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    The U.S. high school rate (辍学率) has fallen in recent years,with the number of dropouts decreased from 1 million in 2008 to about 750,000 in 2012,according to a study. The number of dropout factories”,high schools in which fewer than 60% of freshmen graduate in four years,decreased greatly during the same period.

   “Clear progress is being made,” said Bob Wise,a former West Virginia governor. “it's not a total success yet. So we shou?dn’ t,take a victory iap. But we can at least st?rt warming up."

    Education Secretary Ame Duncan has said the improving graduation rate serves as evidence that the nation's public schools are making progress. But there* re many reasons that graduation rates can rise. And not all of the reasons have to do with stronger schools preparing more students for life after high school.

    Alabama,for example,made great progress in 2014. Its graduation rate jumped more than six percentage points,the second-biggest increase in the nation. But the increase agreed with a policy change that took in the same year: Alabama students no longer had to pass ? high school exit exam to earn a diploma  (毕业文凭) .

   It also isn’ t  clear how many students are graduating with the skills they need for the workplace or for college. Graduation requirements vary widely across states,and many states offer different levels of diplomas with different requirements.

    Arizona students can earn a standard diploma that requires four courses in math,four in English and three in science. But they also can earn a “Grand Canyon” diploma,which requires just two courses each in math,science and English — less than many colleges’ requ?ement for admission.

9. The good news about a newly released study is that

A.there’ re few dropouts in u.s. high schools   

B. the U.S. high school dropout rate has fallen 

C. the number of “dropout factories” has increased   

D. the number of high school students is increasing

10. The underlined phrase “take a victory lap” in Paragraph 2 means .

A. lose confidence

B. stop working

C. become too excited  

D. get embarrassed

11. Why does the author mention Alabama?

A. fo prove Alabama's education develops very fast.

B. To show graduation rate doesn't mean everything.

C. To advise students to try to get different diplomas.

D. To warn the U.S. education is not successful.

12. What do we know about the “Grand Canyon”

diploma in Arizona? 一

A. Students need to put more efforts into it.

B. It's much required for colleges in Arizona.

C. Students who get it won’t necessarily be admitted by colleges.

D. It's more difficult to get than a standard diploma.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

                 A ★★★

    I’m sitting down in the second period when the principal comes in bringing a new student with him. He says that the new student called Marco has come from Mexico and doesn’t know English. Suddenly I think of my first day of school when I moved from Mexico to Utah. It was hard to move to a place that had a different language and different ways of doing things. I was a little frightened because I was about to start school but I had trouble understanding the teacher.

    When school started I sat in the back so I Wouldn’t draw any attention. Ms Bolling,my new second-grade teacher,made all of US introduce ourselves to everybody. I went up to a kid named Ivan and told him my name and started talking to him in Spanish. Ivan knew Spanish so he was the only one I could talk to. Ivan helped the teacher translate what she was saying to me.

    During lunch break,I didn't v^ant to go outside but the rule was that I couldn^t stay inside during break. After lunch,one of the teachers took me outside and then I got a soccer ball from the equipment room and started playing by myself. I was kicking the ball at the wall and dribbling (运球) it. I was pretty good at soccer and I could do some tricks (把戏) with the soccer ball,which attracted Ivan. He came over to me and asked me if I wanted to play soccer with him and his friends. I told him ?eah and when the game was over,he introduced me to his friends,after which we all became good friends.

    Suddenly I realize that Marco is sitting next to me. I introduce myself and start helping him with the worksheet (作业单) we have to do. After that,the bell rings and he asks me if he can eat lunch with me and I say yeah.

