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13.New research finds a link between poverty and poor decision making.The findings may explain why poor people sometimes make bad choices that continue their hardship.
Earlier studies have found the poor less likely to escape poverty.But there has been little research on why the poor make decisions that make their lives harder.Until recently,it was economists who studied poverty,not psychologists.Eldar Shafir,a psychologist in Princeton University says now scientists from both fields work together.Mr.Shafir and his team did two experiments.One took place at a shopping center in New Jersey.Another was carried out among sugar cane farmers in rural India.
The New Jersey experiment involved individuals with low paying jobs and others belonged to the middle class.All the volunteers were asked what they would do if their cars needed repairs.
The volunteers were given two imaginary situations.In the first,the car repairs cost﹩150.In the second,﹩1,500.
"And what we found is that the poor and the rich performed equally well on almost all the tests."
Not so when the researchers raised the repair costs to﹩1,500.
"Now the poor performed significantly worse."The poorer lost about 13IQ points on average.This is about the loss experienced when a person has not slept for one night.
The scientists then wondered if the same person reacted differently when he was rich and when he was poor.The Indian sugar cane farmers earn most of their money once a year,when the harvest comes in.But the money often does not last through the year.
"So they find themselves basically rich after the harvest when the income comes in and poor just before the harvest.
The researchers gave them tests similar to the ones taken by the people in New Jersey.They tested the Indian farmers before the harvest and after.
And the results were much the same as with the mall shoppers.
"They performed much more slowly and with many more mistakes when they were poorer than when they were richer."
Mr.Shafir says the results support 50years of research that shows all humans have limited mental power to deal with things in life.
"And so the insight here is that,having not enough of something in a way makes it harder to make good decisions for everything else."

61.What is true about earlier studies?B
A.They were done by economists and psychologists.
B.They found it hard for poor people to become rich.
C.They explained why poor people made poor decisions.
D.They showed the poor people cared less about their health.
62.In the first experiment,the poor performed worse becauseC
A.they had not slept for one night
B.it was just an imaginary situation
C.the increased price affected their decision
D.they didn't take the second situation seriously
63.The Indian sugar cane farmersD
A.are smarter when they are poor
B.earn money all through the year
C.earn lots of money so they think they are rich
D.feel rich after the harvest and poor before harvest
64.What do the two experiments have in common?A
A.They got similar findings.
B.They were carried out in the rural areas.
C.They were carried out by economists only.
D.They chose two groups of people with different income.
65.What could be the best title for the passage?C
A.Once poor,always poor?
B.Why are poor people poorer?
C.Poverty weakens brain power.
D.Different experiments,different findings.

分析 文章的大意:人们贫穷时表现得更缓慢,犯的错误更多,当某物不充足时,会更难作出好的决定

解答 61:B 考查细节理解.根据文章第二段的第一句话Earlier studies have found the poor less likely to escape poverty.可知,早期的研究发现贫穷的人不太可能摆脱贫困,由此可知选项B符合题意.
62:C 考查推理判断.根据题干的关键词"the poor performed worse"可将信息定位于文章第六段的内容,从而可知答案选C.
63:D 考查细节理解.根据文章第八段的"they find themselves basically rich after the harvest when the income comes in and poor just before the harvest"可知,答案选D.
64:A 推理判断题 根据The researchers gave them tests similar to the ones taken by the people in New Jersey.They tested the Indian farmers before the harvest and after.And the results were much the same as with the mall shoppers.可知,两个实验的结果相似,故答案为A
65:C 考查主旨大意.根据文章的大意:人们贫穷时表现得更缓慢,犯的错误更多,当某物不充足时,会更难作出好的决定.由此可以得出标题,所以答案选C.

