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In 1982, 61. the first CDs(compact discs) produced by using digital technology were made available. In 1986, when the D-50, a portable player, was launched, the Discman was born. In the following years, 62. 更多的CD唱片出现了, and in 1988, for the first time ever, people were demanding more CDs than LPs.

The next new development was the MD (MiniDisc) player in 1992. 63. 这种播放机就像一个微型的CD播放机,but can also record music and is very easy to carry, being very small, as the name “mini” indicates.

64. Development of MP3 technology started in 1987 in Germany and since the beginning of 1999, the popularity of MP3 has increased to such a degree that major corporations are taking over the portable music player market with MP3 players. They are the next step on from the Walkman, Discman and MD player. Because of the popularity of MP3 players, 65. music websites have sprung up all over the Internet offering MP3 music for people to purchase.

61. _____________________________________________________

62. _____________________________________________________

63. _____________________________________________________

64. _____________________________________________________

65. _____________________________________________________

61. 运用数字技术生产的第一批CD—激光唱片出现了。

62. more CD recordings became available

63. This is like a mini CD player

64. 德国于1987年开始研发MP3技术

65. 在互联网上如雨后春笋般出现了许多提供MP3音乐供人们选购的音乐网站。


科目:高中英语 来源:湖南省20092010学年度高一下学期期末考试试卷(英语) 题型:其他题



AT a pet shop, a woman tells the shopkeeper what she wants. After thinking for a moment, he says: 61  "I've got just the thing for you, madam. I'll go get him."

A few seconds later, he returns with a lovely little puppy. "This is a special dog," he tells her. "He can fly." He throws the dog into the air. The puppy begins to float (浮动) beautifully around the shop.

"There is one problem with him, madam. 62        Whenever you say ''my'', he'll eat whatever you've mentioned. Watch. ''My apple''!" The lady watches in surprise as the dog flies over to the shopkeeper and finishes the apple like a horse.

"He's cute, and so unusual. I'll take him," she says, and a few minutes later 63 她和这条小狗已经在回家的路上了.

"Darling, look,64 我今天买了一条多么可爱的小狗啊!“ she says to her husband when she gets back home. "He can fly!"

The husband takes a look at the dog, and then says: "Fly eh? Ha! My foot!"



科目:高中英语 来源:湖南省20092010学年高一下学期期末考试试题(英语) 题型:其他题

SECTION B (10 points )

Directions: Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage and the required words limit. Write your answers on your answer sheet.



81. 有400种不同类型的鲨鱼,but only about 30 types have ever been reported as attacking human beings. Most people know that the most dangerous shark is the great white shark, mainly because they seen the movie “Jaws”. 82. However, there are still two other sharks which are dangerous. The chances of being attacked by a shark are very small compared to other dangers. The low number of attacks that happen every year proves that sharks don’t feed on the humans if they have the choice.

83. Your chances of being attacked by a shark can be reduced if you follow the advice below.

●Don’t swim in the dark. 84. 鲨鱼仍然看得见你,但你却看不到它。

●Don’t swim if you are cut or if you have a fresh wound.

●Try and stay in groups.

●85. Don’t wear bright clothing or jewellery because sharks are attracted to colors.


82. ____________________________________________________________________________                                                                       

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84. ____________________________________________________________________________                                                                      

85. ____________________________________________________________________________                                                                       



科目:高中英语 来源:湖南省业水平考试模拟试卷(1) 题型:其他题

第四部分写作技能 (共两节,满分25分)



61. 有400种不同类型的鲨鱼,but only about 30 types have ever been reported as attacking human beings. Most people know that the most dangerous shark is the great white shark, mainly because they seen the movie “Jaws”. 62. However, there are still two other sharks which are dangerous. The chances of being attacked by a shark are very small compared to other dangers. The low number of attacks that happen every year proves that sharks don’t feed on the humans if they have the choice.

63. Your chances of being attacked by a shark can be reduced if you follow the advice below.

●Don’t swim in the dark. 64. 鲨鱼仍然看得见你,但你却看不到它。

●Don’t swim if you are cut or if you have a fresh wound.

●Try and stay in groups.

●65. Don’t wear bright clothing or jewellery because sharks are attracted to colors.



科目:高中英语 来源:2010年湖南省高二水平考试三模英语试卷 题型:其他题



Good evening. Today Mr. Johnson, a member of the International Olympic Committee visited a high school in Beijing.61. 在演讲时,他描述了古代奥运会 and gave examples of some of the sports that still continue today. Athletes at the ancient games could only be men who spoke Greek, 62. 但是如今全世界各地的男女选手都能参加比赛了。The modern games, first held in 1896, were designed to make it possible for countries and people to live peacefully together. 63. 约翰逊先生还谈到一些著名的运动员 who have made Olympic history. He stated that Olympians had brought joy to people across the world with their attempts to push the limits of human achievements. 64. One example is Michael Jordan who won his second Olympic gold medal after a long break. Mr. Johnson also mentioned Deng Yaping, 65. She won many gold medals as an Olympian before retiring.

Mr. Johnson ended his speech by wishing the Olympic movement a successful future to match its golorious past. The audience really enjoyed his speech.


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