精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情

  Building a house costs quite a lot of money. ___1___ you plan to build a house. Your first ___2___ will be to find a right piece of land. Your choice will depend on many different things. You will probably try to ___3___ a sunny place, with ___4___ surroundings, near shops and bus stops, not too far from your friends and the place where you work.

  Next you will find an excellent ___5___, and together with the builder you will work out a ___6___. The builder will draw the plan. It will ___7___ the number of rooms, their position and size, and other parts which must be noticed, ___8___ windows, doors and electric outlets. The builder will work out ___9___ is needed to ___10__ your house. He will ___11___ the cost of the wood, bricks, the glass, and ___12___ else that must be used in building the house, later on, when he starts to build, this estimate(预算)must be corrected and revised. His estimate is based onexisting___13___, but prices of such things may ___14___, and many other things may happen ___15___ the time when he makes the estimate and the time when he builds the house.

  When the builder gives his estimate, you may wish to ___16__ your plan. (You may also wish to change your builder, if his estimate is too __17__!) You may find that some of the features you wanted at first ___18___ too much, or that you can spend a little more and ___19___. something to your plan. The builder's estimate depends on the plan, ___20___ the final plan depends on the builder's estimate.

(1) A.Think
(2) A.step
(3) A.find
(4) A.happy
(5) A.builder
(6) A.cost
(7) A.show
(8) A.such as
B.for example
(9) A.how many builders
B.how much money
    C.the days
D.the bricks
(10) A.give
(11) A.work out
B.depend on
   C.take away
D.put up
(12) A.something
D.other thing
(13) A.things
(14) A.rise
(15) A.in
(16) A.give up
B.turn off
D.put off
(17) A.low
(18) A.cost
(19) A.reduce
(20) A.and









(15)the time whenand the time when…可判断此处用介词between




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:054

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    Not long ago, there lived in Auckland a working family who dreamed about a house of their own. 1 then could read in the newspapers about the building companies(公司) who offered 2 people into a new house 3   only a $ 1, 000 deposit (定金). Of course, the remainder (余款) had to 4 with interest (利息) over a period of twenty years or so.


    The worker and his wife hopefully went to one of these companies 5 this wonderful offer. And the man in the office said." Yes, sure. You 6 along $ 1,000 and we can    7 you with a new house."


    So the worker and his wife    8 to work hard and in twelve months' time they returned to the building man with $ 1, 000. But the man in the office said, "Look, I'm sorry, 9 we'll need $ 1, 500 now. 10 have gone up since we saw you last, you know."


    The couple thought 11 and decided it would 12 very long to save the extra $ 500 if they worked hard.


    In six months they worked 13 overtime and saved the $ 500 14 the high rent they had to pay for their flat. Back to the building man they 15 with their $ 1, 500. But 16 their surprise he 17 the deposit was now $ 3, 000.


    Now somewhat wiser, the worker said," And the next time, I dare say we'll find the deposit 18 once more. How have we 19 save the extra $ 1, 500?"


    "Well,"said the man. "I think we can sterilize (稳定)the 20   for about twelve months. By the time you come with $ 3,000, we will have had the house 21 for you."

    The couple left, sad at 22 as they saw their dream house 23. By the time they had saved the extra $ 1, 500, 24 the deposit would have become 25, maybe $ 5, 000, then $ 10,000 and then…!

