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 With recent permission from Chinese government, Japan has become the first country ______ huge sums of Chinese government bond(债券).

A. allows to buy                                     B. to allow to buy  

C. to be allowed to buy                              D. to be allowed buying


科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年度吉林长春市十一高中高二下学期期初考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

In spite of the uncertainty of the economy, the movie industry has been stricken by a box-office outburst. Suddenly it seems as if everyone is going to the movies, with ticket sales this year up 17.5 percent, to $1.7 billion.
And it is not just because ticket prices are higher. Attendance has also jumped, by nearly 16 percent. If that pace continues through the year, it would amount to the biggest box-office increase in at least two decades.
Americans, for the moment, just want to hide in a very dark place. People want to forget their troubles, and they want to be with other people. Helping feed the outburst is the mix of movies, which have been more audience-friendly in recent months as the studios have tried to adjust after the discouraging sales of more serious films.
As she stood in line at the 18-screen Bridge theater complex here on Thursday to buy weekend tickets for “Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience,” Angel Hernandez was not thinking much about escaping reality. Instead, Ms. Hernandez, a Los Angeles parking lot attendant and mother of four young girls, was focused on one very specific reality: her wallet.
“Spending hundreds of dollars to take them to Disneyland is ridiculous right now,” she said. “For $60 and some candy money I can still be a good mom and give them a little fun.”
A lot of parents may have been thinking the same thing Friday, as “Jonas Brothers” sold out more than 800 theaters, and was expected to sell a powerful $25 million or more in tickets.
The film industry appears to have had a hand in its recent good luck. Over the last year or two, studios have released movies that are happier, scarier or just less
depressing than what came before. After poor results for a rush of serious dramas built around the Middle East, Hollywood got back to comedies.
【小题1】Which of the following is not a reason for the improvement of the movie industry?

A.A growing number of people are going to the cinema.
B.People are richer with the development of economy.
C.More comedies are made than serious films.
D.People have to pay more to watch a movie.
【小题2】Ms. Hernandez purchased the movie tickets because ________.
A.she tried to escape realityB.she was a crazy movie fan
C.she was fond of DisneylandD.she wanted to please her kids
【小题3】.According to the text, which of the following number is not used to describe the shooting up of the movie industry?
A.17.5% B.$1.7 billionC.$60D.$25 million
【小题4】The passage is developed mainly by ________.
A.presenting the effect and analyzing the causes
B.following the order of time
C.describing problems and drawing a conclusion
D.making comparison of ideas


科目:高中英语 来源:2012届内蒙古呼伦贝尔市牙克石林业一中高三第一次模拟考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

237 West Palmdale Boulevard
Fresno, California 93706
AmToy Corporation
Suite 15
TransAm Building
San Francisco, California 94115
November 20, 2008
Dear Sirs,
As a concerned parent, I am writing to protest your recent advertisement for Electro—Robo seen in local media is California. Specifically, I am referring to newspaper and magazine ads (attached to this letter)published the week of November 15.
Children respond to your type of advertising in an immature way; that is, they are unable to understand how expensive some toys are for middle-class parents. Further, you product is violent in nature. Youth advertisement gives children the impression that it’s fine to have “two guns and laser eyes.” You also suggest that children need your toy to protect them “when you go outside.” This is not a healthy attitude for children to have.
I hope you will stop advertising your product in such a way that may harm our children.
Sincerely yours,
(Mrs.) Alma Hernandez
President, Parents for Non-violent Toys
It’s here! Ready for You, Now! It’s Electro-Robo!
Every boy dreams of being in control of a robot, and AmToy can make your dream come true! Electro-Roho is the world’s first fully automatic robot with radio control. Standing 80 centimeters tall, Electro-Robo is like a friend at home. He can walk, talk, and even shake your hand! He has two guns and laser eyes to help you defend yourself when you go outside with him. Every boy needs Electro-Robo!
Ask your Mom and Dad to buy Electro-Robo for your birthday or for Christmas, which is coming up soon. Imagine that you are in control of your friend for life, Electro-Robo!
Available at all toy stores and department stores NOW!
【小题1】What is the purpose of the letter?
A.To complain about a broken toy.B.To oppose the advertising.
C.To order a gift for Christmas.D.To apply for a job in a toy company.
【小题2】What dose “Enc.” at the end of the letter mean?
A.Something attached to the letter.B.A complaint to the toy company.
C.A hidden messageD.An encouraging response.
【小题3】 Electro-Robo can do all the following EXCEPT ______-.
A.sitting downB.shaking handsC.talkingD.walking


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Section B

Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

 A. selected           B. amazed      C. domestic                 D. ensure          E. destinations

 F. specific        G. assure         H. accommodations    I. excellent      J. preferred

       The global crisis, which originally started in the United States last year, has caused a lot of problems and affected people’s life in all aspects. In New York, people are going away on weekends and sticking close to their homes. Here's how the down economy is changing the way they travel.


       Some smaller cities are stealing the glory. Fort Myers, Florida experienced double digit (位数) growth in September, 2009 over September 2008, based on American Express Travel bookings. Cities like Portland, Oregon are also becoming popular ___1___, with recent data showing an increase of 38% over last year. Even Philadelphia's star is rising, said the senior editor Shaw Brown from Travelocity — a leading provider of consumer-direct travel services for the leisure and business traveler.

       Brown said, “It’s hard to explain exactly the reason for the boom. We are ___2___ at all about this and it might be a decrease in airfare or hotel prices or ___3___ marketing. Hotel rates in Fort Myers are down about 10%. But hotel rates in Portland are up.”  She thinks Philadelphia's higher popularity is due to good marketing, a decrease in airfare of 16% compared to the overall 8% decrease for ___4___ flights and more interest in historic destinations in general.


       Rather than take a two-week vacation to Europe, families ___5___ to visit national parks.

       David Mandy, spokesman for the Association of Amusement Parks, is optimistic about the summer season. He said even when gas was $ 4 a gallon in 2008, people continued to visit theme parks--they simply ___6___ parks closer to their homes.

       For years, to ___7___ families with kids visit national parks at a ___8___ time, park operators have been using special offers, promotions and discounts, the deals may be easier to find this year, especially when it comes to packages that include ___9___. Universal Orlando Resort has a deal allowing families to book a three-night package and receive two additional nights free. Packages include accommodations at a hotel near Universal and unlimited theme park admission to both Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

 With recent permission from Chinese government, Japan has become the first country ______ huge sums of Chinese government bond(债券).

A. allows to buy                                     B. to allow to buy  

C. to be allowed to buy                              D. to be allowed buying

