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Cats have no emotions. At least, that's what my husband once claimed. I  1 that my two cats experience emotions. They feel anger, fear, and  2 . He agreed with me, but  3 his opinion that cats don't feel love. 4 , my tuxedo cat, Sebastian, would teach him otherwise.

When my next-door neighbour moved in, he had a she cat named Juliet. She was an indoor lady, always watching  5 through the window.

Then one day when I  6 my cat to the backyard for his playtime, Sebastian  7 Juliet gazing at him behind the window. It soon became  8 that they were attracted by each other. So every day thereafter, whenever I let Sebastian out, he would rush  9 to the backyard next-door and they would sit gazing  10 at each other through the screen, she inside, and he outside. Even my husband watched  11 , and he would murmur, "But cats can't feel love... can they?"

Five months later, my neighbour had to  12 because of work. My heart sank. I wondered how Sebastian would  13 to Juliet's leaving.

For months after Juliet moved away and the new neighbour moved in, I often  14 Sebastian sitting by Juliet's window, looking into the apartment  15 his lady. The new neighbour didn't mind having the "Peeping Sebastian" after I  16 his reason for being there.

  Sebastian  17  the small area outside that window as his territory. Other male cats were allowed in the  18 , but not near Juliet's window, which he guarded until his  19 .

Even now, when my husband and I walk through the backyard and see that window, he  20 me of the lesson Sebastian taught him... that cats do indeed fall in love.

1. A. argued         B. quarreled      C. suggested  D. discussed

2. A. energy         B. power    C. strength        D. happiness

3. A. referred to      B. prepared for C. stuck to      D. approved of

4. A. Therefore       B. However         C. Besides          D. Meanwhile

5. A. the environment   B. the sky C. her owner D. her boyfriend

6. A. forbade         B. prevented         C. accompanied      D. left

7. A. called attention to  B. caught sight of C. took charge of  D. paid a visit to

8. A. ambitious       B. doubtful          C. skeptical          D. obvious

9. A. secretly        B. straight       C. quietly           D. worriedly

10. A. lovingly    B. angrily           C. hungrily          D. greedily

11. A. in trouble       B. in sorrow  C. in amazement      D. in horror

12. A. settle         B. travel     C. apologize         D. move

13. A. react          B. reply  C. reduce              D. replace

14. A. took          B. caught           C. met             D. sensed

15. A. in place of      B. on the basis of  C. in search of    D. on account of

16. A. explained       B. requested         C. blamed           D. asked

17. A. discovered     B. reformed         C. preserved     D. marked

18. A. street         B. backyard         C. window          D. village

19. A. birthday           B. departure         C. death            D. arrival

20. A. reminds           B. informs          C. tells             D. accuses



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

         Man’s best friend could be one of the environment’s worst enemies, according to a new study that says that your pet dog’s carbon pawprint(碳足迹) is more than double that of a sports car.

         Yet this point of view, made by New Zealanders Robert and Brenda Vale, has angered pet owners who feel they are being picked out as troublemakers.

         The Vales, researchers in sustainable(可持续的) living, looked at popular brands of pet food and calculated that a medium-sized dog eats about 164 kilos of meat and 95 kilos of grain a year.

         Combining that with the energy needed to produce that food, it means a medium-sized dog has an annual footprint of 0.84 hectares(公顷), about twice the 0.41 hectares required by a sports car driving 10,000 kilometers a year, including energy to build the car.

         “Owning a dog really is quite an extravagance(奢侈), mainly because of the carbon footprint of mean. Other animals aren’t better for the environment,” the Vales say.

         Cats have an eco-footprint of about 0.15 hectares a year, while two hamsters(仓鼠) are the same as a television and even the goldfish burns energy equal to two cellphones.

         However, Reha Huttin, president of France’s 30 Million Friends animal rights foundation says pets are too important to human life to be got rid of.

         “Everyone should work out their own environmental effect,” Huttin argude. “I should be allowed to say that I walk instead of using my car and that I don’t eat meat, so why souldn’t I be allowed to have a little cat to reduce my loneliness?”

         The Vales give some solutions to reduce pets’ environmental effect, including reducing pets’ meat intake. But they said that, as with buying a car ,humans should take the environmental effect of their future compainon into account.

71.The best title of the article is "______".

         A.Work out our carbon emissions         B.Reduce our pets’ meat intake

         C.Be careful of keeping our pets          D.Mind our pets’ carbon footprint

72.Reha Huttin’s remark really means that ______.

         A.pets should not be kept as a result of consuming much food

         B pets are doing no harm to the environment at all

         C.people can keep pets by reducing their environmental effect

         D.he prefers walking to driving to reduce his loneliness

73.We know from the article that ______.

         A.a medium-sized dog eats around 95 kilos of grain and meat a year

         B.a medium-sized dog has an annual footprint 5.6 times that of a cat

         C.two hamsters burn the same energy as two televisions

         D.a sports car running 10,000 kilometers requires 0.41 hectares of footprint

74.Which of the following is NOT true according to the article?

         A.The Vales insist that pets should be got rid of.

