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15.There are many principles and values all people live by.The(41)Bthat I live by is honesty.I have always been taught that lying will just get me into more trouble than I might already be(42)A.Being honest is a(43)B all people need to have and use to go(44)D in life.
Ever since I was a little kid,my parents have (45)C me  to be honest (46)D it is the right thing to do.As I got(47)A,I realized something very important that could (48)C the way people take me to be a person.If just once you stop being honest and tell a lie it will(49)B change people's opinion of you and their whole way of acting(50)B you.When yo tell a lie you lose that person's(51)D forever or have to work your whole life to get it back.
It is my personal (52)C to achieve great things in life and honesty will sure elp me get there.For me right now losing somebody's trust would be a truly(53)A thing.Whatever you do for a living or(54)A you live,honesty is something important for all of us.
Honesty gets you much higher in life than getting into more(55)B like lying.Lying can(56)C get you into trouble dealing with the government.Honesty is just as important to me as my family.Already,I know it is something that will(57)B my future and my relationship with all people.It is something about myself  hat I hope to never(58)A no matter what happens.Most of all honesty will help me no matter whether I'm at school,home or just (59)D with friends.It is something (60)D I hope my children will also have and appreciate.

46.A.in caseB.so thatC.althoughD.because
50.A.likeB towardC.againstD.forward
59.A.hanging overB.hanging onC.hanging upD.hanging out

分析 本文作者主要从诚实的重要性以及说谎会给个人所带来的危害两方面,表明自己及家人将永远恪守诚实的法则;文中讲到:诚实是所有人都需要具有的一种使人生之路长远走下去的品质;诚实会让你在生活中获得更高层次的追求;哪怕你只有那么一次不诚实,也很有可能会改变人们对你及你的整个行为方式的看法;说谎只会令人陷入更大的麻烦,它不但会让你永远失去他人的信任,甚至还会让你惹上与政府打交道的麻烦;最后,作者表明诚实对于他及家人都很重要,并且还希望他的孩子们也能具有以及欣赏诚实的品质.

解答 41.B   考查句意理解及名词词义辨析    根据上一句中提到的:所有的人在生活中都要遵循许多的原则和价值观(principles and values ),故可推测出此处的意思是:我恪守的法则是诚实;A. 职业,专业;  B.法律,法则; C.生涯,职业,事业;  D.合同,契约;故选B
42.A   考查句意理解     本句的意思是:我一直被教导说,与可能已经存在的麻烦相比,说谎只会让我陷入更大的麻烦;此处的"be in"表示处于某种状态中;故选A
43.B    考查句意理解及名词词义辨析    这里的意思是:诚实是所有人都需要具有的一种品质;A. 侧重于指人的性格,特征; B. 品质; 指的是人的德行; C.个性;品格;  D.专业,专长,特性;故选B
44.D    考查句意理解    本句的意思是:诚实是所有人都需要具有和运用的一种使人生之路长远走下去的品质;故选D
45.C     考查句意理解    本句的意思是:自从我还是个小孩子的时候,我的父母就教育我要诚实;故选C
46.D    考查从属连词   A."万一"引导条件状语从句;B.引导目的状语从句;C.引导让步状语从句; D.引导原因状语从句; 由于此处前后两句表达的是因果关系,意为:因为这样做是正确的;故选D
47.A   考查句意理解     根据上文讲到"Ever since I was a little kid"作者小的时候;故可推测出,此处讲的是:作者年龄再大一些的时候;elder指"年长的"常修饰人,用来表示出生顺序的前后和年龄的长幼,常作定语;older这里指"年纪较大的,较老的",常作表语;故选A
48.C   考查句意理解      结合上一句可知,本句的意思应是:我意识到了一件很重要的事情,它可能会改变人们对我的为人处事的看法;故选C
49.B  考查句意理解   本句的意思是:哪怕你只有那么一次不诚实,说了谎,也很有可能会改变人们对你的看法;故选A
50.B  考查句意理解     此处承接上一句,意为:改变他们对你整个的行为方式的看法,此处表示指向性;故选B
51.D   考查句意理解及名词词义辨析       这里的意思是:当你说了谎时,你就永远失去了他人的信任;turst通常指对别人的人品,能力的信任;confidence指对自己的信任;故选D
52.C   考查名词词义辨析   A.安排,料理; B.意图;  C.目标;  D. 意志,目的;由于此处指的是作者个人的生活目标,故选C
53.A   考查句意理解    根据上文"Ever since I was a little kid,my parents have(45)…it is the right thing to do."作者提到从小父母就教育他要诚实以及"It is my personal (52)to achieve great things in life and honesty will sure help me get there"讲到了诚实对于作者在生活中的重要性,可推测出此处的意思应是:现在,对于我来说,失去了某人的信任将是一件真正可怕的事情;故选A
54.A   考查连接代词    A.无论在哪里; B.无论什么时候;C. 无论哪个; D.作宾语,无论谁;本句的意思是:为了生活,不论你做什么,不论你在哪里生活,诚实对于我们所有人来说都很重要;故选A
55.B   考查句意理解   本句的意思是:与像惹了说谎那样的麻烦相比,诚实会让你在生活中获得更高层次的追求;由于此处指的是"问题,难题"的意思,表示惹上了一些麻烦;故选B
56.C   考查副词    A.当然;无疑;B. 容易地;无疑地; C.甚至; D.仍然;此处表示的是递进关系,即:说谎甚至会让你惹上与政府打交道的麻烦;故选C
57.B     考查句意理解    本句的意思是:我知道它将会是一件改善我的未来以及我与所有人关系的东西;此处是"改善,增进"的意思;故选B
58.A    考查句意理解    结合上文作者强调了诚实是他及家人恪守的法则可知,此处的意思应是:无论我自己发生了什么事情,我希望永远也不会失去它;故选A
59.D     考查动词短语     A.笼罩;挂在;B.坚持下去;不挂断;C.挂断电话;搁置;D.闲逛;此处指的是:和朋友一起逛街;故选D
60.D    考查强调句   由于此处强调的是句中的宾语"something"(代指honest"诚实"),应使用连接词that;故选D

