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Online and mobile video is far more popular among the young, with 28 percent of those aged      16-24 they watch more than once each week.

   A. saying           B. said                C. say                 D. to say


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

A LITTLE PRINCESS by Frances Hodgson Burnett


$7.10 (Paperback  Dec. 9, 1998)

The novel tells of the story of a wealthy young girl, Sara Crewe, who is sent to a boarding school during her father’s campaign in India. Thanks to Capt. Crewe’s money, Sara is treated as a little princess until, one day, word comes of her father’s tragic death. Miss Minchin, the school’s greedy headmistress, wastes no time in putting the now-penniless Sara to work for her room and board. It is only through the friendship of two other girls and some astonishing luck that Sara eventually finds her way back to happiness.

THE SECRET GARDEN  by Frances Hodgson Burnett


$3.95  (Paperback  July 1, 2003)

Frances Hodgson Burnett was the highest paid and most widely read woman writer of her time, publishing more than fifty novels and thirteen plays. The Secret Garden is a beautiful tale of friendship, secrets and human spirits. A spoiled orphan named Mary returns to England from India when her parents die. She is sent to live in Yorkshire with her uncle. Miserable and lonely, she begins to explore the house’s gardens and discovers a key to a secret garden that the uncle sealed off when his wife died. There she discovered a secret so important, so enchanting, that it will change her life forever.

 PETER PAN by J. M. Barrie and Scott Gustafson


$16.95  (Hardcover Oct. 1, 1991)

  It is a children’s story full of imagination and adventures. A boy who can fly and magically refuses to grow up, Peter Pan spends his never-ending childhood adventuring on the small island of Neverland as the leader of his gang the Lost Boys, interacting with mermaids, Indians, fairies and pirates, and from time to time meeting ordinary children from the world outside.

Order online and you can now save 20% off your total purchase on orders over $25!

Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the three books?

A. The little princess refers to a girl named Sara Crewe.

B. A Little Princess was written by a famous female writer.

C. Peter Pan is a boy with magic powers who never grows up.         

D. The secret garden mentioned in the passage is located in India.

How much does it cost to order these three books online?

       A. $5.60                B. $22.40                            C. $25.00                       D. $ 28.00

What do these three books have in common?

A. They were published in the same year.            B. They all have a hard cover.

C. They have children as their main characters.    D. They are all stories with tragic endings.


科目:高中英语 来源:江西省安福中学2009-2010学年高一下学期第二次月考英语试题 题型:阅读理解

We used to go into different chat rooms on different websites . If you wanted to meet someone on the net , you had to go into the same chat room . But now regular net surfers chat on OICQ .
OICQ is an online chat software which is invented by Tencent Computer System Company of Shenzhen in February , 1999 . Since then it has swept the country . Its symbol is a penguin wearing a red scarf .
Net friends can be divided into a buddy list (for good friends ) , a stranger list ( for people you want to avoid on the Net ) . You can also build family lists , co-worker lists , etc .
You can know whether listed friends are online as long as you use it . The cartoon portrait(肖像,画像) of the person turns bright if he is online . And the portrait turns dim(灰暗的) if he is not there .
Traditional public chat rooms are chaotic . It is difficult to focus on a conversation . OICQ can conduct a focused talk without interruptions by other chatters . OICQ has become a regular daily communication tool . “What is your OICQ number ? ” has become a modern topic .
1. OICQ is________.
A. a special chat room for all the cyber citizens(网民)
B. a cartoon portrait to make friends on the Internet
C. an online chat software that helps you talk on the Internet more freely
D. a modern phone number used by more and more people
2. If you don’t want to chat with someone , you can put him in_______with the help of OICQ .
A. a buddy list                   B. a stranger list      
C. family lists                    D. co-worker lists
3. The passage mainly tells us____________.
A. how to chat with people on the Internet
B. how to use OICQ
C. how to choose a regular daily communication tool
D. some advantages about OICQ


科目:高中英语 来源:四川省2010届高三考前冲刺考试英语试题 题型:完形填空



       It was raining. I went into a café and asked for a coffee.   21   I was waiting for my drink, I realized there were other people in the place, but I sensed   22  . I saw their bodies, but I couldn’t feel their souls   23   their souls belonged to the   24  .

    I stood up and walked between the tables. When I came to the biggest computer, I saw a thin, small man   25   in front of it. “I’m Steve,” he finally answered after I asked him a couple of times what his name was. “I can’t talk with you. I’m   26  ,”he said. He was chatting online and,   27  , he was playing a computer game—a war game. I was   28  .

    Why didn’t Steve want to talk with me? I tried   29   to speak to that computer geek(怪人),   30   not a word came out of his mouth. I touched his shoulder, but no reaction(反应). I was   31  . I put my hand in front of the monitor, and he started to shout, “   32  !”

    I took a few steps back, wondering if all those people in the café were looking at me. I   33  , and saw nobody showed any interest.

      34  , I realized that the people there were having a nice conversation with their machines, not with people. They were more   35   having a relationship with the   36  , particularly Steve. I wouldn’t want to   37   the future of human beings if they preferred sharing their lives with machines   38   with people.

    I was worried and sank in my thoughts. I didn’t even   39   that the coffee was bad,   40   Steve didn’t notice there was a person next to him.

