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【题目】Now one knows 1(exact) how many disabled people there are in the world, but estimates suggest2 figure is over 450 million. The number of disabled people in India alone is probable larger than the total population of Canada.

In the United Kingdom, about one 3ten people have some disability. Disability is not just something that happens to other people; as we get older, many of us will become less mobile, hard to hear or have4 (fail) eyesight.

Disablement can take many forms and occur at any time of life. Some people are born with disabilities. Many others become disabled as they get older. There are many progressive(逐渐的)disabling 5(disease). The longer time goes on, the 6(bad) they become.

Disabled people face many physical barriers. But there are other barriers: prejudice can be even harder 7 (break) down and ignorance represents the greatest barrier of all. It is almost 8 (possible) for the able-bodied to fully appreciate 9the severely disabled go though. So it is important to draw attention to these barriers and show that it 10(be) the individual person’s ability, not their disability, that counts.








7to break










6考查固定用法。The + 比较级,the + 比较级,越……,越……,是固定用法,所以填worse

7考查不定式。偏见很难被打破。这里不定式作结果状语,所以填to break


9考查宾语从句。___9___the severely disabled go though.是一个宾语从句,引导词在从句中作宾语,所以填what

10考查强调句。it ___10___(be) the individual person’s ability, not their disability, that counts.是一个强调句,强调句的基本结构是it is/ was + 被强调部分+ that + 句子其他成分,所以填is。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】A man walked into a bank in New York and asked for the loan(借贷)officer.He said he was going to Europe 1 business for two weeks and needed to borrow $5,000.The bank officer said the bank would need some kind of 2 (secure) for such a loan.So the man 3 (hand) over the keys to a Rolls Royce parked on the street in front of the bank.Everything checked out,and the bank agreed 4 (accept) the car as guarantee for the loan.An employee drove the Rolls Royce into the bank’s underground garage and parked it there.

Two weeks 5 , the man returned,and repaid the$5,000 and the interest,which came to$15.41.

The loan officer said,“We are very happy to 6 (have) your business,and this business has worked out very 7 (nice),but we are a little puzzled.While you were away, we checked you out and found that you are a multimillionaire.8 puzzles us is why you would bother to borrow $5,000 ? ”

9 (1augh),the man replied,“10 else in New York can I park my car for two weeks for about$15 ? ”


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】For hundreds of years, people have been wondering about the strange places that they seem to visit in their sleep. 1 However, they have been valued as necessary to a person's health and happiness. Historically people thought dreams contained messages from God. It was only in the twentieth century that people started to study dreams scientifically believing that they tell about a person’s character.2 He believed that dreams allow a person to express fantasies or fears, which would be socially unacceptable in real life.

The second theory to become popular was Carl Jung’s compensation theory Jung, a former student of Freud, said that the purpose of a dream is not to hide something, but rather to communicate it to the dreamer.3 Thus, people who think too highly of themselves may dream about falling; those who think too little of themselves dream of being heroes.

Using more recent research, William Domhoff from the University of California found that dreaming is a mental skill that needs time to develop in humans.4 Until they reach age five, they cannot express very well what their dreams are about. Once people become adults, there is little or no change in their dreams. The dreams of men and women differ. For instance, the characters that appear in the dreams of men are often other men, and often involve physical aggression.

The meaning of dreams continues to be difficult to understand. 5 If you dream that a loved one is going to die, do not panic The dream may have meaning, but it does not mean that your loved one is going to die.

A. Dreams make up for what is lacking in waking life.

B. However, people should not take their dreams as reality.

C. They have been considered as meaningless nighttime journeys.

D. It gives scientists chances to better understand human mind.

E. Children do not dream as much as adults.

F. They think their mind is trying to tell them something.

G. First, there was Sigmund Freud’s theory.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Beijing Opera roles require performers to paint ( they) faces in patterns and colours to suggest different character types and(quality).
In Beijing Opera, facial painting can be quite complex(复杂的). However, in the (begin), only three colours(use)-red, white and black. Now, many other colours, such yellow, purple, blue and green, are used for facial painting.
Red is a colour for(brave) and loyalty. Guan Yu, a general from the Three Kingdoms Period(AD 220-280) is a good example of this kind of character. He is famous being very loyal to his emperor, Liu bei.
White means allis bad in human nature. One of the typical white-faced characters is Cao Cao, a (power) and cruel prime minister from the Three Kingdoms Period.
Black face paint is (usual) used for someone who is fierce and violent. One typical example is General Zhang Fei from the classic novel, The Romance of the Three Kingdoms.
All these different colours are used in Beijing Opera facial painting to show a clear picture of each character.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:







