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11.My dad always collected coins.He would walk to his long-time bankers and(41)Dthey put at least some new coins aside for him(42)Bcoins were issued.He gave them to every(43)Cmember.It gradually became a special family(44)Bto get coins from Dad.
When my dad died,I felt a sense of(45)D.My father and I had been so close.I was lost without his(46)Cand support.I wondered if I would (47)Afeel my dad around me again,watching over me.It was right after Hurricane Katrina.At the end of a motivational meeting,I felt so (48)Das I looked at these devoted volunteers.To my surprise,when I glanced at the (49)B,I saw a coin from the state where my dad was(50)C and raised.
Later,I went to the bank to (51)Ca check.The bank manager,who had known me,called me into her office,showing me the coins for all the states my dad had (52)B.
Ever since that time,I have always(53)Acoins at the most extraordinary times,when I needed support the most.(54)C,nowadays when I need emotional support during a tough time,a coin will always (55)Din a strange place.
Now every time a coin appears in our house,one of my(56)Csays,"Oh,it's Grandpa!"We all feel a sense of (57)Aevery time a single coin turns up in a (n) (58)A  place.We have all accepted it as a (59)Bof love,guidance and support from Dad-and(60)Bcoin makes us smile.

41.A.point outB.talk aboutC.look atD.make sure
55.A.break outB.end upC.fade awayD.show up

分析 文章讲述了爸爸是一个爱收集硬币的人,爸爸的爱好渐渐地感染了我,爸爸去世后,每当看到钱币后就会想起爸爸从而给予我克服困难的勇气.

41.D 考查动词短语.A.point out 指出; B.talk about 谈论;C.look at 看;D.make sure 确定.爸爸每次都 要去银行以确定那些银行工作人员为他保留了新发行的硬币,故选 D.
42.B 考查连词.A.because 因为;B.when 当时候;C.since 自从;D.until 直到.当发行硬币的时候,爸爸 让工作人员给他留着一些硬币,故选 B.
43.C考查名词A.club 俱乐部; B.bank 银行;C.family 家庭; D.team队.根据后句中的family可知,父亲把硬币送给家里的每个人,故选C.
44.B考查名词.A.principle 原则;B.tradition 传统;C.discovery发现; D.memory记忆.父亲把硬币送给家里每个人所以这成了家庭传统,故选B.
45.D考查名词.A.relief 如释重负;B.duty 职责;C.guilt 内疚;D.emptiness空虚.父亲去世了,作者感觉很空虚,故选D.
46.C考查名词.A.promise 承诺;B.belief信仰;C.guidance 指导;D.expectation期望.根据support可知,作者得到了父亲的很多支持和指导;故选C.
47.A 考查副词.A.ever 曾经;B.just 仅仅;C.already 已经;D.even 甚至.作者想自己是否曾经感觉到 父亲仍然在自己身边;故选A.
48.D 考查形容词.A.nervous 紧张的;B.anxious 焦虑的;C.disappointed 失望的;D.grateful 感激的.根 据后面的 devoted,可知作者会因为志愿者的敬业而感动.
49.B 考查名词.A.ceiling 天花板;B.floor 地板;C.playground 操场;D.wall 墙.硬币会出现在地板上,故选 B.
50.C 考查动词.A.played 玩;B.saved 挽救;C.born 出生;D.chosen 选择.根据 raised 可知,父亲是在 那个地方出生和长大成人,故选 C.
51.C 考查动词.A.write 写;B.post 邮寄;C.cash 兑换现金;D.print 印刷.作者到银行只能是去兑换支 票,其他不符合语境;故选C.
52.B 考查动词.A.shared 分享;B.ordered 订购;C.received 收到;D.sold 卖.根据上文可知父亲生前 在银行里订购了很多硬币,故选 B.
53.A 考查动词.A.found 发现;B.counted 数数;C.dropped 掉;D.collected 收集.根据语境可知作者会 发现一枚硬币,故选 A.
54.C 考查副词.A.Unluckily 不幸地; B.Gradually 逐渐地;C.Amazingly 令人惊讶地;D.Obviously 明显地.每次作者遇到困难的时候,就会有硬币出现,所以这让作者感觉很惊异;故选C.
55.D 考查动词短语.A.break out 爆发;B.end up 结束;C.fade away 消失;D.show up 出现.每次作者遇到困难的时候,就会有硬币出现,所以这让作者感觉很惊异;故选D.
56.C 考查名词.A.students 学生;B.colleagues 同事;C.kids 孩子;D.friends 朋友.根据"Oh,it's Grandpa!"可知,是作者的孩子们这样喊;故选C.
57.A 考查名词.A.comfort 安慰; B.achievement 成就; C.pride 骄傲;D.loss 失落.根据下文中的 love,guidance 等词可知,这种硬币的出现会让作者感觉到父亲的存在,会感到安慰;故选A.
58.A 连词形容词.A.unexpected 没意料到的;B.fixed 固定的;C.similar 类似的;D.distant 遥远的.由 语境可知这种硬币的出现在出人意料的地方会让作者感觉到父亲的存在,会感到安慰;故选A.
59.B 考查名词.A.support 支持; B.message 信息;C.result 结果;D.record 记录.根据文意我们都接 受了这是这是父亲传递的爱的信息,故选 B.
60.B 考查名词.根据上文可知作者认为出 现的硬币是父亲传递的爱的信息,所以每个硬币都会让他们微笑,故选 B.

