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Several different stories are told about the origin of Saint Valentine’s Day. One story dates as far back as the days of Roman Empire. According to the story. Claudius, the Emperor of Rome, wanted to increase the size of the army. He knew that it would be easier to get young men who were not married to join the army; therefore, he made a rule that no young men could marry until he had served in the army for a number of years.
A priest(man working in church) named Valentine broke the rule and secretly married a great number of young people. Finally, Claudius found out about Valentine and put the priest in prison, where he remained until his death on February 14.
After his death, Valentine was made a saint(圣人) and the day of his death was named Saint Valentine’s Day----which is a time for people to send one another their greeting of many kinds.
February 14, Valentine’s Day, is sweetheart’s day, on which people in love with each other express their soft feelings.
People sometimes put their
love message in a heart shaped box of chocolate or a bunch of flowers tied with red ribbons. Words of letters may be written on the flower covered card, or something else. Whatever the form may be, the message is almost the same “Will you be my Valentine?”
64. According to the rule_______.
A. no young men could get married unless they were old enough.
B. Young men could get married if they had served the army for a number of years.
no one could get married without the emperor’s permission
young men could get married only in the army.
65. The passage mainly tells us about_______.
A. How Valentine died                B. The emperor of Rome   
C. How Valentine’s Day is celebrated    D. The origin of Valentine’s Day
66. February 14 is chosen as Valentine’s Day because_______.
A. people want to remember Valentine
lovers express their soft feelings on this day
people send one another greeting of many kinds on this day
people want to fix a date for lovers to express their emotion
67. Valentine was put in prison for ________.
A. he helped the couples who were not supposed to get married 
B. he got married 
C. he fell in love with more than one woman.  
D. he broke the emperor’s rule on purpose

