to uncover the mysteries of killer dinosaurs, and more. Enzo recently appeared on the Ellen DeGeneres Show—come and see him at the library!

Please note:In case of emergency, please call the Help Desk at 926-3736 and follow the procedures outlined on the voice message. The call-down service is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for emergencies. The Help Desk supplies service to you all the year around! For questions about all these, please contact hld@wnbl.corg.

Come for the great Fun; Stay for the relevant Books!

To attend the annual Children’s Gathering, one has to _____.

   A. buy a ticket                    B. apply in advance

   C. make a reservation              D. contact the call-down service

According to the passage, Enzo Monfre will ______.

   A. show the children around a zoo 

   B. tell stories to children over seven

   C. be present at the science show in person

   D. lead the children to the Ellen DeGeneres Show

We can learn from the passage that children can ______.

   A. attend all the activities with their parents

   B. borrow some relevant books for the activities.

   C. participate in the activities form 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

   D. choose only one of the activities according to their interest


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Each of us fails from time to time.If we are wise, we accept these failures as a  part of the learning process.But all too often as parents and teachers we disallow this  2  right to our children.

When I see a child  3  to this kind of pressure, I think of Donnie.

    Donnie was my youngest third grader.His  4  of failure kept him from classroom games that other children enjoyed.He  5     answered questions — he might be wrong.

I tried my best to build his  6.But nothing changed until midterm, when Mary Anne, a student teacher, was assigned (安排)to our classroom.

   She was young and pretty, and she loved children.My pupils, Donnie included,7  her.

   One morning, we were working math problems at the chalkboard.Donnie had 8  the problems with painstaking neatness.Pleased with his progress, I 9  the children with Mary Anne and went for art materials.When I returned, Donnie was in 10 .He’d missed the third problem.

   My student teacher looked at me in despair.Suddenly her face  11.From the desk we shared, she got a container filled with pencils.

   "Look, Donnie," she said, kneeling beside him and gently 12 the tear stained face from his arms."I’ve got something to13 you." She removed the pencils, one at a time, and placed them on his desk.

   "See these 14 , Donnie," she continued."They belong to Mrs. Lindstrom and me.See how the erasers are 15 ? That’s because we make mistakes too.But we erase the mistakes and try again.That’s what you 16  learn to do, too."

    She kissed him and stood up."Here," she said, "I’ll leave one of these pencils on 17 desk so you’ll remember that everybody makes mistakes, 18 teachers." Donnie looked up with love in his eyes and a smile.

    The pencil became Donnie’s  19  possession.That, together with Mary Anne’s frequent encouragement, gradually 20  him that it’s all right to make mistakes — as long as you erase them and try again.


1.A.small                    B.basic                   C.necessary            D.large

2.A.correct                 B.same                   C.important        D.natural

3.A.suffering               B.object                  C.fall                      D.subject

4.A.fear                      B.lesson                 C.chance               D.sense

5.A.always                  B.often                   C.never          D.seldom

6.A.self-protection       B.self-improvement C.self-confidence    D.self-learning

7.A.respected              B.disliked                C.avoided               D.mined

8.A.worked out           B.copied                 C.gone over            D.leaned

9.A.left                       B.offered                C.missed            D.parted

10.A.surprise               B.astonishment        C.anger                  D.tears

11.A.darkened             B.brightened           C.pulled                  D.loosened

12.A.lifting                  B.picking                C.holding                D.pushing

13.A.help                    B.show                  C.reward                D.promise

14.A.pencils                B.mistakes              C.marks                 D.containers

15.A.used                   B.built                    C.worn                  D.damaged

16.A.may                    B.must                   C.will                     D.can

17.A.my                     B.someone’s           C.the teacher’s        D.your

18.A.still                     B.also                     C.even                   D.not

19.A.prized                 B.own                    C.kept                    D.expected

