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  A Thousand Splendid Suns,1. (write) by Khaled Hosseini,shows the influence that Afghanistan’s violent history has had on individuals ,2. (especial) its women.

   Hosseini describes the 3. (life) of Laila and Mariam,and their struggle against society and the Taliban .They are both married to a shoemaker,Rasheed,4. is constantly abusing them. Initially,Mariam,Rasheed's first wife,doesnt like Laila,but she soon realizes 5. she is in desperate need of a friend.

   Khaled Hosseinis purpose is 6.(show) the hardships of women in Afghanistan and all they must stand in the household as well as society. The constant fear of a bomb 7.

(hit) a house appears frequently in the story,making 8. all the more heart-breaking.

   A Thousand Splendid Suns is a remarkable story of two women in a society that is 9.(willing) to see Mariam and Laila as equals. Not only 10. Hosseini tell a story of women trying to survive,but he gives the reader knowledge of a lifestyle that is foreign.I’ m happy to recommend the book to you.

1. written。考查过去分词作定语的用法。设空处作后置定语,write与A Thousand Splendid Suns之间是逻辑 上的动宾关系,且write所表示的动作己完成,故填written。

2. especially。考查副词。设空处意为 “尤其”,故填especially。

3. lives。考查名词。由 Laila and Mariam可知/设空处应填life的复数 形式lives。

4. who。考查关系词。设空处引导非 限制性定语从句修饰Rasheed ,且在 从句中作主语,故填who。

5. that。考查连接词。设空处引导宾语 从句且从句意义及成分均完整,故填 that。

6. to show。考查不定式作表语的用 法。设空处表目的,故填to show。

7. hitting。考查动词-ing形式作定语的 用法。

bomb与hit之间是逻辑上的 主谓关系,且hit表示的是正在进行 的动作,故填hitting。

8. it。考查代词。设空处指代the story ,故填 it。

9. unwilling。考查形容词作表语的用 法。由文中的 struggle,hardships 等 可知,那是一个不愿意平等对待 Mariam和Laila的社会,故填 unwilling .

10. does。not only位于句首时,其后的句子要部分倒装,且此处应用一般 现在时,故填does。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高三新课标 > 第41期 2015-2016高三课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Whatever we do,let's not forget the burbot (江鲟) , a dark,mysterious,unusual creature which lives down deep in the bottom of deep lakes.

   The fish is “fat looking and a little bit soft”. With large flat heads,small eyes,downtumed mouths full of sharp teeth,they are not exactly pretty. They are also extremely slimy(粘糊糊的) and under the chin is a single long,fleshy barbel(鱼的触须) ,

giving the impression of a goatee(山羊胡子). These characteristics are important. Their teeth are essential for catching a huge variety of food. “They’ re a very greedy animal,says Steve Simpson,marine biologist and lover of burbot at Exeter University. “There are reports of them eating birds,eating snakes,eating frogs 一 they really will eat anything they can get.”

   Once upon a time,they were ice-age fish that once swam freely in a cold world,until the ice moved away 10,000 years ago leaving small populations throughout the northern hemisphere including eastern England. For several months a year burbot can be trapped under ice 一 they need cold temperatures to lay eggs and all that unpleasant thick ice provides excellent protection.

   Although still present throughout the rest of Europe and North America,the only burbot in England today can be found in the rooms of the Natural History Museum in London, preserved in jars. The Angling Times offered a reward of £100 to anyone who found one in the UK,but that money lies unclaimed.

   When it comes to animals threatened with extinction,the cute and soft ones tend to get the most attention. But what about the unattractive ones that go unnoticed when their numbers start to become gradually smaller and smaller? Someone has got to speak up for the burbot.