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

第Ⅱ卷 (两部分共35分)
第四部分任务型阅读 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
Some days you wake up and right when you are going to begin your work, you feel a presence within you that stops you from doing so. You don’t want to work today and you don’t feel motivated to do anything but just escape. Without this motivation, you feel a little hopeless, lost, and stuck. But sometimes even if there is no motivation, you can still feel inspired.
Connect the Dots
Steve Jobs has never finished college. After studying in college for 6 months, he couldn’t see the value in it and dropped out. Not knowing where to go in life, he decided to take a class in calligraphy (书法). Ten years later, he designed something that has affected the different types of typography (排版) that we use today. If he hadn’t dropped out in college, he would never have taken that calligraphy class, and personal computers might not have the wonderful typography.
Sometimes when you’re trying to reach a goal, it’s impossible to connect the dots where you currently are. Somehow you just have to trust yourself, and have faith that you will reach your dreams, despite not having the slightest clue or perfectly laid-out road to where you are going. Nobody can connect the dots looking forward; you only can connect them when you’re looking backwards. You have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in the future; you have to trust in something, whether it’s destiny (天数,命运) or not, but trusting yourself is the first step towards feeling inspired and having the motivation to move forward.
Perfect Your Environment
Look around your room right now or your workspace. Does it inspire you? Does it give you motivation? Is it noisy or quiet? Sometimes the hardest thing we do to ourselves is try to force ourselves to work in an area that is subconsciously telling us, “I can’t work here.”
And when you are constantly trying to discipline yourself, you will feel worse and be less productive. Instead try to build your ideal workplace and ideal time. Perhaps add a piece of artwork or a quote of your favorite person nearby you on the wall. Maybe add a beautiful plant in the corner to give you inspiration. If you feel more energy and enthusiasm during the night, schedule your day to work at midnight if you can. If you can realize the power of having a productive environment, you will naturally feel inspired and motivated to get work done.
Don’t Work So Hard
If you’re trying to force your way into taking action, it could be a sign that you are working too hard. Most people won’t wake up and waste an hour imagining, thinking further, or confirming, and the first thing they think about is asking “what do I need to do today?” And when they get the answer, they feel miserable, as if their work suddenly weighs them down. But if you spend time focusing on your goals, you’ll receive good feelings—feelings that help you feel inspired and motivated to take real action.
Don’t try to paddle upstream. That just basically equals saying to yourself that you need to force yourself to work hard every day. Instead, paddle along the stream of the river. Trust yourself, let your environment work in your favor, and spend some a little bit of time putting yourself in a state before you work. Inspiration will come to you from different ways—inside and outside—and give you the motivation to guide yourself towards reaching your dreams.
Brief Introduction
Lacking motivation makes you feel (71)   ▲   to do anything and even feel hopeless, lost and stuck. However you can still feel inspired sometimes though you don’t have (72)   ▲    . 
(73)   ▲  
to feel
the dots
●Steve Jobs’ success indicates that the dots will somehow connect in the future, (74)   ▲    the fact that you don’t have the slightest clue or perfectly laid-out road to where you go currently.
●Just (75)   ▲   yourself that you will reach your goal, which is the first step towards inspiration and motivation.
Perfect the
●The worst thing is that you’re (76)   ▲    to work in an area where you are unable to work.
●You are supposed to build an ideal workplace and ideal time, and then you will be likely to feel better and (77)  ▲    more.
●A perfect environment will naturally (78)   ▲    you feel inspired and motivated.
Don’t work
so hard
Forcing your way into taking action could be a sign that you are working too hard but (79)   ▲    on your goals could help you feel inspired and motivated to take real action.
(80)   ▲   of forcing yourself to work hard every day, you need to trust yourself, build a favorable environment, spend time putting yourself in a state and surely you will get inspiration to guide you towards achieving your dreams.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Have you ever suddenly felt that someone you knew was in trouble?Have you ever dreamed something that  36  later?Maybe you have ESP.
ESP stands   37  Extra Sensory Perception. It may be called   38  sixth sense. It seems to let people  39   about events before they happen, or events  40   are happening some  41  away.
There are thousands of stories on  42  . Scientists are studying  43  to find out what’s behind these  44   mental messages. Here’s an example, one of hundreds of  45   that have come true.
A man dreamed he was walking along a road  46  a horse and carriage came by. The driver said, “There’s room for one more.” The man felt the driver was Death,   47  he ran away. The next day, the  48   was getting on a crowded bus. The bus driver said, “There’s room for one more”. Then the man saw that the driver’s face was the same face he  49  in the dream. He would not  50  the bus. As the bus drove off, it  51  crashed and burst into flames. Everyone was  52 !
Some people say stories like this are lies or  53  . Others, including some scientists,  54  that ESP is real. From studies of ESP, we may someday learn more about  55  mind.
36. A. came true              B. came across        C. came on           D. came up
37. A. up                     B. for                 C. by                D. out
38. A. a                 B. the                        C. an                D. this
39. A. knowing                 B. to know           C. know             D. known
40. A. that                   B. what              C. in which            D. as
41. A. orbit                   B. distance                   C. position           D. spot
42. A. demand                B. board                      C. sale              D. record
43. A. them                  B. it                 C. those             D. him
44. A. certain                     B. bright             C. strange             D. successful
45. A. tasks                  B. results            C. expressions        D. dreams
46. A. when                  B. while             C. where              D. which
47. A. or                    B. but                        C. so                  D. and
48. A. driver                 B. captain            C. woman            D. man
49. A. has seen              B. had seen          C. saw                D. sees
50. A. get on                B. take off            C. make of              D. have on
51. A. immediately             B. quickly             C. finally                D. suddenly
52. A. saved                 B. killed              C. preserved            D. examined
53. A. projects                B. discoveries         C. organizations       D. coincidences
54. A. speak                 B. talk               C. say                 D. tell
55. A. the human            B. the westerner          C. the Egyptian            D. the candidate