点评 做本题时,首先应在浏览全文的基础上,把握文章的大意;其次根据上下文以及句子之间的句意关系,推测出每一小题所在的句子的意思,然后选出符合句意的单词.做完形填空题,不但需要培养良好的阅读习惯,提高阅读理解能力;而且还应注意词汇量的积累,做好各类短语或各类词的词义辨析.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.Living in the desert involves a lot of problems,_____ water shortage is the worst.(  )
A.ofwhichB.whenC.of whoseD.Which


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

1.One day,about ten years ago,while working at the cash register in the gift shop at my University Museum of Natural History,I saw (61)an elderly couple come in with a little girl in a wheelchair.As I looked (62)closer/closely (close) at this girl,I found that she was fixed on her chair.I then realized she had no arms or legs,just a head,a neck and upper body,(63)dressed (dress) in a little white skirt.As the couple wheeled her up to me,I turned my head toward the girl.When I took the money from her grandparents,I looked back (64)at the girl,who was giving me the most optimistic,largest smile I had ever seen.All of a sudden,her handicap was gone and all I saw was this beautiful girl,(65)whose smile just melted me (66)and almost instantly gave me a completely new sense of (67)what life is all about.She took me from a poor,unhappy college student and (68)brought (bring) me into her world,a world of smiles,love and(69)warmth (warm).I'm a successful business man now and whenever I think about the troubles of the world,I think about that little girl and the remarkable lesson about life that she taught (70)me.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.The longest solar eclipse (日食) of the century cast a wide shadow for several minutes over Asia and the Pacific Ocean on 22th July,drawing people outside to watch the sight in the sky.
   Day turned into night.Temperature turned cooler in cities and villages filled with fans of astronomy.The total eclipse could be seen starting in India on Wednesday morning and moving eastward across China and parts of the Pacific.Millions cast their eyes towards the heavens to catch an unusual view of the sun's colorful ring.Cloud in some areas prevented people from fully enjoying the sight.Still,many were frightened.
    The total eclipse occurs about twice a year as the moon passes between the earth and the sun on the same plane as earth's circle.
    The local astronomy society gave a flash on how an eclipse happens.Wednesday's event lasted up to more than six minutes in some places.In India,thousands bathed in the Ganges River in the Hindu holy city of Varanasi to clean their souls.It was sunny sky in Hong Kong for the eclipse,where students,parents and the elderly flooded in a primary school to watch.
    In Shanghai,children climbed up ladders to look through two large telescopes on the school roof to catch sight of the moon moving across the sun.Others looked through a pair of glasses covered with solar filter (过滤器) paper,where they could take pictures of the moon moving over the sun.
    In some cultures,many old stories are about eclipse.In India,a eclipse was considered unfavorable.In Chinese tradition,there is a story about a heavenly dog eating the sun.As the story goes,people would make noise to frighten off the dog and save the sun.

