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12.Xu Hui is very excited.The Senior 1student in a middle school in Beijing will go to Japan with his parents during the Spring Festival.
"Overseas touring has always been a dream for me,"he said happily.
Nowadays,Chinese people enjoy longer holidays,such as the three"Golden Week Holidays"(the Spring Festival,May Day and National Day).They have more time to travel.Rising incomes also make travelling abroad realistic for ordinary Chinese people.
Nearly 7million Chinese travelled overseas in 2001,according to the National Tourism Administration(国家旅游局).The most common problem travellers face is how to choose the best routes.
By the end of 2002,Chinese citizens were allowed to travel to 19foreign countries and regions at their own expense.
The top 10places included Hong Kong,Macao and Thailand.European countries are also becoming increasingly popular.
"More and more Chinese people have shown interest in travelling to Europe,particularly France and Finland,"said Tan Wen,a general manager of China Youth Travel Service."Sooner or later,there will be a peak in European tours."
Another consideration is choosing the right travel agencies and finding the best price.The China Consumers'Association offered tips to consumers on choosing the right travel agencies to help prevent a relaxing vacation from turning into a costly disaster.
"Price should not be the single most important factor in choosing a travel agency,"said Zhang Yuanchao,CCA vice-secretary general.Consumers are advised to choose large State travel agencies with good reputations and official approval to organize overseas tour groups.
Zhang's association dealt with more than 5,000complaints about travel agencies last year.And the majority of the complaints were about random changes in travel routes,bad tour guides,and forced shopping.
Travellers were warned to look carefully at their contracts with agencies and to buy travel insurance.

81.How many reasons are given in the article as to why ordinary Chinese people are traveling abroad more today?( No more than 2words )
two/2 reasons.
82.List two factors Chinese travellers should consider while choosing a travel agency.
( No more than 3words )
Price,reputation (or qualification).
83.What seems to be the most common result of choosing a bad travel agency?
( No more than 12words )
A relaxing vacation may turn into a costly disaster.
84.What would be a good title for this passage?( No more than 6words)
Suggestions for (the) Chinese Travelers..

分析 中国人旅游的时间多了;收入又持续增长使得去国外旅游成为可能.去国外旅行最总要考虑自己经济能力.找一个靠得住的旅行社很不错.在选择旅行社时,每年都有很多的投诉,其中有中国消费者协会向消费者提供建议选择正确的旅行社以帮助不让一个放松的假期变成一个代价高的灾难.

解答 81.two/2 reasons.
82.Price,reputation (or qualification).
83.A relaxing vacation may turn into a costly disaster.
84.Suggestions for (the) Chinese Travelers.
81.two/2 reasons.细节题. 根据第三段段意:中国人旅游的时间多了;收入又持续增长使得去国外旅游成为可能.据此判断文章提到中国人去国外旅游原因有二.
82.Price,reputation (or qualification).细节题. 根据文章倒数第三段Price should not be the single most important factor in choosing a travel agency,"said Zhang Yuanchao,CCA vice-secretary general.Consumers are advised to choose large State travel agencies with good reputations and official approval to organize overseas tour groups.可知在选择旅行社是应该考虑价格和名声.
83.A relaxing vacation may turn into a costly disaster.细节题. 根据第八段的The China Consumers'Association(CCA,) offered tips to consumers on choosing the right travel agencies to help prevent a relaxing vacation from turning into a costly disaster.(中国消费者协会向消费者提供建议选择正确的旅行社以帮助不让一个放松的假期变成一个代价高的灾难.故选B.
84.Suggestions for (the) Chinese Travelers.主旨大意题.  通读全文可知想给中国游客一些建议与文章的大意更贴近.