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Picture this situation. It is late afternoon and you are    36   . You have an important dinner engagement that evening so you    37    to take an hour nap. Instead of setting your alarm you ask a friend who is visiting to wake you in an hour. He   38   .
Two hours later, your friend wakes you. You ask, “Why didn’t you wake me after one hour?” He    39    that he thought you asked him to wake you in two hours and that is what he said. You then have to run around and get ready    40  , muttering to yourself about how you    41   have set the alarm rather than asking your friend to wake you. Had you done that, you would not have been so    42    to get ready.
Your conclusion is correct. Your    43   of what happened looked at the system you used. Your friend’s   44   to wake you resulted from a miscommunication.   45   he didn’t hear you correctly or you misspoke.
46   at the situation from the point of view of being personally responsible is always better than blaming yourself or another. So how do you best be “responsible” in this situation? The answer is   47   in systems thinking.
Dr. W. Edward Deming is the American statistician who is credited with   48   the quality practices to Japan.   49   his arrival in that country in 1950, the label “made in Japan” was synonymous with inferior(劣等的) quality. Now the same “made in Japan” label is synonymous(等同) with   50   quality.
So what did Dr. Deming teach the Japanese that made such a  51   to the quality of their products? The answer is quite simple, yet profound.   52   on years of statistical analysis, Deming was able to validate(证明) that 94 % of all failures are not because people don’t want to do a good job. The fact is that   53   people want to do a good job.
What, then, is the   54   if it’s not the people?
It’s the system. The system failed in 94% of the    55   , not the people.
36. A. relaxed          B. puzzled            C. concerned          D. tired
37. A. try              B. decide             C. promise            D. expect
38. A. agrees        B. admits                C. accepts            D. adopts
39. A. wonders        B. doubts             C. replies             D. requests
40. A. carelessly         B. quickly            C. angrily            D. suddenly
41. A. should          B. could              C. might             D. would
42. A. slow           B. rushed              C. uncertain           D. satisfied
43. A. understanding B. presentation       C. description          D. analysis
44. A. forgetfulness B. unwillingness      C. failure             D. fault
45. A. Either        B. Neither              C. Both                D. Whether
46. A. Glaring        B. Staring            C. Glancing           D. Looking
47. A. left              B. found             C. received           D. completed
48. A. bringing        B. turning            C. fetching            D. leading
49. A. Until          B. After              C. Before             D. Since
50. A. different     B. poor            C. best               D. high
51. A. difference    B. destruction       C. decoration        D. distinction
52. A. Based        B. Relied                 C. Focused            D. Counted
53. A. few            B. fewer             C. more              D. most
54. A. reason       B. cause                 C. effect              D. result
55. A. incidents     B. accidents              C. cases               D. actions


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

When you are little, it’s not hard to believe you can changed the world. I remember my enthusiasm when, at the age of 12, I addressed the people at the Rio Earth Summit. “I am only a child,” I told them. "Yet I know that if all the money spent on war was spent on ending poverty and finding environmental answers, what a wonderful place this would be. In school you teach us not to fight with others, to work things out, to respect others, to clean up our mess, not to hurt other creatures, to share, not be greedy. Then why do you go out and do the things you tell us not to do? You grownups say you love us, but I challenge you, please, to make your actions reflect your words."
I spoke for six minutes and received a standing ovation. Some of the delegates even cried. I thought that maybe I had reached some of them, that my speech might actually spur(刺激) action. Now, a decade from Rio, after I've sat through many more conferences, I'm not sure what has been accomplished. My confidence in the people in power and in the power of an individual's voice to reach them has been deeply shaken.
When I was little, the world was simple. But as a young adult, I'm learning that as we have to make choices--education, career, lifestyle--life gets more and more complicated. We are beginning to feel pressure to produce and be successful. We are learning a shortsighted way of looking at the future, focusing on four-year government terms and quarterly business reports. We are taught that economic growth is progress, but we aren't taught how to pursue a happy, healthy or sustainable way of living. And we are learning that what we wanted for our future when we were 12 was idealistic and naïve(天真).
Today I'm no longer a child, but I'm worried about what kind of environment my children will grow up in. I know change is possible, because I am changing, still figuring out what I think. I am still deciding how to live my life. The challenges are great, but if we accept individual responsibility and make choices, we will rise to the challenges, and we will become part of the positive tide of the change. I hope this goal will be met through our common efforts. Thank you all.
57.The purpose of what the speaker said at the age of 12 was to          .
A.end poverty and make school beautiful
B.find environmental answers and show off
C.focus people’s attention on some social problems
D.find a wonderful place and clean it up
58.What does the underlined word “ovation” in the second paragraph refer to?
A.A long period of laughing.
B.A cold and unfriendly welcome.
C.An expression used for greeting.
D.Great applause or cheering.
59.The information in the text is presented mainly through          .
A.question and answer         B.a personal lecture
C.cause and effect                  D.listing steps in a process
60.Which of the following best describes the speaker?
A.He is an experienced educator.         B.He is an impolite man.
C.He is a man of great worries.   D.He is a man of social responsibility.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