21. A. Before                    B. Since                       C. Although                  D. While

22. A. pain                          B. loneliness                 C. sadness                     D. fear

23. A. because                   B. when                       C. until                        D. unless

24. A. home                         B. world                    C. Net                          D. Café

25. A. sleeping                         B. laughing                   C. sitting                   D. learning

26. A. busy                          B. thirsty                   C. tired                        D. sick

27. A. first of all                  B. just then                   C. at the same time     D. by that time

28. A. surprised                    B. delighted                  C. moved                         D. frightened

29. A. once                          B. again                       C. first                         D. even

30. A. but                                B. so                            C. if                          D. or

31. A. excited                   B. respected                  C. afraid                       D. unhappy

32. A. Shut up                         B. Enjoy yourself       C. Leave me alone      D. Help me out

33. A. walked about              B. walked out            C. raised my hand        D. raised my head

34. A. From then on             B. At that moment      C. In all                       D. Above all

35. A. interested in            B. tired of                    C. careful about            D. troubled by

36. A. computer                   B. soul                         C. shop                        D. geek

37. A. tell                                B. plan                         C. imagine                    D. design

38. A. other than                  B. instead of                 C. except for                 D. as well as

39. A. pretend                   B. understand             C. insist                        D. realize

40. A. as if                          B. just as                   C. just after                  D. even though



科目:高中英语 来源:2011年福建省莆田市毕业班适应性练习英语试题 题型:阅读理解

The New York Times announced Wednesday that it intended to charge frequent readers for access to its Web site, a step being debated across the industry that nearly every major newspaper has so far feared to take.

Starting in early 2011, visitors to NYTimes.com will get a certain number of articles free every month before being asked to pay a flat fee for unlimited access. Subscribers(订阅者) to the newspaper’s print edition will receive full access to the site.

But executives(执行主管) of The New York Times Company said they could not yet answer fundamental questions about the plan, like how much it would cost or what the limit would be on free reading. They stressed that the amount of free access could change with time, in response to economic conditions and reader demand.

Still, publishers fear that income from digital subscriptions would not compensate for the resulting loss of audience and advertising revenue.

NYTimes.com is by far the most popular newspaper site in the country, with more than 17 million readers a month in the United States, according to Nielsen Online, and analysts say it is easily the leader in advertising revenue, as well. That may make it better positioned than other general-interest papers to charge — and also gives The Times more to lose if the move backfires.

The Times Company has been studying the matter for almost a year, searching for common ground between pro- and anti-pay camps — a debate mirrored in dozens of media-watching blogs — and the system will not go into effect until January 2011. Executives said they were not bothered by the prospect of absorbing barbs(冷嘲热讽) for moving cautiously.

“There’s no prize for getting it quick,” said Janet L. Robinson, the company’s president and chief executive. “There’s more of a prize for getting it right.”

1.The first paragraph serves as a __________.

A. conclusion        B. comment      C. lead-in      D. background

2. We may know from the passage that __________.

A. non-paying readers will get no access to NYTimes.com

B. readers will be charged more to read more articles on NYTimes.com

C. visitors to NYTimes.com frequently will get more free online articles

D. subscribers to the print edition will enjoy free access to the site as well

3. Which of the following best describes The Times Company's attitude towards its announcement?

A. rude B.  serious C. hurried      D. doubtful

4. The passage is mainly about_________.

A. the Times to offer free access to its web site

B. the Times to increase audience to its web site

C. the Times to attract advertisement to its web site

D. the Times to charge for frequent access to its web site




科目:高中英语 来源:2012届广东省梅州市高二学业水平考试(英语) 题型:信息匹配


BAIDU (www.baidu.com) is a daily miracle to millions of people. It is one of the most popular search engines on the web, a challenging competitor to Google! Type words, names of pictures or videos into the space given and in a second it can comp up with hundreds of related resources. Baidu leads to the entrance to the entrance to vast information.

A.  In 1993, “the father of NetEase” ( www.163.com )—Ding Lei wanted to make Internet-surfing easy for Chinese. At that time, most websites are run in English and only few in Chinese at a low speed but high price. To enable Chinese people remember this new website name, instead of English letter, he chose Arabia Number---“163.com”, which provides users with the largest e-mail and network hard disk.

B.  YAHOO( www.yahoo.com) was the first wonder of the web. It started in January 1994 by two students, but before the end of the year, it had become famous as Yahoo we know today.

C.  Taobao(www.taobao.com), which deals with companies online trading services, is one of the largest Internet companies where people buy and sell goods and services worldwide. It has opened up a global marker=place where the online service allows sellers or buyers to bargain.

D.  Gamedom(www.7k7k.com) started out as a fun world, offering a variety of games which suits people in different ages. It also does some business like selling popular computer games. Software. Or download hot music at a certain price.

E.  To meet the wordwide common belief-saving energy, news provided in electronic form is becoming necessary. News center (www.chinaenglish.com) can update the latest news daily and store old news. Pictures, comments, videos are offered as well.

1. Zhang Lin is always proud of being a Chinese and he never buys anything made in foreign countries. The net world set up by Chinese certainly is his favorite choice. Can you guess what will be his “e-mail address”?


2.Everybody knows that “Rome is not built in one day”, but what surprised Sam is that a famous website is setup by two students and become world=known within one year. Which web will he really admired most?


3.Li Lei has got an assignment from his teacher to write an essay. He’d like to surf the Internet to search for rich information. A search engine with fast speed and various resources will be of great help to him. Which web will he refer to?


4. Safeguard TianJun is lying in bed because of his brave fighting against several robbers. Being bored of reading books or sleeping, he borrowed a laptop to play computer games to relax himself and kill time. Which website suits his taste?


5.As a busy white-collar girl, Susan hardly has much time to go window shopping. But it no longer upsets her because during her working break, she can search for different goods online and even bargain. Where can she do this?