点评 做完形填空首先要通读全文,了解大意,一篇完形填空的文章会有许多空格,所以,必须先通读一遍,才能大概了解文章内容,千万不要看一句,做一句.其次要逐句分析,前后一致,选择答案时,要考虑整个句子的内容,包括搭配、时态、语法等.这篇完型要多注意:填空时多联系上下文,注意固定搭配,答案全部填完后,再通读一遍文章,检查是否通顺流畅了,用词得当,意思正确.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.Every year the months from November to March are the best time to travel to the Antarctic.Tourism in Antarctica makes it easier for people to appreciate its beauty.But some worry that the increasing number of visitors could affect the environment despite the regulations of tourist companies.Do you support tourism in Antarctica?

29.Which is the best time if you set off to Antarctic?A
A.At Christmas.    
B.On Mid-Autumn Festival.
C.On May Day.
D.On Dragon Boat Festival.
30.Who have the same attitude according to the passage?C
A.Mike and David.    
B.Mary and Jenny.
C.David and Mary.
D.Jenny and David.
31.Which is not Mike's concern about travel to Antarctic?D
A.Health problems.    
B.Damage to the environment.
C.Money to be spent.    
D.Scientific research.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.2014saw that the Ebola virus reappeared in Guinea and soon spread into neighbouring Liberia and Sierra Leone,killing over 7,800people by the new year of 2015.It leads to viral hemorrhagic fever,which is characterized by high fever and internal bleeding etc.
Ebola is named after the Ebola River,where it was first discovered in 1976.There are five different types of the Ebola virus,each named after where they first happened:Sudan,Ivory Coast,Reston,Bundibugyo,and Zaire.The deadliest of the five,Zaire,was responsible for the 2012out-break,and is believed to be attacking Guinea.
Ebola is naturally found in fruit bats,which pass on the virus to other animals by biting or sucking on their blood.Humans who are suffering from the Ebola infection might have touched the bodily fluids of the infected animals.Once infected,a human becomes a carrier of the deadly virus.
Unfortunately,there are no disease-specific treatments for Ebola.Health-care workers only supply the infected people with physiological saline(生理盐水)to keep them in good condition.Ebola can kill 90% of those infected,especially in underdeveloped societies like those in Africa.Since there have been many cases of nurses catching the disease from patients,they are forced to wear strict protective clothes,and in some cases,not even allowed to get close to the infected.The fact that there is no cure for the Ebola virus is what makes the outbreak a challenging one to control.
What's worse,since we live in an interconnected world,where the situation in one country can affect us all,the influences of Ebola are huge:damaging trade relations,affecting foreign visitors,and weakening entire countries.It is feared that the disease may spread throughout west African countries.For every country,a strong health system can decrease the risk of health attack and lessen the impact of Ebola.
63.What is the function of the first paragraph in the whole passage?A
A.To arouse the reader's concern.
B.To summarize the whole passage.
C.To give a detailed description of Ebola.
D.To introduce the theme of the whole passage.
64.What can we infer about the Ebola virus?C
A.It has caused a panic in many countries.
B.It is the most dangerous virus in the world.
C.A strong health system is important to fight against Ebola.
D.Anyone who was infected Ebola will die.
65.Paragraph 3mainly tells usB.
A.What the Ebola virus is              
B.How the Ebola virus spreads
C.How the Ebola virus is treated         
D.How the Ebola virus affects the life
66.Which of the following is true?A
A.There are no effective drugs to treat Ebola by far.
B.Ebola is now very common in Guinea.
C.Those with a fever must be infected by Ebola.
D.Females are easier to be infected by Ebola.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.Maintown Public Library
Job Application
Job Description
Thank you for your interest in the Part-Time Public Library Clerk position.The application contains personal information followed by a few short-answer questions; your answers to these questions will help us determine if you are a good candidate for the position of Public Library Clerk.
Job Duties
Answer readers'questions in person,by telephone and through e-mail
Organize and shelve books and media
Provide general research assistance
Collect fees,and issue overdue notices
Assist with children's programs
Applicant Information
Name:Rosa Chan
Current Address:1928W.Franklin Avenue,Maintown,WA 99571
High School: Maintown High School
Did you graduate?I will graduate in two years.
E-mail address:rchan@m*hs.edu
What days and hours (Monday through Saturday) are you able to work?
I am available Monday and Wednesday afternoons after 4:00P.M.and all day Saturday.
Personal Responses
1.Why do you want to work at the Maintown Public Library?
I consider myself a keen reader,a quality I feel a library clerk should possess.Although my reading preferences span a variety of genres,I consider mystery and science fiction among my favourites.Additionally,I volunteer in my school library as an assistant after school; therefore,I have experience using a library catalogue and check-out system,assisting others in researching topics through the Internet and shelving books.My school librarian,Mr.Morris,has trained me to process new books for delivery to the floor.I feel my experience would translate well to the public library system and ensure that the public library gains a valuable employee.
