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In 2004,the World Health Organization,WHO,warned of a possible outbreak of another serious disease which may be even more deadly than SARS.The WHO believes that it is likely that bird flu will spread to human beings in the next few years.If it does,up to seven millions people could die from the disease.

Diseases like bird flu are caused by viruses,that is,tiny things which change and become more dangerous over time.When a new type of a common virus changes,it may be able to get past the body’s immune(免疫的)system.If that happens,humans are in great danger until a cure or treatment becomes available.

There have always been viruses and people always get sick,of course,but as we saw with SARS,the situation is more difficult today.People travel more than ever before,which means that disease can spread quickly and across large areas——in fact the whole world.

Scientists are already working on drugs that will prevent or limit the effect of a new virus,but the process takes time.It is just as important to make sure that countries,especially poor countries,are prepared to deal with the disease. New disease usually affect poor areas the most,so we must help develop health care in all countries.

The situation is more serious today because           

A.people travel more                                      B.people don’t eat healthy food

C.there aren’t enough hospitals                        D.scientists can’t find a cure

From this passage we know           

A.bird flu will surely spread to human beings in the next few years.

B.a virus changes and become less dangerous over time.

C.SARS is 1ikely to come again in some years.

D.poor areas usually suffers more from new diseases than rich areas.

The possible title of this passage is

A.The Work of WHO

B.Scientists Are Working Hard on Drugs for Diseases

C.What Is a Virus

D.Virus Changes and Causes New Diseases Over Time






科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Women turn to online shopping

    Women have jumped ahead of men for the first time in using the Internet to do their holiday shopping,according to a study published last week in the US.

    For Years men have been more likely to shop on the Internet than women,but during the 2004 holiday season 58 percent of those making online purchases were women.

    “It shows how mainstream the Internet is becoming”,said Lee Rainie,director of the Pew Internet and American Life Project group,which carried out the study.

    Rainie said it was only a matter of time before women shoppers caught up with men. This is because women traditionally make decisions about spending.

    Users were more likely to shop online to save time. Internet users between the ages of 18 and 29 were responsible for some of the most dramatic(显著的)increases in the online gift-buying population this time around.

    However,three-quarters of the US Internet users did not buy holiday gifts online in 2004.They worried about credit card security,or just compared online prices with off-line prices,then dashed off to the shops to get the best deals.

“But even if shoppers don’t buy online,websites are becoming promotion tools for stores,”said Dan Hess,vice president of Comscore Networks Inc.Hess said that actually most stores’ websites can make customers fully believe the security of their credit card numbers. And most are able to ensure that gifts arrive on time.

“It’s all about making the shopping experience more efficient,more reliable and more comfortable,” Hess said.

Which of the following statements is true?

    A.There were fewer women online shoppers than men in 2004.

    B.Most of the Internet users between the ages of 18 and 29 are women.

    C.People in the US were more likely to buy gifts online.

    D.More women shopped online than men in 2004.

From the passage we can infer that________.

    A.men usually decide how to spend money in the family

    B.women usually decide what to buy in the family

    C.the Internet is used in all the shops.

    D.more and more shops will sell their goods online.

According to Dan Hess,shopping online___________.

A.is unsafe   B.is convenient      C.is a waste of time   D.is cheaper

What can we know from the passage?

    A.American people only buy gifts in holidays.

    B.Shopping online is fun for women.

    C.Shopping off-line provides better service.

D.Young people like to do gift-shopping online.