5. Which of the following best describes burbot's appearance?

   A. Bony. B. Ugly.

   C. Small. D. Attractive.

6. The burbot .

   A. eats a lot

   B. is a light eater

   C. is a picky eater

   D. eats many kinds of food

7. For what purpose do burbot stay under ice?

   A. To go to sleep. B. To meet friends.

   C. To produce eggs. D. To look for food.

8. What does the underlined part “that money lies unclaimed” mean?

   A. A reward of £100 is not appealing at all.

   B. The English don't care much about money.

   C. The burbot only lives in the bottom of lakes.

   D. The burbot has disappeared in British waters.

9. What is the author's attitude towards the burbot?

   A. Worried. B. Critical.

   C. Crazy. D. Proud.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  If you are a do-it-yourself type of person,then learning how to build a greenhouse will provide you with a lot of satisfaction. You might want to build a greenhouse in order to protect your plants during the time the weather is extremely cold,or you may simply want to get an early start for the spring. 1 

   The first thing you need to do is check your local laws. Do you need to get a building permit? Do you have to have your greenhouse plans first approved before you start building? 2 

   Once you decide to build your greenhouse,you will need to determine what materials to purchase. Usually the greenhouse covering is constructed from polycarbonate(聚碳酸酯) ,glass,plastic,or fiberglass. 3 The frame will usually be made from wood or plastic piping.

   Usually a larger greenhouse is called a hothouse or glasshouse. A smaller unit is referred to as a cold frame. 4 At the same time,you have to consider the budget you have available for materials,tools,and so forth.

   Whatever you do,it is wise to have some kind :of understanding of how to build a greenhouse before you begin. 5 You can also check out a how-to book from your local library or bookstore. However,if you are not certain about how to do it,then you might want to buy a greenhouse kit(成套工具) .Inside the kit you will find all of the parts you need and the directions on how to fix them together.

   A. Use recycled materials.

   B. Greenhouse plans can be found online easily.

   C. A greenhouse project is very different from normal gardening.

   D. These materials allow the sunlight to shine through.your greenhouse.

   E. Be aware of all of these requirements,or you may experience a sad ending.

   F. You should build your greenhouse based on the amount of space you have available.

   G. Whatever reasons you have,knowing the basic steps of building a greenhouse counts.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   When nine-year-old Buddy awakened on that Saturday before dawn,there was almost two feet of snow on the ground. However,he wasn't about to let a little 1  weather keep him from a most important job. Buddy had just become an altar boy(祭坛侍者) , and had been 2 to get to the church before 6 a.m.

   When Buddy came downstairs,his mother had just 3  . “The roads haven’t been 4,honey ,” she said,looking out at the 5 deserted street. “I can't drive you to church — we’d get 6 . Maybe you’d better stay home."

   “No,Mom." Buddy was 7 . After all,a promise was a promise. “I can 8 , honest. It’ 11 be fun."

   Buddy's mother looked 9 . It was almost two miles to church. But,their little town was 10 and safe. What harm could possibly come to her 11 ? And she was proud that he took his 12 so seriously. “Well...” she smiled. “Be sure to put on 13 clothes."

    At first,since his route was downhill,breaking a path through the new snow was 14 . It seemed like a winter wonderland (仙境)all quiet and clean. But as Buddy 15 walking,the drifts (雪堆) seemed higher and higher. His legs began to 16 . He hoped to reach the church so someone there would help him 17 ,and sit him near a heater to warm his quickly-freezing fingers and toes.

   18,Buddy came to the front of the church. He found that the snow on the church stairs was 19 undisturbed. He was the first one there. Although he was extremely 20 and his legs shook from pushing through the drifts,he felt proud of himself.