20.A.warned               B.informed             C.persuaded      D.reminded


科目:高中英语 来源:江西省泰和六中2009-2010学年高一下学期期中考试试题(英语) 题型:完型填空

第二节. 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)
I ran into a stranger as he passed by, and I at once apologized to him. We were
both very       31    , the stranger and I. Then we went       32    our way after saying good-bye.
But at home a    33    story is told. Later that day, when I    34    supper in the kitchen, my daughter suddenly stood behind me very 35    . When I turned back, I               36    knocked her down. “Don’t be in my   37    !” I shouted angrily. She walked away with her little heart             38    . On the kitchen floor later, I found some flowers by the door.
That night, while I lay          39    in bed, a voice in my deep heart said, “While    40    with a stranger, you are so polite, but with the children you love, you are so easily       41    . Why are there some flowers by the door? Those are the flowers she brought for you. She          42    them herself, pink, yellow and your favorite blue. She stood quietly in order to give you a   43    , and you never saw the         44    in her eyes.”
By this time, I felt very               45    and now my tears began to fall. I quietly went and knelt (跪下) by her   46    , “Wake up, little girl, wake up,” I said, “Are these the flowers you picked for me?” She smiled, “Yes, because I knew you’d like them, especially the               47    .” I said, “Daughter, I’m sorry for the way I acted today; I               48    have shouted at you that way.”
She said, “Oh, Mom, that’s okay. I love you       49    .” I hugged her and said, “Daughter, I love you too, and I do like the flowers.”
Through this 50    , I realize what FAMILY means:
36. A. rude            B. polite                   C. educated        D. happy
37. A. in              B. to                          C. on                   D. for
38. A. different       B. funny                 C. moving            D. terrible
39. A. had              B. ate                     C. prepared          D. took
40. A. quickly       B. quietly             C. noisily              D. seriously
41. A. nearly        B. hardly             C. already            D. even
42. A. kitchen      B. room             C. place           D. way
43. A. beaten       B. missing               C. broken              D. hit
44. A. alive             B. asleep                 C. awake               D. afraid
45. A. talking          B. dealing           C. working           D. meeting
46. A. worried               B. nervous          C. excited             D. disappointed
47. A. grew            B. picked                C. bought              D. planted
48. A. gift              B. flower                C. kiss                      D. surprise
49. A. expression   B. tears                          C. happiness          D. joy
50. A. small            B. proud                C. weak            D. hurt
51. A. table             B. desk                      C. bed                      D. knees
52. A. pink             B. blue                          C. yellow              D. green
53. A. couldn’t               B. mustn’t               C. shouldn’t                 D. needn’t
54. A. however       B. truly                      C. though             D. anyway
55. A. accident               B. experience          C. question            D. problem


科目:高中英语 来源:浙江省临海市杜桥中学09--10学年度高一下学期第一次月考试卷(英语) 题型:阅读理解

When I was in junior high school, I was really a bad boy. My history teacher — Mr Oven criticized me a lot because I was naughty in his class. By the end of the first semester, I’d had enough of his words and had decided that I would get my revenge on him.
The opportunity arose one morning when Mr. Oven was called to the office for a certain reason. While Mr. Oven left, my company Billy and I grabbed Mr. Oven’s lunch bag from under his desk. I opened his sandwich and placed a bug in between the two slices of bread. We put it back and closed it. To keep it in memory, Billy took photos of the whole process. We laughed for weeks over this.
Well, it all went south during Thanksgiving break. Billy’s Mother found the pictures in his room, and demanded that he should tell her where these pictures were from. Billy told his mother the whole story, and Mr. Oven was informed. Not only was I punished from school for two weeks, but also I was kicked off the football and basketball team. Before I could return to school, I had to turn in a 1000-word essay on what I did and why I did that. I really felt embarrassing every time I saw Mr. Oven in the hallway for the rest of the school year. I felt a little regret that Mr. Oven left our school the next year.
51 Mr. Oven criticized the writer a lot because ________.
A. he was naughty in his class            B. he didn’t go to his class
C. he didn’t answer his questions          D. he was good at his class
52. How can you imagine Mr. Oven when he had his lunch?
A. He would be glad to eat his delicious sandwich.
B. He would eat it as usual when he had his sandwich.
C. He would cry because he was afraid of the bug in his sandwich.
D. He would be very angry when he found the bug in his sandwich.
53. What is the meaning of the underlined sentence “Well, it all went south during Thanksgiving break.” in the third paragraph?
A. It was until Thanksgiving break that the secret was let out.
B. All the students left on Thanksgiving break.
C. All the students went south on Thanksgiving break.
D. Billy and I went south during Thanksgiving break.
54. What does the phrase “kicked off” mean in this passage?
A. fired     B. punished    C. scolded   D. hit
55. Which one was NOT true according to the article?
A. He had to leave school for two weeks.
B. He was kicked off the football and basketball team.
C. He had to eat the sandwich he had made for Mr. Oven.
D. He had to write a 1000-word essay to acknowledge his mistake.

