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Constant practice has erased my accent to a point _____ people think I’m a native speaker.

A. that                              B. which                            C. in which              D. at which





试题分析:考查定语从句:句意:经常练习使我的口语到了一个阶段人们认为我是当地人。这是定语从句,先行词是a point,定语从句缺少状语,排除AB选项,因为point是和介词at搭配的,所以用at which引导定语从句,选D。




科目:高中英语 来源:2014届河北容城中学高三上期第一次摸底测试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

For years, my family has vacationed in the same Florida town. In fact, we just returned home after spending a week of spring break there with our three sons.

Many nights, we take the same scenic drive to dinner at a favorite restaurant. As we travel along Gulf Shore Boulevard, we admire a combination of small beach apartments, swanky high-rises and spectacular homes.

A few years ago, we noticed that whenever we drive this particular route, there are always two men sitting in front of the same third-floor window of a low-rise apartment building that overlooks the road. All that is visible from the road are their two silhouettes. Even during off-peak months, they’ve always been there. Over the years, we’ve had great fun speculating about who they are, whether they’re having a drink, and if so, what they fancy, where they’re from, and what they might be discussing. Our guesses have become a modern form of car bingo. Widowers? Retirees? Partners? We’ve run through the gamut of possibilities.

Eventually, I started beeping the horn as we passed. We’d wave. Our new friends would do likewise. There was something comforting in seeing them. In a world of constant change, it has been nice to look up and see that they are there, just as we remember from our last visit. And then last spring, we drove by and they were missing. The apartment was dark. No one was visible in the window. Strangely, we drove by and they were missing The apartment was dark. No one was visible in the window. Strangely, we grew worried about two people we’d never even met. Where did they go? A new round of the guessing game began.

On our last trip at Christmastime, we were relieved to see them once again. We were driving past about 6 p.m., and there they were at cocktail hour. I told my wife that I suspected they were gin drinkers and said we should buy them a bottle. She said that if I bought it, she’d deliver it. I said, “Tomorrow.”

1.Driving along the scenic route, the author’s family were to          .

A.meet their friends there     B.visit the Florida town

C.appreciate a place of interest      D.have supper together

2.Why did the author blow the horn?

A.It was a pleasure for them to see the two men again.

B.It was his habit while driving along the special route.

C.It was an agreement between him and the two men.

D.It was for the sake of safety while driving.

3.Which of the following can best describe the family?

A.generous and sensitive        B.curious and kind

C.helpful and brave                  D.friendly and hurnorous

4.Which of the following will best continue this passage?

A.The two men’s favorite drinks.

B.The two men’s beach apartments

C.The reason of the two men’s absence

D.The author’s next visit to the town



科目:高中英语 来源:2014届北京市高一下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The Loss of Innocence(纯真)

Innocence is such a precious gift. It’s explained as freedom from guilt or wrong doing. Just imagine never having to worry about anything and having a guilt-free mind. Some people wish to save this kind of innocence from being lost from childhood to adulthood.

What would the world be like if innocence were never lost? One way it would benefit humanity is the lack of hatred (仇恨) among the world. During youth, there may be an occasional argument, even a little physical fight, but nothing like firing a handgun at a fellow human being. And children are blind towards the racial differences of others. A kid will hang out with any other kid. It is the lack of innocence and the ignorance we learn from adults that influence children otherwise. Another benefit is the constant desire for fun and adventure. With very little if any time at all for fun, the adventurous mind is lost in time with the responsibilities placed upon adults. If innocence were kept alive, these ambitions would never depart from our lives.

However, other people actually hate the idea of innocence lasting for ever. They feel that the lack of organization and mental power of those with innocence would cause extremely destructive consequences to society in general. A large number of individuals would never have the urge to learn, work, and act upon the necessary needs for humanity to survive. Without a proper education which is usually provided by those who no longer live in a world of innocence, people would not have the desire to succeed, get a good job in life, or provide income for their families, which would hurt the lives of children.

    The lack of a good education and career would also harm the economy. As long as innocence is kept alive, no one would be terribly angry at the lack of effort people put out in the workplace, resulting in a strong decline(减少) in production and quality of needed goods.

     Maybe it is wrong in wanting to save innocence. It sure is a nice thought, though. Perhaps innocence was meant to be lost. It was god's will to make things the way they are, and there is a good purpose for everything. All that remains to be said about innocence is to enjoy it while it lasts.

1.The author believes that the loss of innocence in adulthood should be______.

A. avoided   B. criticized  C. accepted   D. encouraged

2.Lifelong innocence would be beneficial to society in that__________.

A. proper education would be provided

B. there would be no racial discrimination

C. there would be more happy families

D. people would realize their childhood dreams

3. According to the author, people with innocence can hurt the economy with their lack of____ .

A. motivational will

B. mental ability

C. adventurous ambitions

D. needed goods

4.Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?

