精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
16.I'm a thin girl sitting in the examination hall among my classmates with a sheet of questions in front of me.The only difference between my classmates and me is that they are all busy filling out their sheets,while I am just sitting,staring at the wall in front of me.
  With no words coming to my rescue,I helplessly glance down at the title of the essay:"My Father".
  Since I do not have a clear impressionof him,I can only describe him on the basis of what I have heard from my mother and other relatives.They all told me that he was caring,hard-working,a man of his word and did everything to keep his family happy.They stopped talking about him as suddenly as he disappeared from our lives.He went to work one day and never returned.My mother ran from hospitals to police station and even to mortuaries (太平间) but found no trace of him.He was gone as if he never existed.
  While growing up I gradually knew he was taken away by security forces because he was against the state.I do not know how far that is true.He was an ordinary manworking day in and day out to make ends meet and put food on our table.He was hardly concerned about the state of affairs in Pakistan.
  I understand that my teachers are probably expecting me to writeflowery words about him but how I can be expected to write about a man who never existed.Perhaps,it would be unfair to say he never existed.He still does in my memories.He was a fruit businessman and owned a shop.Every evening he would return from work with dates (枣) or sweets,and his hands were never empty.I also remember that he took me to the Koh-eMuras once; he told me that this was a very sacred (神圣的) place,asking me to fold my hands and ask Allah for whatever I wanted.I remember folding my hands and praying hard for every day to be a happy day.
Paragraph 1:
    Ever since I have lost him,I have been faced with a deep sense of loss-a feeling which is
difficult for me to describe in words.______________________________________________
Paragraph 2:
   Strangely,I am just as hopeful as I am angry._____________________________________

分析 本文为文段续写.
续写部分有两段,且已有开头,而且要求用上原文段5个以上有下划线的词语:an ordinary man,expecting me to write,existed,return,dates,praying.
写作主题可以为:表达"我"失去父亲后又愤怒又期待的感想(I am just as hopeful as I am angry,续写第二段的首句为过渡句,概括了续写第一段与第二段的内容.)

解答 Ever since I have lost him,I have been faced with a deep sense of loss-a feeling which is difficult for me to describe in words.I wish I hadn't known the truth or my life were not different but as normal as that of the other girls sitting around me in this examination hall.This sense gives me headache and makes me jump from envy to severe hate.I dislike the girls who are taken by their fathersto school; I hate children who are talking proudly about bed time stories read by their fathers.These events constantly remind me of his absence and how different my life is from other girls of my age.
    Strangely,I am just as hopeful as I am angry.Every knock on the door fills me with expectation.I immediately picture him walking through the door,a box of dates in his hands.Families get together and talk about good times in my house.When we get together,we all gather in front of the television praying to catch a glance o f his face.I follow every bit of news that could be connected with his disappearance.Most days I wish for his safe return.(166 words)

点评 本文写作难度较大.本文为续写,需要基于原来文段的基础上进行延伸,而且有使用词语的限制,需要发挥考生的想象力.原文段交代了原因,续写文段由所提供的首句可知主要是表达自己又愤怒又期待的感想.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

6.Before going on a diet,you'd betterconsult(咨询)your doctor.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.一How often do you visit your aunt?一________(  )
A.Every three weeksB.Every third weeks
C.Each three weekD.Each third week


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4.-What do you think will be the future of your new invention?
-I'm sure it will have many different _________ in the industry.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:解答题

India is the world's largest market for gold jewellery.In much of Asia,the Middle East and India,around two-thirds of the jewellery purchased is used as a way of saving money as well as being worn as a decorative item.The use of jewellery as a way of saving money is often important in rural areas where finding a bank is difficult or even impossible.People buy gold because its value stays strong even when the value of money goes down.
Gold jewellery has often been a woman's only valuable possession,and in some families this is still true.A woman's gold can therefore be her only protection against personal misfortune.Today,all around the world,sales of gold jewellery have grown by over 20% per year,because everyone is confident that gold won't lose its value.Demand for gold is so high that gold mines cannot supply enough.
Gold's function as a decoration,as jewellery,has been evident for thousands of years.Since the earliest times,the beauty and richness of gold,along with the fact that it does not change its colour,has meant that it has always been the favourite metal of jewellers.The earliest gold jewellery dates from the Sumerian civilisation that was at its most powerful around 6,000years ago.In the Middle Ages,ancient people attempted to make gold from other metals.They used gold in medicines designed to fight old age and prolong life.
Gold also performs important functions in many aspects of everyday life.It does not react when it comes into contact with other substances and this,along with other unique properties,makes it useful in medicine and many other areas that we consider essential to our modern lives.
During heart surgery,gold-covered"stent"are put into blocked arteries to help the flow of blood.These gadgets need to be carefully positioned.Gold is ideal for this because it shows up clearly on X-rays and can easily be located by doctors.A pacemaker,a device inserted in the body to keep the heartbeat regular,also contains gold.Gold is used in all of these applications because of its high level of reliability.Gold also helps doctors to deliver precise doses of powerful drugs to the parts of the body where they are required.
Gold has many other applications in modern life as it conducts electricity very efficiently.The standard touch-tone telephone contains 33contacts made from gold.Air-bag systems fitted in more than 30million cars around the world rely on gold-coated electrical contacts.And every time you touch a key on your computer it strikes a gold circuit that sends your command to the computer's microprocessor.In fact,you have probably never realised how much gold there is in your everyday life.

