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16. My dear , where have you ___? I___ you everywhere .

  A. gone , have been hunting for    B. been , have been hunted for

  C. been , have been hunting for     D. gone , have been looking for


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届河北省高一下学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

We were standing at the top of a church tower. My father had brought me to this spot in a small town not far from our home in Rome. I wondered why.

“Look down, Elsa,” father said. I gathered all my courage and looked down. I saw the square in the center of the village. And I saw the crisscross (十字形) of twisting, turning streets leading to the square. “ See, my dear,” father said gently. “ There is more than one way to the square. Life is like that. If you can’t get to the place where you want to go by one road, try another.”

Now I understood why I was there. Earlier that day I had begged my mother to do something about the awful(糟糕的) lunches that were served at school. But she refused because she could not believe the lunches were as bad as I said.

When I turned to father for help, he didn’t say anything. Instead, he brought me to this high tower to give me a lesson. By the time we reached home, I had a plan.

At school the next day, I secretly poured my luncheon(午餐)soup into a bottle and brought it home. Then I asked our cook to serve it to mother at dinner. The plan worked perfectly. She swallowed one spoonful and sputtered(喷溅出) “ The cook must have gone mad!” Quickly I told her what I had done, and Mother stated firmly that she would take up the matter of lunches at school the next day!

In the years that followed I often remembered the lesson father taught me. I began to work as a fashion designer two years ago. I wouldn’t stop working until I tried every possible means to my goal. Father’s wise words always remind me that there is more than one way to the square.

1.The author's father took her to the top of a church tower to _____.

A.enjoy the beautiful scenery of the whole town

B.find out how many ways lead to the square

C.inspire her to find out another way to solve her problem

D.help her forget some unpleasant things earlier that day

2.What did the author want her mother to do earlier that day?

A.Do something delicious for lunch.

B.Taste her awful lunch.

C.Dismiss the mad cook.         

D.Speak to the school about lunch.

3.By sharing her own experiences, the author tries to tell us ____________.

A.when one road is blocked, try another

B.how bad the lunch of her school is

C.how wise her father is

D.about the church tower near her home



科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省2009--2010学年度高一第二学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:其他题


V. Task-based reading 任务型阅读 1’ * 10 = 10’


Oh, the things that I should see if I had the power of sight for just three days!

The fast day would be a busy one. I should call to me all my dear friends and look long into their faces, imprinting (刻上) upon my mind the outward (外表的, 表面的) evidences of the beauty that is within them, I should let my eyes rest, too, on the face of a baby, so that I could catch a vision of the eager, innocent (天真无邪的) beauty which precedes (在…之前, 先于) the individual's consciousness (意识) of the conflicts which life develops.

And I should like to look into the loyal, trusting eyes of my dogs--the serious, clever little Scottie, Darkie, and the strong, understanding Great Dane, Helga, whose warm, tender, and playful friendships are so comforting to me.

On that busy first day I should also view the small simple things of my home. I want to see the warm colors in the carpets under my feet, the pictures on the walls, the lovely small furniture that transforms a house into home. My eyes would rest respectfully on the books in dot-raised type which I have read, but they would be more eagerly interested in the printed books which seeing people can read, for during the long night of my life the books I have read and those which have been read to me have built themselves into a great shining lighthouse, showing me the deepest channels of human life and the human spirit.

In the afternoon of that first seeing day, I should take a long walk in the woods and intoxicate (使陶醉) my eyes on the beauties of the world of Nature trying desperately (拼命地) to absorb in a few hours the vast brilliance (才华, 才智) which is presenting itself to those who can see. On the way home from my woodland trip, my path would lie close to a farm so that I might see the patient horses ploughing (耕地) in the field and the peaceful content of men living close to the soil. And I should pray for the glory of a colorful sunset.

When darkness had fallen, I should experience the double delight of being able to see by man-made light which the genius of man has created to extend the power of his sight when Nature brings darkness.

In the night of that first day of sight, I should not be able to sleep, so full would be my mind of the memories of the day!

(by Helen Keller)

The first day what Helen Keller would do (66) _________ given three days to see

In the morning

●  Look long into the faces of all her dear friends so that she would (67) _______ upon her mind the outward (外表的, 表面的) the evidences of their beauty that is within them

●  Catch a vision of the eager, innocent beauty of a baby by resting her eyes on his face.

●  Look into the loyal, trusting eyes of her (68) _________

●  View the small simple things of her home such as warm colors, pictures, trifles.