点评 阅读理解题测试考生在阅读基础上的逻辑推理能力,要求考生根据文章所述事件的逻辑关系,对未说明的趋势或结局作出合理的推断;或根据作者所阐述的观点理论,对文章未涉及的现象、事例给以解释.考生首先要仔细阅读短文,完整了解信息,准确把握作者观点.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.As the summer time approaches,more and more commercials and advertisements can be seen on the mass media encouraging students to join English study tours abroad.The purpose of these tours is to provide students with an opportunity to learn English in a native speaking environment and use English in real situations.Parents always believe that their children will automatically speak good English after attending these study tours.However,for me,as an English major and former participant of many English study tours,I find these summer tours ineffective.
Parents who send their children abroad for a summer to study English usually believe that the native speaking environment,including the courses,teachers,and host families,can help their children to learn English better.This might be true if the students really study hard and they really get an all-English environment.But the fact is that,most of the time,the tour part is more important than the study part.Although these tours take place in foreign countries,students are rarely exposed in an all-English environment.You will find that,in the morning classes,Taiwanese students would like to stick together and speak Chinese with each other,even though there are some students from other countries.In the afternoon,the students go on a sightseeing excursion with their companions from Taiwan; they speak Chinese of course.In the evening,when students return to the host families,they would stay in their room and share the day with their roommate,another Taiwanese student.People who speak the same language with you is like a log(原木)in the ocean when living in a foreign country where you can not express yourself well,so that you would naturally stick with them.This is especially true with children.
Another unrealistic expectation parents have for these tours is that the experience of living abroad can make their children more independent and mature.However,maturity does not come overnight.It takes time and practice.The most important of all is that they need a good mentor(顾问).None of these exist in the study tours.

30.Which of the following is the most important thing for children who study in an English environment according to the writer?B
A.Host families.    B.Hard work.    
C.Courses.          D.Teachers.
31.The underlined word"mature"in the last paragraph probably meansD.
A.active         B.free        
C.outgoing       D.grown-up
32.What's the author's attitude towards the English study tours abroad?B
A.Doubtful.     B.Negative.   
C.Positive.     D.Neutral.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.Have you ever been afraid?Do thunder and lightning make your heart beat faster?Maybe your mouth goes dry when your teacher says you will be given a test,or your palms(手掌) sweat when it's your turn to give your report in front of the class.Perhaps you   get butterflies in your stomach when you see the bully (欺负人的人) who chooses you.
We all have fears sometimes.That's true no matter how big we are or how brave we can be.Fear of getting too close to a campfire may save you from a bad burn.And fear of getting a bad grade on a test may make you study hard.Being nervous can also sharpen your senses and help you perform better during a track meet.Some people even enjoy being a little scared (恐惧的).That's why they like to watch scary movies.
Usually,our bodies go into fight only when there is something to fear.However,sometimes this happens when there doesn't seem to be anything to be frightened about.When you feel scared but there doesn't seem to be a clear reason,that's called anxiety (焦虑).For some kids,the feeling of anxiety or worry can happen at any time.For others,it might appear only at certain times,like when they are leaving their home or family to go somewhere.For some people,this feeling of anxiety happens almost all the time and gets in the way of what they want to do.
Tell your parents if your anxiety becomes strong and is getting in the way of what you want to do.Your parents can take you to a doctor,who can help to find out if a medical problem is making you feel anxious.But you can also try these ways to kill the feeling yourself.

