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My robot caught a virus, so my flat was _____.

A.in the messB.in a messC.in the messesD.six and seven


解析试题分析:考查固定短语:in a mess混乱,一团糟,句意:我的机器人感染了病毒,所以我的公寓是一团糟。选B。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Football is so popular in China. Almost everyone is interested in the sport — young and old, boys and girls, and now even robots.

    Last week at Hangzhou Guangming Middle School, kids from several schools played football with their robots.

   Robot football was very different from human football. Only two robots played in each match. The field was as big as a ping-pong table. One half was black and the other was white. Each robot tried to catch the “football” and score a goal. The robot with more goals won.

    Gao Linge, a boy from Guangming Middle School, helped make one of the robots for the match.

    “My school bought the main board (主板),” said Gao, 14. “Then I decided what my robot looked like and made a computer programme for it.”

    Gao’s robot was eight centimeters tall and had two arms. It had four sensors (传感器) to “see” and “kick” the football.

    Ying Xuehai, a 12-year-old student from Gao’s school, also made a robot. His robot played against Gao’s. The match decided who would go to the final game. Ying lost the game. So he gave many of his robot’s parts to Gao.

    Even so, Gao’s robot didn’t win the final. It played well in the first five minutes. Then it slowed down. By the end of the match, it could hardly move. What was wrong? Gao and Ying found the problem — their robot ran out of batteries (电池)!

“We’ll solve the problem and beat the other school next time!” said the two boys.

How many robots are needed in one match?

A. Only one.            B. Two.          C. Three.          D. Four.

The third paragraph mainly talks about ________.

A. a wonderful robot football game.      B. how to let robots score more goals

C. the rules of the robot football games.    D. the way for robots to win the match

Why did Gao Linge lose the final?

A. Because his robot had no power.     B. Because he broke the rules of the match.

C. Because he used Ying Xuehai’s parts.  D. Because his robot went wrong.

From the passage we know that if you want to take part in the match, ________.

A. you must go to Hangzhou.    B. you must know something about computers

C. you must know how to play football on the playground

D. you must get along with Gao Linge and Ying Xuehai


科目:高中英语 来源:2010—2011学年江西省上高二中高一上学期期中英语卷 题型:阅读理解

Football is so popular in China. Almost everyone is interested in the sport — young and old, boys and girls, and now even robots.
Last week at Hangzhou Guangming Middle School, kids from several schools played football with their robots.
Robot football was very different from human football. Only two robots played in each match. The field was as big as a ping-pong table. One half was black and the other was white. Each robot tried to catch the “football” and score a goal. The robot with more goals won.
Gao Linge, a boy from Guangming Middle School, helped make one of the robots for the match.
“My school bought the main board (主板),” said Gao, 14. “Then I decided what my robot looked like and made a computer programme for it.”
Gao’s robot was eight centimeters tall and had two arms. It had four sensors (传感器) to “see” and “kick” the football.
Ying Xuehai, a 12-year-old student from Gao’s school, also made a robot. His robot played against Gao’s. The match decided who would go to the final game. Ying lost the game. So he gave many of his robot’s parts to Gao.
Even so, Gao’s robot didn’t win the final. It played well in the first five minutes. Then it slowed down. By the end of the match, it could hardly move. What was wrong? Gao and Ying found the problem — their robot ran out of batteries (电池)!
“We’ll solve the problem and beat the other school next time!” said the two boys.
【小题1】 How many robots are needed in one match?

A.Only one.B.Two.C.Three.D.Four.
【小题2】 The third paragraph mainly talks about ________.
A.a wonderful robot football game.B.how to let robots score more goals
C.the rules of the robot football games.D.the way for robots to win the match
【小题3】 Why did Gao Linge lose the final?
A.Because his robot had no power.B.Because he broke the rules of the match.
C.Because he used Ying Xuehai’s parts.D.Because his robot went wrong.
【小题4】 From the passage we know that if you want to take part in the match, ________.
A.you must go to Hangzhou.B.you must know something about computers
C.you must know how to play football on the playground
D.you must get along with Gao Linge and Ying Xuehai


科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江苏省高一上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

My robot caught a virus, so my flat was _____.