●  Fix her eyes with (69)_____ on the books in raised type she has read and the printed books for seeing people with interest.

In the afternoon

● (70) _________ in the woods; intoxicate (使陶醉) her eyes on the beauties of the world of Nature and absorb in a few hours the vast brilliance of the world.

●  Walk past a farm, see the (71) ________ horses ploughing (耕地) in tile field and the peaceful content of men living close to the soil.

●  Pray for the glory of a colorful sunset.

In the (72)_______

(73) ___________the double delight of being able to see, helped by man-made light.

At night

I should not be able to sleep, so full would be her mind of the (74) _________ of the day!

From the passage we know in spite of her blindness Helen Keller' was still full of love for (75) ____________.



科目:高中英语 来源:广东省三校2010届高三上学期期末联考(深圳市、潮州金山中学、肇庆中学) 题型:书面表达





1.     是21世纪初重大体育赛事之一;

2.     包括中国在内的亚洲各国都在为此做准备;

3.     亚运会的作用;


1. 修建体育场馆、亚运村等;

2. 美化城市;


1. 学好英语,争做自愿者;

2. ……




3. 注意:发言稿的开头和结尾已给出(不计入5个句子中)。

Hello, my dear fellow classmates. Today we’re having a class meeting here whose topic is “2012 Guangzhou Asian Games & Me”.                                                                            

Thank you for your attention and next, I hope all of you will share your idea with one another about the coming great Games.



科目:高中英语 来源:20102011学年辽宁省丹东市高二下期末考试英语 题型:单项填空

-Mum, where is my toy car? You promised.

--_____, my dear, but you know mum is pretty busy today. Tomorrow, OK?

A. So it is       B. So is it    C. So did I       D. So I did 



科目:高中英语 来源:20102011云南武定一中高一下学期期中考试英语试题 题型:完型填空

Once upon a time, there lived many doves(鸽子) in the jungle. One day they went out in search of food. They flew long distances   36   did not get anything to eat. All of them were 37 .

    A young dove asked the King Dove, “Your Majesty(陛下),please  38  us to take some rest.” The King replied, “Have   39  ,  my dear young fellow. We shall   40   get something to eat very soon.”

The young dove started flapping(拍打) his wings(翅膀) with   41   and soon left everyone else behind. After some time, he 42  and spoke to others, “Hey, I see lots of  43  down there.”                   

 Hearing this, all the doves started  44  the grains(谷物) under a banyan tree.  45   The King Dove said, “It’s too good to be true. There is something wrong. Don’t rush towards the grains. It might be a  46  .Some hunter must have laid a trap(下了陷阱).”

    But the doves were very hungry. The   47   of the grains was too tempting(诱惑人的).Without giving a(n)   48   to the king’s advice, they flew down and started eating the grains. After having a big   49  , they tried to fly away, only to  50  that they were caught in a net.

The King Dove said, “ I told you before that it is a trick(骗局) of some hunter.

All of them felt ashamed and  51  . One of them said to the King Dove. “Oh Your Majesty, please save us.”

So the King Dove said, “All of you must try to fly with the  52  at the same time and in the same  53  , all of you.”

Just then they saw a(n)  54  show up. The King Dove said, “ Now all of you, fly together.”

    So all the doves flapped their wings together and flew with the net. The hunter stood dazed(眩晕). He couldn’t ____55___ what he had just seen.     

1... A. but              B. and               C. so                 D. or

2... A. excited         B. surprised           C. tired            D. angry

3.. A. help             B. teach              C. allow             D. accept

4... A. rest              B. courage              C. luck              D. interest

5... A. slowly          B. happily            C. possibly          D. surely

6... A. surprise          B. pleasure           C. force(用力)      D. anger

7... A. turned down      B. turned back        C. broke out         D. watched out

8... A. persons        B. doves             C. plants              D. grains

9.. A. rushing towards   B. looking for       C. picking up        D. dropping down

10.. A. Gladly          B. Amazedly          C. Hardly             D. Suddenly

11... A. magic           B. trick                C. dream              D. mistake

12... A. color            B. smell           C. view               D. sight

13... A. sound             B. thought            C. idea               D. care

14... A. meeting          B. discussion       C. meal              D. break

15... A. appreciate        B. understand          C. realize           D. worry

16... A. pleased          B. scared(害怕)     C. full             D. sick

17... A. food           B. king            C. net               D. wing

18... A. way             B. place              C. circle            D. direction

19... A. hunter          B. guide               C. adult            D. child

20... A. believe        B. remember         C. tell             D. catch


