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9. Peter was laughing hard,but his wife was laughing (the hardest / even harder) !


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



                                Classical music 

             The term classical music has several meanings. Many countries call their own traditional or ancient music classical music. However,in Western parts of the world people use the term classical music to refer to art music.

             36 Classical music is more complex. It is usually written down in a form that classical :musicians can read off the page. Classical musicians do not frequently improvise(即兴创作).To improvise means to make up music while playing it.

             People called composers(作曲家) write classical music. 37 The music may require stringed mstruments, windinstruments, keyboardinstru-ments,or percussion instruments(打击乐器) ,or a

combination of any of these.

             38 A musical work may be written for only one instrument,a few instruments,or a large group of instruments. An orchestra is a large group of instruments.

             Classical music developed in Europe over hundreds of years. Much of the earliest classical music was used in religious ceremonies. Later,nonreligious music became more popular.

             Classical music grew and changed rapidly from the late 1500s to the mid-1700s. The modem orchestra was formed during this time. 39

             Music experts call the time from'about 1750 to 1820 the classical age. In this period,musicians developed a number of musical forms. One of them was the symphony,a long musical composition for an orchestra.

             The 1900s were a time of great experimentation in classical music. 40 For example,electronic instruments opened up new ways of expression for composers and musicians.

   A. Much classical music was emotional.

   B. Composers used new forms and even new instruments.

   C. They write classical music for different types of instruments.

   D. Also,musicians created new types of classical music,such as opera.

   E. Art music,or classical music,is different from popular music and folk music.

   F. Composers usually decide how many instruments should play a musical work.

   G. Musicians often performed classical music to entertain audience in royal courts.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Finding jobs continues to be 1.(extreme) difficult for young people graduating from college. The job market has been 2.(unbelievable) slow to improve. Those people who do find jobs have to be clever 3. e to get into a company for an interview. Many are happy to take non-paying internships(实习生的职位) in order to get work experience.After the internship,an intern hopes to be hired or at least be recommended for another job.

   The intern's presence in the office can be helpful. In a good internship,an intern is treated with respect,does a wide variety of tasks,and leams 4. (high) useful job skills. In a bad internship,an intern is treated 5. (rude) , asked to do rather ordinary tasks,and receives very little compensation(补偿) .After the internship is over,the intern may or may not be in a very much better position to find a handsomely paying job.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1. It's a very (吸引人的) offer. The pay is high and the working conditions are good.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

8. They couldn’t find evidence that the officer had (deliberate) broken the law.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. The more we looked at the picture, (the least / the less) we liked it.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. 一Don't forget to buy some milk.

—I (don't / won’ t) .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

8. If Diana saw a big spider,she (scream) like crazy.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. The church,   (被一场火毁坏的) ,was never rebuilt.(destroy)

