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【题目】根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
Controlling Anger
Becoming angry is something beyond the control of people. Becoming angry can do a lot of damages, both mental and physical. However, there are methods for discovering how to control anger and not suffer later.
The moment you feel there are chances of you becoming angry, get away from those circumstances. In fact, there can be no better a judge than you, for discovering what it is or who it is that makes you become angry, and then at that moment choose to think about something else that can lighten your feelings.
● Keep a check on your breathing. By controlling the process of breathing, you can actually slow down your anger greatly. You can count till the number three as you breathe in, hold it for 3 seconds and again count till three while breathing out. You have to concentrate on the count as you do this and repeat for as many times as is required.
For example, if you're experiencing road anger while driving, you can choose to tell yourself that the person who overtook you by a vehicle was in a hurry as a result of some emergency and appreciate the fact that nothing major had happened to your car. Repeat this form of self-talk to yourself every time you are in the middle of such an angry situation.
● Look for a support in other people. It needs to be clear right at the beginning as to why you are discussing your concerns with that individual. Let the other individual know what you want from the other person. After you're done with your part of discussing about the circumstances, chances are that you'll feel much better than before.
A. Talk to yourself positively.
B. Come to a stop as soon as you are angry.
C. Try to see the situation in a different light.
D. You can also ask for help from the one you rely on.
E. What you can do when you become angry is to breathe deeply.
F. In fact, almost all people at one point of time or the other become angry.
G. You can imagine going to a place you consider to be calming as well as relaxing.


(1)因为此空设置在段落之首,且此段是点题之段,所以需要我们仔细揣摩。由前一句“Becoming angry is something beyond the control of people”知,生气是人们控制不住的事情。提出“becoming angry”,方便下文引出“controning anger”的主题。F句意为:事实上,大部分人有时候会变得生气。紧扣前一句“生气是人们控制不住的事情”。故选F

(2)此空设置在段落之前,由此文章的结构知,每个段落前是一句总结性的话,此句话与段落内容息息相关,且短小精悍,还是祈使句。所以要从A、B、C、里面选择。再由此段内容“The moment you feel there are chances of you becoming angry, get away from those circumstances. 当你感到你可能要生气的时候,避免这种状况,去思考一些别的能够让你开心的事情”知选B。

(3)此空也是设置在段落之中,不过不是在总结段或点题段,而是在如何控制愤怒的具体措施段落,就比较好选。先看前面的总结性话语,“Keep a check on your breathing”,不管我们会不会翻译这句话,至少我们可以看出来这句话的中心词是“breathing”,所以我们要选与之相关的,故选E

(4)此空设置在段落之首,只能从A、C中选择了。由段落内容“如果你驾驶的时候,经历了一场”路怒”,你可以安慰你自己这个人其实是因为一些紧急的事,所以才如此匆忙”“Repeat this form of self-talk to yourself every time you are in the middle of such an angry situation”每次,当你将要变得生气的时候,你都可以这样告诉自己。故选择A:用积极的想法安慰自己。

(5)此空设置在段落之中。由前面总结性的话语“Look for a support in other people:从别人那里寻求支持”知应选D。D的意思是:你也可以从你依赖的人那里寻求帮助,切合前一句话和段落大意。故选D