A.in the mess        B.in a mess          C.in the messes      D.six and seven



科目:高中英语 来源:2013届江西省高一上学期期中英语卷 题型:阅读理解

Football is so popular in China. Almost everyone is interested in the sport — young and old, boys and girls, and now even robots.

    Last week at Hangzhou Guangming Middle School, kids from several schools played football with their robots.

   Robot football was very different from human football. Only two robots played in each match. The field was as big as a ping-pong table. One half was black and the other was white. Each robot tried to catch the “football” and score a goal. The robot with more goals won.

    Gao Linge, a boy from Guangming Middle School, helped make one of the robots for the match.

    “My school bought the main board (主板),” said Gao, 14. “Then I decided what my robot looked like and made a computer programme for it.”

    Gao’s robot was eight centimeters tall and had two arms. It had four sensors (传感器) to “see” and “kick” the football.

    Ying Xuehai, a 12-year-old student from Gao’s school, also made a robot. His robot played against Gao’s. The match decided who would go to the final game. Ying lost the game. So he gave many of his robot’s parts to Gao.

    Even so, Gao’s robot didn’t win the final. It played well in the first five minutes. Then it slowed down. By the end of the match, it could hardly move. What was wrong? Gao and Ying found the problem — their robot ran out of batteries (电池)!

“We’ll solve the problem and beat the other school next time!” said the two boys.

1. How many robots are needed in one match?

A. Only one.          B. Two.          C. Three.          D. Four.

2. The third paragraph mainly talks about ________.

A. a wonderful robot football game.      B. how to let robots score more goals

C. the rules of the robot football games.    D. the way for robots to win the match

3. Why did Gao Linge lose the final?

A. Because his robot had no power.     B. Because he broke the rules of the match.

C. Because he used Ying Xuehai’s parts.  D. Because his robot went wrong.

4. From the passage we know that if you want to take part in the match, ________.

A. you must go to Hangzhou.    B. you must know something about computers

C. you must know how to play football on the playground

D. you must get along with Gao Linge and Ying Xuehai



科目:高中英语 来源:浙江省温州八校2010-2011学年高三返校考试试卷 题型:阅读理解


       If you grow old in Japan, you will expect to be served food by a robot, ride a voice recognition wheelchair or even possibly hire a nurse in a robotic suit – all examples of cutting-edge technology to care for the country’s rapidly graying population.

       With nearly 22 percent of Japan’s population already aged 65 or older, businesses here have been producing everything from easy-entry cars to remote controlled beds, fueling a care technology market worth some $1.08 billion in 2006.

       At a home care and rehabilitation meeting in Tokyo, buyers crowded round a demonstration of Secom Co’s My Spoon feeding robot, which helps elderly or disabled people eat with a spoon-and-fork-fitted swiveling (转动的) arm.Operating a joystick(操纵杆)with his chin, developer Shigehisa Kobayashi moved the arm toward a block of soft tofu, skillfully getting the fork to break off a bite-sized piece.The arm then returned to a preprogrammed position in front of his mouth, allowing Kobayashi to bite and swallow.

       It is all about allowing people to help themselves, Kobayashi said.The Tokyo-based company has already sold 300 of the robots, which come with a price tag of $3,500.“We want to give the elderly control over their own lives.”

       The rapidly aging population here has caused many concerns: a labor shortage, tax shortfalls and financial difficulties in paying the health bills and pensions of large numbers of the elderly.Moreover, a growing number of older Japanese are spending their golden years away from the care traditionally provided by children and grandchildren.That’s where cutting-edge technology steps in.

1.The underlined word “cutting-edge” in Paragraph 1 probably means ______.

       A.common           B.up-to-date          C.cost-saving       D.important

2.The rapidly graying population in Japan ______.

       A.prevents the development of Japan’s economy

       B.causes a great increase in Japan’s population

       C.strengthens the relationship between family members

       D.promotes the development of Japan’s care technology

3.What does the last paragraph of the passage want to tell us?

       A.The social need to develop robots for the elderly.

       B.The worsening situation of Japan’s aging population.

       C.The development of cutting-edge technology.

       D.The social problems Japan’s aging population has caused.

4.What would be the best title of the passage?

       A.The development of science in Japan

       B.My spoon feeding robot

       C.Robots to help Japanese seniors

       D.Rapidly graying population in Japan


