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--- ______ I come to London alone?

--- Don’t worry, I ______ be meeting you at the airport.

  1. A.
    Must; shall
  2. B.
    May; might
  3. C.
    Shouldn’t; have to
  4. D.
    Can’t; can

科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年广西南宁三中高三下期二模英语卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错


I felt sadly yesterday when our teacher told us something     1.               

about Project Hope in class. It has set up to help the       2.               

children in the countryside who can't afford to going to    3.               

school. After school I come home. I was wondering if I       4.               

could do something for the Project then I caught sight       5.               

of my money-collecting box on the table. But I made         6.               

up my minds to send my pocket money to the children       7.               

who wanted to go to school. I wrote with a letter to them and  8.               

hurried to the post office. I posted the money and sent her  9.               

best wishes together with the letter to them.                 10.            



科目:高中英语 来源:重庆市2010届高三下学期第二次冲刺考试英语试卷 题型:单项填空


 I suppose by the time I come back in ten years' time all these old houses_______down.

   A. will be pulling              B. will have been pulled

   C. will have pulled             D. will be pulled



科目:高中英语 来源:吉林省长春市2010届高三期中联合考试英语试题 题型:完形填空



When I come across a good article in reading newspapers, I often want to cut and keep it. But just as I am about to do so I find the article on the   21  side is as much interesting. It may be a discussion of the way to   22   in good health, or   23   about how to behave and conduct oneself in society. If I cut the front article, the opposite one is likely to   24  damage, leaving out half of it or keeping the text   25  the title. Therefore, the scissors(剪刀)would 26   before they start,  27   halfway done when I find out the   28  result.

Sometimes two things are to be done at the same time, both worth your   29 .You can only take up one of them, the other has to wait or be  30   up. But you know the future is unpredictable(不可预料)—the changed situation may not allow you to do what is left   31  .Thus you are   32  in a difficult position and feel sad. How   33  that nice chances and brilliant ideas should gather around all at once? It may happen that your life   34   greatly on your preference of one choice to the other.

In fact that is what  35  is like: we are often   36  with the two opposite sides of a thing which are both desirable like a newspaper cutting. It often occurs that our attention is drawn to one thing only   37  we get into another. The latter may be more important than the  38  and give rise to a divided mind. I   39 remember a philosopher’s remarks:“When one door shuts, another opens in life.”So a casual(不经意) 40  may not be a bad one.

21. A. front                                   B. same                      C. either                              D. opposite

22. A. get                                               B. keep                       C. lead                                  D. bring

23. A. advice                                B. news                      C. a theory                          D. a report

24. A. suffer                                 B. reduce                   C. prevent                           D. cause

25. A. on                                       B. for                           C. without                           D. off

26. A. use                                     B. handle                    C. prepare                           D. stop

27. A. or                                        B. but                          C. so                                     D. for

28. A. satisfying                          B. regretful                C. surprising                       D. impossible

29. A. courage                             B. strength                C. attention                        D. patience

30. A. given                                  B. held                        C. made                               D. picked

31. A. near                                   B. alone                      C. about                               D. behind

32. A. filled                                   B. attracted              C. caught                             D. struck

33. A. dares                                 B. comes                    C. deals                                D. does

34. A. improves                           B. changes                 C. progresses                     D. goes

35. A. study                                  B. society                            C. nature                             D. life

36. A. faced                                  B. supplied                 C. connected                      D. fixed

37. A. before                                B. after                       C. until                                 D. as

38. A. following                           B. next                        C. above                              D. former

39. A. still                                     B. also                         C. once                                 D. almost

40. A. treatment                        B. action                     C. choice                              D. remark



科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年四川南充高中高三第十三次月考英语试题 题型:完型填空

The Jordans had the best raspberries in the neighborhood, and that their bushes were always heavy with fruit.So, that summer Friday night, we snuck(潜行) into the Jordans’ backyard and  21  ourselves carefully around the bushes and started  22  their sweet, juicy berry. And we were enjoying every bite of ill-gotten berry  23  all of a sudden the Jordans’ backyard lights were turned on.

“What you boys doing out here?” Mr Jordan shouted. In all  24  ran off my friends, une aten raspberries  25  everywhere.

He made an attempt to grab one or two, but they were too quick. Speed was never my   26  . So I could just stand there and  27  whatever punishment from the Jordans and my parents. I took the scolding that Mr Jordan gave me until we reached my house, where my mother  28  . My friends said they could hear every  29  word from the darkness of our backyard, where they had gathered to celebrate their  30  .

They  31   me about it for days afterwards, while all I could do was complain about how   32   it was that I had to pay the full  33   for doing the exact same thing all of them had done without any  34   consequences. After about a week, I complained it to my father.

“You took raspberries without asking, and you got exactly the punishment you  35 ,”Dad said.

“But what about the other guys?” I asked.

“That’s not my  36  , nor should it be yours,” Dad said. “You can’t control what happens to other people. You can  37   deal with what happens to you.”

Back then I thought Dad just didn’t   38   it. But through the years I come to realize that,   39 , he knew what he was talking about. We didn’t come to earth with a(an)  40  that life would treat us fairly. The only thing we can actually deal with is what happens to us.


A. allowed      B. protected            C. positioned      D. helped


 A. harvesting      B. digging          C. throwing         D. hunting


 A. and            B. when             C. before          D. as


 A. senses          B. ways             C. directions           D. efforts


 A. growing         B. running          C. flying               D. hiding


 A. power           B. disadvantage     C. strength             D. attempt


 A. accepted       B. rejected          C. risked              D. enjoyed


 A. paid for       B. took over        C. turned away      D. picked out


 A. encouraging    B. swear                C. cool            D. kind


 A. stealing       B. experience           C. escape           D. behavior


 A. explained       B. teased               C. scolded         D. praised


 A. unfair          B. funny                C. strange          D. equal


 A. number          B. accident             C. price            D. task


 A. same            B. reliable             C. noticeable       D. safe


A. deserted         B. received             C. refused          D. deserved


  A. concern        B. purpose          C. request         D. answer


 A. sometimes     B. only             C. mostly           D. almost


  A. care           B. value             C. get             D. handle


  A. as well        B. above all        C. as usual        D. or else


A. promise       B. guarantee        C. situation       D. opinion



科目:高中英语 来源:20102011陕西西安华清中学高一下学期第二次月考英语试题 题型:信息匹配


– He is very good, isn’t he?

– __1__   

– I said the singer was great.

– _2__   

– Have you seen him before?

– __3__I think he probably writes the music and words because I’ve never heard any of the songs before.

– It’s not fair.

– _4_                                                     

– People with musical ability like that having to stand around here to make a living.

– Perhaps he enjoys it or makes more money than you think.

– __5__


A. What do you mean?

B. Sorry, what did you say?

C. I hope so.

D. Do you like popular music?

E. Be quiet, listen to him.

F. Yes and interesting to watch.

G. Oh, yes. He’s always at exactly the same place on Saturdays when I come into town. 