2.What do you enjoy about visiting the Maintown Public Library?
A library is a place of learning and reflection,so it should be comfortable and welcoming.From the large windows to the plush armchairs to the well-organized layout of the shelves and open spaces,the bright,cheerful atmosphere of our town's library makes me want to extend each of my visits.All my friends have Maintown Public Library cards.
3.How do you define good customer service?
Good customer service means customers leave the library feeling they have accomplished their initial goals for visiting the library that day.In order to assist in this endeavour,a library clerk should determine a customer's needs and make those needs a priority.Whether patrons have come to the library to browse for a book,or they are researching a topic through the Internet or other media,my job would be to assist them in their search.
4.A reader complains about the library services or products.How would you respond?
I would first apologize for any inconvenience,and then I would work to solve the problem.The key to solving problems is listening and asking questions.Using the knowledge I have gained through working in my school's library and any skills gained through work in the public library,I would work to handle the issue for the reader.If I am unsure of how to solve the problem,I would ask the librarian for help.Finding a solution to a reader's issue will help create a positive environment and ensure that every reader feels comfortable in asking staff for assistance.
Please review the following information and sign below.
I certify that I have answered and provided all information honestly and accurately,to the best of my knowledge,and I give my permission to the public library to contact my references.
Applicant's signature:Rosa Chan
36.The main idea of Rosa's answer to Question 1is thatD.
A.she likes assisting readers and finding solutions to issues.
B.she interacts well with others and can use the Internet.
C.she can use a library catalogue and shelve books.
D.she enjoys reading and has library experience.
37.How are Rosa's answers for Question 3and Question 4similar?C
A.Both show that satisfied library customers leave with their needs met.
B.Both show the importance of understanding various media in the library.
C.Both show the importance of customers asking library staff for assistance.
D.Both show that library clerks need to know how to deal with customer complaints.
38.Which detail proves Rosa is well qualified for this job?C
A.Rosa wants to create a positive environment for customers.
B.Rosa volunteered as a library assistant for two years.
C.Rosa enjoys the cheerful atmosphere at the library.
D.Rosa reads many different kinds of books.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6.They worked for two hours to rescue the man ____ was injured in the accident.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.Hard to believe that that something as simple as making a pizza can change a life.But that's exactly what's happening behind the walls of the Cook County Jail(监狱).
It's all part of a program called Recipe for Change.The man behind the program is well-known Chicago Chef(大厨) Bruno Abate.Besides running his own restaurant,Abate spends 5 days a week in jail teaching prisoners the art of pizza and change."The prisoners are human.They deserve a chance and they deserve to change their life,"Abate said.And that's one reason he started his Recipe for Change three years ago.
And in the Cook County Jail,help comes in the from of pizza.Chef Abate and his team donate their time to teach prisoners how to cook the pies.Those pizzas are then sold to other prisoners in the jail.There are six to choose from,all costing 5 to 7 dollars.It is a big win for prisoners like Sterling,who has dreams of opening his own restaurant."I want to start my own restaurant and maybe hire some of these guys to help me out,"Sterling said.And that's what this is really about,giving prisoners the skills needed to land a job once they get out.
Like Sterling,Karim also has dreams of running a restaurant."Growing up I really didn't have a father figure growing up.But Abate always talked about change and mistakes.When you fall,there is nothing but up."Karim said.
And helping those who fall get back up is a task that Chef Abate hopes everyone will support."All the restaurant in Chicage,supermarkets,if you need some people,I can teach them for you.Let me know what you need.Here we are."Abate said.
22.Abate started Recipe for change toD.
A.make himself well-known
B.sell his pizza to the prisoners
C.earn more money for the prison
D.give prisoners a chance to change
23.The underlined"these guys"in paragraph 3 probably refers toB.
A.chefs like Abate
B.the fellow prisoners
C.workers in the prison
D.Abate's team members
24.From the last two paragraph we learn AbateC.
A.once made mistakes himself
B.is looking for a new business partner
C.wants more people to help those who fall
D.intends to open more restaurants in Chicage
25.Which of the following might be the best title for the text?C
A.Life in the Cook County Jail
B.A Well-known Chicago Chef
C.Pizza Changing Prisoners'Life
D.Dreams of Running a Restauran.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配

