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She has dropped out of society.

When Peter saw that he hadn’t a chance, he dropped out of the race.





科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:051


Giving life and hope

    Orphans(孤儿)whose parents died of AIDS in Henan Province have been given new hopeLast week the provincial government answered the children's cries by promising 60 million yuan to improve schoolsorphanages(孤儿院)and living conditionsBut without the efforts of DrGao Yaojiethese cries may never have been heard

    “I’m a doctor and it’s my duty to cure diseases and save lives”said the 77-year-old grandmotherGao was named one of the 2003 People of Year on February 20 by CCTV after millions of people took part in an online poll. But in 1996when she started to promote AIDS awarenessusing money from her own pockether actions were widely misunderstood

    “Although some of the children were born with born with HIV90 percent of them were not infected(被感染)”Gao said“But people still reject(排斥)themMany orphans change their names after finding a foster family(领养家庭)

    The horror of Henan's AIDS problem became known in 1996Frequent and unsafe blood-selling by poor farmers in the late 1980s and early 1990s had caused HIV to spread through dirty needles and infected blood useAs a doctorGao believed she should helpover the last eight years she has visited over 1000 AIDS and HIV patients and published thousands of pamphlets on AIDS awarenessWith her helphundreds of orphans have returned to school or found foster families

    “It's a disaster for the whole nationnot only for those innocent(无辜的)patients and their families”she explainedGao is delighted that so many childless families offer to foster orphansBut there is still much that can be done to support these children“I hope that warm-hearted high school students will also reach out and offer a helping hand”she said

    Comprehension question

    In what way has DrGao Yaojie helped the orphans with AIDS?



科目:高中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:054



Many children may be fond of animals, but few ever think of making the study of animals their career(职业).Even fewer will be   1    by the whole world,   2    the title of United Nations Messenger(使者) of Peace.

But one woman has    3    all that. She has lived with chimpanzees in the African forest for more than 20 years and made great    4   .This woman is Jane Goodall. She was born in London, England, in 1934.Goodall’s lifelong    5    in animals began at an early age. By the age of 10 or 11,Goodall    6    going to Africa to live with animals. This was quite a strange dream in those days, as young    7    didn’t think of having such “wild” actions. But she was   8    by her mother. She told her that if she really wanted something, she should work hard, take advantage of   9   and never give up looking for a way.

When a close friend invited Goodall to Kenya in 1957,she readily   10   .Within a few months of her arrival she met the famous anthropologist(人类学家) Dr. Louis Leakey, who soon decided that Goodall was the    11    person he was looking for to begin a    12    of wild chimpanzees on the shore of Lake Tanganyika in Tanzania.

In July 1960, Goodall arrived at Gombe National Park in Tanzania. At the beginning, studying the chimpanzees was not    13   for her. The animals fled from her   14   , so it took months for her to get close to them. With a strong   15   , she searched the forest every day, trying not to get too close to the chimpanzees too   16   . Gradually the chimpanzees became used to her presence.

She discovered many things of chimpanzees during her first years at Gombe National Park. In October 1960,she observed a chimpanzee making and using   17    to fish for termites (白蚁).This discovery threw    18    on the popular idea at the time that Man was the world’s only toolmaker. The longer Goodall’s research continues, the more it becomes obvious that chimpanzees are very   19    to humans.

Since the mid-1980s, Goodall has been lecturing around the world to raise people’s sense about environmental    20   . “Let’s live in the new age with hope, respect for all living things, understanding and love,” she said.

