精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情

Now you’re a fool for helping. “I don’t want to get involved” seems to have become a national motto. One summer I was driving from my hometown of Tahoe City, California to New Orleans, Louisiana. In the middle of the desert, I passed a young man standing by the roadside. He had his  ?   out and held a gas can in his other hand. I drove right by him. There was a time  ?  you’d be called a jerk (混蛋) for passing by somebody ?? .

?? Several days later I was still  ?   about the hitchhiker (搭便车的人), about how I didn’t even lift my foot  ?   the accelerator (加速踏板) for him. “Does anyone stop any more?” I wondered. I recalled Blanche DuBois’s famous line—”I have always depended on the kindness of strangers.” Was that  ?   these days? One way to test this would be for a person to journey  ?   the US without any money, just  ?   on the good will of others. What would happen? Would he find food, shelter and support?

?? The idea intrigued (激起兴趣) me.

?? The week I  ?   37, I realized that I had never done something truly crazy.  ?   I decided to really do it: travel from the Pacific to the Atlantic without a penny. I would only accept  ?   of rides, food and places to sleep. For six weeks I hitched 82 rides and covered 4,223 miles across 14 states. I was treated kindly  ?   I went. I was  ?   by people’s readiness to help a stranger.

   ? In Oregon, a house painter named Mike  ?   the cold weather and asked if I had a coat. I didn’t, so he gave me a big green army-style jacket. A lumber-mill worker in Michigan named Tim invited me to a  ?   dinner with his family in their shabby house. Then he offered me a tent. I refused, but Tim insisted, packing it into my bag himself. I found people were generally compassionate. Hearing I had no money and would take none, people bought me food or  ?   with them whatever they happened to have. Those who had the  ?   to give often gave the most.

?? I’m  ?   to all the people I met for their rides, their food, their shelter and their gifts. My faith in ordinary folks was  ? . I was proud to live in a country where people were still willing to help. In spite of everything, you can still depend on the  ?   of strangers.

1.A. thumb    ?? B. finger       ?????? C. foot         ????????? D. hand

2.A. that ????  ? B. where      ?????? C. which      ???????? D. when

3.A. in danger     B. in need      ????? C. in trouble   ??????? D. in favor

4.A. worrying   ? B. considering  ???? C. bringing     ??????? D. thinking

5.A. off          ?? B. on          ??????? C. away         ???????? D. from

6.A. interesting   B. possible     ????? C. necessary      ?????? D. important

7.A. across   ??? B. through     ????? C. in      ???????????? D. over

8.A. basing   ??? B. relying    ??????? C. insisting   ???????? D. relating

9.A. seemed   ?? B. got      ????????? C. became   ????????? D. turned

10.A. But        ?? B. So    ??????????? C. And   ???????????  D. Howeve

11.A. jobs   ????? B. supplies      ????? C. helps           ?????? D. offers

12.A. nowhere  ?? B. everywhere ????   C. anywhere  ??????  D. somewhere

13.A. frightened ?  B. annoyed   ?????? C. disappointed  ????? D. amazed

14.A. noted  ????  B. saw           ?????  C. felt           ?    ???? D. sensed

15.A. simple   ??? B. rich            ????? C. delicious  ????????  D. interesting

16.A. supplied ??  B. offered  ???????  C. shared    ?????????? D. provided

17.A. fewest  ???  B. most    ????????? C. least   ??????????? D. best

18.A. careful  ???  B. grateful   ?????? C. hopeful   ?????????? D. helpful

19.A. created   ??? B. reminded   ????? C. renewed   ????????? D. returned

20.A. kindness ??  B. happiness      ??  C. fairness  ??????????  D. brightness

























1.固定搭配。Hold one’s thumb out请求搭便车;本句表示作者在沙漠里遇见一个要搭便车的人,但是作者没有停下了帮助对方,事后感觉很后悔。引起了人性中是否还有善良的思考。

2.D 语法分析。本题是一个定语从句,先行词是a time,后面定语从句结构很完整,所以使用关系副词来引导这个定语从句。有一段时间你会被那些需要帮助的人称为混蛋。

3.B 介词辨析。A处于危险中;B需要帮助;C处于困境;D赞成;本句是指那些需要帮助的人会咒骂那些不愿意提供帮助的人。

4.D 动词辨析。A担忧;B考虑;C带来;D思考;几天以后我仍然在思考那个搭便车的人,在想自己为什么没有停车去帮助他。

5.A 介词辨析。Off离开,lift off离开,表示作者一直都没有把脚从加速踏板上拿掉,说明作者没有停车。



8.B 动词辨析。Base on为基础;rely on依靠;insist on坚持;turn on打开;最好的测试人们之间是否有善良最好的方法就是不带钱横穿美国,完全依靠别人的好意。

