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14.她一直犹豫是否要做手术,直到医生确切地告诉她到目前为止手术没有失败过时,才下决心做手术. (assure)

分析 She hesitated (whether)to take/have/receive the operation (or not),so she didn't decide to take it/didn't make up her mind(to take it)until her doctor assured her that this kind of operation had never failed.

解答 根据句意可知用一般过去时.
本题句子结构比较复杂.巧妙运用not…until这个连接词,实质上是didn't decide to take it/didn't make up her mind(to take it),然后再用until将中间一部分"直到医生确切地告诉她到目前为止手术没有失败过时"连接起来,这里便涉及到中英文在句型和语言表达上面存在一定的顺序变化.assure后面用that引导的宾语从句.
hesitate to do sth意为"犹豫做某事",或者用whether to do (or not)作宾语,take/have/receive the operation意为"做手术".

点评 此题十分考验考生英语知识灵活度以及双语表达切换能力.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.When Dan Shaw gets up from the sofa in his home,Cuddles is never far away.When he wants to go outside,he doesn't take Cuddles out for walk-Cuddles takes him for a walk.Cuddles is clearly no ordinary family pet.It is a two-foot-high miniaturehorse and serves as the guiding eyes of Shaw,who is blind.
  When Shaw lost his sight,his wife suggested he apply for a guide dog.Shaw,an animal lover,said he couldn't bear to part with a dog (which usually lives about eight to ten years) and get used to a new one,perhaps several times in his life.
  Then Shaw heard of a program about the tiny guide horses.He learned that the horse possess many qualities that that make them an excellent choice for guiding people.They are clean friendly,smart and have great memories.They can be trained to remain calm in noisy and crowded places.Best of all,they live for 25-25years,which would enable Shaw to have the same guide companion for most or all of his life.
  Shaw immediately applied to be and was accepted as the first person to receive a guide horse.The instant he met Cuddles,he knew he was making the right choice.Then he began his training.
  Through training,Shaw and Cuddles learned to find way on busy streets,step over curbs(便道沿儿)and find elevator buttons.Cuddles even demonstrated(显示)its ability to step in front of Shaw and block him,to prevent him from walking into a dangerous situation.The little horse also expertly led Shaw through busy shopping malls.They got along without any difficulties.Now Shaw is confident that Cuddles will change his life for the better.

56.What's the meaning of the underlined word"miniature"in Paragraph 1?(No more than 2words)Tiny\Little\small\Very small.
57.Why didn't Shaw want to choose a dog as his guide?(No more than 15words)A dog's life is short and Shaw could not bear to part with it.
58.What does Paragraph 3mainly tell us?(No more than 10words)The Tiny horses possess have many good qualities to guide people.
On the Tiny horses possess\have many qualities to be ideal guides,
59.How does Shaw feel about his future life with the help of Cuddles?(No more than 10words)He feels that his future life will he better/easier,
60.In your opinion,what is the ideal relationship between man and animals?(No more than 20words)They should be good friends and help each other,
Or:They should get along as friends and take care of each other..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.At the end of the year,our magazine is revealing our annual food and shopping predictions based on our research.
Grazing Golden-Agers:
Ninety-one percent of people say they snack daily,according to Nielsen.While snacking is on the rise among all ages and genders,research shows that snacking among consumers over the age of 65could contribute to additional years with a higher quality of life.We'll see more boomers-those raised in the"three square meals a day"period-employ a"grazing"approach to eating foods rich in nutrients like protein,fiber and Omega3that can help promote bone health.
Same-Day Delivery Not Just for City Clickers:
Online grocery shopping and delivery has become a crowded space,with a host of services competing for consumer attention.This trend allows everyone who sells food to be in the same-day delivery business without having to add additional operational facilities.Look for Google Shopping Express to put every supermarket in the same day delivery business and change consumer behavior to shop online for food to be delivered to homes fresh for each meal.You now can throw your refrigerator away!
The Rise of Fermented Foods:
The next year will be the year when fermented (发酵的) foods-foods like yogurt,pickles(泡菜) take center stage.These foods contain live cultures,or are preserved in liquid so their sugars and other seasonings can become bacteria-promoting agents.In fact,a survey has found that nearly 50percent of Americans have shown interest in fermented foods,who,especially those over 60s,have improved a lot in digestion.However,if treated inappropriately,the bacteria hidden in these foods might have our hospitals full of sick dinners.Therefore make sure to study the cooking skills well before you these foods.
Supermarkets change into Socializing Spaces:
Supermarkets have evolved from straightforward centers where consumers could buy groceries to providers of lifestyle.Supermarkets are developing a variety of services that help to establish each outlet as a showcase of lifestyle trends.A desire to be"all things food"to their customers,young and old,is positioning the supermarkets as head to head competitors with chain and local restaurants.Cooking classes,and online home-made recipes are also giving consumers reasons beyond a grocery list to step inside their neighborhood supermarkets instead of a local restaurant.