60.What does the underlined phrase"get butterflies in your stomach"(Paragraph 1)probably mean?B
A.Get angry.    B.Get nervous.
C.Get hurt.      D.Get excited.
61.What does the writer want to show in the second paragraph?D
A.Brave people won't feel fear whatever happens.
B.Children are easier to show fear than adults.
C.Fear is a sign of being sick and unhealthy.
D.Fear can be good to people sometimes.
62.According to the passage,we can learn that anxietyD.
A.often appears before an important exam
B.appears when people face some frightening things
C.can't be treated once it begins
D.sometimes doesn't seem to have a clear reason
63.What would be talked about in the next paragraph?C
A.The great harm fear does to people's health.
B.Who to turn to for help when people feel anxious.
C.Some good ways to help people deal with fear.
D.What kind of people can easily feel anxious.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.If you,a man,are looking through this,congratulations:you are a survivor (幸存者).According to a survey,you are more than twice likely to die of skin cancer than a woman,and nine times more likely to die of AIDS.If you make it to the end of your natural term,about 78 years for men in Australia,you will die on average five years before a woman.
   There are many reasons for this.Men take more risks than woman and are more likely to drink and smoke-but perhaps more importantly,men don't go to the doctor.
"Men aren't seeing doctors as often as they should."says Dr.Gullotta,"This is particularly so for the over 40s,when diseases tend to strike."Gullotta says a healthy man should visit the doctor every year or two.For those over 45,it should be at least once a year.Two months ago Gullotta saw a 50-year-old man who had delayed(延迟) doing anything about his smoker's cough for a year."When I finally saw him it had already spread and he has since died from lung cancer."he says."Earlier finding and treatment may not have cured him,but it would have made him live longer."
   According to a recent survey,95% of women aged between 15 and early 40s see a doctor once a year,compared to 70% of men in the same age group.
"A lot of men think they are strong enough.While some men are scared of what might be there and would rather not know.Most men get their cars serviced more regularly than they service their bodies."Dr.Gullotta says.He believes most diseases that commonly affect men could be found out by check-ups.Regular check-ups for men would place strain on the public purse,Gullotta says."But prevention is cheaper in the long run than having to cure the diseases.Besides,the final/highest cost is far greater:it is called premature death(过早死亡)."
49.From the first paragraph,we can know thatB.
A.women are more likely to die of skin cancer
B.men are more likely to get some deadly diseases
C.men can live five years longer than women
D.men who live long are very lucky
50.What is a more important reason for man's death?C
A.Men take more risks than women.
B.Diseases tend to strike men easily
C.Men don't go to doctors for check-ups.
D.Men like drinking and smoking.
51.Why does the author take a 50-old-man as an example?A
A.To realize the importance of disease prevention.
B.To show he could have avoided death.
C.To prove smoking leads to lung cancer.
D.To think highly of the doctor's work.
52.What can be drawn from the last paragraph?D
A.Treatment would cost a lot of money.
B.Cars are more valuable than health.
C.Men are brave to accept the reality.
D.Check-ups are necessary and worthwhile.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.What is America's number one sport?Can I still say baseball?You could make that statement 30years ago,but things have changed.Baseball of course has the richest history of all sports.But with the popularity of basketball and American football,there can now be an argument on which sport is American's number one sport.
Basketball really took a turn in the1980's as Magic Johnson and Larry Bird took the NBA to another level.Of course,basketball was already popular and had seen such stars as Jerry West and Dr.J,but the real breakthrough(突破)came in the 1980's and from there it really took off with Michael Jordan into the 90's.Basketball has even become very global now as many NBA stars competed in the Olympics and faced no competition.Today,they had better be ready because there are so many talents in other countries and the competition will be  stiff.
Like basketball,American football has always been a favorite of many sports fans and its popularity has grown widely.The ratings(收视率)that Super Bowl Sunday brings are amazing.They have even talked about making Super Bowl Sunday a national holiday.
In the year 2050,basketball and American football will have history like baseball's rich history and maybe American national sport.They have been trying for years,but it is not going to happen.
So what is American's number one sport?To me baseball will always be Americans'hobby-rich in history and many memories for people of all ages.If you have any comments on this subject,do give your opinions.

51.The most powerful basketball player in l980's isB
A.Larry Bird     B.Michael Jordan
C.Jerry West     D.Magic Johnson
52.This passage mainly talks aboutC
A.baseball and its history
B.the most popular sport in the world
C.which sport is the number one in America
D.whether basketball is a global sport pastime
53.The author agrees that American footballA
A.will have rich history
B.is world's most popular sport
C.has its breakthrough in the l 980's
D.will have the richest history by 2050
54.What does the underlined word"stiff"mean in Paragraph Two?B
A.Safe     B.Hard.    
C.Crazy.  D.Strong.
55.The author wrote the passage toD.
A.persuade people to support baseball as America's number one sport
B.introduce the history of different sports in America
C.compare different kinds of sports that are popular among American people
D.express his idea that baseball is America's number one sport.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.The Galapagos Islands are in the Pacific Ocean,off the western coast of South America They are a rocky,lonely spot,but they are also one of the most unusual places in the world.One reason is that they are the home of some of the last giant tortoises(乌龟)left on earth.
     Weighing hundreds of pounds,these tortoises go slowly around the rocks and sand of the islands.Strangely,each of these islands has its own particular kinds of tortoises.There are seven different kinds of tortoises on the eight islands,and each kind is slightly different from the other.
     Hundreds of years ago,thousands of tortoises were around these islands.However,all that changed when people started landing there.When people first arrived in 1535,crews would seize as many tortoises as they could.They would roll the tortoises onto their backs when they were brought onto the ships.The tortoises were completely helpless once on their backs,so they could only lie there until used for soups and stews.Almost 100,000 tortoises were carried off in this way.
     The tortoises faced other problems,too.Soon after the first ships,settlers arrived,bringing pigs,goats,donkeys,dogs and cats.A11 0f these animals ruined life for the tortoises.Donkeys and goats ate all the plants that the tortoises usually fed on,while the pigs,dogs and cats ate thousands of baby tortoises each year.Within a few years,it was hard to find any tortoise eggs-or even any baby tortoises.
     Finally,in the 1950s,scientists decided that something must be done.The first part of their plan was to remove as many cats,dogs and other animals as they could from the islands.Next,they tried to make sure that more baby tortoises would be born; This slow,hard work continues today,and,thanks to it,the number of tortoises is now increasing every year.Perhaps these wonderful animals will not disappear after all
56.What can we learn from Paragraph i?C
A.The Galapagos Islands are the biggest islands in the Pacific Ocean
B.The giant tortoises have all left the Galapagos Islands already.
C.The giant tortoises made the Galapagos Islands unusual places.
D.People have built many homes for the giant tortoises on the islands.
57.What is special about the tortoises according to Paragraph 2?C
A.They weigh hundreds of pounds.
B.They move around very slowly.
C.There are different kinds of tortoises.
D.They are larger than the ones in other places.
58.What happened first?A
A.Sailors took tortoises aboard the ships.
B.Scientists decided to take measures to protect the tortoises.
C.Pigs,dogs and cats ate many baby tortoises.
D.Settlers brought other as to the islands.
59.What happened soon after people brought animals to the islands?B
A.Tortoise eggs were kept in safe containers.
B.The animals ate the tortoises'food and eggs.
C.The tortoises continued to wander freely.
D.The tortoises fought against the other animals.
60.What's the result of the scientists'effort?D
A.The tortoises began to disappear gradually.
B:The number of tortoises began to decrease
C.Scientists took away other animals off the islands.
D.There are more and more giant tortoises on the islands.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