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年四川射洪射洪中学高二下学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

The search for life in the universe took a step forward last month with the opening of the Allen Telescope Array(艾伦望远镜阵列) in Hat Creek, California. The telescopes were partly made possible by a gift of twenty-five million dollars from Paul Allen. The total cost of the project is already fifty million dollars.
At present, there are 42 radio telescopes working at the Hat Creek observatory. The signals they receive are combined to create what is equal to a single, very large telescope. The telescope will be used to observe objects like exploding stars, black holes and other objects that are predicted but have not yet been observed. Seth Shostak of the SETI Institute says this is the first telescope whose main purpose is to search for signals from intelligent life in space. The SETI Institute is based in Mountain View, California. The organization supports the search for other life forms in the universe.
What makes the Allen Telescope Array unusual is that it can collect and study information from a wide area of the sky. In addition, the 42 telescopes can study information about several projects at the same time. That means studies of large areas of the sky can be made faster than ever before.
Some officials think the Allen Telescope Array will be completed in three more years. 350 individual radio telescopes are planned. The new abilities of the Allen Telescope Array will make searching for stars similar to the sun much faster.
An earlier search by SETI, Project Phoenix, studied about 800 stars to a distance of 240 light years. The project ended in 2004. With the Allen Telescope Array, astronomers hope to gather thousands of times more information in the search for life beyond our planet.
【小题1】The main purpose of the Allen Telescope Array is          .

A.to serve for the research of weather predication
B.to prepare for the wars against life from the universe
C.to search for signals from intelligent life in space
D.to observe exploding stars, black holes and other objects
【小题2】From this passage we know that         .
A.the 42 radio telescopes at Hat Creek observatory can work together
B.the total cost of the project came from Paul Allen
C.Hat Creek observatory can receive signals from all parts of the worm
D.Hat Creek observatory is operated by an American named Paul Allen
【小题3】Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?
A.The Allen Telescope Array takes much more room than former telescopes.
B.The Allen Telescope Array is still being built at present in the United States.
C.Another 42 radio telescopes will be fixed in the Allen Telescope Array.
D.The SETI Institute is against the search for other life forms in the universes.
【小题4】With the help of the Allen Telescope Array,         .
A.astronomers can gather more information than before from other planets
B.humans will have more chances to live on other planets than before
C.humans will be able to find more natural resources on other planets
D.scientists will be able to find more natural resources from other planets


科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年贵州省高三上学期第四次月考(四校联考)英语卷 题型:阅读理解

A couple of years ago, those who forecast that oil price would reach $ 100 a barrel were seen as doomsters. However, now some are predicting $ 200 a barrel.

Had economists been told that oil price would barely pause at $ 100 before reaching the recent peak of nearly $ 127, they would no doubt have forecast terrible economic consequences. But the global economy, though interrupted by the high price of energy, is still chugging along. Meanwhile, inflation has picked up, but the headline rates of inflation (通货膨胀率) in most developed countries are nowhere near the levels seen in the 1970s and 1980s.

There are three explanations for the oil price’s unclear impact. The first is that nowadays developed economies are more efficient in their use of energy, thanks partly to the increased importance of service industries and the diminished role of manufacturing(制造业). According to the Energy Information Administration, the energy intensity of America’s GDP fell by 42% between 1980 and 2007.

A second theory is that the oil-price rise has been steady, not sudden, giving the economy time to adjust. Giovanni Serio of Goldman Sachs points out that in 1973 there was a severe supply shock because of the oil embargo(石油禁运), when the world had to cope with 10%-15% less crude almost overnight. Not this time.

The third explanation turns the argument on its head; rather than oil harming the global economy, it is global expansion that is driving up the price of oil.

The most important factor is the shift in favor of the developing economies. America has responded to high price in familiar fashion: UBS forecasts that demand will drop by 1.1% this year and will be no higher in 2010 than it was in 2004. But the demand from China and other emerging markets is more than offsetting(抵消) this shortfall.

1.What is the passage mainly talking about?

A.The prediction of economists.

B.The situation of economy

C.The increase of oil price

D.The American response to high price

2.How many explanations for the oil price’s impact are mentioned in the passage?





3.What can we conclude from the passage?

A.In USA, the demand for oil in 2010 will be very high.

B.In USA, the demand for oil in 2010 will be higher than it was in 2004.

C.In USA, the demand for oil in 2010 will be as high as it was in 2004.

D.In USA, the demand for oil in 2010 will be as low as it was in 2004.