Having a dream is of great important. My dreams are very much ordinary but realistic. I hope I will be admitted into a top university and become good doctor after I graduated from university. I hope one day I can find a cure for cancer. I hope those who loves me and those whom I love will be healthy and live happily every day. To realize my dreams, I will take regularly exercise to build up my body. I will try my best to focus time and energy into my study. I must work hard at my lessons and be fully preparing for the entrance exam.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Two hundred years after Charles Darwin's birth, studies have found new details of his life at the University of Cambridge. Six leather-bound ledgers (皮革账本) discovered in the university show this.
He lived in the most expensive rooms provided for a rich student at his time.He had someone to clean his room, make his bed and take care of the fire in his bright rooms. He hired a dishwasher, a clothes washer and a man who cleaned his shoes. A tailor (裁缝), hatter and barber made sure he was well presented. A chimney cleaner and a coalman kept his fire going. Christ's College's basic food was meat and beer.
Darwin's bill topped 636 pounds during his three years of study at Cambridge. Later he described this time as the most joyful of his happy life. That large sum (金额) would have been fairly common for a student at Cambridge in the 19th century.

In those days Cambridge was full of rich students living a pretty good life and Darwin was just one of them.And thus he had plenty of time for socializing or private study. He would be out shooting, collecting beetles, doing his scientific hobbies or visiting friends. He played cards and drank wine at night, just like students always have.
A. Thanks to the richness, he was able to hire servants to help with the daily life.
B. The findings were published on the Internet.
C. So he paid five and a half pence extra each day to have vegetables.
D. He enjoyed the kind of comfortable university life that most of today's students can only dream about.
E. He had several people to help him to deal with the daily housework.
F. When you look at the ledgers, you can find there were many rich students in Cambridge.
G. The bills were paid by his wealthy father, Robert Darwin, a doctor.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Different people use different languages. We Chinese speak Chinese, and, most of us are learning a foreign language. But there is another kind of language we need to know — the language of the body.
All over the world, people “talk with their hand, with their heads and with their eyes.” When Japanese people meet, they bow. When Indians meet, they put their hands together. What do American and British do? Americans are more informal (不拘小节的) than the British. They like to be friendly. They use first names, they ask questions and they talk easily about themselves. When they sit down, they like to relax in their chairs and make themselves comfortable. British people are more reserved (保守的). They take more time to make friends. They like to know you before they ask your name.
When British or American people meet someone for the first time, they shake hands. They do not usually shake hands with people they know well. Women sometimes kiss their women friends, and men kiss women friends (on one cheek only). When a man meets a man, he just smiles, and says, “Hello.” Men do not kiss each other, or hold hands. Even fathers and sons do not often kiss each other.
(1)In the passage, the writer thinks that body language is ________.
C.quite easy
(2)Which of the following is right?
A.Different countries have the same body language.
B.Different countries have different body languages.
C.People in Asia share the same body language.
D.Many people only use their body language.
(3)If an American friend visits you, he probably ________.
A.sit straight
B.never sits down
C.makes fun of you
D.sits freely
(4)If you want to make a British friend, you may feel it ________.
B.too easy
C.too difficult


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

(1)She was such lovely dog, after all.
(2)Atlanta could run fast than any man in the country.
(3)She was very angry that she said she would not marry any man。
(4)I think what he did was real meaningful.
(5)It was a treasure decorate with gold and jewels。
(6)He is in the charge of the company。
(7)There is no doubt whether the boxes were then put on a train。
(8)The house that he lived was far away from my work.
(9)Last week Catherine buy an expensive mountain bike and went to Tibet.
(10)He was just about to say something while Helen turned around.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
增加: 在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。
删除: 把多余的词用斜线( \ )划掉。
修改: 在错词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。
注意: 1每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
Dear Jack,
Welcome to my school! Upon your arrival, there will be a party for youorganizing by my classmates. You may attend to English classes to feel adifferently learning style. After that, you can go to your host family that youcan experience the Chinese way of life. You can have meals together chatting about whatever interest you.
The host family will also show you off some famous scenic spots. You can see people selling kites everywhere because ourcity was home to kites.There are varieties of kites to choose. So isn’t that a good idea to buy some for your friends? Write to me unless you have any questions about the schedule.
Li Hua