Seventeen years ago,when I was in military college,I was known as"the worrying wreck from Virginia Tech".I worried so(41)Fthat I often became ill.In(42)A,I poured out my troubles to Professor Baird,professor of business administration.The fifteen minutes that I spent with Professor Baird did more for my health and happiness than all the rest of the four years I spent in college."Jim,"he said,"you ought to sit down and face the facts.If you(43)Ihalf as much time and energy to solving your problems as you do to worrying about them,you wouldn't have any worries."
I figured that I had failed physics because I had no interest in the subject.But now I changed my attitude.I said to myself,"If the college(44)Bdemand that I pass my physics examination before I obtain a degree,who am I to question their wisdom?"
So I (45)Efor physics again.This time I passed because instead of wasting my time in worrying about how hard it was,I studied(46)C.
I solved my(47)Gworries by taking on some additional jobs,such as selling punch at the college dances,and by borrowing money from my father,which I paid back soon after(48)J.
As I look back at it now,I can see that my problem was one of(49)D,a lack of willingness to find the causes of my worry and face them realistically.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

2.We had been living our valley for sixteen months when we first realized the dangers that could exist.It was the year when the storms came early,before the calendar even hinted at winter,even before November was out.(71)GSoon snow began to fall.Within a day it lay some 15 centimeters deep.It almost completely blocked our lane and made the streamside path slippery and dangerous.But on the neighboring heights the snow was much deeper and stayed for longer.Up there the wind blasted fiercely.Deeply in our valley we felt only sudden gusts of wind:trees swayed but the branches held firm.
And yet we knew that there was reason for us to worry.The snow and wind were certainly inconvenient but they did not really trouble us greatly(72)B.It reminded us of what could have occurred if circumstances had been different,if the flow of water from the hills had not,many years before,been controlled,held back by a series of dams.(73)C
Day after day,we watched furious clouds pile up high over the hills to the west.Sinister grey clouds extended over the valleys.They twisted and turned,rising eastwards and upwards,warning of what was to come.We had seen enough of the sky; now we began to watch the river,which every day was becoming fuller and wilder.
The river seemed maddened as the waters poured almost horizontally down to its lower stretches.(74)DIt was far deeper than we'd ever seen it so near our home,lunging furiously at its banks.For three days we prayed that it would stay below its wall(75)E.

A.It was the river,the Ryburn,which normally flowed so gently,that threatened us most.
B.The great power of all this water prevents us from believing ourselves to be completely safe in our home.
C.In a short time the snow started to melt.
D.Just a couple of meters from our cottage,the stream seemed wild beneath the bridge.
E.Our prayer were answered as the dam held and the waters began to subside.
F.They grew so strong that we couldn't control it.
G.Until then,we had felt safe and sheltered in our valley.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

3.As digital technologydevelops (develop),sound and video can now be stored on a PC,on the Internet,or using some form of portable storage.