9.D 系动词辨析。本句考察的是系动词turn的用法,turn接数字表示年龄的变化。这个星期我37岁了,因为一直没有做真正疯狂的事情,所以决定去尝试这样的事情。

10.B 连词辨析。因我一直都没有做一件真正疯狂的事情,所以我决定这次要这样做,上下文存在因果关系。

11.D 名词辨析。A工作;B供应;C帮助;D提供的东西;本句是指我一分钱都没有带,只是接受别人给我


12.B 副词辨析。A没有地方;B所有地方;C任何地方;D某地;在我去的所有地方,我都被很好的接待了。

13.D 形容词辨析。A害怕的;B恼怒的;C失望的;D惊讶的;对于人们帮助别人的善良,我感觉很惊讶。因为之前我曾经认为这个世界上已经没有善良了。

14.A 动词辨析。A注意到;B看见;C感到;D感觉;在俄勒冈有一个人注意到天气很冷,就问我是否有外套。他就给了我一件军用的夹克衫。

15.A 形容词辨析。A简单的;B丰富的;C美味的;D有趣的;根据本句最后in their shabby house可知他的家庭情况并不好,所以饭菜应该是很简单的。

16.C 动词辨析。A/B提供;C分享;D提供;听说我没有钱,人们给我买了食物并和我分享身边所拥有的一切东西。说明人们还是很善良的。

17.C 词义辨析。A最少的;B最多的;C最少的;D最好的;A项通常修饰可数名词,本句强调的是可数名词。指那些拥有的东西最少的人往往是给我最多东西的人。

18.B 形容词辨析。A细心的;B感激的;C有希望的;D有帮助的;对于在旅行中我所遇见的所有人我都心怀感激,感激他们给我提供的一切。

19.C 动词辨析。A创造;B提醒;C更新;D归还,返回;我对于普通人身上的信念被更新了,我很自豪生活在这样的一个人们愿意提供帮助的国家里。

20.A 名词辨析。A善良;B幸福,开心;C公平;D光明;虽然有很多不好的事情,但是你仍然可以相信那些陌生人的善良。



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

— How do you ______himself now you're retired?

— I intend to ____ golf to spend the rest of my life.

A. occupy; get into       B .associate; make up   

C. charge; get down to    D. devote; take up


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Suppose you work in a big firm and find English very important for your job because you often deal with foreign businessmen. Now you’re looking for a place where you can improve your English, especially spoken English.

Here are some ads about English language training from newspapers. You may find the information you need.

Global English Center

﹡General English in all four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.

﹡3-month (700yuan), 6-month (1,200yuan) and one year (2,000yuan) courses.

﹡Choice of morning or evening classes, 3 hours per day, Mon.---Fri.

﹡Experienced college English teachers.

﹡close to city center and bus stop.

Tel: 67605272     Add: 105 Zhongshan Road, 100082

Modern Language School

﹡Special courses in English for business, travel, banking, hotel management and office skills.

﹡Small classes (12-16 students) on Sat. & Sun. from 2:00p.m.---5:00p.m.

﹡Native English teachers from Canada and USA.

﹡Language lab and computer supplies.

﹡3-month course: 1,050 yuan.

﹡6-month course: 1,850 yuan.

Write or phone: Modern Language School, 675 Park Road, 100056

Tel: 67353019

The 21st Century English Training Center

﹡We specialize (专门研究) in effective teaching at all levels.

﹡We offer morning or afternoon classes, both of which last three months and a half at a cost of 800 yuan.

﹡We also have a six-week TOEFL preparation class during winter and summer holiday.

﹡Entrance exams: June 1 and December 1.

﹡Only 15-minute walk from city center.

Call 67801642 for more information.

The International House of English

﹡Three/ Six-month English courses for students of all levels at a very low cost: 60 yuan for 12 hours per week; convenient class hours: 9:00a.m. –12:00a.m. and 2:00p.m.—5:00p.m.

﹡A four-month evening programme for developing speaking skills (same cost as day classes).

﹡Well-trained Chinese and foreign teachers experienced in teaching English as a second/ foreign language.

﹡Free sightseeing and social activities.

For further information call 57432308.

You work from 9:00a.m. to 4:30p.m. every day. Which school will you choose?

A. Global English Center and Modern Languange School.

B. Global English Center and the International House.

C. Modern Languange School and the 21st Century.

D. The 21st Century and the International House.

The 21st Century’s difference from the other three schools is that ________ .