1. A. changeable   B. bad   C. uncertain   D. wet

2. A. asked   B. encouraged   C. advised   D. taught

3. A. called back   B. settled down   C. given in   D. got up

4. A. built   B. repaired   C. widened   D. cleared

5. A. dirty   B. crowded   C. dark   D. strange

6. A. stuck   B. cold   C. weak   D. lost

7. A. excited   B. firm   C. nervous   D. surprised

8. A. drive   B. stay   C. walk   D. wait

9. A. frightened   B. curious   C. doubtful   D. painful

10. A. beautiful   B. peaceful   C. clean   D. quiet

11. A. son   B. family   C. daughter   D. friend

12. A. honor   B. responsibilities   C. interest   D. chances

13. A. pretty   B. comfortable   C. warm   D. special'

14. A. difficult   B. easy   C. boring   D. fun

15. A. kept   B. stopped   C. enjoyed   D. hated

16. A. move   B. bend   C. work   D. ache

17. A. around   B. away   C. in   D. on

18. A. Immediately   B. Gradually   C. Finally   D. Suddenly

19. A. roughly   B. completely   C. usually   D. naturally

20. A. tired   B. afraid   C. patient   D. careful


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

     For Barack Obama,public service has been the cause of his life. Obama began his career by moving to the South Side of Chicago to direct the Developing Communities Project,an organisation 1.(form) to improve living conditions in poor neighborhoods. After graduating from law school,Obama passed up law firm jobs to head Project Vote,2. helped register 150,000 new African-American voters in Chicago,the 3.(high) number ever registered in a single local effort. Michelle Obama was in charge of Public Allies Chicago,a leadership development program that prepares talented young adults for careers 4.(serve) the public good. Barack Obama believes public service helps both the individuals that serve 5. the communities that benefit.

     Barack Obama calls his years working as a  community organiser in Chicago,s South Side the best education he ever 6. (have) . He believes that all students should serve 7.(they) communities. Studies show that students who participate 8. service-learning programs do better in school,are more likely to graduate from high school and go to college,and are more likely to become active 9. (citizen) . Schools that require service as part of the 10. (education) experience create improved learning environments ;and serve as resources for their communities.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Yoga is a kind of sport that is very popular around the world now. Everyone,1. young or old,men or women,can do yoga. It’s 2.(benefit) to people's health,both physically and 3. (mental) .

   Why do people like yoga? There's a short answer and a long aliswer to that question. The short answer is 4. yoga helps you feel better and makes you healthier in body,mind and spirit. If you are interested,read on.

   Yoga began in India about 5 ,000 years ago. At that time,people wanted to be free,healthy and live 5. long life,so this kind of exercise was bom. The early yoga was part of a religion. Usually yoga 6. (teach) one to one then 一 one teacher with one student. Yoga is an Indian word 7. (mean) “to join together”. There are three parts of yoga altogether: exercise,breathing and meditation(冥想). In the past,more attention was paid 8. the spirit. The idea behind the exercise was to unite the mind,body and spirit. Yoga can help you feel 9. (relax) and have fewer worries and 10. (ill) .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   When Pheidippides left school,he was proud 1. (serve) in the Athenian army. A famous battle was fought on the plain of Marathon. Finally their enemy knew 2. their arrows were not strong enough and they ran back to their ships. The Greeks won 3. battle.

   The soldiers were very happy,and they wanted to tell their people about the battle. 4.(sudden) Pheidippides decided that he must carry the good news to the people in Athens. So he 5.(start) running towards the city.

   He seemed to have wings on his feet. He was running 6. (fast) than ever before in his life.He never stopped to think about the distance to Athens,7. was over 20 miles away from Marathon. The brave soldier didnt stop 8.(run) until he reached the market place in Athens.9. his last breath he shouted,uThe battle is over and Greece is safe!” and he fell dead.

   Pheidippides had run the longest race and he became a Greek hero. Even today,the longest distance run in the Olympic Games 10.(call) the Marathon.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   假定你是李华。某英文报社正在就选择大学 专业时兴趣和就业前景(prospect) 哪个更重要的问 题对高三学生进行调查。以下是你所在班级同学 的观点。请你给该报编辑写一封信,反映同学们的 观点并表达你的看法。


支持就业前景的 理由


1.大学会过得快 乐

2. 热爱未来的工 作


2. 选择一份好工 作很重要


注意:1. 词数100左右;

    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

    3. 开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词 数。

Dear Editor,

  Recently a survey has been carried out on which is more important in choosing a major in college:  interest or job prospect.                                                                                                                                                  

  I hope you find my article useful.

                                                    Yours faithfully,

                                                             Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. Wendy's success has nothing to do with good luck.     (是多年的努力工作) that has made her what she is today.