(1) A. Anyone      B. Someone     C. No one      D. Every one             [  ] (2) A. to lead       B. to spend    C. to pay      D. to put              [  ] (3) A. for         B. with    C. on        D. to                [  ] (4) A. pay off       B. be paid off    C. pay for       D. be paid about           [  ] (5) A. to ask for    B. asking for    C. to ask about    D. asking about            [  ] (6) A. come        B. get    C. take        D. bring               [  ] (7) A. supply      B. give    C. offer       D. equip               [  ] (8) A. ought       B. used    C. had         D. stuck               [  ] (9) A. or        B. and    C. but         D. so                [  ] (10) A.Dollars       B. Costs   C. Interests    D. Pays              [  ] (11) A. over it      B. it over   C. it about     D. again               [  ] (12) A. take       B. not take   C. spend      D. not spend             [  ] (13) A. whole the    B. whole   C. the all      D. all the             [  ] (14) A. in spite of    B. instead of   C. because of     D. in need of            [  ] (15) A. filled       B. dealt   C. went       D. went on             [  ] (16) A. from       B. to   C. with       D. without             [  ] (17) A. replied      B. announced   C. told       D. spoke               [  ] (18) A. raised       B. raising   C. risen      D. rising              [  ] (19) A. had to       B. worked to   C. tried to     D. got to              [  ] (20) A. situation    B. money   C. house      D. salary              [  ] (21) A. sold       B. paid   C. prepare      D. ready               [  ] (22) A. heart      B. mind   C. hearts       D. minds               [  ] (23) A. throw away     B. die away   C. take away    D. get away            [  ] (24) A. no doubt     B. no wonder   C. no matter    D. no longer             [  ] (25) A. the most     B. the lowest   C. still higher   D. even larger           [  ]


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:054




 A class of small boys in a German school had been making a lot of noise, so their teacher decided  1  He kept them in the classroom after the other boys  2 and told them to add all the numbers from 1 to 100 together

 The boys sadly  3 their exercise books and began to write the numbers downall of them  4 one boy, who had been in that school only for a few days This boy looked out of the window for a few moments, wrote a number in his exercise book and  5 his hand

 “May I go home when I've found the answer, sir? he asked

 “Yes, you may, answered the teacher

 “Well, I've found it, sir said the boy

 The teacher and the other boys were all very surprised

 “  6 , said the teacher

 The boy brought it It was quite correct, so the teacher had to let the boy go home The next morning, the  7 teacher asked the new boy how he had found the answer so quickly

   “Well, sir, he said, I thought that there  8 the answer, and I found one, you see, If you add 100 to 1, you get 101, and if you add 99 to 2, you also get 101, 98 to 3 is 101 too, and if you go on until you reach 51 and 50, you have 101 fifty times, which is 5050

 After this, the teacher gave the boy  9 the other boys in the class His name was Karl Friedrich Gauss, and when he  10 , he became a famous professor of mathematics


1A to frighten all of them


B to beat them one by    one


  C to punish them


D to praise all of them


[  ]


2A had gone 


B had been


  C went 


D had been away


[  ]


3A took down


B took off


  C took away


D took out


[  ]


4A except for


B except


  C except that


D besides


[  ]


5A put out


B put down


  C put up 


D put aside


[  ]


6A Carry directly it to me


B Bring it here


  C Take it back to me


D Fetch it for me


[  ]


7A surprised 


B surprising


  C satisfying


D pleased


[  ]


8A should be a rapid method of finding


  B might be a quick way of finding


  C couldn't be a fast way to find


  D must be a quickly method to find


[  ]


9A the same work as 


B as different a work as


  C different work from 


D no difference work from


[  ]


10A grew bigger


B grown up


  C grew taller


D grew up


[  ]



    On October 21st of 1833, Alfred Nobel was born in Sweden His father was an engineer, and at that time he was  11 explosives (炸药) When Alfred was  12 to go to university, his father sent him to the United States to study mechanical engineering (机械工程学)

   When he left university, he started a factory with his brother to make a new and very powerful explosive At first the factory  13 , but one day there was a terrible explosion (爆炸) in the factory It killed several workmen and Alfred's brother Alfred himself was not there that day

   Alfred  14 after his brother's death, but he did not stop working; he moved his factory onto a boat, and took it a few miles out to sea If  15 , he said to himself, I will be killed, but  16 will be hurt He was not killed  17 , but made a new and much safer explosive He called it dynamite (甘油炸药)

 This was the time, in  18 of the nineteenth century, when many modern roads and the first railways and tunnels  19 in Europe Everybody wanted to use Nobel's new dynamite He soon became very rich

   But Nobel's dynamite was not always used for making roads; it was also  20 making war It's Nobel's fault (错误), many people said, It's his dynamite they're using to make war It was true; it was his dynamite; but was it his fault?