         B.Some pet owners are against the Vales’ point of view.

         C.Keeping pets does have a bad effect on the environment.

         D.Pets’ carbon footprint should not be neglected.

75.Which of the following can help reduce pets’ environmental effect based on the text?

         A.Feeding pets on less meat.

       B.Working out eco-footprints of pets.

         C.Keeping the goldfish instead of dogs.

         D.Getting rid of pets from human life.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届辽宁沈阳同泽女中高二下学期期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Forest guards in western India are using cell phones with ringtones of cows mooing, goats bleating and roosters crowing to attract leopards that have wandered into human settlements, officials said on Monday.

The wild cats in the state of Gujarat often get into villages near forests in search of food, say officials, adding that this results in attacks on people. But rather than use methods such as live bait(诱惑物) like goats tied to trees to lure the leopards, which then fall into large pits dug by guards, officials say they have found a safer method to trap the cats.

“The moos of a cow, bleating of a goat from the phone has proved effective to trap leopards,” said D. Vasani, a senior forest official in Gujarat. “This trick works.” Vasani said forest guards have downloaded the sounds of over a dozen animals as ringtones on their mobiles which they attach to speakers and fix behind a cage. They then play the ringtone continuously for up to two hours until the curious leopard appears and moves into the cage looking for its easy meal.

At least five leopards have so far been lured from villages since the new ringtone method was introduced three months ago. The cats have all been released back into forest areas.

Wildlife activists welcomed the new initiative saying that previous methods of trapping the cats using pits often resulted in the animals getting injured.

1.What can be the best title of the passage?

A.Cell Phones to Hunt Animals

B.Practical Uses of Cell Phones

C.Wildlife and New Technology

D.Phone Ringtones to Catch Leopards

2.Forest guards in India try to catch leopards mainly because ______.

A.leopards attack villagers

B.they want leopard fur

C.leopards attack animals

D.they have new ringtones

3.What will be needed to trap the leopards using the new method?

① cell phones   ②animals    ③ sounds of animals   ④ cages    ⑤large pits

A.①②③④         B.①③④           C.①④⑤           D.②③⑤



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年天津市高三毕业班联考(一)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The slogan “a dog is for life, not just for Christmas” has been going strong for 27 years now. Dogs and cats have been popular Christmas gifts in the gifts in the UK and Europe for many years. But some people still haven’t quite got the message.

The slogan still holds good. Some 105,000 dogs were rounded up by local government last year because they had been abandoned, many of them shortly after the festival season.

The main reason given by owners for handing their dogs over to the Dogs Trust is that the dogs need more attention than they can give; behavioral problems and moving home are also reasons given.

But Eleanor Silk, the Trust’s communications director, says, “It’s often four or five months after Christmas, in early summer, when owners find that the dog has got too big and too active, or it hasn’t been trained properly and has caused damage around the home.”

In any case, some organizations that help pets are quick to point out that if you are serious about getting a puppy(小狗) as a pet, Christmas is not the time to do it. Puppies need to get used to their new surroundings, to be introduced to a routine, and to be looked after like small children. It’s hard to meet any of these needs at Christmas. What’s more, pulling a puppy out of a Christmas stocking in itself sends the wrong message to children. It encourages children to think of the puppy as a toy, rather than a responsibility.

Appreciating what you’re taking on with a dog can be a sobering (清醒的) realization. “For life” means thinking about the effect they’ll have on your life. It also infers you will need to care for the dog for its whole life.

1.What would be the best title for the passage?

A.Dogs and Cats—the Most Popular Christmas Gifts.

B.A pet is for Life, Not just for Christmas.

C.How to Take Care of Your Pets over Christmas.

D.Let’s Help Those Abandoned Pets

2.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT a reason for pets to be abandoned?

A.Pets spread some diseases.

B.Pets damage some things in the house.

C.The owners can’t take good care of the pets.

D.The owners have to move to other places.

3.The underlined words “rounded up” in Paragraph 2 mean “________”.

A.given out as gifts

B.thrown away

C.gathered into one place

D.raised to make money

4.The fifth paragraph mainly tells us________.

A.how to take best care of Christmas pets

B.the right time to have a puppy as a pet

C.the reasons why Christmas is not the time to get a pet

D.the worries about Christmas pets from organizations that help pets

5.Why is the author against the idea of putting a dog in the Christmas stocking as a Christmas gift?

A.Because these dogs can still cause damage.

B.Because children will not take dogs seriously.

C.Because children don’t like to have dogs as Christmas gifts.

D.Because a Christmas stocking is not big enough to put a dog in.



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年浙江省高三12月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

It seems that there is no middle ground when it comes to cats. People either love them or hate them. These feelings are not new either. All through history, cats have been worshiped or hated. A study of ancient writings and evidence found in tombs indicates that for the past 5,000 years, cats have been kept as pets in China, Arabia, Egypt, and India. However, this isn’t very long compared to dogs, which have been domesticated for 50,000 years. Still, while the period in which cats have been domesticated may be quite short, it has definitely had its high and low points.

