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        what their friendships are based upon, the important thing to remember is          both of them are friendships.

A.Regardless that

B.Regardless of, that

C.Though, /

D.Despite, what





试题分析:考查固定词组和表语从句。Regardless of/despite不管;尽管;后面接名词或者名词短语;though后面接句子表示尽管;第二空that引导表语从句,that在句中不充当任何成分,只起引导作用。句意:不管他们的友谊是建立在什么之上的,需要记住的就是他们是朋友。





科目:高中英语 来源:2012届广东省惠州市高三第二次调研考试英语卷 题型:完型填空

School was over and I was both mentally and physically tired, I sat at the very front of the bus because of   1  to get home.Sitting at the front makes you   2  out like a shiny coin in a pile of dull pennies.
Janie, the driver, tries to break the uncomfortable atmosphere by striking the match of   3
I try to mind my manners and  4  listen,  but usually I am too busy thinking about my day.On this day, however, her conversation was worth listening 10.
"My father’s sick," she said to no one in  5 .I could see the anxiety and fear in her eyes.With a sudden change of attitude and interest, I asked, "What’s wrong with him?"
With her eyes wet and her voice tight from   6  the tears, she responded, "Heart trouble." Her eyes   7 as she continued."I’ve already lost my mum, so I don’t think I can   8 losing him.”
I couldn’t respond.I was  9  .My heart ached for her.I sat on [he old, smelly seat thinking of the great   10 my own mother was thrown into when my father died.
I saw how hard it was, and still is, for her.I wouldn’t like anyone to go through that.Suddenly I realized Janie wasn’t only a bus driver.That was just her job.She had a _ 11_ world of family and concerns too.I had never thought of her as anything but a driver.I suddenly felt very   12  .I realized I had only thought of people as   13  as what their purposes were in my life.I paid no attention to Janie because she was a bus driver.1 had judged her by her job and regarded her as unimportant.
For all I know, I’m just another person in someone else’s world, and may not even be important.I should not have been so selfish and self-centered.Everyone   14 a place to go to, people to see and appointments to   15 .Understanding people is an art.
1. A.determination       B.decision        C.attempt     D.anxiety
2. A.make        B.stand       C.think       D.find
3. A.topic   B.message         C.discussion      D.conversation
4. A.devotedly       B.carelessly      C.politely        D.sincerely
5. A.common          B.silence         C.particular       D.surprise
6. A.avoiding    B.clearing        C.keeping         D.fighting
7. A.widened         B.closed          C.lowered     D.opened
8. A.mind            B.regret              C.bear    D.miss
9. A.angry           B.interested          C.curious         D.shocked
10.A.pain        B.pity        C.disappointment    D.mercy
11  A.dark            B.narrow      C.whole           D.bright
12.A.selfish          B.confused        C.worried         D.sad
13.A.long        B.much            C.far         D.well
14.A.takes           B.has             C.finds           D.needs
15.A.stay            B.remain      C.keep        D.put


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年四川省南山中学高一下学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:完型填空

I was recently invited to dinner by a friend. During the meal, the manager of the restaurant came  16  and said that our meal was free. He stood there  17  at me and he seemed a little  18 to me but I couldn’t quite remember him.  19  I asked him if he knew me. He laughed and said I had probably  20  him, but that I’d changed his life. My friend was quite  21  and asked him how I’d done this.
He said that twelve years ago he   22  a stress(压力)management(管理)class that I was giving. I asked the group what their greatest  23  was and most of them, including him, said it was their bosses.
He said I listened   24  and then took a chair and placed it in the center of the room. I  25  on the chair for a few moments and then I   26  everyone to come and do the same. I wanted them to look at the room from up there. After everyone had done it, I asked the group to  27  how the room looked different when they changed their perspective(角度).
Then I asked them to  28  their bosses. Was this the same person who had seen their good  29 and hired them? Did they remember how happy they were to be  30  for the job? But how did these wonderful people become terrible bosses?
He said I looked at him and asked if he had  31  said thank you to his boss for the  32  to earn a living. He answered he hadn’t. Then I asked him why he hadn’t tried being  33  to his boss.
He told us his  34  changed that night. He went back to work the next day with a thank-you card to his boss. He said I’d  35  him to look at life from different perspectives and express thanks.

A.regretfullyB.disappointedly C.doubtfullyD.carefully
A.work onB.think aboutC.look intoD.fill out


科目:高中英语 来源:2011年陕西省师大附中高二下学期期末考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

Even if you are naturally shy, these three tricks will help you to quickly build a new social circle in any new city.
1.Take pictures
One of the great things about taking pictures at an event or party is that it gives you an excuse to get in touch with a person.Everybody loves seeing pictures of themselves,and it’s very easy after taking a picture to say “If you’d like I can email it to you”.This can be the seed that leads to new connections.The next time you hear about a fun event email your new contacts to let them know about it.
2.Eat alone in public
You might feel self-conscious eating by yourself but it has an important benefit:you are much easier to approach when you are alone.People may be afraid of interrupting you or being rude if you are in a conversation with someone else.Bring a book or newspaper to read (this will make  you feel less self-conscious).Plus,having an interesting book with you will give others an excuse to start a conversation if they’ve read it.
3.Join a class,sports team,or club
Yoga,salsa dancing,volleyball,Toastmasters (a public speaking club),a class for work,etc. Take up a new hobby or continue an old one!
These are all great places to meet new people,primarily because you will be forced to see the same people over and over again in the class.You will automatically make friends with them if you have a common interest and are forced to see each other again.
* In the beginning.never turn down an invitation from someone,even if it’s something you wouldn’t normally do.
* Email your new friends with fun things to do instead of always asking what their plans are, If they have a better plan you can drop (放弃) yours and join them.This will help establish(建立) you as someone who is contributing value instead of just taking it (people want this in a friend) .
*Don’t let little things in life upset you or be a negative person.People don’t want to be around someone like that!
【小题1】     can give you an excuse to start new connections.