 One day, in 1891, Nobel opened a newspaper and read the story of his own death! It was  21 , of course, and at first he laughed; but he did not laugh then he saw the things the newspaper  22 him, A very bad man, they said, terriblewanted to destroy the world with his dynamite

 Poor Alfred Nobel! He decided to leave Paris, and went to live in Italy There he  23 in a big house, working and studying every hour of the day

   In 1896, Alfred Nobel died But that was  24 his name When he died, he left a lot of  25 five Nobel Prizes These are given every year for important work in five different fields, One prize is for chemistry, another for physics and another for medicine; there is also one for literature (文学); and the fifth one, the most important one for Alfred Nobel, is the Nobel Peace Prize


11A working for 


B working on


  C working as


D working in


[  ]


12A old enough


B enough old


  C big enough


D enough big


[  ]


13A went from bad to worse


B went from good to better


  C went very well


D went nothing to him


[  ]


14A felt very afraid of it


B felt sorry for it


  C was quite happy


D was terribly unhappy


[  ]


15A anything goes right there


  B nothing seems to happen there


  C something goes wrong here


  D everything comes badly here


[  ]


16A other people


B everybody


  C somebody else 


D nobody else


[  ]


17A after all 


B on the end


  C at most 


D at least


[  ]


18A a second half 


B the second half


  C a half second 


D the half second


[  ]


19A were building 


B. had been built


  C. were being built


D. had built


[  ]


20.A. prepared for


B. willing to


  C. using as


D. used for


[  ]


21.A. complete wrong


B. completely wrong


  C. complete wrongly 


D. completely wrongly


[  ]


22.A. saying about


B. said to


  C. said about


D. saying to


[  ]


23.A. lived alone 


B. lived lonely


  C. lived sad 


D. lived happy


[  ]


24.A. just the beginning to 


B. not the end of


  C. meaning nothing for


D. really the end of


[  ]


25.A. troubles to


B. debts to


  C. money for


D. sorry for


[  ]



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:054


  One day when Einstein was  1 his way home, a young man stopped   him and wished  2 a word with him. Einstein granted his request.

  The young man asked, “How, Mr Einstein, can you  3 your fame?”

  The scientist said, “It seems that you have been thinking of  4  famous   every day.”

  The young man nodded, “Yes, I have been dreaming  5 being a   person as well-known as you. Every minute I am thinking of how to become famous, I don’t   know when I can achieve my fame.”

     Einstein told him, “Don’t worry, young man. If you  6 to be famous like this,   you will have to wait until you  7  .”

  Why should I? ” the young man was  8  .

  Einstein said, “  9  you dream of is actually a high building. You never think of   how to build it  10  bricks.Thus the building will never  11  reality. However,   your story can serve  12  a mirror.People will remember you  13  your laziness.   They will often speak of your name while they give warnings to their children. Don’t you   think you will be a notorious person  14  ?”


[  ]

A. in B. on C. at D. to

[  ]

A. have B. havingC. to have D. to having

[  ]

A. have achievedB. be achievedC. be achieving D. to achieve

[  ]

A. become B. bacame C. get D. becoming

[  ]

A. for B. of C. from D. into

[  ]

6. A. wantB. wantedC. will want D. are wanting

[  ]

7.A. dieB. will dieC. are dying D. died

[  ]

8. A. puzzleB. puzzlingC. puzzledD. to puzzle

[  ]

9. A. That B. It C. Which D. What

[  ]

10. A. in B. with C. use D. by

[  ]

11. A. come toB. come up withC. come across D. come into

[  ]

12. A. as B. such C. for D. on

[  ]

A. forB. becauseC. because of D. reason of

[  ]

A. since then B. by thenC. till then D. now and then


科目:高中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:054


  DC Hilton was one of the first American to find out that there was money to be made in the middle of the night. 42 years ago be bought a small __1___on US highway 69, in Oklahoma. His___2___customers were truck drivers and___3___salesmen who drank coffee and ate cheese-burgers when they stopped to___4___their journey.


