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7.Where do you keep ice?In the freezer,of course.That's what scientists might have thought when they were looking for a safe place to store ice from mountain glaciers from around the world.They've decided to store ice in Antarctica because global warming is causing some of the glaciers in places like the Alps to melt.
Jerome Chappellaz of the French National Centre for Scientific Research is involved in creating an ice vault (地下室) there.He says:"We are probably the only scientific community whose sample (样本) is in danger of disappearing from the face of the planet.If you work on rocks or on tree rings,the raw material is still here and will be for many centuries."
And why do scientists need to study ice from the Alps,for example?Ice formed on the top of a mountain is made of snow accumulated over thousands of years.Trapped air bubbles (气泡) contain samples of the atmosphere that existed when that ice was formed.Ice is a record of climate.By examining ice,we know carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is higher now than in the last three million years.Researchers use this kind of data to build computer models and try to predict what might happen in the future.
The ice vault will be housed in a snow cave at the Concordia Research Station,which is operated by scientists from France and Italy.The ice samples will be sealed in bags and placed 10meters below the surface,at a constant temperature of-50℃.This will put the scientists'minds at rest.Losing the ice samples would be a disaster,and nobody wants to see a mine of scientific knowledge lost forever in a giant pool.
32.What makes Antarctica a safe place to store ice?B
A.Its large mountains.
B.Its function as a freezer.
C.The abundant ice samples there.
D.The absence of global warming.
33.Jerome compares ice with rocks and tree rings to state thatA.
A.it's necessary to store ice
B.it's more valuable to study ice
C.ice disappears very quickly
D.ice should be stored at home
34.What is the researchers'purpose of studying ice?A
A.To learn about climate.
B.To learn about the Alps.
C.To trap air bubbles.
D.To reduce carbon dioxide.
35.What do scientists think of storing ice in Antarctica?D
A.They consider it an easy job.
B.They're not optimistic about it.
C.They think it will cause disasters.
D.They think it's a reliable way.

分析 本文属于科普说明文阅读,科学家想方设法保存地球上存在的冰块,并计划在南极洲建立一个地下室储存冰块.文章中介绍了科学家要储存冰块的原因和目的.

解答 32-35 BAAD
32.B.推理判断题.根据第一段最后一句They've decided to store ice in Antarctica because global warming is causing some of the glaciers in places like the Alps to melt.可知因为全球变暖是,世界其他地方的冰都在融化,科学家把南极洲用来储存冰块,就是把它当成冰箱在使用.故B正确.
33.A.推理判断题.根据第三段三、四、五句Trapped air bubbles (气泡) contain samples of the atmospherethat existed when that ice was formed.Ice is a record of climate By examining ice.we know carbondioxide in the atmosphere is higher now than in the last three million years.可知这些都是人们储存冰的原因,研究冰块,我们可以了解很多过去的事情,并预测未来的事情.所以文章中提到这些例子是为了说明储存冰块的必要性.故A正确.
34.A.细节理解题.根据第三段三、四句Trapped air bubbles (气泡) contain samples of the atmosphere thatexisted when that ice was formed.Ice is a record of climate By examining ice.可知研究冰块可以让我们了解很多与气候有关的信息.故A正确.
35.D.推理判断题.根据第一段:They've decided to store ice in Antarctica because global warming is causing some of the glaciers in places like the Alps to melt可知科学家认为在南极洲储存冰是一个可靠的办法;故选D.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

17.You are more likely to get the job if you have any ________experience of this kind of     work.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.Dear Editor,
    I'm a Senior 1 student in a middle school.This term,my favourite teacher,Miss Mao,no longer teaches us.I want to see her,but I'm afraid that she no longer likes me and I don't want to trouble her.I really miss her.What should I do?
                                                                                                  Tian Yan  
Dear Tian Yan,
    It's bad luck that you have lost your favourite teacher.But,if she is still in your school,nothing can stop you going to see her.When she isn't busy,ask her if she minds having a quick chat.You can then tell her she was your favourite teacher.Everyone is happy to know they are liked!
    If she has left the school,it will be more difficult to meet her.It will be hard,but remember people always come and go in our lives.We can't depend on them being with us all the time.
You may be sad to say goodbye to her,but we can remember and learn from her.Think of her best qualities.
You could also try looking for similar qualities in your other teachers.Study hard and give your new teacher a chance.In time,you might start to see that he or she has different qualities to learn from.
    Finally,you can not completely depend on other people getting you through your studies,or even your life.
21.Tian YanB.
A.is a troublemaker              
B.likes Miss Mao very much    
C.is happy these days            
D.doesn't like to tell her secret to anyone
22.Which of the following does the editor advise Tian Yan not to do?D
A.Find a time to see Miss Mao.B.Have a short chat with Miss Mao.
C.Tell Miss Mao she likes her.D.Keep quiet about the thing.
23.The expression"in time"in this passage means"A".
A.over a period of time   
B.on time       
C.at the right time      
D.a long time ago
24.According to the passage,students can make progress in their studiesD.
A.completely by their favourite teachers         
B.completely by their favourite classmates
C.mainly by their parents                     
D.mainly by themselves.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.Modern inventions have speeded up people's lives amazingly.Motor-cars cover a hundred miles in a little more than an hour.Aircrafts cross the world a day,while computers operate at a lightning speed.Indeed,this love of speed seems never-ending.Every year motor-cars are produced which go even faster and each new computer boasts (吹嘘)of saving precious seconds in handling tasks.
All this saves time,but at a price.When we lose or gain half a day in speeding across the world in an airplane,our bodies tell us so.We get the uncomfortable feeling known as jet-lag(时差); our bodies feel that they have been left behind in another time zone.Again,spending too long at computers results in painful wrists and fingers.Mobile phones also have their dangers according to some scientists; too much use may transmit harmful radiation into our brains,a consequence we do not like to think about.
However,what do we do with the time we have saved?Certainly not relax,or so it seems.We are so accustomed to constant activity that we find it difficult to sit and do nothing,or even just one thing at a time.Perhaps the days are long gone when we might listen quietly to a story on the radio,letting imagination take us into another world.
There was a time when some people's lives were devoted simply to the cultivation of the land or the care of cattle.No multi-tasking there; their lives went on at a much gentler pace,and in a familiar pattern.There is much that we might envy about a way of life like this.Yet before we do so,we must think of the hard tasks our ancestors faced:they farmed with bare hands,often lived close to hunger,and had to fashion tools from wood and stone.Modern machinery has freed people from that primitive existence.