CP:Central Point           P:Point            Sp:(次要点)C:Conclusion



科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年四川省南充市高三第二次诊断性考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

    Our bodies are wonderfully skillful at keeping balance.When the temperature jumps, we sweat to cool down.When our blood pressure falls, our hearts can do something.As it turns out, though, our natural state is always changing.Researchers are finding that everything from blood pressure to brain function changes regularly with the cycles of sun, moon and seasons.And their insights (洞察力) are getting new ways for keeping away such common killers as heart disease and cancer.Only one doctor in 20 has a good knowledge of the scientific use of time in medicine.But according to a new American Medical Association, three out of four are eager to change that.“The field is exploding,” says Michael Smolensky.“Doctors used to look at us like, What spaceship did you get off ? Now they're thirsty to know more.”

    In medical school, most doctors learn that people with chronic  conditions should take their medicine regularly.“It’s a terrible way to treat disease,” says Dr Richard Martin.For example, asthmatics (气喘患者) are most likely to suffer during the night.Yet most patients try to keep a constant level of medicine in their blood day and night, whether by breathing in on an inhaler (吸入器) four times a day or taking a pill each morning and evening.In recent studies, researchers have found that a large mid afternoon dose of a bronchodilator (支气管扩张剂) can be as safe as several small doses, and better for preventing nighttime attacks.

    If the night belongs to asthma, the dawn belongs to high blood pressure and heart disease.Heart attacks are twice as common at 9 a.m.as at 11 p.m.Part of the reason is that our blood pressure falls at night, then rises as we start to work for the day.“Doctors know that,” says Dr.Henry Black of Chicago's Medical Center, “but until now, we haven't been able to do anything about it.” Most blood - pressure drugs provide 18 to 20 hours of relief (减缓).But because they’re taken in the morning, they're least effective when most needed.“You take your pill at 7 and it's working by 9,” says Dr.William White of the University of Connecticut Health Center “But by that time you've gone through the worst four hours of the day with no protection.” Bedtime medicine would prevent high blood pressure, but it would also push blood pressure to dangerously low levels during the night.

1.Researchers are finding that _________ .

    A.heart disease and cancer are the most common killers of human beings

    B.only blood pressure and brain function are decided by cycles of sun, moon and seasons

    C.the functions of human bodies have much to do with nature

    D.any change in human bodies goes with changes in the surroundings

2.According to the author, it is best for asthmatics to take their medicine _________ .

    A.at certain time

    B.each morning and evening

    C.when the disease occurs

    D.at midafternoon

3.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

    A.Doctors know more about illnesses than before.

    B.Doctors in the U.S.used to be thirsty to know more about the new medical field.

    C.The researchers' insights are providing new methods to prevent common killers.

    D.The correct use of time in medicine attracts more attention in medical circle in the U.S.A.

4.The suggested title for this passage might be _________.

    A.Medicine Is Everything               B.Treatment Is Everything

    C.Timing Is Everything                 D.Prevention Is Everything




科目:高中英语 来源:0910学年广东省高一第一学期期末考试 题型:单词拼写


第二节: 单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)

1.She suddenly a____ the danger, so she sounded her horn loudly until the lion turned and walked away.

2.He has to play for the passers-by in the street or subway so that he can earn some extra money to pay for his expensive i____ he has bought for his studio.

3.P____, I think the team that won first place cheated.

4.The President’s message will be b____ (广播) on all stations tonight.

5.The elegant lady has earned a r____ (名声) as a well-known poet.

6.Since he is a person of a_____ ( 中等的 ) intelligence, he isn’t a quick learner.

7.    Even great ______ (music)require constant practice.

8.    The children were waiting _____ ( patient ) for the movie to start because they

had been kept too long and couldn’t wait to see it.

9.    This invention will have wide _____ ( apply ) in teaching.

10.  Much to our _____ ( relieve ), no one was badly hurt in the accident.



科目:高中英语 来源:0910学年广东省高一上学期期末考试 题型:单词拼写


第二节: 单词拼写(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)

A. 根据首字母写出单词的正确形式。

She suddenly a____ the danger, so she sounded her horn loudly until the lion turned and walked away.

He has to play for the passers-by in the street or subway so that he can earn some extra money to pay for his expensive i____ he has bought for his studio.

P____, I think the team that won first place cheated.

B. 根据中文和首字母提示写出单词的正确形式。

The President’s message will be b____ (广播) on all stations tonight.

The elegant lady has earned a r____ (名声) as a well-known poet.

Since he is a person of a_____ ( 中等的 ) intelligence, he isn’t a quick learner.

C. 用括号内的单词的正确形式填空。

7.    Even great ______ (music)require constant practice.

8.    The children were waiting _____ ( patient ) for the movie to start because they

had been kept too long and couldn’t wait to see it.

9.    This invention will have wide _____ ( apply ) in teaching.

10.  Much to our _____ ( relieve ), no one was badly hurt in the accident.