70.The passage advises readers to give up refrigerator becauseC
A.people eat more snacks which don't have to be put in refrigerators
B.the refrigerators has become useless operational facilities for food sellers
C.food can be sent to customers within short time and freezing is not needed
D.Fermented foods can be kept in normal temperature for much more time.
71.For fermented foods,people must guarantee thatD
A.live cultures should be introduced while eating them
B.these help in digestion should be introduced to the public
C.bacteria should be killed before being put into the foods
D.cooking should be conducted carefully to avoid disease
72.It is implied in the last paragraph thatD
A.supermarkets sell recipes for trendy lifestyle to customers
B.supermarkets used to be friends of chain and local restaurants
C.people can apply for cooking classes and obtain recipes in supermarkets
D.Cooking classes encourage people to make food rather than dine out
73.The two trends that are particularly good for the elderly areA
A.eating snacks and fermented foods
B.eating snacks and one-day delivery
C.one-day delivery and socializing supermarkets
D.fermented foods and socializing supermarkets.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

2.Introduction to Letters to Sam
Dear Reader,
  Please allow me to tell you something before you read this book.When my (36)grandson,Sam,was born,my heart was filled with joy.I had been sitting in a wheelchair for 20years before then,and I have been (37)seriouslyill many times.So I wondered if I would have the(38)timeto tell Sam what I had(39)observed.
   For years I have been hosting a program on the (40)radioand writing articles for a magazine.Being(41)unableto move freely,I have learned to sit still and keep my heart (42)open,exchanging thoughts with thousands of listeners and (43)readers.So when Sam was born,I (44)decidedto tell him about school and fridship,romance and work,love and everything else.That's how I started to write these(45)letters.I hope that Sam would (46)readthem sooner or later.
  However,that expectation (47)changedwhen Sam showed signs of autism (自闭症) at the age of two.He had actually stopped talking before the discovery of the signs.He (48)refusedto communicate with others,even the family members.That was (49)heartbreakingfor me but didn't stop me writing on.I realized that I had even (50)morenow to tell him.I wanted him to (51)explainwhat it means to be"different"from others,and learn how to fight against the misfortune he'll (52)faceas I myself,his grandfather,did.I just(53)guessedif I could write all that I wanted to say in the rest of my life.
  Now,(54)asthe book has been published,I have been given the chance.Every chapter in the book is a letter to Sam:some about my life,and all about what it means to be a(55)man.
Daniel Gottlieb



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.If Confucius(孔子)were still alive today and could celebrate his September 28birthday with a big cake,there would be a lot of candles.IIe'd need a fan or a strong wind to help him put them out.
While many people in China will remember Confucius on his special day,few people in the United States will give him a passing thought.It's nothing personal.Most Americans don't even remember the birthdays of their own national heroes.
But this doesn't mean that Americans don't care about Confucius.In many ways he has become a bridge that foreigners must cross if they want to reach a deeper understanding of China.
In the past two decades,the Chinese studies programs have gained huge popularity in Western universities.More recently,the Chinese government has set up Confucius Institutes in more than 80countries.These schools teach both Chinese language and culture.The main courses of Chinese culture usually included Chinese art,history and philosophy(哲学).Some social scientists suggest that Westerners should take advantages of the ancient Chinese wisdom to make up for the drawbacks of Westerners philosophy.Students in the United States,at the same time,are racing to learn Chinese.So they will be ready for life in a world where China is an equal power with the United States.Businessmen who hope to make money in China are reading books about Confucius to understand their Chinese customers.
So the old thinker's ideas are still alive and well.
Today China attracts the West more than ever,and it will need more teachers to introduce Confucius and Chinese culture to the West.
As for the old thinker,he will not soon be forgotten by people in the West,even if his birthday is.

64.The opening paragraph is mainly intended toB
A..provide some key facts about Confucius
B.attract the readers'interest in the subject
C.show great respect for the ancient thinker
D.prove the popularity of modern birthday celebrations
65.We can learn from Paragraph 4that American studentsA
A.have a great interest in studying Chinese
B.take an active part in Chinese competitions
C.try to get high scores in Chinese exams
D.fight for a chance to learn Chinese
66.What is the best title for the passge?D
A.Forgotten Wisdom in America
B.Huge Fans of the Chinese Language
C.Chinese Culture for Westerners
D.Old Thinker with a Big Future
67.The passage is likely to appear inC.
A.a biography
B.a history paper
C.a newspaper
D.a philosophy textbook.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

19.对学生而言,身心健康与在学业表现中取得进步同样重要.(as…as)For students,mental and physical health is as important as the progress (made) in academic performance..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

6.The old man leaves a key with his neighborin case he locks himselfout one day.(lock)
那个老人将一把钥匙留给他的邻居,以防哪天 他把自己锁在外面了.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

3.面对越来越严重的恐怖袭击,许多国家决意联手铲除恐怖组织. (determine)Faced with more and more serious terrorist attack,many governments have determined to unite together to eliminate terrorist organizations..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

5.万一你在森林中迷路,最保险的做法是留在原地,并设法立刻与专业营救队取得联系.(in case)In case you get lost in a forest,the safest way is to stay where you are and try to get in touch with a professional rescue team immediately..