8.The new products become more and more time-saving becauseA.
A.our love of speed seems never-ending        
B.time is limited
C.the prices are increasingly high                 
D.the manufacturers boast a lot
9.What does"the days"in Paragraph 3refer to?B
A.Imaginary life                            
B.Simple life in the past
C.Times of inventions                          
D.Time for constant activity
10.What is the author's attitude towards the modern technology?B
11.What does the passage mainly discuss?D
A.The present and past times               
B.Machinery and human beings
C.Imaginations and inventions            
D.Modern technology and its influence.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.With only about 1,000pandas left in the world,China is desperately trying to clone (克隆) the animal and save the endangered species(物种).That's a move similar to what a Texas A&M University researchers have been undertaking for the past five years in a project called"Noah's Ark".
Noah's Ark is aimed at collecting eggs,embryos(胚胎),semen and DNA of endangered animals and storing them in liquid nitrogen(氮).If certain species should become extinct,Dr.Duane Kraemar,a professor in Texas A&M University Medicine,says there would be enough of the basic building blocks to reintroduce the species in the future.
It is estimated that as many as 2,000species of mammals,birds reptiles will become extinct in over 100years.The panda,native only to China,is in danger of becoming extinct in the next 25years.
This week,Chinese scientists said they grew an embryo by introducing cells from a dead female panda into the egg cells of a Japanese white rabbit.They are now trying to implant the embryo into a host animal.
The entire procedure could take from three to five years to complete.
"The nuclear transfer(核子移植) of one species to another is not easy,and the lack of available(capable of being used) panda eggs could be a major problem,"Kraemer believes."They will probably have to do several hundred transfers to result in one pregnancy (having a baby).It takes a long time and it's difficult,but this could be groundbreaking science if it works.They are certainly not putting any live pandas at risk,so it is worth the effort,"adds Kraemer,who is one of the leaders of the Project at Texas A & M,the first-ever attempt at cloning a dog.
"They are trying to do something that's never been done,and this is very similar to our work in Noah's Ark.We're both trying to save animals that face extinction.I certainly appreciate their effort and there's a lot we can learn from what they are attempting to do.It's a research that is very much needed."
28.The aim of"Noah's Ark"project is toB.
A.make efforts to clone the endangered pandas
B.save endangered animals from dying out
C.collect DNA of endangered animals to study
D.transfer the nuclear of one animal to another
29.The underlined word groundbreaking can be interpreted asB.
A.especially new    
30.The best title for the passage may beC.
A.China's Success in Panda Cloning
B.The First Cloned Panda in the World
C.Exploring the Possibility to Clone Pandas
D.China---the Native Place of Pandas Forever
31.From the passage we know thatD.
A.Kraemer and his team have succeeded in cloning a dog
B.scientists try to implant a panda's egg into a rabbit
C.Kraemer will work with Chinese scientists in clone researches
D.about two thousand species will probably die out in a century.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.Let children learn to judge their own.A child who learns to talk does not learn by being corrected all the time; if corrected too much,he will stop talking.He notices a thousand times a day the difference between the language he uses and the language those around him use.Little by little,he makes the necessary changes to make his language like other people's,in the same way,children learn to do all the other things without being taught-to walk,run,climb,ride a bicycle-compare (比较) their own performances(表现) with those of more skilled people,and slowly make the needed changes.But in school we never give a child a chance to find out his mistakes if we thought that he would never notice a mistake unless it was pointed out to him,or correct it unless he was made to.Let him work out,with the help of other children if he wants it,what this word says,what the answer is to that problem,whether this is a good way of saying or doing this or not.If it is a matter of right answers,as it may be in mathematics or science,give him the answer book.Let him correct his own papers.Why should we teachers waste time in doing such work?Our job should be to help the child when he tells us that he can't find the way to get their own understanding,how to know what they know or do not know.
32.According to the passage,the best way for children to learn things isD
A.to listen to skilled people's advice
B.to ask older people many questions
C.to make mistakes and have them corrected
D.to do what other people do
33.According to the writer,teachers in school shouldA
A.allow children to learn from each other
B.point out children's mistakes whenever they are found
C.correct children's mistakes as possible as they can
D.give children more book knowledge
34.Which of the following does the writer think teachers should not do?C
A.Give children correct answers
B.allow children to make mistakes
C.Point out children's mistakes
D.Let children judge their own work
35.The passage suggests that learning to speak and learning to ride a bicycle areB.
A.different from learning other skills
B.the same as learning other skills
C.more important than other skills
D.not really important skills.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.Cats like climbing trees and there are logical reasons behind this behavior.Interestingly,due to some of their physical features,cats will meet trouble getting down from the trees after climbing up,which may seem unusual.
There are several reasons why cats climb trees,mostly to do with defensive purposes.Cats,as predators(捕食者),like to understand their environment well.As they are small animals,their scope of vision is considerably smaller.Cats often climb trees to get a better view of their surroundings to help them see any potential dangers.
While cats are predators,they are also easy to get attacked from larger animals,such as dogs or even other cats.A tree often provides a safe hiding place.In the wild,cars climb up trees to give them a resting or napping place that is out of predators'range.It also helps disguise their presence,.
Some cats may climb trees for fun,on occasion,or possibly to work on improving their climbing abilities.Small cats frequently test out their claw skills by trying to climb up anything and everything,from bookcases to trees to a person's leg.Climbing practice is good for cats; it can improve their strength and flexibility and teach them an important defensive skill.
If a cat has gotten up a tree and cannot get down,the owner may wonder why its remarkable climbing abilities only work in one direction.A cat's claws curve inward,allowing it to grip onto surfaces while going up head first.Unfortunately,this useful climbing curve does nothing to help the animal get back down again.
Eventually,most trapped kitties will either jump out of the tree or realize that they can get down by going tail first.Either way,a cat up a tree is usually nothing to panic about unless it is injured or disabled; they are intelligent animals and will figure out how to get down sooner or later.
24.Why do cats have trouble getting down from a tree?D
A.They are afraid of height.
B.They are easy to get lost in a tree.
C.They don't know how to jump off a tree.
D.Their climbing ability doesn't help when climbing down.
25.According to the text small cats like to climb a person's leg toB.
A.show love to the person
B.test out their claw skills
C.avoid the attack from the dog
D.get food from a person's hand
26.What should you do when you see a cat trapped in a tree?B
A.Lead it down patiently.
B.Just let it alone
C.Teach it the right way to get down.
D.Watch it closely until it comes down.
27.What does this text mainly talk about?A
A.Why cats like to climb trees.
B.Why cats can't climb down a tree.
C.How cats manage to climb down a tree.
D.What owners do to help cats down a tree.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