Cats were at their highest position of domesticated life in ancient Egypt. There were more cats living in Egypt during the time of the pharaohs than in any other place in the world since that time. This high number of cats was probably due to the laws protecting them. Cats were associated with the moon goddess, Bast, so the Egyptians worshiped them as holy animals. If anyone was caught killing a cat, the person could be put to death. Families in Egypt also mourned the death of a cat and had the body of the dead cat wrapped in cloth before it was finally laid to rest. This respect for cats carried over to the Roman Empire where cats were the only animals allowed into temples. This fact was probably due to the ability of cats to keep the temples free of mice and rats. With the coming of the Dark Ages in Europe, the place of cats in society took a turn for the Empire, Christians began to associate cats with pegan (异教徒) beliefs. Cats had a reputation as helpers of witches. When a person was accused of being a witch, a cat would often be put on trial with the person. The cat would be tortured(拷打) to try and make the person tell the truth, and usually the cat and the person would end up being burned in a bonfire or drowned. Bonfires of collected cats were not uncommon during this time.

The days of hunting witches have ended, but other myths about cats still hold out. For a while, people in some places used to bury live cats under new buildings for good luck. As well, many people today continue to believe that black cats bring bad luck. If a black cat walks in front of a person, that person must take extra care in the near future to watch out for dangerous situations. Regardless of superstition(迷信), cats remain a popular pet today. Some cat experts believe that a cat never truly be domesticated because it may turn wild and run away at any time. However, this claim has not put people off keeping cats in their homes. A third of homes in the United States have cats, and one out of every three of these homes keeps both a dog and a cat. Especially in large cities, many people in small apartments have found that cats make much better pets than dogs.

Cats may not be worshiped as gods any more, but there are people who seem to think of their cat as their children. These cat owners will do almost anything to keep their pets healthy and happy. For those cat owners who have always wondered what their pets are trying to tell them, a Japanese company may have come up with the perfect invention. In 2003, the Takara Company announced the Meowlingual, a cat translation device. The Meowlingual uses a microphone, display, and cat voice analyzer to analyze a cat’s meows to determine which of 200 phrases a cat is trying to say.

According to a company spokesperson, “… cat owners all over the world have been telling Takara, ‘ We want a cat translator!’” Now, the company “is making their dream come true by bringing in a new era of communication between cat lovers and their pets.”

1.Which of these is NOT discussed in the passage?

A.the status of cats throughout history

B.the evolution of different species of cats

C.the popularity of the cats today

D.communication between cats and their owners

2.The second paragraph mainly describes_______.

A.how Bast became a goddess.

B.the low point in the history of cats

C.the high point in the history of cats

D.the reason why cats are such good hunters

3.How were cats treated in Europe during the Dark Ages?

A.as farm animals     B.as food           C.as magical creatures D.as honored guests

4.According to the passage, what percentage of people in the United States keep both a cat and a dog?

A.about 10 percent   B.nearly 25 percent   C.about 33 percent   D.close to 50 percent



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年广东省云浮市高三第五次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Forest guards in western India are using cell phones with ringtones(手机铃声)of cows mooing, goats bleating and roosters crowing to attract leopards (豹)that have wandered into human settlements, officials said on Monday.

The wild cats in the state of Gujarat often get into villages near forests in search of food, say officials, adding that this results in attacks on people. But rather than use methods such as live bait(活诱饵)like goats tied to trees to lure (引诱) the leopards, which then fall into large pits dug by guards, officials say they have found a safer method to trap the cats.

“The moos of a cow, and bleating of a goat from the phone have proved effective to trap leopards,” said D. Vasani, a senior forest official in Gujarat. “This trick works.” Vasani said forest guards have downloaded the sounds of over a dozen animals as ringtones on their mobiles which they attach to speakers and fix behind a cage. They then play the ringtone continuously for up to two hours until the curious leopard appears and moves into the cage looking for its easy meal.

At least five leopards have so far been lured from villages since the new ringtone method was introduced three months ago. The cats have all been released (释放)back into forest areas.

Wildlife activists welcomed the new initiative (新方案) saying that previous methods of trapping the cats using pits often resulted in the animals getting injured.

1.What can be the best title of the passage?

A.Cell Phones to Hunt Animals               B.Practical Uses of Cell Phones

C.Wildlife And New Technology              D.Phone Ringtones to Catch Leopards

2.Forest guards in India try to catch leopards mainly because _______.

A.leopards attack villagers                  B.they want leopard fur

C.leopards attack animals                   D.they have new ringtones

3.According to the wildlife activists, the new method is _______.

A.appreciated because it benefits leopards     B.not good because it may injure animals

C.effective because ringtones work           D.not safer than the former one

4.We can learn from the passage except that _______.

A.forest guards don’t mean to hurt the leopards

B.forest guards no longer use pits to trap leopards

C.forest guards used goats to attract leopards

D.recorded animal sound are used to lure leopards

5.What will be needed to trap the leopards using the new method?

a. cell phones  b. animals  c. sounds of animals  d. cages  e. large pits

A.abcd             B.bce              C.ade              D.acd