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Smart phones are so common these days. It's a wonder that our pets don't own one. But they don't necessarily have to. These four apps will help you take care of your best furry friend from dog training to first aid.
Pet First Aid
Price: $3.99
Pet First Aid helps you provide the basic care and attention that your four-legged friend might need in a medical emergency. The application shows owners how to treat illnesses with helpful videos, pictures and articles on subjects like cuts, wound treatment and more. A section called Pet Info lets you enter in information about your pets including when they had their last vaccinations, any medicines they take, or information about any diseases or conditions your animal suffers from.
Paw Card Pet Tracker
Price: Free
Paw Card helps you keep a record of your loved one's important information. Use it to record your pet's medical contacts, vaccinations, identity cards, medical conditions and medicines. Additional characteristics include a drawing showing your dog's weight over time.
Dog Park Finder
Price: Free
Dog Park Finder helps you locate dog-friendly parks and training locations in your area(USA)locations only). The app includes in formation on more than 2,200 off-leash(无需给狗拴链的) areas, user photos and more than 6,500 reviews, so you can have fun with your dog off the leash.
Dog Book
Price: Free
Dog Book is a social networking application for dogs. Like Face book, users can share with other people what's going on in their dog's life, share photos, and find great animal-friendly places to meet up.
(1)The app Pet First Aid is different from the other thee mainly in .
(2)If you want to keep a record of your dog's weight, you can use .
A.Dog Book
B.Pet First Aid
C.Dog Park Finder
D.Paw Card Pet Tracker
(3)Which one is the best choice if you want to find dog training locations?
A.Dog Park Finder
B.Pet First Aid
C.Paw Card Pet Tracker.
D.Dog Book
(4)From the text we can know.
A.Dog Book users can find off-leash areas
B.Dog Park Finder provides worldwide information
C.Paw Card Pet Tracker records your dog's information
D.Pet First Aid users can find the nearest hospital easily


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假定你是李华,你校英文报正在征稿,题目是The Most Impressive Woman in My Life, 请你写一篇稿件,投给校英文报。内容包括:
The Most Impressive Woman in My Life


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


When Dad told me I was going to take a scuba diver training course, I was really excited. I thought I’d be like those people on TV, 1 (play) with fish.

In the pool, Rob, my instructor, demanded we do what he did. One of the drills 2 (be) to take our masks off at the bottom of the deep end, replace them, 3 clear them of water. I wasn’t doing that because I couldn’t open my eyes underwater or keep water out of my nose. I 4 (terrify) and made excuse after excuse about 5 I couldn’t do it. Rob walked over and said, “Alaya, you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to. Nobody is forcing you.” Though I said I wasn’t going to do it, my 6(foot) carried me toward the pool.

With my eyes tightly 7 (close), I dived in and made my way to 8 other end. The water felt unnatural against my face. I 9 (quick) threw on my mask and started clearing it of water. Rob gave me thumbs up. I learned a big lesson: there is nothing to fear but fear 10(it).


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:







I was shopping with my wife and we have plenty of things to buy. We drove to the centre of the city but stopped our car in front of a shop. An hour later, we came back to the car. But it was strange that we could open the doors. So we asked the policeman for help. He was glad to help us. a few minutes later, he got the door open. Just then a man came up and shouted angry, “What are you doing with my car?” We were surprising and went to see the number of the car. It was not his. We were very embarrassed on that time. What do you think that we did then? We had to speak sorry to the man.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】根据短文内容的理解,选择正确答案。 When people introduce themselves, I always hear them say "I'm just a housewife". I don't understand why their introduction is always filled with regret and self-pity. Is it, really a crime to be a housewife? Is it really embarrassing when you choose not to work outside and instead choose to work in your home?
How could you be "just a housewife" when the basic social unit of society depends on you and your service? A housewife works for the longest hour, supporting your husband, child studies, caring for elders, managing finances, paying bills, grocery shopping, cooking according to individual taste, cleaning, etc. A housewife could be anyone: daughter, wife, mother, teacher, financial advisor, fashion designer and nurse, gardener, driver, cook, and so on. Don't think you are not being paid for it. You get the reward that no money can offer—the love and affection of your family, their trust for you, a happy home and your own satisfaction.
It is you who choose to be in this occupation, willingly or for any other reason. After a busy day, all wait to return to the comfortable home set by you. They know you will be there to absorb all their stress and tiredness and relax them. Would the life have been the same had you been working outside to earn some money? Would you along with your family have been able to buy all the content in life that you are enjoying now with that money?
Respect yourself for what you are. Introduce yourself to the world with the same dignity. The world understands the importance of your job; it's time to make them accept it. Introduce yourself with pride and with twinkle in your eyes "I am a housewife". Kick that "just" out..
(1)How do people feel when they say "I'm just a housewife"?
(2)Listing the housewife's duties, the author implies a housewife .
A.usually leads a terrible life
B.plays a more important role
C.does not always get her reward
D.makes a great contribution to the family
(3)If a housewife worked outside, she would .
A.have the same life like before
B.set a comfortable home for her family
C.absorb her family's stress
D.lose the content that she is enjoying
(4)What is the author's attitude toward housewives?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Griffith Observatory (天文台) is a national leader in public astronomy, and one of the most popular attractions in Los Angeles. It is located on the southern slope (山坡) of Mount Hollywood in Griffith Park at 1,134 feet above sea level.