1.A. recognized            B. known           C. accepted       D. admitted

2.A.receiving             B. giving          C. enjoying        D. having

3.A.done               B. proved           C. achieved        D. realized

4.A.discoveries            B. decisions       C. choices       D. findings

5.A.study                   B. interest        C. sense            D. dream

6.A.was fond of          B. tired of        C. insisted on         D. dreamed of

7.A.boys               B. girls          C. men          D. women

8.A.encouraged            B. prevented      C. advised       D. forced

9.A.knowledge           B. youth          C. hope         D. chances

10.A.accepted            B. refused        C. hesitated        D. considered

11.A.only               B. last           C. special           D. first

12.A.project             B. study          C. center         D. career

13.A.hard                   B. interesting      C. easy          D. convenient

14.A.in surprise            B. in a hurry      C. as expected        D. in fear

15.A.will               B. body         C. desire          D. mind

16.A.far                B. near          C. soon         D. much

17.A.nets               B. tools         C. holes         D. spoon

18.A.doubt              B. light          C. questions       D. beliefs

19.A.close               B. similar         C. friendly       D. helpful

20.A.improvement          B. protection      C. pollution        D. destruction



科目:高中英语 来源:辽宁省沈阳市2010届高三下学期教学质量监测(二) 题型:阅读理解

Is a recently discovered hormone the reason why folks who lose weight can’t keep it off?
Like millions of other fat people, at 530 inches high, more than 300 pounds, Carnie Wilson was not just fat. After trying all sort of diets that didn’t work, she has to go to the stomach – bypass surgery (胃部迂回手术), ie, have most of her stomach sewed up, only leaving tiny room to hold several tablespoonfuls at most. Result: she simply couldn’t eat the way she used to. In three years, Wilson is one third of her former weight.
Wilson’s experience is not all that unusual, and while doctors still aren’t exactly sure what is going on, a report in last week’s Journal of Medicine offers an explanation. The loss of appetite in bypass patients may be linked to a recently discovered hormone called ghrelin. Not only that, ghrelin may turn out to be one reason we feel hungry and it’s hare for didters to keep weight off.
Nowadays, researchers are careful to stress only what they know for sure. For the three conclusions, the leading Dr. David of the University of Washington says, “I feel very solid about two of them.” The first is that ghrelin levels in the bloodstream rise significantly before meals and drop afterward. The second conclusion is that ghrelin levels are higher on average in people who have lost weight from dieting.
Dr. David is less sure of the third conclusion, that bypass patients have only a quarter as much ghrelin as most people of normal weight. After all, ghrelin is produced by cells in the stomach. Years ago, leptin, a hormone was found as an appetite suppressant (食物抑制剂). But after years of trying, it had to be given up.
What doctors suspect is that both leptin and ghrelin are part of a complex system of brain and body chemicals that govern weight and appetite. That does not mena pharmaceutical (药物的) weight control is forever out of the question. “In the next ten years, we will be able to develop new drugs to help people lose weight healthily and effectively.”
47.What can we learn about ghrelin according to the passage?
A.After meals ghrelin levels are higher in the bloodstream.
B.People who have lost weight have less ghreilin in their body.
C.Without ghrelin, people are really difficult to lose weight.
D.Ghrelin is something produced by cells in the stomach.
48.What is Dr. David not sure?
A.pharmaceutical weight control is impossible.
       B.There is less ghrelin in the bypass patients.
C.new drugs will be developed in 10 years.
D.ghrelin levels are higher in people on diet.
49.In fact, people’s weight and appetite are controlled by        
A.ghrelin and leptin                      B.hormone and medicine
C.brain and body chemicals                  D.stomach and food
50.What can we infer from the passage?
A.People with a lower ghrelin level go hungry easily.
B.Doctors managed to use leption to control the appetite.
C.Doctors are optimistic about how to lose weight healthily.
D.The loss of appetite in bypass aptient is linked to leptin


科目:高中英语 来源:2010年孝感高中高二下学期期末考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

It was shortly before midnight, and Dr Patricia was getting ready for bed. The phone rang on the end of the line was a woman about to break a promise.
The woman was her mother’s neighbor. Flora Harris had made the neighbor swear she wouldn’t tell her daughter she’d had a heart attack and was in the hospital, for fear her daughter would worry. The neighbor wisely decided to disobey orders.
Harris desperately wanted to get to the hospital immediately, but she couldn’t. She lives in Washington, D. C, and her mother lives in California.
For the past year a half, Harris has gone to Los Angeles every other month to take care of her mother. Flora Harris takes care of her husband, James, who’s 91 and has Alzheimer’s disease. They live in their own home, and a caregiver comes to help them a few hours a day.
Harris is one of many Americans facing the heartache of how to take care of aging parents from afar. She’s often worried, not to mention exrtemely busy with a demanding job, two teenage daughters and the frequent trips to California.
In some ways, Harris is lucky. She has the resources to make the trips to Los Angeles. Plus, Harris is a doctor who treats the elderly.
“But it’s still tough,” she says. “I can foresee what the next few years are going to look like, and it’s not a pretty picture. My father’s going to need diapers (尿布). There will come a time when he won’t recognize me and he’s easily excited. I worry he’s going to be violent and hurt my mother.”
So what do you do when you live a continent away from your aging, sick parents? There are no magic answers. You can hire someone to help, but you can’t oursource it completely.
【小题1】Why was the woman thought to have broken a promise?

A.She failed to take care of Flora.
B.She was not supposed to call Harris at midnight.
C.She couldn’t go to hospital on time.
D.She told Harris about her mother’s illness.
【小题2】What can we learn about Patricia Harris from the passage?
A.She thinks it harder to look after her parents the next few years.
B.Her parents cannot take of themselves at all.
C.She cannot do a demanding job.
D.She cannot afford to go to California often.
【小题3】What does the underlined word “outsource” in the last paragragh mean?
A.Arrange somebody outside to do a job.
B.Work something out by oneself.
C.Speak something out for help.
D.Understand something.
【小题4】What’s the main idea of this passage?
A.Aging people in the USA are increasing.
B.The rate of heart disease is high in America.
C.It is difficult to tend aging parents from afar.
D.Harris advises on tending aging parents from afar.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015届浙江江山实验中学高二10月第一次阶段性测试英语卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


1.Dr Yuan___________________ his life. However, he doesn’t care about being famous.

2.Why not study at medical college like Lin Qiaozhi and _________ her good work?

3.She spent years _________ and recording chimps’ daily activities

4.She has argued that wild animals should________ and not used for entertainment or advertisements.


