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【题目】The government must take measures to prevent the river __________.

A. polluted B. polluting

C. from polluted D. being polluted


【解析】句意:政府必须采取措施阻止河流被污染。prevent...from doing/being done,根据句意应是被动。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The problem will affect the __________ of Europe.

A. all B. completely

C. whole D. entirely


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】People in the United States honor their parents with two special days Mother's Day, on the second Sunday in May, and Father's Day, on the third Sunday in June.

Mother's Day was proclaimed a day for national observance by President Woodrow Wilson in 1915. Ann Jarvis from Grafton, West Virginia, had started the idea to have a day to honor mothers. She was the one who chose the second Sunday in May and also began the custom of wearing a carnation.

In 1909Mrs. Dodd from Spokane, Washington, thought of the idea of a day to honor fathers. She wanted to honor her own father, William Smart. After her mother died, he had the responsibility of raising a family of five sons and a daughter. In 1910the first Father's Day was observed in Spokane. Senator Margaret Chase Smith helped to established Father's Day as a national commemorative day, in 1972.

These days are set aside to show love and respect for parents. They raise their children and educate them to be responsible citizens. They give love and care.

These two special days are celebrated in many different ways. On Mother's Day people wear carnations. A red one symbolizes a living mother. A white one shows that the mother is dead. Many people attend religious services to honor parents. It is also a day when people whose parents are dead visit the cemetery. On these days families get together at home, as well as in restaurants. They often have outdoor barbecues for Father's Day. These are days of fun and good feelings and memories.

1According to the passage, which of the following about the second Sunday in May is not true?

A. It is a day to show love to mothers.

B. It is a day to wear carnations.

C. It is a day for people to visit the cemetery.

D. It is a day for many people to attend religious services.

2Choose the right time order of the following events.

a. The first Father's Day was observed.

b. Mother's Day was proclaimed a day for national observance.

c. Father's Day became a day for national observance.

d. The idea of honoring fathers was brought up.

A. a b c d B. d a b c

C. b a c d D. d a c b

3Who plays the most important role in Father's Day becoming a national commemorative day?

A. Mrs. Dodd. B. Margaret Chase Smith.

C. Ann Jarvis. D. Woodrow Wilson.

4The author's purpose of writing this passage is to __________.

A. call on people to love and respect their parents

B. introduce Mother's Day and Father's Day

C. tell the difference between Mother's Day and Father's Day

D. show how important fathers and mothers are


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】In Britain, people have different attitudes to the police. Most people generally them and the job they do-although there are certain people who do not believe that the police have the power that they do.

What does a policeman actually do? It is not job to de-scribe. After all, a policeman has a number of jobs in . A policeman often has to control traffic, either foot in the centre of a town, or in a police car on the roads. Indeed, in Britain, he might be in the Traffic Police and spend all, or a lot of, his time up and down main roads and motorways. A traffic policeman has to help keep the traffic moving, stop motorists and help when there is an accident.

A policeman has to help keep the too. If there is a fight or some other disturbances, we the police to come and restore order. And they often have to situations at great risk to their own .

We expect the police to solve crimes, of course, so an ordinary policeman he is not a detective (侦探),will often have to help and arrest criminals.

And do we call when there is an emergency-an air crash, a a road accident, or a robbery? We call the police. a policeman has to be to face any unpleasant emergency that may happen in the /span> world.

The police do an absolutely necessary job; they do it well and I support them, but I do not envy policemen. I do not think that I could do the job of a policeman.

1A. dislike B. join C. appreciate D. admire

2A. should B. would C. could D. must

3A. a funny B. a pleasant C. an interesting D. an easy

4A. it B. one C. his D. them

5A. on B. by C. under D. with

6A. walking B. driving C. wandering D. searching

7A. resting B. tired C. speeding D. drunken

8A. peace B. silence C. situation D. condition

9A. wait for B. invite C. think of D. expect

10A. turn to B. avoid C. deal with D. treat

11A. safety B. families C. future D. friends

12A. although B. as if C. however D. even if

13A. get rid of B. question C. look for D. sentence

14A. how B. where C. what D. who

15A. power failure B. fire C. thunder storm D. thief

16A. Yet B. Then C. As D. So

17A. provided B. promised C. prepared D. presented

18A. future B. modern C. real D. whole

19A. extremely B. specially C. surprisingly D.particularly

20A. hardly B. forever C. ever D. never


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Will you be able to attend the lecture __________ next week?

A giving B. given

C. to be given D. being given


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假设你是李华,你的美国朋友Tom上个月来到北京学习。7月份你将去北京参加英语演讲比赛(speech contest),你在资料搜集和语言运用等方面遇到了困难。请根据以下要点给Tom写一封电子邮件:






科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】He didn’t make _____ clear when and where the meeting would be held.

Athis Bthat Cit DThese


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】If the way __________ you think of is not good enough, you can learn the way __________ the top students deal with their study.

A. in which; / B. which; which

C. that; which D. //


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Eco City Farms(生态城市农场) are becoming more popular in cities and towns around the Unites States.

Eco City Farms in Edmonton, Maryland, is located near shopping centers, car repair shops and homes. The neighborhood is a working-class community(社区). People do not have very much money. And they have limited access to fresh food in markets.

Over the past two years, the farm has attracted volunteers from the community like Marcy Clark. She schools her four children at home. On a recent day she brought them to Eco City Farms for a lesson. Her son Alston Clark thinks his experience is very valuable.“I like coming out here,”he says,“You know, you connect with the earth, where your food comes from. You appreciate the food a little bit more.”

Margaret Morgan started Eco City Farms. She thinks of it as a place where people can learn to live healthier lives. “Growing food in a community brings people together,”she continues,“Every piece of what we do here is a demonstration(示范) to show people everything about how to have an eco-friendly community.”she says. From the Eco City Farms people come to know that they are not only growing food and raising chickens and bees, but improving the soil with compost(肥料)made from food waste.

Eco City Farms is an experimental operation. The farm gets its power not from the local electricity networks, but from the sun with solar panels. In winter, the green house use a geothermal(地热)system.

Vegetables can be grown all year. So once a week, all winter long, neighbors like Chris Moss and her three children bike to the farm to pick up a share of the harvest.

“I like eating the vegetables ”say five-year-old Owen Moss.

【1】What is mainly talked about in the passage?

A. Eco City Farms save a lot of energy.

B. Eco City Farms are gaining popularity.

C. Eco City Farms are influencing community life.

D. Eco City Farms helps the working-class live better.

【2】 According to the passage, Eco City Farms are close to the following places EXCEPT______.

A. shopping centers B. car repair shops

C. fast-food restaurants D. working-class community

【3】What is the author’s attitude toward Eco City Farms?

A. Enthusiastic(热心的). B. Disappointed.

C. Surprised. D. Doubtful.

【4】 In which column(专栏) of a newspaper can you most probably read this article?

A. People. B. Travel. C. Environment. D. Education.