点评 做阅读表达题时,理清文章的脉络、掌握文章的主旨大意,并能运用简洁的语言表达.回答要有针对性观点要明确.不要摘抄文章原句.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

20.假设你是李华,某中学学生杂志英语习作专栏正在开展主题为"Why should we learn English?"的征文活动.请你根据所给要点写一篇征文稿.
Why should we learn English?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

请以"One Thing I'm Proud  of"为题,用英语写一篇100~120个词的短文,记述一件你自己认为得意的事情.要求如下:
One Thing I'm Proud of.
I still remember how I became a good table tennis player.The first day I went to high school,I saw some of my classmates playing table tennis.Amazed at how skilful they were,I was determined to be just as good.Later on,I often watched them carefully to learn their techniques.Then I kept practicing until I became confident enough to challenge the good players.At the end of the term I became one of the best players in my class.
I am really proud of this experience,which helps me realize that we all can fulfill our potential and achieve our goals through hard work.It also helps me better understand the proverb"Practice makes perfect.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

20.As a young boy my family was very poor.I would often help do something for the neighbors to(16)C a little pocket money.
One day I (17)A at the door of an elderly woman and asked (18)D she needed me to clean the yard.She asked why I was not in (19)A and I showed her my worn(20)B,which no longer kept me warm.She(21)A me to work in the yard.When I finished,she looked at me and said,"I suppose you want to be (22)D  now."She then (23)C a jar filled with dollar bills and said,"I'm glad you've done a(24)C job today but that is not something you should be doing again.I want you to (25)B new clothes and get back to school.I also want you to come back to(26)D  me with your report card,and I will (27)B you when I see you have worked hard and got some good marks.Now(28)C your little hands and take out as much(29)B as you can."
I put my hands in the jar and grabbed (抓住) so much money that it was(30)A for me to buy what I(31)D needed.Later,I returned several times to see the woman and she did just as she (32)A.She looked at my report card and gave me a handful of dollars and some delicious food every time I (33)B her that I had an"A".
I was twelve years old when I moved from that neighborhood.I will never forget the big (34)D this wonderful lady made to my life with her(35)C.This is something I hope to do myself in this lifetime over and over again.

23.A.set upB.made upC.took outD.put away
28.A.put upB.show upC.reach outD.turn out


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:解答题

7.[1]My daughter did an experiment for me two summers ago.She applied to job openings she'd found on a couple of big online job boards.She mailed the applications and waited.And waited.After sending out 100 resumes(履历表),specially addressed to each organization's human resources(HR) manager,fewer than five HR departments took the time to reply,or acknowledged receipt.
[2]What happened?
[3]Maybe in the thirty seconds or so of attention that her resume received,each HR person made a snap decision.It seemed that 95 of them were unimpressioned.
[4]Or,maybe,out of the 300 other resumes HR had received that morning,they had already scheduled a requisite(必要的) number of interviews.Or,maybe HR simply forwarded her resume to the hiring manager who was supposed to call her for an interview.
[5]Or,maybe they thought her resume was fairly generic(一般的) and they didn't have time to figure out if she might be a good fit,with the necessary skills,attitudes,and the desire to do the job.
[6]Most likely,the real reason why she didn't get an interview was the last one.HR didn't have time to figure out how she would work in their company.
[7]This happens all the time.I think most job seekers make the serious mistake of thinking that all they need to do is tell the HR department what they did in the past.
[8]That might be OK for some hiring managers,but most want to know the answer to one question:How can this applicant help us right now?If your resume does not answer that question,or sufficiently tell a story about how you may be able to help,you won't have a shot at the job in this market.
[9]Before you can answer that question,however,you need to do some research on the company.Find out everything you can about the company,including the departments,the people,the products,markets,and the plans for the future.
[10]Information is power,and it is available quite easily.Don't expect HR to figure out how you might fit into their organization.You _________ instead.This is the surest way to get the interview.
76.What's the main idea of this passage?(within 20 words)How to turn a job application into an interview./Reasons forfailing and suggestions on succeeding in a job interview.
77.Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one?
You should tell the HR what you can do for them in your resume and then you may be able to find a job.
If your resume does not answer that question,or sufficiently tell a story about how you may be able to help,you won't have a shot at the job in this market.
78.Fill in the blank in the last paragraph with proper words.(within 8 words)
make it clear in advance/figure it out beforehand
79.List two of the reasons why most HR managers even didn't give the girl a reply.
(each within 10 words)
①Her resume was unimpressed./The HR wasn't impressed withher resume.
②The HR got too many resumes at a time.
80.Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 7 into Chinese.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

17.她是我们公司唯一一个能流利得说英语的人.(定语从句)She is the only person that can speak English fluently.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

At first my newsurroundings weredifficulttotolerate.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

1.他们到底什么时候结婚的?Whenwasitthat they got married?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.Only a few people have         to the full facts of the incident.(  )