A.Taking pictures of othersB.Eating by yourself in public
C.Reading interesting books D.Joining group activities
【小题2】According to the text,which of the following is NOT mentioned as an advantage of joining a class?
A.It helps you find out your interest and take up a new hobby.
B.It helps you find out people who share a common interest with you.
C.It offers an opportunity to meet the same people repeatedly.
D.It is a good way to meet new people and make friends in a new city.
【小题3】Which of the following pieces of advice is a tip from the text?
A.Try to be outgoing and talkative instead of being shy.
B.Never turn down an invitation from your friends.
C.Offer suggestions on how to spend time together.
D.Don’t give a negative response to any request.


科目:高中英语 来源:河南省郑州四中2010届高三第四次调研考试 题型:阅读理解

Parents often believe that they have a good relationship with their teenagers(青少年). But last summer, Joanna and Henry noticed a change in their older son: suddenly he seemed to be talking far more to his friends than to his parents. “The door to his room is always shut.” Joanna noted.
Tina and Mark noticed similar changes in their 14-year-old daughter. “She used to cuddle up(蜷伏)with me on the sofa and talk ,” said Mark . “Now we joke that she does this only when she wants something. Sometimes she wants to be treated like a little girl and sometimes like a young lady. The problem is figuring out which time is which. ”
Before age 11, children like to tell their parents what’s on their minds. “In fact, parents are first on the list.” said Michael Rita, author of Uncommon Sense for Parents with Teenagers. “This completely changes during the teen years.” Rita explained. “They talk to their friends first, then maybe their teachers, and their parents last.”
Parents who know what’s going on in their teenagers’ lives are in the best position to help them. To break down the wall of silence, parents should create chances to understand what their children want to say , and try to find ways to talk and write to them . And they must give their children a mental break, for children also need freedom, though young. Another thing, parents should remember is that to be a friend, not a manager, with their children is a better way to know them.
40. “The door to his room is always shut” suggests that the son        .
A. is always busy with his studies          B. doesn’t want to be disturbed
C. keeps himself away from his parents D. begins to dislike his parents
41. What troubles Tina and Mark most is that        .
A. their daughter isn’t as lovely as before
B. they can’t read their daughter’s mind exactly
C. they don’t know what to say to their daughter
D. their daughter talks with them only when she needs help
42. Which of the following best explains “the wall of silence” in the last paragraph ?
A. Teenagers talk a lot with their friends.
B. Teenagers do not want to understand their parents.
C. Teenagers do not talk much with their parents.
D. Teenagers talk little about their own lives.
43. What can be learned from the passage?
A. Parents are unhappy with their growing children.
B. Parents have suitable ways to talk with their teenagers.
C. Parents should be patient with their silent teenagers.
D. Parents should try to understand their teenagers.


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年山东省日照一中高一上学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Parents often believe that they have a good relationship with their teenagers. But last summer, Joanna and Henry noticed a change in their older son: suddenly he seemed to be talking far more to his friends than to his parents. “The door to his room is always shut.” Joanna noted.
Tina and Mark noticed similar changes in their 14-year-old daughter. “she used to cuddle up(拥抱) with me on the sofa and talk.” said Mark. “Now we joke that she does this only when she wants something. Sometimes she wants to be treated like a little girl and sometimes like a young lady. The problem is figuring out which time is which.”
Before age 11, Children like to tell their parents what’is on their minds. “In fact, parents are first on the list.” said Michael Riera, author of Uncommon Sense for Parents with Teenagers. “This completely changes during the teen years.” Riera explained. “They talk to their friends first, and then maybe their teachers and their parents last.”
Parents who know what’s going on in their teenagers’ lives are in the best position to help them. To break down the wall of silence, parents should create chances to understand what their children want to say, and try to find ways to talk and write to them. And they must give their children a mental break, for children also need freedom, though young. Another thing parents should remember is that to be a friend, not a manager, with children is a better way to know them.
【小题1】 “The door to his room is always shut” suggests that the son__________.

A.is always busy with his studies
B.doesn’t want to be disturbed
C.keeps himself away from his parents
D.begins to dislike his parents
【小题2】 What troubles Tina and Mark most is that__________.
A.their daughter isn’t as lovely as before
B.they can’t read their daughter’s mind exactly
C.they don’t know what to say to their daughter
D.their daughter talks with them only when she needs help
【小题3】Which of the following best explains “the wall of silence” in the last paragraph?
A.Teenagers talk a lot with their friends.
B.Teenagers do not want to understand their parents.
C.Teenagers do not talk much with their parents.
D.Teenagers talk little about their own lives.
【小题4】What can be learned from the passage?
A.Parents are unhappy with their growing children.
B.Parents have suitable ways to talk with their teenagers.
C.Parents should be patient with their silent teenagers.
D.Parents should try to understand their teenagers.

