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---I bet you will go on a trip after graduation.

---______. I can’t wait!

A. Surely I will             B. Go ahead    C. Take it easy       D. My pleasure





试题分析:考查交际用语。Surely I will当然,我会的;Go ahead前进,先请;My pleasure我愿意;Take it easy别着急。句意是---我猜测毕业后你将去旅行。---当然,我会的。已经迫不急待了。故选A。





科目:高中英语 来源:全优设计必修三英语人教版 人教版 题型:022


用be about to do; be to do和be going to do的适当形式填空。

(1)I ________(be)a scientist when I grow up.

(2)You ________(be)back before 11 o'clock.

(3)I ________(go)to bed when there was a knock at the door.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

单词拼写 共10题,每题1分,共10分

1. I'm terribly sorry. I didn't do it on (故意)________.

2. She came up to me and started talking in such a(熟悉)________ way that I thought I must have met her before.

3.Whether you will succeed or not in doing the work depends on your (态度) ____ to it.

4. Don't be shy. If you have some questions, you must be (勇敢)_______ enough to speak it out in public.

5.Many students attended the lecture, (包括)_______our monitor. 

6. Air pollution is one of the biggest problems that we can’t (忽略)_______. We should pay more attention to it.

7. We have different ideas about the issue. That is to say we(不同意)______ with each other.

8. He found it difficult to remember the English word and failed in the English exam because of his poor English(词汇)_______.

9. It is not right to (判断)______ a person by the clothes he wears.

10. We all know that my desk-mate is too(顽固)_______ to change his mind.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Sometimes your biggest weakness can become your biggest strength. Take, for example, the story of one boy who decided to study judo(柔道)____ 1____the fact that he had lost his____ 2____in a car accident.

The boy began lessons with an old Japanese judo master. The boy was doing__ 3__, but he couldn’t understand____ 4__ , after three months of training, the master had taught him only one move(招数). “Sensei,” the boy finally said, “____5____I be learning more moves?” Not quite understanding, but believing in his teacher, the boy____ 6____training.

Several months later, the sensei took the boy to his____ 7____ tournament(联赛).____8____himself, the boy easily won his first two matches. The third match proved to be more difficult, but after some time, his opponent became____ 9____and charged; the boy skillfully used his one move to____10____the match. Still amazed by his success, the boy was now in the finals.

This time, his opponent was____11____and more experienced. Soon the____12____appeared to be overmatched.____ 13____ the boy might get__14__ , the referee would call a time-out. He was about to stop the match____15____the sensei stopped it. “No,” the sensei insisted, “Let him__16 __.”

Soon after the match renewed, his opponent made a deadly mistake: he____17____his guard. Instantly, the boy used his move to beat him. On the way home, the boy and sensei 18____every move in every match. Then the boy gathered the____19____to ask his master, “Sensei, how did I win the tournament with only one move?”

“Two reasons,” the sensei answered. “First, you’ve____20____mastered one of the most difficult throws. Second, your opponent always failed to grab your left arm.”