47.What can we learn about the longest solar eclipse of the century?A
A.Not everyone in the world could see the longest eclipse.
B.Any of the Asians was excited to watch the eclipse.
C.All people saw the longest solar eclipse on Wednesday.
D.The Chinese all caught sight of the total eclipse at the same time.
48.What does the text imply about the total solar eclipse?B
A.All people watched the solar eclipse for at least six minutes.
B.In ancient China,people couldn't understand this phenomenon.
C.Your eyes must be hurt without filter equipment while watching.
D.You can watch the total solar eclipse directly only with your eyes.
49.Which of the following statements about eclipse is TURE according to the text?C
A.Most Chinese people used to think eclipses would bring about misfortunes.
B.Chinese fathers were pleased to watch solar eclipses.
C.Indians think bad fortune will come about along with eclipses.
D.The Chinese people are too frightened to go outside when eclipses occur.
50.Where can we see the eclipse start?B
A.In Shanghai.B.In India.C.In Hong Kong.D.In the Pacific Ocean.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.One of the requirements of every graduation ceremony speaker is that they offer some advice.Well,get ready,here it comes.
Soon you will be leaving the company of those who think they have all the answers-your professors,instructors and counselors-and going out into what we like to call the real world.In time you will meet up with other people who think they have all the answers.These people are called bosses.My advice is:humor them.
A little later you'll meet additional people who think they have all the answers.
These are called spouses (配偶).My advice is:humor them,too.
And of all goes well,in a few years you will meet still another group of people who think they have all the answers.These are called children.Humor them.
Life will go on,your children will grow up,go to school and someday they could be taking part in a graduation ceremony just like this one.And who knows,the speakers responsible for handing out good advice might be you.Halfway through your speech,the graduate sitting next to your daughter will lean over and ask,"Who is that woman up there who thinks she has all the answers?"
Well,thanks to the reasonable advice you are hearing today and that I hope you will all pass on,she will be able to say,"That is my mother.Humor her."

26.According to the text,at a graduation ceremony you'll most probably hearBgiven by the speaker.
A.wishes             B.proposals        
C.warnings           D.instructions
27.Among the people mentioned who think they have all the answers,which of the following are not referred to?C
A.teaching staff                           B.company staff members
C.recreational and sports person           D.family members
28.Which of the following is closest in meaning to the expression"have all the answers"?A
A.know a great deal about something through man's life
B.know all the keys to any test before any graduation
C.be clever enough to do anything well in school
D.be experienced in giving advice on any subject
29.What should you do with those who think they know all the answers according to the writer?B
A.Argue with them to keep them angry
B.Keep them happy by accepting their wishes
C.Refuse them to make them complain
D.Turn deaf ears to them
30.What is the best title for the passage?C
A.The Requirement Of Speakers
B.How to Offer Advice
C.Humour them!
D.To Hell with them!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.Making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process ________ you can turn your errors into learning points.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:听力题

7.What does the man think of Yao Ming?
A.He is the tallest basketball player in the world.
B.He is famous all over the world.
C.He is only well known in China.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.-What are the workers talking about?
-They are discussing the idea the old worker          at the meeting yesterday.(  )
A.put forwardB.came upC.set offD.brought out


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

-With pleasure.(  )
A.Excuse me for interrupting.
B.Is there anything that I can do for you?
C.Why not wear some flowers tonight?
D.Would you please look after my car for a moment?

