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Japan is ____ the east of China, while India is ____ the west of China.

A. to; on????????????? B. on; to????????????? C. in; to????????????? D. to; in




【解析】考查方位表达。To 加方向词,表示两者不接壤。In加方向词表示在内部;on加方向词表示在外部,两者接壤。结合句意:日本在中国的东方,印度在中国的西面。可知选A



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年山东省新泰市汶城中学高一上学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:完型填空

In some countries, people eat rice every day.   36   they eat it two or three times a day,for breakfast, lunch and supper. They can   37  it, fry (煎) it or   38   it into rice noodles. They usually eat it   39  meat, fish and vegetables.
Some people do not eat some kind of   40 . Muslins, for example, do not eat pork, and Hindus do not eat beef.
The Japanese eat a lot of fish. Japan is an island and its   41  go all over the Pacific looking for fish to   42 . The Japanese sometimes eat uncooked fish, and they also eat a lot of rice.
In   43  such as Britain, Australia and the United States, the most important food is   44  or potatoes. People there usually make their bread from wheat flour. They   45  potatoes in different ways. They can boil them,fry them and roast (烤) them.
In Africa, maize (玉米) is the most important food.   46  rice and wheat, maize is a kind of cereal (谷物). African people make the maize   47  flour. From this flour they make   48  kinds of bread and cakes. Many Africans are very   49  and they can’t afford to eat much   50  with their cereal.
Cereals are a very important kind of food   51  we also need plenty of vegetables and lots of fresh   52 .
Some people eat   53  fruit and vegetables. They do not eat meat or fish or   54  that comes from animals. They eat only food from   55 . Some people say that food from plants is better for us than meat.

A.SometimesB.SometimeC.Some timeD.Some times
A.trainsB.planesC.fishing boatsD.life boats
A.the worldB.countriesC.the eastD.developing countries
A.ofB.fromC.intoD.up to
A.the sameB.differentC.everyD.each
A.not onlyB.onlyC.besidesD.except


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年吉林省四校联合体高三第一次诊断性测试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

A powerful earthquake struck the northeastern coast of Japan at two forty-six p.m. local time on March eleventh.2011. Japan's Meteorological Agency released its first tsunami(海啸) warnings just three minutes later. The country has one of the best earthquake early warning systems in the world.

There are more than four thousand Seismic Intensity Meters in place throughout Japan to measure earthquake activity. These meters provide information within two minutes of an earthquake happening. Information about the strength and the center of the earthquake can be learned within three minutes.

There are also concrete(混凝土) sea walls around much of the Japanese coastline. But these measures proved no match for the powerful earthquake and tsunami.

Costas Synolakis ,a tsunami expert at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles said,"Japan is one of those most well-prepared countries on earth in terms of tsunami warning. They had a warning. I think what went wrong is that they had not expected the size of this event."

He says there are two reasons for this. Japan has not had any event anywhere near as big as this one in the last one hundred fifty years. And scientists had not expected such a large earthquake happening off the coast of Japan.

The nine point zero magnitude earthquake was the fourth most powerful earthquake ever recorded worldwide. It was also the worst earthquake ever to hit Japan. The tsunami waves that followed were reported to have reached as high as thirteen meters in some areas.

Costas Synolakis says Japan's concrete sea walls were not built to handle such high waves.

Experts say early warning systems will continue to be limited by these facts until earthquakes and tsunamis can be predicted

1.Where can this passage probably be adapted from?

A.A magazine on science                   B.A fairy Tale

C.A scientific fantasy book                  D.A newspaper

2.Which of the following statements NOT true ?

A.A terrible earthquake hit the northeastern coast of Japan

B.It was also the worst earthquake in Japan

C.The 9.0 earthquake was the fourth most powerful earthquake ever recorded in Japan

D.Japan's concrete sea walls was unable to handle such high waves.

3.According to Costas Synolakis, why did Japan suffer such a loss?

A.The country has never experienced any event as big as this one over the past 150 years

B.Japan has the best earthquake early warning systems in the world.