  It was they who first tried to____5____Hilton to remain open all night. He thought about it for a while, and then suddenly made up his___6____. He took the door key and threw it across the road. He hasn't closed the door____7___.

  Over the years his simple cafe expanded into a 24-hour roadside ____8___,with a 100-seat restaurant, a petrol station, a mini shopping market, a car ___9___for mobile homes and all-night selfhelp laundry(洗衣店).


  Hilton was a ___10__in a 24-hour working trend which has now ___11___ around the world. Today not only restaurants but also hanks, supermarkets, mail-order ___12___and many other businesses are___13___to be open all night. But is this really a good thing?

  A lot of ____14____has been done in America on the effect of 24-hour working and there is growing ___15____about the long term dangers of society that doesn't sleep.

  Americans are said to be___16___20% less than they did 100 years ago, and 55% claim to __17___at least occasionally from overtiredness. ___18____of the worst man-made accidents happened in the last few hours before ___19___, when even the most experienced night-worker has difficult____20____awake.  


















































































(11)A.caught    in      


B.caught    out      


       C.caught    on      


D.caught    up      












































































科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The books in David’s schoolbag felt like bricks as he ran down the street. What he wanted to do was to play basketball with Eric,  41  his mother told him he would have to return his sister’s books to the library first.

He had  42  set foot in a library and he wasn’t about to do so today. He would just  43    the books in the outside return box. But there was a  44  ; it was locked.

He went into the building, only a few minutes  45  closing time. He put the books into the return box. And after a brief  46  in the toilet, he would be on his way to the playground to   47  Eric.

David stepped out of the toilet and stopped in  48  --the library lights were off. The place was  49  . The doors had been shut. They  50  be opened from the inside. He was trapped  -- in a library!

He tried to  51  a telephone call, but was unable to  52  . What’s worse, the pay phones were on the outside of the building.  53  the sun began to set, he searched for a light and found it.

54  he could see. David wrote on a piece of paper: “ 55  ! I’m TRAPPED inside!” and stuck it to the glass door.  56  , someone passing by would see it.

He was surprised to discover that this place was not so unpleasant  57  . Rows and rows of shelves held books, videos and music. He saw a book about Michael Jordan and took it off the shelf. He calmed down, settled into a chair and started to  58  .

He knew he had to  59  , but now, that didn’t seem to be such a  60  thing.

41. A. but           B. because              C. or              D. since
42. A. ever          B. nearly               C. never               D. often
43. A. pass          B. drop                C. carry            D. take
44. A. problem       B. mistake              C. case             D. question
45. A. during         B. after                C. over             D. before
46. A. rest          B. break                C. walk            D. stop
47. A. visit          B. meet                C. catch               D. greet
48. A. delight            B. anger                C. surprise          D. eagerness
49. A. lonely         B. empty               C. noisy            D. crowded
50. A. wouldn’t       B. shouldn’t             C. couldn’t          D. needn’t
51. A. make         B. fix                  C. use             D. pick
52. A. get on         B. get up               C. get through        D. get in
53. A. If               B. As                  C. Though          D. Until
54. A. On time       B. Now and then         C. By the way        D. At last
55. A. Come         B. Help                C. Hello            D. Sorry
56. A. Surely         B. Thankfully            C. Truly               D. Gradually
57. A. at most        B. after all              C. in short          D. as usual
58. A. watch         B. play                 C. read             D. write
59. A. wait          B. stand                C. sleep            D. work
60. A. bad           B. cool                C. strange           D. nice