(Note:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)
78.Compared with money,people prefers gold because ofits stroger value than money.
79.Gold were used in medicines because ancient people believed it couldfight old age and prolong life.
80.Why can gold be used in pacemaker?Because it has a high level of reliability
81.What makes the application of gold in electronic products possible?It is because it conducts electricity very efficiently.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达


With the rapid development of the mobile service,With the rapid development of the mobile service,more and more people are using WeChat in their daily life.Seeing her friend and neighors have circles of friends and chat anywhere and anytiem,my mother bought a new cell phone and wanted to do that as others.But she had no idea how to do that.Noticing that,I showed her how to do it.When I was not at home,she still got confused.(高分句型一) So I drew some pictures about the mobile,even each step for her.Day by day,she could operate it very smoothly.On watching her bright face when she chatted on WeChat or showed it to her neighbors,I felt satified because I could finally to something for my mother.(高分句型二).


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:解答题

9.Thomas Adams first tried to change chicle(树胶)into rubber products,before making a chewing gum(口香糖).Thomas Adams attempted to make toys,masks,rain boots,and bicycle tires out of the chicle from Mexican trees,but every experiment failed.Consequently Mr Thomas Adams intended to throw the remaining into the East River.
     It happened that before this was done,Thomas Adams went into a drugstore where he saw a little girl come in to ask for a chewing gum for one penny.So an idea struck him that perhaps they could use the chicle he wanted to throw away as chewing gums.After the child had left the store,Mr.Thomas Adams asked the druggist what kind of chewing gum the little girl had bought.He was told that it was made of paraffin wax(固体石蜡).When he asked the man if he would be willing to try an entirely different kind of gum,the druggist agreed.
    When Mr.Thomas Adams arrived home,he spoke to his son,Tom Junior,about his idea.Tom Junior was very much impressed,and suggested that they make up a few boxes of chicle chewing g-am and give it a name and a label.Shortly after,he opened the world,s first chewing gum factory.It was made of pure chicle without any flavor.It was wrapped in various colored tissue papers.The price of the box was one dollar.On the coyer of the box was a picture of City Hall,New York,in color.Thomas Adams sold Tutti-Fruttiwith the slogan"Adams'New York Gum No.1".The firm was the nation's most prosperous chewing gum company by the end of the century:it built a monopoly(专卖)in l899 by combining with the six largest and best-known chewing gum manufacturers in the United States and Canada,and achieved great success as the  maker of Chiclets,the brand of chewing gum.
   In l888,a Thomas Adams'chewing gum became the first to be sold in a vending machine.The machines were located in a New York City subway station.

56.The underlined word"Tutti-Frutti"in Paragraph 4 refers tochewing gum (no more than 3 words)
57.Why did Thomas Adams intend to throw the remaining chicle into the East River?(no more than 10 words)He failed to change chicle into other rubber products
58.How did Thomas Adams get the idea of using chicle as chewing gums?(no more than l2 words)Seeing a girl buy a chewing gum he got an inspiration
59.What was Tom Junior L reaction when he heard what his father said?(no more than 10 Words)He was excited and gave his father some advive.
60.What do you think of Thomas Adams?Please give your reasons.(no more than 20 words)good at trying a new way.he succeeded in making a chewing gun and develping his company.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.The newly-invented cell-phones emit large amounts of radiation.This is why they ________ disapproval from experts as soon as they are on sale.(  )
A.came acrossB.met withC.set asideD.turned up