阅读理解(共13  26分)
阅读下面几段文字,理解文章大意,并从A 、B、 C、 D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
People need to relax and enjoy themselves.  One way they can have a good time is to watch a baseball game or another sports event.  Even thousands of years ago, groups of people gathered to watch skilled athletes.
Over 2000 years ago in Greece, certain days in the year were festival days.  These were holidays when people stopped work and enjoyed themselves.  They liked to watch athletes take part in races and other games of skill.
The most important festival was held every four years at the town of Olympia.  It was held in honor of the Greek god Zeus (Zus).  For five days, athletes from all parts of the Greek world took part in the Olympic Games.  At the Olympic Games, people could watch them box, run, jump and so on.  There was a relay race between two reams of men in which a lighted torch was passed from runner to runner.  The Olympic Games were thought to be so important that cities which were at war with one another had to stop fighting.  People were allowed to travel to the games safely.  Thousands of people came to Olympia from cities in Greece and from her colonies (殖民地)in Africa, Asia and Italy.  They met as friends to cheer their favorite athletes and to enjoy themselves.
56.What happened in Greece over 2000 years ago?
A.  People stopped work and enjoyed themselves.
B  The cities there were often against one another.
C  People watched baseball games.
D  People didn’t go to any games at all.
57.What were those countries in Africa?
A.  Friends.    B. Enemies.   C.  Colonies.     . D  Other cities.
58.What did people do at the games?
A.  They fought.
B They just talked to friends.
C  They cheered for good athletes.
D  They tried to find friends.
59.Greek cities then were fighting so they ____
A.  were weak.
B  were strong
C  couldn’t go to other cities freely.
D  could see each other.
60.The best title for the story is “ _____” .
A.  Greece at War
B.  Together for the Games
C.  Stop Fighting
D.  Sport


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

 When he thought of the past, my grandfather would sometimes show us photographs of himself at school. They were brown and faded, and it was hard to believe that the blurred(模糊) figure of the little boy in the short trousers and socks could ever have been Grandfather. Besides, he wore a cap --- all the boys in the photographs wore caps pulled so far forward that half of their faces were obscured. When Grandfather asked us to pick him out from the group, we would surely point to the wrong boy.
On one such occasion my younger sister, aged six, burst into tears when Grandfather proudly guided her finger to the right boy. "How could that boy be you?" she cried. "He should have a beard." We were, of course, all convinced that grandfathers should have beards, preferably white and bushy, like our own grandfather's.
"I was a good scholar," Grandfather would say, wagging his beard over the photographs. "I should have been top of the class if I hadn't had to get up at six every morning to milk the cows and chop the wood, and again when I came home from school."
"But Saturdays? What did you do on Saturdays?"
"Saturdays, if it was fine, I'd be out all day in the fields with the men," replied Grandfather. "And if it was wet, I'd be helping my mother with odd jobs round the house. There wasn't much time for studying."
We all tried hard to imagine what it would have been like to have seen Grandfather getting up at crack of dawn and never, obviously, having a moment for himself. It seemed we had learnt something from what Grandfather had said about his childhood.
41. In the first paragraph of this passage, what the author really tells us is that ________ .
A. his grandfather used to wear short trousers, socks and a cap as well
B. it was difficult to tell which of the boys in the photographs was Grandfather
C. he didn't believe Grandfather wore a cap pulled forward when he was at school
D. it was fun to watch boys in the photographs wearing caps pulled forward
42. The author's sister burst into tears because________.
A. she did not get a chance to pick out Grandfather in the photographs
B. she was told which was the right boy before she herself could pick him out
C. other children did not agree with her that Grandfather should have had a beard
D. she found Grandfather in the photographs did not have a beard
43. When Grandfather said, "I should have been top of the class...", he meant ________ .
A. if he had had more time for studying, he would have been the best in his class
B. he should have spent more time studying rather than playing ball games
C. his school days should not have been so hard and miserable
D. he could have never been the best student even if he had studied still harder
44. In the last paragraph the author said, "We all tried hard to imagine..." because ________ .
A. the figures of the boys in the photographs were small and blurred
B. the children had never experienced life like that of Grandfather
C. the photographs Grandfather showed them were brown and faded
D. Grandfather failed to tell them about his childhood in detail