1.Directions:Write an English composition in 120-150words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.
Dear Sir/Madam,

Yours sincerely,
Li Ming.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.The Internet provides opportunities galore,and can be used for a variety of things.Some of the things that you can do via the Internet are:
    E-mail:E-mail is an online correspondence(通讯)system.With e-mail you can send and receive instant electronic messages,which are like written letters,but unlike traditional mail which takes a long time.Your messages are delivered instantly to anyone anywhere in the world.
    Access Information:The Internet is a virtual treasure trove of information.Any kind of information on any topic under the sun is available on the Internet.The"search engines"on the Internet can help you to find data on any subject that you need.
    Shopping:Along with getting information on the Internet,you can also shop online.There are many online stores and sites that can be used to look for products as well as for buying them by using your credit card.You do not need to leave your house and can do all your shopping at your convenience.
    Online Chat:There are many"chat rooms"on the web that can be accessed to meet new people,make new friends,or stay in touch with old friends.
    Downloading Software:This is one of the most happening and fun things to do via the Internet.You can download innumerable games,music,videos,movies,and a host of other entertainment software from the Internet,most of which are free.
56.The passage is mainly aboutD.
A.how to use computers properly     B.the advantages of computers
C.entertainment on the Internet     D.the advantages of the Internet
57."Chat rooms"probably meansC.
A.places where you can find lots of information
B.places where you can telephone your friends
C.places where you can talk with your friends
D.places where you can play with your friends
58.The following statements about online shopping are true EXCEPT thatB.
A.we don't need to leave the house to do the shopping
B.we can buy products with a credit card as well as in cash
C.there are many online stores for us to visit on the Internet
D.online shopping is very convenient
59.The underlined sentence"Any kind of information on any topic under the sun is available on the Internet."means that on the InternetD
A.we can get information about things that have happened under the sun
B.we can't get information about things that have happened indoors
C.we can get information only about things that have happened in the daytime
D.we can get any information about anything that has ever happened anywhere
60.Which of the following things can NOT be done free on the Internet?D
A.Sending e-mails to friends.
B.Listening to old songs.
C.Searching for information
D.Downloading any software you want to your computer.