科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年山东省诸城市高三2月月考英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

BEIJING,Oct.14(Xinhua)——A total of 120 middle school students from 35 countries will attend the final of an international China language contest,to be held in southwest China’s Chongqing Municipality from Oct.16 to 30.

The candidates,aged from 15 to 20,must be from foreign countries and not native Chinese speakers,said a statement issued by the Chinese language Council (CLC),the contest’s organizer,here Thursday.

All of the candidates have passed the preliminary contests(初赛)held in their own countries.

According to the organizer,the competition will have a top prize,five second prizes,10 third prizes and a dozen prizes for special talents.The organizer will also launch an online vote for“the most liked candidate.”

It was the third year China has held the contest.

“The competition not only tests the proficiency of Chinese language but also the candidates capability to communicate across different cultures.”the statement said.

All the candidates in the final will receive scholarships from the Chinese goverment.said Hu Hangyu,an official with the Education Bureau of the Chonqing Municipality,jointly organizing the contest.

They will also meet local Chinese students and live with Chinese families,Hu said.

“The competition is to meet the increasing demand for Chicese learning by foreign youngsters.”said Xu Lin.the CLC director.

The CLC has also hosted similar contest for foreign college students since 2002.

China has been working to promote Chinese language learning abroad over the past few years.According to the CLC,the.country had 282 Confucius Institutes and 272“Confucius Classrooms”in 88 countries and regions as of 2009 since the first one was established in 2004.

1.The text is intended to        .

A.show the popularity of Chinese language learning in the world

B.introduce an international Chinese language learning test system

C.make readers aware of the importance of Chinese language learning

D.report an international Chinese language contest to be held

2.The candidates must be        .

A.foreign college students                  B.non—native middle school students

C.native Chinese students                   D.students from Confucius Institutes

3.According to the text,the competition is        .

A.organized by the Chongqing Municipality government

B.mainly to test the candidates’Chinese language competence

C.held every three years in Chongqing Municipality

D.to provide foreign students with a chance to know China

4.What has China been doing to promote Chinese language learning abroad according to the text?

A.Thousands of Chinese teacher are sent abroad to teach the language.

B.282 Confucius Institutes are established in China to teach Chinese.

C.The Chinese language contests for foreign students are regularly held.

D.Many Chinese students are sent abroad for culture exchanges every year.

5.In which part of the newspaper is the text most likely to be found?

A.Education            B.Advertisement     C.Business        D.Entertainment




科目:高中英语 来源:2010届福建省厦门市高三上学期12月月考 题型:阅读理解


In 2004,the World Health Organization,WHO,warned of a possible outbreak of another serious disease which may be even more deadly than SARS.The WHO believes that it is likely that bird flu will spread to human beings in the next few years.If it does,up to seven millions people could die from the disease.

Diseases like bird flu are caused by viruses,that is,tiny things which change and be come more dangerous over time.When a new type of a common virus changes,it may be able to get past the body’s immune system.If that happens,humans are in great danger until a cure or treatment becomes available.

There have always been viruses and people always get sick,of course,but as we saw with SARS,the situation is more difficult today.People travel more than ever before,which means that disease can spread quickly and across large areas——in fact the whole world.

Scientists are already working on drugs that will prevent or limit the effect of a new virus,but the process takes time.It is just as important to make sure that countries,especially poor countries,are prepared to deal with the disease。New disease usually affect poor areas the most,so we must help develop health care in all countries.

64.The situation is more serious today because           .

A.people travel more                                         B.people don’t eat health food

C.there aren’t enough hospitals                     D.scientists can’t find a cure

65.From this passage we know           .

A.bird flu will surely spread to human beings in the next few years.

B.a virus changes and become less dangerous over time.

C.SARS is 1ikely to come again in some years.

D.poor areas usually suffers more from new diseases than rich areas.

66.The possible title of this passage is

A.The Work of WHO

B.Scientists Are Working Hard on Drugs for Diseases

C.What Is a Virus

D.Virus Changes and Causes New Diseases Over Time