1. It can be inferred from Paragraph 1 that

   A. Marco is from Utah

   B. Marco has caused problems

    C. the author understands Marco well

   D. the author adapted to his new school quickly

2. How did the author communicate with his teacher at the beginning?

   A. By ?peaking English.

   B. With the help of Marco,

    C. By using body language.

   D. Through Ivan's translations.

3. One teacher took the author outside after lunch because .

   A. he wanted to play soccer

   B. he had done something wrong

    C. he had to follow the school's rule   

    D. the teacher wanted to teach him soccer

4. What helped the author make friends with Ivan’s friends?

   A. His courage.

   B. His soccer ball skills,

    C. His teacher’s respect.

   D. His familiarity with Utah.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  “Is there going to be a flood?” asked Daniel. He looked nervously at his dad and mom. They both looked worried. Dad was completely wet and dirty. He and some other men in town had spent the morning piling bags of sand on top of the /ewe (防洪堤) along the river. For years the levee had kept the Mississippi from flooding its banks. After three straight days of rain,though,the water grew higher and higher. If the levee broke,Dani?r‘s neighborhood would be flooded for sure.

  “We’11 be fine,” Dad placed a reassuring hand on Danier’s shoulder. Outside,lightning flashed,followed by distant thunder. “Just in case,” said Dad. I think we should start moving some things to Uncle Mike's house." Uncle Mike lived farther away from the river on higher ground. “And we’ 11 take everything we need to cook and eat upstairs,” he said, “like camping out in our own house."

I  By nightfall,everything the family needed had been moved upstairs. Dad had taken their new couch and TV to Uncle Mike's. Daniel helped his dad tie a fishing boat to the front (门廊) .“Just in case,”said Dad.

   Lying in bed that night,Daniel tossed and turned. He could hear the heavy rain beating on the roof. “Everything will be all right,” he said to himself just before falling asleep.

   Several hours later,the sound of"幻:皮似(警报器) woke Daniel from a sound sleep. He sat straight up in bed,his heart pounding. Ink rushed Mom ,“Get dressed,Daniel!The levee just broke!WeJ re leaving. We have no other choice."

   A few minutes later they all got . into the fishing boat,leaving behind just about everything they owned. Daniel asked,re going to -lose everything,aren't we?w

  “No,not everything”’ said Mom,pulling him close. We'11 always have each other."

  “That's right,” said Dad. “We may lose the house,but we can always rebuild it. We can't ever lose our home,though,because home is us."

1. What caused the levee to break?

   A. Bad construction.

   B. High water levels.

    C. Lack of sandbags.

   D. People's  carelessness.

2. The underlined word “reassuring” in Paragraph 2 probably means.

   A. shaking   B. disturbing

    C. disappointing   D. comforting

3. How did Daniel's family manage to escape the danger?

   A. By taking a fishing boat.

   B. By being saved by the police,

    C. With the help of Uncle Mike.

   D. By camping out on higher ground.

4. From what Daniel's parents said we can learn that.

   A. life isn’t a bed of roses

   B. east or west,home is best 

    C. home is where the family is   

    D. a man's house is his castle


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   In 1952,I was in the 9th grade. That was the year I made friends with Rajdeo Singh,a .boy who lived in one of the villages around our small town. The son of a farmer,he was the first member of his family to go to school. Although a year older than me,Rajdeo studied in the 7th,grade at another school.

    At school,I did well in all my subjects except one: (梵语) .It was a real problem. If I failed :in Sanskrit,I'd not pass the matriculation exams (学入学考试) .

  “How strange!” Rajdeo said. “I am weak in all subjects except Sanskrit. I could help you. Look at the verbs. First of all you have to learn their shabd roop and dhatu roop by heart."

   I did as I was told. I remembered those word 介厂所加/训5 (构词法) as if they wei*e ar/í/?m冲V:(算术) ; tables. Rajdeo had such a practical way of teaching. He told me about short-cuts and strange relationships in the rules of grammar,and I was beginning to see Sanskrit much like I saw mathematics,which I liked. Rajdeo came to my home almost daily always;prepared,without expecting or taking anything in return. Of course,Mother always gave him meals whenever he visited.

   I started to enjoy his lessons so much that I got through high school with more than 70 percent in Sanskrit!Although I never needed Sanskrit at work,learning the ancient language wasn,t useless after all. Recently,when my grandchildren,too,found Sanskrit studies difficult,I could really help them out,in the way Raj deo did.