A. its teaching quality is better

B. it is nearest to the city center

C. its courses are more advanced

D. it requires an entrance examination

You will probably prefer to go to the International House because it ________ .

A. offers sightseeing and social activities

B. has a special course in spoken English

C. costs less than the other schools

D. has native English teachers

Modern Language School runs only _______ .

A. big classes     B. special classes     C. normal classes     D. small classes


科目:高中英语 来源:重庆第三十七中学校2009-2010学年度高二下学期期中考试(英语) 题型:完型填空

Man-made Causes
Man-made causes probably do the most damage. There are many man-made causes.  21  is one of the biggest man-made problems. Pollution  22  in many shapes and sizes. Burning fossil fuels is one thing that causes pollution. Fossil(化石) fuels(燃料)are fuels made of organic matter such as coal, or oil. when fossil fuels are burned they  23  a green house gas called CO2. Also mining coal and oil allows methane to escape. How does it escape? Methane(甲烷)is  24  in the ground.  25  coal or oil is mined you have to dig up the earth a little. When you dig up the fossil fuels you dig up the methane as well.
Another major man-made  26  of Global Warming is population. More people  27  more food, and more methods of transportation, right? That means more methane because  28  will be more burning of fossil fuels, ­ 29  more agriculture. Now you’re probably thinking, “Wait a minute, you said agriculture is going to be damaged by Global Warming, but  30  you’re saying agriculture is going to help cause Global Warming?” Well, have you  31 been in a barn filled with animals and you smell something  32 ? You re  33  methane. Another source of methane is manure. Because more food is needed we have to raise food. Animals like cows are a source of food which means more manure and methane. Another problem  34  the increasing population is  35 . More people means more cars, and more cares means more pollution. Also, many people have more than one car.
Since CO2 contributes to global warming, the increase in population makes the problem worse because we breathe out CO2.  36 , the trees that change our CO2 to oxygen are being demolished because we’re using the land that we cut the trees down from as property  37 our homes and buildings. We are not replacing the trees(an important part of our ecosystem), so we are  38  taking  39  of our natural resources and giving nothing back in  40 .
21.A.Pollution            B.Damage               C.Fossil           D.Transportation
22.A.goes                   B.comes                 C.takes            D.moves
23.A.give off                    B.look out               C.burn away     D.take in
24.A.originally           B.mostly                 C.naturally       D.usually
25.A.Because             B.When                  C.While           D.But
26.A.reason                B.excuse                 C.cause            D.problem
27.A.eats                    B.takes                   C.produces       D.means
28.A.it                        B.there                   C.that               D.they
29.A.and                           B.or                        C.though         D.but
30.A.then                   B.there                   C.before          D.now
31.A.ever                   B.yet                      C.still               D.even
32.A.Pleasant             B.terrible                C.sweet           D.nice
33.A.feeling               B.using                   C.looking        D.smelling
34.A.of                       B.as                        C.with                    D.for
35.A.pollution            B.population          C.warming             D.transportation
36.A.Also                   B.However             C.Therefore      D.Thus
37.A.as                       B.for                       C.like               D.to
38.A.quickly               B.constantly           C.surely           D.usually
39.A.use                      B.part                      C.hold                    D.advantage
40.A.return                 B.turn                      C.general         D.total


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年黑龙江哈尔滨市高三第五次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

The professor’s house, big and untidy, stood alone at one end of a huge garden. The place was totally uncared for, quite __36__ and overgrown with all sorts of useless things. I __37__ my way through bushes and tall weeds to the front door and rang the bell.

I was glad that I found him. In twenty minutes he put me right on all the __38__ that had puzzled me. I was on the __39__ of leaving when I looked out of his study window and said, “You’re very fond of gardening, I see”

“No, I’m not,” he said. “__40__, I love this garden, though. It’s __41__ I always wanted it to be. I never touch it __42__ all.”

“It could be made lovely. It seems a pity to let all this ground go to __43__. But perhaps you don’t _ 44__ that way?” said I.

“I don’t. I lived here when I was a child, and I had   45  of gardening then. It was my father’s hobby, you see. Unfortunately, he wasn’t   46  _ enough to do it himself. My brother and I did all of it between us year after year. There was one right way and many wrong ways. Each blade (叶片) of grass was an enemy to be _ _47__ out by hand, not just cut off. I’ve spent a good part of life at work here.”

“I see. You took a dislike to it, and now you’re getting even!”