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Men are happier with money, while women find greater joy in friendships and relationships with their children, co – workers and bosses, a new global survey indicates.
The online survey of 28,153 people in more than 51 countries by global marketing and information firm Nielsen found that as the world struggles with a recession(衰退) and financial markets remain declined, many people are reminding themselves that money can’t buy happiness.
The Nielsen Happiness Study found that globally, women are happier than men in 48 of the 51 countries surveyed in August 2009, and only in Brazil, South Africa and Vietnam were men found to be happier than women.
“Because they are happier with non-economic factors, women’s happiness is more recession-proof which might explain why women around the world are happier in general than men are,” Nielsen Vice President of Consumer Research Bruce Paul said in a statement.
Japanese women reported the greatest difference and are 15 percent happier than Japanese men.Women are also more optimistic about the future, scoring higher than men on predictions of their happiness in the next six months.
Women were also more content with their marriage life, the study found.Japanese and New Zealand women reported the greatest difference in satisfaction with their marriage life.
Men are generally happier with their physical health than women, and this is especially pronounced in South Africa.Egypt bucks the trend, with women rating their happiness with their health considerably higher than men.
Globally, men rated their happiness with their mental health higher than women.It was the same in Belgium, South Korea, Mexico, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Egypt, and Israel.
There are three main drivers of happiness globally, according to the study: personal financial situation, mental health and job/career.Being satisfied with your partner is also important for happiness.
61.The passage mainly centers around ______.
A.key drivers leading to happiness
B.a study on happiness between sexes
C.a medical survey on men and women
D.comparisons between men and women
62.Compared with women, men tend to be happier with ______.
A.money, friendship and their family
B.financial situation, health and marriage life
C.the future, mental health and money
D.mental health, physical health and money
63.The underlined word in Paragraph 7 is closest in meaning to ______.
A.strengthens         B.opposes       C.follows      D.continues
64.According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT right?
A.Globally, women are happier than men in general.
B.Women in Vietnam are not as happy as men.
C.Women score higher than men on predictions of their future.
D.Women’s happiness is less likely affected by financial crisis.
65.Which country has the biggest difference in happiness between men and women?
A.Japan.  B.New Zealand.      C.Egypt.        D.South Africa.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

People in cities all over the world shop in supermarkets. Who decides what you buy in the supermarket? Do you decide? Does the supermarket decide?
When you enter the supermarket, you see shelves full of food. You walk in the aisles between the shelves. You push a shopping cart and put your food in it.
You probably hear soft, slow music as you walk along the aisles. This may be an attempt to please you, so you will enjoy shopping. Some supermarkets want to increase their profits by playing soft and slow music, because the slow music makes you walk slowly and you have more time to buy things.
Fresh fruit and vegetables are usually put near the entrance. When you arrive at the supermarket, you concentrate on the kinds of fruit and vegetables you need first. Once you've got that out of the way, you can relax and do the rest of the shopping without any hurry. Besides, if you see fresh goods first, it gives you a "feel good" impression of freshness, so you can not help spending your money.
Maybe you go to the meat department then. There is some meat on sale, and you want to find it. The manager of the supermarket knows where customers enter the meat department. The cheaper meat is at the other end of the meat department, away from where the customers enter. You have to walk past all the expensive meat before you find the cheaper meat. Maybe you will buy some of the expensive meat instead of the meat on sale.
Most of the food in supermarkets is very attractive. It all says "Buy me quickly!" to the customers. The fresh fruit and vegetables say "Buy me quickly!" as you walk by. The expensive meat says "Buy me quickly!" The supermarket tells you what to buy.
56. Some supermarkets play soft, slow music because it ________.
A. can help customers get the things they want
B. makes customers walk slowly and buy more
C. can make customers relaxed and happy
D. can tell customers exactly where to go
57. The manager knows ________.
A. where customers come from    B. which customers like slow music
C. where fresh meat should be put  D. which customers like cheap meat
58. When walking past the expensive meat, the customers will _______.
A. possibly buy some                     B. pay no attention to it
C. look for some cheap meat              D. feel uncomfortable
59. If you see fresh goods first in the supermarket, ________.
A. you know where to get things   B. it brings you good luck
C. it makes you spend less money  D. you’ll get a fresh impression
60. Supermarket managers make the food attractive so that ________.
A. the customers will buy more              B. it looks very expensive
C. the customers come often                D. it seems cheap and fine

