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Dear John,

I am very sorry to tell you that I unable to go to your party this Sunday. It is very kind for you to invite me to your house. I really look forward to go to your party and sharing your happy experiences abroad. Much to my regret I would be absent from your party because the final exam is just in the corner. What's worst, I have caught a bad cold lately and I am really not me. Anyway, we will have much more chances to get together. I am true sorry. I hope you will forgive me but accept my sincere apology.

I am looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua

【答案】1. unable前加am

2. kind后的for改为of

3. look forward to后的go改为going

4. would→will

5. just后的in→around

6. worst→worse

7. me→myself

8. much→many

9. true→truly

10. but→and

【解析】1. 固定结构:be unable to do sth.不能做某事,故在unable前加am。

2. 固定结构:be kind of sb某人是友好的,故把kind后的for改为of。

3. 固定搭配:look forward to doing sth.期盼做某事,故把look forward to后的go改为going。

4. 因为事情还没有发生,表示将来,故把would改为will。

5. 固定短语:be just around the corner即将来临,故把just后的in改为around。

6. 固定短语:what’s worse更糟糕的是,故worst改为worse。

7. 句意:最近我感冒了,我真的都不是我自己了。故把me改为myself。

8. chances是可数名词复数,故把much改为many。

9. 副词修饰形容词,故把true改为truly。

10. 句意:希望你原谅我,并接受我真诚的道歉。根据句意可知,此处是并列的递进关系故把but改为and。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


How to Feel Worthy

【1】 It might be when spending time around others or when you’re by yourself but it’s often spurred on by feeling that others are more successful, privileged or more clever than you. The following tips may help you get out of the suffering situation.

2 Comparison weakens your self-reliance and causes you to feel less than, because instead of concentrating on what you have, you only see what you don’t have. Think of a bloom—it blooms amid many other blooms and does not compare itself to all those blooms; instead it does what it was made to do—bloom.

Learn how to appreciate other people’s achievements.3 If you appreciate other people’s work, others will always appreciate you, which is a form of respect and satisfaction that adds to your sense of self-worth.

Make new friends. Surround yourself with like-minded people. In this way, you can create your own space, and you will feel worthy.

Stop criticizing yourself. Every person has certain limits—you are not a super human who can(or even should) do everything.4

Involve yourself in community services, you will feel confident. 5 You will feel worthy, when you see the love for yourself reflected in other people’s eyes.

A. Avoid comparing yourself with others.

B. Try to ignore others who are surrounding you.

C. There are times in life when you may not feel worthy.

D. Instead, enjoy your own individual qualities and abilities.

E. Criticizing others does little to help build your self-worth.

F. Therefore, think of yourself before others can help you relax.

G. Often helping others further shapes and builds up your character.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:








The best advice I received in my childhood was from my dad. He always gives me some advice, but I seldom took them seriously. One day he was encouraged me to participate in a speech competition. So I signed up and after the competition, I did my best to be full prepared. But the moment I stood on the stage, I was such nervous that my mind completely went blank. The experience of lose a competition was really painful. Then, my dad said, My son, life is like battlefield. You have to lose many time to win the final victory.” Thanks for his advice, I never give up when I do anything.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】How to cultivate a creative hobby in college

Your undergraduate days are arguably some of the most stressful of your life.The best way to get it all out is to express yourself creatively.Here is how to get started:

1The first step is finding room in your schedule to actually sit down and let your creative juices flow.2 However,one of the best things you can do for yourself is take time to relax and let your mind wander as it pleases.If you want to actually make your art a part of your career though,you will have to devote a serious chunk of your day to it.

Take a course.3Schedule an appointment with your advisor and see if the college you attend offers a course in the creative field that you're interested in.

Join a club or make one.Chances are that there are other students at your school that share the same interests as you.4If there isn't one,check out the procedures for going about making one!

Constantly search for inspiration.5This could mean something as simple as looking for blogs that showcase work that you admire or going to a museum in your college town and wandering around for a bit.

Even if you don't feel that you have enough talent to make your art a part of your professional career,it never hurts to try.The skills that you learn while working at your art might even possibly help you in the workplace down the road.