C.There are not concrete sea walls around all of the Japanese coastline

D.The government didn’t announce its first tsunami warnings three minutes earlier.



科目:高中英语 来源:河北省2010届高三下学期第四次模拟考试试题(英语) 题型:阅读理解


第二部分 阅读理解(共25小题。第一节每小题2分,第二节每小题1分;满分45分)

第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

         When you think of snowy winter festivals, Sapporo in Japan probably isn't the first thing that comes to mind.In Japan, there are winter festivals every year that draw great crowds and offer lots of attractions to everybody.

         The biggest one is the Sapporo Snow Festival which is held every year in February on Japan's snow covered northern island, Hokkaido(北海道).The Sapporo Snow Festival was the first of its kind held in Japan, and it is still the biggest.Every year, 2 million snow lovers rush to Sapporo, the biggest city in Hokkaido, to enjoy the Snow Festival in the first two weeks of February.At the Festival, you can see hundreds of snow sculptures made by artists from all over the world.Some are a couple of building stories high and weigh tons.There are ice sculptures too, and ice bars where you can go inside and have a beer.

         The Sapporo Snow Festival was started in the 1950's by a group of high school kids.Feeling very bored in winter, they started a snow sculptures competition.Every year, more kids took part in the competition and now the festival draws snow artists from 15 different countries.There are also musical performances, light shows, and snowball fights.

         Every major area has its own snow festival.One of the most popular is the Iwate Snow Festival.It's held in the small town of Shizukuishi in early or mid-February.Iwate is also famous for its yearly fireworks displays, where festival-goers can watch the colors reflected off the snow.In Iwate, you can see traditional Japanese musicians and dancers perform on floats.

         If you want a truly unique winter festival experience, northern Japan is a great place to go.Just make sure you dress warmly.

1.Why is the Sapporo Snow Festival famous in Japan?

         A.The snow in Hokkaido is very thick.

         B.it is the first and the biggest in Japan

         C.There are lots of snow sculptures there.

         D.its snow sculptures are the highest.

2.When is the Sapporo Snow Festival held in Japan?

         A.In late February.

         B.From January to February.

         C.In the first two weeks of February.

         D.Two weeks before February.

3.Who started the Sapporo Snow Festival at first?

         A.The government of Sapporo.

         B.Artists from all over the world.

         C.Kids who liked outside activities..

         D.A group of high school students.

4.The author wrote the passage to _______.

         A.introduce Japan’s Sapporo Snow Festival

         B.attract people to take part in northern Japan’s winter festival

         C.introduce Japan’s winter festival activities

         D.tell us the history of Japan’s winter festivals



科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012年江苏省高三上学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

The crisis at the damaged Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Power Station in northern Japan has raised worries about radiation risks. We spoke Tuesday with Jonathan Links, an expert in radiation health sciences. He is a professor at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Maryland.

Professor Links says workers within the nuclear plant are the only people at risk of extremely high doses of radiation.

JONATHAN LINKS: "Of course, we don't know what doses they've received, but the only persons at risk of acute radiation effects are the workers."

For other people, he says, there may be a long-term worry. People can get cancer from low doses of ionizing radiation, the kind released in a nuclear accident.

Professor Links says scientists can use computers to quickly model where radioactive material has blown and settled. Then they measure how large an area is contaminated. He says if the situation is serious enough, officials could take steps like telling people not to eat locally grown food or drink the water.

JONATHAN LINKS: "But that would only be the case if there was a significant release and, because of wind direction, the radioactive material was blown over the area, and then settled out of the air into and onto water, plants, fruits and vegetables."

The reactors at Fukushima are on the Pacific coast. But Professor Links says people should not worry about any radioactive material leaking into the ocean.

JONATHAN LINKS: "Even in a worst-case scenario accident, the sea provides a very high degree of dilution. So the concentration of radioactivity in the seawater would still be quite low."

Japan is the only country to have had atomic bombs dropped on it. That memory from World War Two would create a stronger "psychological sensitivity" to radiation exposure, Professors Links says.