   I've had many teachers through college and at work. Yet I always remember Rajdeo Singh as a very good teacher — a student actually,altho?gh I lost touch with him and my hometown ages ago.

5. What do we know about Rajdeo Singh?

   A. He lived in a big city.

   B. He was an excellent student,

    C. He came from a poor family.

   D. He was younger than the author.

6. The author felf that Rajdeo Singh's  way of teaching was .

   A. strange   B. old

    C. stressful   D. effective

7. After learning Sanskrit with the help of Rajdeo Singh,the author .

   A. got a good job

   B. made a lot of money

    C. found Sanskrit useful in life   

    D. graduated fròm high school successfully

8. Which of the following can best describe Rajdeo Singh?

   A. Humorous. B. Friendly,

    C. Brave.   D. Honest.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   In cities across the US,police dogs have usually been those trained in Europe,at a cost of tens of thousands of dollars for police departments. But now police can get the same work done for next to nothing by simply turning to the countless future K9s in US shelters. “All they need is a chance to prove themselves and these dogs will work as hard as dogs that we bring in from overseas ,” said Croft,the founder of Universal K9.

   Croft has rescued 60 dogs so far from shelters across the South. The organization has trained the dogs in drug and explosive detection,scent tracking (跟踪气味) and other work. Once they’re fully trained,the dogs are then delivered to local police departments for free. “Right now,we’re on track to save almost 100 dogs this year,” Croft said.

   Universal K9 currently has 15 dogs in its eight-week class. Sadie,a 5-month-old dog,is the class’ —star student. She was picked up off the street by animal control workers. uI found Sadie on the side of the road one day/' said Centeno;an animal control worker in Texas. /'She was just so playful. She had a lot of energy."

   And the dogs aren‘t just joining police departments; they re also becoming members of police families. Cpl. Wesley Keeling,an officer,said he was unwilling to take on K9 partner Remi,a graduate of Universal K9,at the beginning,but quickly he began to love her. They’ve now been together for 2. 5 months. Keeling said Remi was responsible for searching cars and buildings for (麻醉剂) as well as tracking people who may escape or who may go missing. “Remi is a saved dog ,” Keeling said. “She's proud of herself,I'm proud of her. I can't say enough about her. I really can't.”

9. Compared with dogs from Universal K9,traditionally trained police dogs .

   A. are cleverer

   B. can do more tasks 

    C. cost more money

   D. are trained in the US

10. Universal K9 is founded to .

   A. reduce social crimes

   B. make money by training dogs 

    C. save and train homeless dogs   

    D. call on people to care for dogs

11. What do we know about Sadie?

   A. She is a quiet dog.

   B. She is popular in the class.

    C. She was found two months ago.

   D. She is good at smelling danger.

12. The best title for the text would be .

   A. Dogs,human's close friends

   B. The importance of police dogs 

    C. The roles dogs play nowadays

   D. Dogs get a second chance and duty


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. Whenever Maty reads an interesting story,she can't keep it to and wants to share it with her friends.

   A. she   B. her

    C. hers   D. herself      (2015 河南)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. Emma (hurt) her back when she fell off her horse.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. —Should I take Mary to see the doctor?(补全否定答语)

—No, .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


根据对话内容,从方框中选择当的选项补全对 话,其中有两项多余。

A: Good morning. (46) .

B: Doctor,my ear hurts.

A: I see. Which ear is it?

B: My left ear.

A: (47)

B: Oh,about two days ago.

A: (48) Hmm,yes,it's a bit red in there. I think you’ve got (感染) .

B: Oh,is it serious?

A: No. (49)

B:OK。I will

A: (50)

B: OK. Thank you. Goodbye.

A: Goodbye.

   A. Take this medicine — four times a day.

   B. Do you have a fever?

   C. What seems to be the problem?

   D. If it isn’t any better by Friday,come back and see me.

   E. When did it start?

   F. My brother hit me on the ear.

   G. Well,let me have a look at it.

