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2. 我们必须限定一人吃一块蛋糕。 (limit... to)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

      Holly's dad kept homing pigeons (信鸽)in the back garden. She loved the pigeons 41 her favourite was Charlie.

      Dad's homing pigeon club was to hold its first race,and all of his birds were in training. On the day of the 42 ,Dad had to drive 100 kilometres to the starting point. Dad whistled (吹口哨) as he 43 along the road. 44,a dog rati out in front of the car!Dad changed direction to 45 it,but the car skidded (打滑) across the road and into a large tree.

Dad tried to 46 ,but his legs were stuck. He had to get 47 as soon as possible. No one had seen the accident,so it might have been hours before he was 48 . He felt around for his phone,but it had been thrown out of reach.

    Dad 49 to turn around to check that the pigeons hadn,t been 50 . They seemed all right. Then a great 51 came to him. One of the pigeons could carry a message home to Mum and Holly!

52,Dad had a pen and a notebook in his pocket. He 53 Charlie,lifted him out and tied the message to Charlie's leg.

   “Fly home,Charlie,” he called.

    Charlie set off towards his home and reached the 54 at last.

     “Mum!” Holly called “Charlie's home!And he's carrying a 55 !”

     Mum came out to the backyard. As she read the note,she cried, “Oh no!Dad's had a(n) 56 !” Mum ran into the house,phoned the ewergency (紧急事件) number and 57 what had happened. Soon,Mum came out to the backyard 58 and called ,“They‘ve 59 Dad,Holly,and he's going to be all right."

“You 60 Dad!” Holly told Charlie. “You’ re tlie best pigeon in the world!”

41. A. or   B. so   C. and   D. for

42. A. race   B. training

   C. trade   D. meeting

43. A. walked   B. ran

   C. drove   D. flew

44. A. Immediately   B. Suddenly

   C. Finally   D. Lately

45. A. stop   B. control   C. keep   D. miss

46. A. cry   B. call   C. move   D. talk

47. A. advice   B. help   C. sleep   D. money

48. A. remembered   B. protected   C. discovered   D. understood

49. A. learned   B. agreed   C. continued   D. managed

50. A. caught   B. hurt   C. shot   D. followed

51. A. idea   B. dog      C. deal   D. pigeon

52. A. Strangely   B. Naturally    C. Honestly   D. Luckily

53 A. depended on   B. reached for

 C. waited for   D. thought of

54. A. back garden   B. club

  C. starting point   D. hospital

55. A. pen        B. notebook

  C. message       D. leaf

56. A. car   B. accident

   C. competition   D. phone

57. A. realised   B. imagined

 C. explained       D. wondered

58. A. once    B. then   C. again   D. first

59. A. found   B. described   C. taught   D. warned

60. A. corrected   B. trusted   C. recognised   D. saved


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. catch sight of;    watch out for;    get away with

①Do spelling mistakes when you check your work.

②Every time I myself in the mirror,I feel so disappointed.

③ They have repeatedly broken the law and it.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

     The Cannes Film Festival is held every year in May in the cjty of Cannes on the southeast coast of France. The first festival was not really a competition but rather a (n) 1. (celebrate) of the art of film-making. Later,the festival became more about the development of the film industry.

    Unusual art films as well as films made by 2. (independence) studios still do well at the festival and can even 3.g awards.

Introduced in 1955,the Palme or the Golden Palm award for the best film at the festival is now considered one of the top prizes in the world among film-makers. Films that win the award are deeply4. (赞赏) worldwide. Though most of the winners of the Palme Or have been films from Western Europe,many films from other parts of the world such as India,China and Brazil have also been awarded the prize. The winner of the 2015 Palmed Or was the 5. (impress) film Dheepan. It is well worth seeing.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

9. The question is (我是否该告诉他真相) . 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4.只有几个人表示支持这一计划。(in support of)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

7. Many people moved to the (城市的) areas for jobs.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

7. That song always makes me remember my old school days.

That song always  me my oldschool days.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. I made a promise to myself my first year in high school would be different.