Next month is the twenty-fifth anniversary of the explosion and fire that destroyed a reactor at Chernobyl in Ukraine. The nineteen eighty-six event was the world's worst accident in the nuclear power industry.

A new United Nations report says more than six thousand cases of thyroid cancer have been found. These are in people who were children in affected areas of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine. The report says that by two thousand five the cancers had resulted in fifteen deaths.

The cancers were largely caused by drinking contaminated milk. The milk came from cows that ate grass where radioactive material had fallen.

To get the latest updates, go to www.unsv.com.

Contributing: James Brooke

1.The passage mainly tells us __________.

A.What measures the Japan Government takes to solve the nuclear crisis .

B.Worries and influences caused by the nuclear crisis .

C.With great efforts of scientists , the Japan Government has put the nuclear crisis under control .

D.To explain that the nuclear crisis has less effect on its neighboring countries.

2.Which of the following is NOT the influences caused by the leak of Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Power Station?

A.Workers at the nuclear station are suffering the risk of death .

B.People can get cancer from low doses of ionizing radiation, the kind released in a nuclear accident.

C.The radioactive material may be blown over the area causing the pollution to water .

D.The concentration of radioactivity in the seawater can not be diluted.

3.What’s the meaning of the underlined word “dilution”?





4.According to the passage which of the following is not TRUE ?

A.Water people drink ,food and vegetables people eat may be polluted by nuclear radiation .

B.Japan is the only country to have had atomic bombs dropped on it.

C.You can go to www.unsv.com. to get the latest news .

D.The nuclear accident in Japan is the worst in the nuclear power industry.



科目:高中英语 来源:2014届云南省高一上学期期中考试英语题 题型:完型填空

In some countries,people eat rice every day. 36 they eat it two or three times a day,for breakfast, lunch and supper. They can 37 it, fry(煎)it or 38  it into rice noodles.They usually eat it 39 meat,fish and vegetables.

Some people do not eat some kind of 40. Muslins,for example,do not eat pork,and Hindus do not eat beef.

The Japanese eat a lot of fish.Japan is an island and its 41 go all over the  Pacific looking for fish to 42.The Japanese sometimes eat uncooked fish,and they also eat a lot of rice.

    In 43 such as Britain,Australia and the United States,the most important food is 44 or potatoes. People there usually make their bread from wheat flour. They   45 potatoes in different ways. They can boil them,fry them and roast(烤)them.

    In Africa,maize(玉米)is the most important food.46 rice and wheat,maize is a kind of cereal(谷物). African people make the maize 47 flour. From this flour they make 48 kinds of bread and cakes. Many Africans are very 49 and they can’t afford to eat much 50 with their cereal.

    Cereals are a very important kind of food 51 we also need plenty of vegetables and lots of fresh 52

    Some people eat 53 fruit and vegetables. They do not eat meat or fish or54  that comes from animals. They eat only food from 55. Some people say that food from plants is better for us than meat.

1.A. Sometimes     B. Sometime      C. Some time       D. Some times

2. A. drink         B. eat           C. have            D. boil

3.A. make          B. turn          C. change          D. eat

4.A. as            B. like          C. with            D. together

5. A. apples        B. fish          C. meat            D. vegetables

6.A. trains        B. planes        C. fishing boats   D. life boats

7.A. buy           B. weigh         C. hold            D. catcj

8. A. the world                      B. countries

    C. the east                       D. developing countries

9. A. bread         B. cake          C. flour           D. vegetables

10.A. cook          B. eat           C. make            D. take

11.A. Like          B. As            C. Being           D. With

12.A. of            B. from          C. into            D. up to

13.A. the same      B. different     C. every           D. each

14. A. rich          B. poor          C. strong          D. weak

15.A. meat          B. maize         C. flour           D. bread

16. A. so            B. as            C. because         D. but

17. A. rice          B. cakes         C. fruit           D. potatoes

18.A. not only      B. only          C. besides         D. except

19. A. something     B. anything      C. pork            D. beef

20.A. plants        B. apples        C. pigs            D. fish