3.While happiness does not happen by chance,you don't need to change our entire life to find it.Start your journey to a happier you by developing these easy habits.
Work Out Often
Staying active can make you feel more enthusiasm for daily activities.So hit the gym or take up a sport that suits you best.Working out does you more good than burning off calories and strengthening your muscles.(36)CThat's why healthy people are generally 20% happier than unhealthy people.
(37)AUsing your skills to assist the less fortunate can boost your happiness.After all,it is joyful to bring some life and light back into someone's life.You can start small,like preparing a meal for your elderly neighbor.
Enjoy Friendship
Everyone can find himself stuck in trouble now and then.Enjoy an evening talking about your lives with your friends.Often they know you well enough to give you sound advice.(38)D
Plan Your Day
Having a set schedule can reduce stress throughout your day.Plan each day's work before stepping into the office.(39)GStaying organized by planning ahead can help you enjoy each moment.
Turn Off the TV
Turning on the TV for"noise"or relaxation can actually be harmful to your health and your happiness.Don't turn on the TV while you're cooking or doing the housework.Try turning on some soft music to relax.Turn off the TV and give yourself some reflective (沉思) time to read a book or play a game with your family.(40)E
A.Lending a helping hand proves to be a reward in itself.
B.You are only one step away from achieving more happiness.
C.It also brings about a feel-good reaction that promotes happiness.
D.Take it and switch the conversation to something more lighthearted.
E.These activities deserve your focus and will reduce your stress levels.
F.Regular exercise helps you keep a better figure and makes you stronger
G.Spare a few minutes each evening to ready items you need for the next day.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配