A.Learn how to make a club.

B.Everyone is busy in college.

C.Make time in your schedule.

D.You should try to make you a well-rounded and interesting person.

E.Visit your university's websites and see what clubs exist that relate to the art you practice.

F.The easiest way to make time to express yourself is to fit it into your academic schedule.

G.You should always be looking for the next thing that will inspire your work even further.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:














科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】At the Magazine we welcome your contributions! We love to publicize authors, bloggers and businesses. And there are several spots available for writers.

Author Spot

This is a regular page devoted to new and experienced authors. Click here to see the questions and you simply reply as you wish. To appear on Author Spot, your book must be already published. Please enclose a color photo of yourself plus a color photo of your book cover.

Top Tips

Are you an expert in your field? We welcome “Top Tips” on any subjects such as working from home, building up a business, writing — please contact us if you have an idea and look at the top tips posts on this site to see how to craft your own.

Press Releases

Do you have some news about your business, company or charity? We are always on the look out for great press releases to publish on our site. Simply submit your press release here or email it to ali- son@ feature world. co.uk.

Opinion pieces and Reviews

Got a subject you feel strongly about? Or would you like to review a book for us? We are happy to look at all other opinion pieces or reviews as long as they fit with the general ethos (思想信仰)of the site.

General Submission Guidelines

Due to the number of submissions received we cannot guarantee that your submission will be published. There might be a wait of a few weeks before your submission goes live.

We reserve the right to edit submissions — although as they are personal to the writer,we endeavor not to do this.

Any questions? Contact us here.

1Which is a necessary requirement to contribute a book?

A. One photo of you and your book.

B. A book never published.

C. Answering some questions.

D. An expert in your field.

2What does the underlined part “we endeavor not to do this” in the sentence mean?

A. We try not to be personal.

B. We try not to change your writing.

C. We try not to reserve the right.

D. We try not to delay the publication.

3Where does the passage come from?

A. A magazine.

B. A textbook.

C. A website.

D. A newspaper.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】—Would you please show me the way to the city library?

—Stick to the road until you reach the second crossroads. ________.

A. Take it easy B. You can’t miss it

C. Don’t get me wrong D. You bet


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:




1. 欢迎大家参加此次活动;

2. 活动时间:9月12号9:00~17:00



3. 活动期间应该注意的事项(至少两项)。


1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 文中不可透露个人姓名和学校名称。











科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Next time you need directions,maybe you can ask an ant.These little creatures are masters of navigation(导航)that some can find their way home whether they're walking forward or backward,according to a study in Current Biology.

Ants often travel long to bring back the food to their nests.But how do they know where they’re going?

Researchers went to Spain to mess with some desert ants.They found an active nest and surrounded it with barriers that forced the foraging(搜寻)ants to follow a particular path back home.Once the ants were familiar with the maze,the researchers would take them up,hand them pieces of a cookie and then put them back in a different location,one that required taking a 90 degree turn to get to the nest.

The research found that the ants carrying a small,easy-to-carry piece would run forward with confidence and were able to head on home.Some ants,however,would drop the cookie and turn around to take a look at the scenery, which allowed the six-legged experts to reset their inner maps,catch their cookies and head in the right direction.

These ants seem to use sky clues,like the position of the sun,to keep them on track.When the researchers used a mirror to make it look like the sun on the other side of the sky,the cornered ants would turn tail for the opposite direction.

So ants integrate(整合)a lot of information to successfully bring home the food.

1What does the word “maze” in Paragraph 3 probably refer to?

A. A nest that active ants live in.

B. An experiment that is done in the desert.

C. A method that helps to locate food.

D. A place that consists of confusing paths.

2Why did some ants stop to look at the scenery?

A. To get over the man-made barriers.

B. To enjoy the scenery along the route.

C. To ensure they're in the right direction.

D. To check directions with their maps.

3According to the passage,what probably helps the ants find their way home?

A. The position of the sun. B. One particular path.

C. A 90 degree turn. D. Pieces of a cookie.

4Where does this passage probably come from?

A. An adventure novel. B. A geography textbook.

C. A science magazine. D. A tourist brochure.