A. considering         B. for            C. despite            D. though

A. right arm           B. left arm        C. right leg         D. left leg

A. poorly              B. badly        C. hardly         D. well

A. why                 B. how         C. that         D. what

A. Mustn’t            B. Shouldn’t        C. Haven’t         D. Wouldn’t

A. stopped        B. resisted         C. kept         D. hated

A. first        B. second         C. third         D. final

A. Finding        B. Moving        C. Wondering         D. Surprising

A. uncomfortable        B. injured        C. impatient        D. excited

A. win        B. lose        C. defeat         D. beat

A. much fatter         B. more excited         C. stronger   D. more skillful

A. opponent         B. boy         C. sensei         D. referee

A. Concerning        B. Believing in        C. Supposing     D. Cared

A. angry        B. lost         C. hurt        D. tired

A. when         B. while        C. which        D. how

A. stop         B. lose        C. train        D. continue

A. fell        B. dropped         C. wore        D. put on

A. reviewed        B. remembered        C. reminded        D. restored

A. information         B. strength        C. courage        D. energy

A. never        B. almost        C. seldom         D. hardly


科目:高中英语 来源:2010年高考预测试题英语(六) 题型:阅读理解

With smart phones taking the world by Storm,a phone that Can only send and receive voice
calls and text messages may seem like a relic from a bygone age.Yet in East Africa,simple
phones like these are changing the face of the economy,thanks to the mobile money services that are spreading across the region.
Usilng the text-messaging function built into the GSM system(全球通)used by most cell
phone networks,these services allow people without a bank account or credit card to use their
phone as an electronic walletthat can be used to store.send or receive cash.
It works like this:you pay cash to your local agent who then tops up your mobile money
account using a secure form of text messaging.That money can be transferred(转账)to another
person by sending a message to their cell phone account.
For some the system is a lifeline.“If I didn,t have my mobile phone.1 would be very
poor,”says Neyasse Neemur,a mother of four children who lives in northern Kenya.“Now I
can sell fish.”
Neemur took up fishing in July last year,but making money from it was a little tricky,
especially as Turkana people do not usually eat fish.A truck from Ethiopia to Tanzania passes
through her village once a week,and she arranged to have the driver transport the fish several
hundred kilometres south to market in Kisumu.where relatives sell the fish.
“I get the money transfer immediately.”says Neemur.“Then I can pay for my children to go to school and for vegetables and beans,”she adds,“so I don’t need to eat fish.”
According to the Central Bank of Kenya,payments worth around l billion Kenyan shillings
($13 million)per day were transferred through Kenya,s mobile money systems in 2009,equalling
the country,s credit card transactions(业务).The bank expects mobile money transfers to overtake credit cards in 2010.
49.In Paragraph l,the author uses“simple phones”to________.
A.make a comparison    B.introduce a topic
C.describe a scene     D.offer an argument
50.What can we learn about the simple phones in East Africa?
A.They might help the local people apply for a bank account.
B.They will replace the banks completely in the near future.
C.They provide a safe means for the locals to do business.
D.They can do nothing except send and receive calls or messages.
51.The word“it”in the third paragraph refers to_______.
A.the GSM system    B.the mobile money service
C.the credit card service D.the cell phone networks
52.The story of Neyasse Neemur suggests that_______.
A.the mobile money service plays a key rote in the locals, life
B.Neemur uses her mobile phone to contact her customers
C。her relatives tricks Turkana people to eat the fish they sell
D.the Bank of Kenya helps her improve her living condition


科目:高中英语 来源:2010年宁夏高二上学期期中考试英语卷 题型:完型填空

“Where would we be right now if I did not have the restaurant? How else would I be able to provide for our family? Who give me, a man without 36 ,a job?” My father 37 say these things on our car rides to the stores that supply our 38.

He would tell me stories of long, hard hours spent 39 in the hot kitchen and helping all the 40. Now I 41 late on weekends to welcome him, 42 that he will tell me something 43 .He always knows how to inspire me. I could never understand 44 he grew to be so wise without even having the opportunity to complete high school.

“Make sure you get a job 45 you have to wear a tie!” he’d always say with a smile. They were like a paintbrush(画笔) that began 46 this beautiful picture in my head that I have entitled(有资格的)my 47 in life.

My father has worked day in and day out,with few days off, for 20 years, never 48 .He would explain how this is 49 he had to do to make my 50 better. My father worked hard so that I 51 go to the best schools. He worked to supply me with 52 that would provide a job where I had to wear a tie.

My father is a 53 in which I can only hope to catch a reflection(反省)of myself. He is the one I strive to model myself after.  54 , when I make a great name for myself as a doctor, someone will ask, “Where did you get such a great work ethic (道德) ?”

“My father!” I’ ll say, adjusting(调整) my  55 and I’ ll smile.

1.A work                      B success              C money        D an education

2.A used to             B would               C always        D might

3.A family              B kitchen              C restaurant       D hotel

4.A to work             B work                 C works          D working

5.A friends             B cooks               C customers       D waiters

6.A hold up            B keep up               C stand up         D stay up

7.A wished             B wishing               C hoped          D hoping

8.A wonderful         B interesting              C big             D wise

9.A whether                 B how                C where          D when

10.A when            B where              C which          D that

11.A putting            B describing             C imagining       D painting

12.A job               B success              C goal            D future

13.A complained       B complains           C complaining     D complaint

14.A what             B that                C which           D why

15.A job               B life               C days          D future

16.A would            B could             C should         D must

17.A opportunities      B hopes               C occasions        D possibilities

18.A model          B mirror                C hero            D example

19.A The other day      B Another day         C Some days       D One day

20.A tie                      B suit             C dress           D shirt