“I dislike it. Then, of course, I didn’t understand the effect it had. It used to __48__ me. It appeared in my __49__ ——— a mistake here, something not quite straight here, the enemy showing its head in a place I was __50__ to have cleaned. The work was too much. It seemed endless. The size of the place was itself a fight to a boy.”

“And now it’s yours, you’re just letting it go to ...”

“__51__?” he said. “No, I don’t agree with that. This garden and I are now the best friends. I like  _52__ it grow in its own way. I make no __53__ on it. I never disturb it, and it never disturbs me. It has _ 54__ at last, and so have I.”

“But the path is over grown. It’s __55__ for you, isn’t it?”

“That’s part of my pleasure,” he laughed. “You can go out the back way. The weeds are shorter there because they don’t get the sun.”                             

1.                A.wild           B.crazy           C.large D.nice


2.                A.lost            B.felt            C.made D.took


3.                A.gardening       B.problems       C.plants    D.solution


4.                A.time           B.request         C.permission    D.point


5.                A.Even so         B.So             C.As though D.Even if


6.                A.where         B.as             C.why D.whether


7.                A.after           B.of             C.at   D.in


8.                A.desert         B.trouble         C.garden   D.waste


9.                A.recognize       B.observe        C.know D.see


10.               A.much          B.enough         C.something D.nothing


11.               A.interested      B.excited         C.fit    D.demanding


12.               A.fought         B.ruled          C.rooted    D.cut


13.               A.worry          B.shock          C.astonish   D.disappoint


14.               A.life            B.dreams         C.house D.hands


15.               A.thought        B.expected       C.ordered   D.supposed


16.               A.Ruin           B.Develop        C.Grow D.Sell


17.               A.watching       B.attending       C.watering   D.noticing


18.               A.comments      B.difference      C.sense D.demands


19.               A.time           B.freedom        C.sunlight   D.space


20.               A.important       B.useless         C.inconvenient   D.previous




科目:高中英语 来源:云南省2010届高三冲刺卷三 题型:完型填空



Man-made Causes

Man-made causes probably do the most damage. There are many man-made causes.  21  is one of the biggest man-made problems. Pollution  22  in many shapes and sizes. Burning fossil fuels is one thing that causes pollution. Fossil(化石) fuels(燃料)are fuels made of organic matter such as coal, or oil. when fossil fuels are burned they  23  a green house gas called CO2. Also mining coal and oil allows methane to escape. How does it escape? Methane(甲烷)is  24  in the ground.  25  coal or oil is mined you have to dig up the earth a little. When you dig up the fossil fuels you dig up the methane as well.

Another major man-made  26  of Global Warming is population. More people  27  more food, and more methods of transportation, right? That means more methane because  28  will be more burning of fossil fuels, ­ 29  more agriculture. Now you’re probably thinking, “Wait a minute, you said agriculture is going to be damaged by Global Warming, but  30  you’re saying agriculture is going to help cause Global Warming?” Well, have you  31 been in a barn filled with animals and you smell something  32 ? You re  33  methane. Another source of methane is manure. Because more food is needed we have to raise food. Animals like cows are a source of food which means more manure and methane. Another problem  34  the increasing population is  35 . More people means more cars, and more cares means more pollution. Also, many people have more than one car.

Since CO2 contributes to global warming, the increase in population makes the problem worse because we breathe out CO2.  36 , the trees that change our CO2 to oxygen are being demolished because we’re using the land that we cut the trees down from as property  37 our homes and buildings. We are not replacing the trees(an important part of our ecosystem), so we are  38  taking  39  of our natural resources and giving nothing back in  40 .

21.A.Pollution  B.Damage  C.Fossil          D.Transportation

22.A.goes      B.comes     C.takes         D.moves

23.A.give off    B.look out  C.burn away     D.take in

24.A.originally  B.mostly    C.naturally      D.usually

25.A.Because    B.When     C.While          D.But

26.A.reason      B.excuse    C.cause         D.problem

27.A.eats       B.takes       C.produces      D.means

28.A.it          B.there       C.that          D.they

29.A.and       B.or       C.though         D.but

30.A.then      B.there       C.before         D.now

31.A.ever      B.yet     C.still          D.even

32.A.Pleasant    B.terrible   C.sweet         D.nice

33.A.feeling     B.using      C.looking        D.smelling

34.A.of         B.as       C.with         D.for

35.A.pollution  B.population      C.warming   D.transportation

36.A.Also      B.However C.Therefore     D.Thus

37.A.as         B.for     C.like          D.to

38.A.Quickly   B.constantly       C.surely       D.usually

39.A.use        B.part     C.hold         D.advantage

40.A.return       B.turn     C.general        D.Total


