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fortune      A. comfort            B. doctor              C. forbid          D. report


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

 The discovery of gold in Australia led thousands to believe that a fortune——

    A is made    B would make    C was to be made      D had made


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


There are going to be moments in life when you must make very important decisions. You will find many people 36 to offer you advice if you ask for it (and even if you don’t), but always remember that the life you   37   is yours and nobody else’s. It’s important to decide for yourself what’s important to you and what you want before you   38   others. Because while there will be times   39 outside advice proves wise, there will be at least as many times when it proves completely   40.. The only way to really evaluate other folks’ advice is to first learn everything that you can about whatever challenge you are   41  . Once you’ve done that, in most cases you should be able to make a wise decision   42   anyway.

You were   43   with the ability to decide what is and what isn’t in your best interest. Most of the time, you will make the right decision and   44   the appropriate actions, and in thinking for yourself, you will become far more successful than if you had gone against your own  45  .

Early on in my investment career, I made the mistake of   46   a few important business decisions on colleagues’ opinions instead of conducting the   47   necessary to make a wise decision. It wasn’t due to   48   on my part; no one could ever accuse me of that. But, being   49   to Wall Street, I intended to assume that my more senior   50  knew more than I did, and so I   51   too much significance to their opinions.

You know what happened? Each of those investments ended in   52  . Eventually I stopped allowing myself to be influenced by   53   and began doing the work myself and making my own decisions. It took me until I was almost 30 years old to   54   this—it’s never too late for a person to change his approach both to   55   and to life. 

A. easy    B. ready    C. unwilling   D. hard

A. lead    B. lend    C. take    D. earn

A. look at    B. pick up   C. turn to    D. learn from

A. that    B. since    C. when    D. while

A. useless     B. useful    C. priceless   D. clever

A. getting     B. making    C. suffering   D. facing

A. on one hand   B. on your own  C. on the whole  D. on all sides

A. born    B. tired    C. satisfied   D. covered

A. enjoy    B. step    C. plan    D. take

A. assumption   B. judgment   C. condition   D. fortune

A. basing    B. depending   C. relying    D. focusing

A. research    B. search    C. resources   D. activity

A. poverty    B. laziness   C. fear    D. diligence

A. used    B. accustomed   C. new    D. old

A. students    B. brothers   C. colleagues   D. classmates

A. attached    B. paid    C. gave    D. held

A. disaster    B. progress   C. failure    D. success

A. either    B. another   C. each    D. others

A. think    B. remember   C. realize    D. recall

A. payment   B. dreams   C. happiness   D. business


科目:高中英语 来源:2015届四川省高一10月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

A friend is better than fortune. A friend is worse than poison in some cases. 

The two sentences above have opposite meanings and seem to be unreasonable, but they can be explained as follows: the first refers to all good friends who drive us towards good while the second all bad ones who lead us into bad ways.

  My ideal friend is of course a good friend whose goodness is shown below — he has no bad habits, such as smoking and drinking. He lives in frugality (节俭). He studies hard so as not to waste his golden time. At home he honors his parents and loves his brothers; at school he respects his teachers and shares the feelings of his classmates. He treats those truly who are true to him. In a word, he has all the good characteristics that I don’t have. I can follow him as a model. With his help I can be free from all difficulties.

Indeed, if I have such a person as my friend, I shall never fear difficulty and I shall never know the existence of the word “failure”.

1.This passage tells us ____.

   A. how to make friends with others         B. how to help friends

   C. what kind of person the writer’s friend is

   D. what kind of person we should make friends with

2.According to the writer, an ideal friend refers to _______. 

   A. a friend without bad habits            B. a famous man

   C. a perfect man                       D. a respectable man

3.From the passage we can learn that ________. 

   A. the writer and his ideal friend have a lot to learn from each other

   B. the writer has a lot to learn from his ideal friend

   C. the writer’s ideal friend has a lot to learn from him

   D. the writer has only a little to learn from his ideal friend

4.From the second paragraph, we can infer the writer is sure that _______. 

   A. friendship means a great deal to him

   B. nothing can be done without friends

   C. he who does not smoke or drink must be a good friend

D. good friends should always help each other



科目:高中英语 来源:2013届辽宁省分校高二下学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The discovery of gold in Sahara Desert led thousands to believe that a fortune________.

A. is made          B. was to be made        C. would make    D. had made



科目:高中英语 来源:2010届高三英语每周精析精练:名词(一) 题型:单项填空

 He came here without friends or ______and made his fortune.

A. possessions     B. possession         C. wealth      D. good