Visitors may drive to the Observatory and park in its parking lot or on nearby roads. No reservation (预定) is required to visit. Parking is limited, and the busiest times are weekend. Buses, taxis, and carpools are welcome. LADOT provides weekend public bus service from the Sunset/Vermont Metro Red Line station.

Griffith Observatory is open six days a week. Admission and parking are free.

Hours of Operation

Tuesday---Friday 12:00 noon---10:00 p.m.

Saturday---Sunday 10:00 a.m.---10:00 p.m.

Monday Closed

Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day Closed

Samuel Oschin Planetarium

The Samuel Oschin Planetarium theater offers 8 to 10 live, half-hour presentations each day. There are usually four different shows from which to choose.

Shows are presented every 60 to 90 minutes. Check the website, information desks, or the box office for each day’s show times. Late seating is not permitted.

Samuel Oschin Planetarium tickets must be purchased at the Observatory and are only available on the day of the show. The ticket prices for shows are:

Adults (13-59 years old) $7.00

Children (5-12 years old) $3.00

Seniors (60 years and older) $5.00

Students $5.00

Children under 5 years will be admitted only to the first show each day.

Hearing assist devices are available upon request.

Public Telescopes

Free public telescopes are available each evening the Observatory is open and skies are clear. The Zeiss telescope on the roof is generally open by 7:00 p.m.. All observing must be completed by 9:45 p.m..

1What can we learn about Griffith Observatory according to the passage?

A. It is open all the year around.

B. It is mostly visited at weekends.

C. It becomes famous because of Hollywood.

D. It is the most attractive place in Los Angeles.

2Which of the following best describes the Samuel Oschin Planetarium theater?

A. Hearing assist devices are provided to seniors.

B. The shows there generally last 60 to 90 minutes.

C. Visitors are required to be seated before the show starts.

D. The tickets for its shows can be bought through the website.

3To watch the show, a young couple with a 7-year-old son should pay________.

A. $13.00 B. $15.00

C. $17.00 D. $20.00

4Which of the following is charged?

A. Parking. B. Telescopes.

C. Hearing assist devices. D. LADOT bus service.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Since a university education in the United States (be)very expensive, most students work in addition to studying. Students (usual)work part-time, but some students take full-time jobs.
A typical job for a students would be working a waiter or waitress. Other typical off-campus jobs would include being a clerk in a store or delivering pizza. Sometimes students also find jobs on campus such as cleaning, working in a cafeteria or library or answering (telephone). Most student jobs are entry-level and low paying, but have flexible schedule (allow) students to attend classes.
Sometimes students also hold more responsible positions such as managers, or if they are lucky, positions in their area of study, they hope will help them find employment after they graduate.
double responsibilities of working and studying result in a very busy, (stress)life for some students. , it is the only way for many people to finance their college educations. Some Americans believe that the work experience is good for the students (they)since it gives them a taste of “the real world” outside the school.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】—Is it true that Aaron refused an offer from Cambridge University yesterday?
—Yeah, but I have no idea _________ he did it; that’s one of his favourite universities.