20.A.What accounts for this culture of generosity?
B.This belief is central to the national character.
C.How can a sense of generosity be cultivated?
D.Americans'generosity is rooted in selfless behavior.
E.America's philanthropic nature is not restricted to the rich.
F.The formal practice of philanthropy traces its origin to a Founding Father.

Charity-Humanity's most kind and generous desire-is a timeless and borderless virtue,dating at least to the dawn of religious teaching.Philanthropy(慈善行为)as we understand it today,however,is a distinctly American phenomenon,inseparable from the nation that shaped it.From colonial leaders to modern billionaires like Buffett,Gates and Zuckerberg,the tradition of giving is woven into the national DNA.
(67)F Benjamin Franklin,an icon of individual industry and frugality(节俭)even in his own day,understood that with the privilege of doing well came the price of doing good.When he died in 1790,Franklin thought to future generations,leaving in trust two gifts of 1,000l b.of sterling silver-one to the city of Boston,the other to Philadelphia.According to his instruction,a portion of the money could not be used for 200 years.
While Franklin's gifts lay in wait,the tradition he established evolved alongside the young nation.(68)E Often far less famed me.n and women have played a critical role in philanthropy's evolution.One of my personal heroes is Julius Rosenwald,who helped construct more than 5,300schools across the segregated(种族隔离)South and opened classroom doors to a generation of African-American students.
(69)A The answer is not just to benefit others.Tax reduction,for one,encourages the rich people to give.And philanthropy has long helped improve the public image of everyone from immoral capitalists to the new tech elite.More troubling,however,are the foundational problems that make philanthropy so necessary.Just before his death,Dr.Martin Luther King Jr,wrote,"Philanthropy is praise-worthy,but it must not cause the philanthropist to overlook the circumstances of economic injustice which make philanthropy necessary."
Franklin's gifts represent a broader principle.We are guardians of a public trust,even if our capital came from private enterprise,and our most important obligation is ensuring that the system works more equally an more justly for more people.(70)B America's greatest strength is not the fact of perfection,but rather the act of perfecting.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

3.Boxing is a popular sport that many people seem to be fascinated by.Newspapers,magazines and sports programmes on TV frequently (41)Bboxing matches.Professional boxers earn a lot of money,and successful boxers are (42)Das big heroes.
It seems to me that people,especially men,find it(43)Abecause it is an aggressive sport.When they watch a boxing match,they can(44)C the winning boxer,and this gives them the feeling of being a (45)A themselves.It is a fact that many people have feeling of aggression from time to time,but they cannot show their(46)Bin their everyday lives.Watching a boxing match gives them an outlet for this aggression.
However,there is a(47)Dside to boxing.It can be a very dangerous sport.Although boxers wear gloves during the fights,and amateur boxers(48)Chave to wear helmets,there have frequently been accident in both professional and amateur boxing,sometimes with (49)Aconsequences.Boxers have suffered from head injuries,and occasionally,fighters have even been killed as a result of being knocked out in the(50)B.Furthermore,studies have shown that there are often long-term effects of boxing,in the form of serious brain(51)C,even if a boxer has never been knocked out.
I am personally not at all in(52)Aof aggressive sports like boxing.I think it would be better if less time was(53)Cto aggressive sports on TV,and we welcomed more men and women from non-aggressive sports as our heroes and heroines in our society.I believe that the world is aggressive enough already!Of course,people like (54)Asports,and so do I,but I think that(55)Dother people in an aggressive way is not something that should be regarded as a sport.
44.A.pick upB.believe inC.identify withD.long for

