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19.Some people have travelled to Canada while others may have just heard of it.As is known to
all,the Canadian red and white maple leaf flag is officially called The National Flag of Canada.
The Canadian flag shows a stylized red maple leaf with 11 points on a white background,with red
borders down each side.The Canadian flag is twice as long as its width.The white square containing
the red maple leaf is the same width as the flag.Canada is a very large country,too.It is the second
largest country in the world.By contrast,it has a very small population.There are only about 29
millinon people there.Most Canadians are of British or French origin,and French is an official
language as well English.About 45% of the people are of British origin,that is,they or their parents
or grandparents,etc,come from Britain.Nearly 30% are of French origin.Most of the French-Canadians live in the province of quebec.Over the years people have come to live in Canada from many countries in the world.They are mostly from European countries and also from China,as well as other Asian countries.
   However,Canada was not an empty country when the Europeans began to arrive.Canadian-Indian lived along the coast,bythe rivers and lakes and in forests.Today there are only 350,000 Canadian-Indians in the whole country,with their own language.In the far north live the Inuits.
There are only 27,000 Canadian-Inuits.Their life is hard in such a harsh climate.
21.What is the populatin of Quebec?B
A.More than 29,000.000           
B.About 30% of the total population.
C.Over 45% of th etotal population   
D.Less than 30% of the French-Canadians.
22.Which of the following stands for Canada?A
23.Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?C
A.The Canadian flag I stwice as wide as its length.
B.Most Indians are now forced to live along the coast.
C.Nowadays Inuit still have difficult living conditions.
D.Nobody existed when the Europeans began to arrive in Canada.

分析 本文对加拿大进行了具体的介绍,包括国旗样式,区域面积,人口数量,来源,分布以及居住环境等方面的详细信息.

解答 BAC
21.B.细节理解题.根据文章"Nearly 30% are of French origin.Most of the French-Canadians live in the province of Quebec"可知,魁北克省的人口约占加拿大总人口的30%.故选B.
22.A.细节理解题.根据文章"As is known to all,the Canadian red and white mildly leaf flag is officially called The National Flag of Canada.The Canadian flag shows a stylized red maple leaf with 11points on a white background,with red borders down each side.The Canadian flag is twice as long as its width.The white square containing the red maple leaf is the same width as the flag"可知,加拿大的红色和白色温和叶旗被正式称为加拿大国旗,加拿大国旗上显示了一个独特的红枫叶与白色背景,每一面加拿大国旗有红色边框,加拿大国旗的宽度是它的两倍长.白方含有宽度与旗帜一样红色的枫叶.由此特征可知,A项是加拿大国旗.故选A.
23.C.细节理解题.根据文章"There are only 27,000 Canadian-Inuits.Their life is hard in such a harsh climate"可知,现在因纽特人的生活条件仍然很差.故选C.

点评 学生需要认真阅读原文,把握文章大意,对文章脉络有整体的了解,能仔细查找文中细节,并能根据文章内容进行合理的推测判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

10.This character was asocial failurebut was loved for his optimism and determination toovercome all difficulties.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.One of the special features of English people is self-discipline (自律).Generally,English people are polite and always want to please others.On the other hand,they don't like to show their emotions,even in dangerous situations.Imagine the scene!Some English people are caught in a violent storm in the forest.Anybody else would be anxious to run away.The English would just try to hide their emotions.Not a sign of fear would be seen on their faces.
We often hear of the English"reserve"(矜持).On a long railway journey,with four Englishmen sitting together,often there won't be a single word spoken during the whole journey.The English think it is a bad manner to ask personal questions.That wouldn't be the case in America.In a short ride in New York,a taxi driver will tell you about himself,his wife and his family,and probably the towns of England he has visited,too.
The English value privacy (隐私) very much.An Englishman's house usually has a small garden with a fence all around to separate it from the neighbors'.An Englishman's house is his castle.
Finally,we have to refer to the most special feature of the Scottish (苏格兰的) people-the Scottish dress.Scotland is probably best known to the world for its traditional costume-the kilt.This short,skirt-like piece of clothing is worn by men.
The kilt is made of a special type of colorful cloth called tartan,which is very special in Scotland.
24When the English are in a dangerous situation they usuallyC.
A.laugh at other people        
B.behave very bravely
C.hide their emotions          
D.run away immediately
25.In the second paragraph the author mentions a taxi driver in New York toD.
A.explain that Americans are reserve
B.show the bad manners of Americans
C.show that English people are not very polite
D.show the reserve of the English
26.What do we know about the kilt in the last paragraphC
A.It's long and just like a skirt.
B.It's worn by both men and women.
C.It's made of a special type of cloth in Scotland.
D.It's a traditional costume all over Great Britain.
27.What can we learn about the English from the passageB
A.They are not very confident.
B.A house with a fence all around makes them feel safe.
C.They usually don't respect others'privacy.
D.They prefer a house with a garden to a flat.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.Have you ever heard the saying"All roads lead to Rome"?At one time,this was pretty much true.During the Roman Empire,lots of roads were built in order to move armies,send messages by courier (信使),and make trade easier.
The network of Roman roads was begun in 312BC.It was demanded that the roads be built strong so that they would not fall down.Roman soldiers,supervised (监督) by engineers,laid down the roads in a special pattern of layers.There were all together 4layers,which was made of different materials,such as sand,rocks,stones and so on.
Also,Roman roads were cambered(拱形).This means that they were built higher in the middle than on the edges,allowing rainwater to run off,which prevented flooding.We use the same technique in building roads today.The Romans also laid out roads over hills when necessary,setting them down in a zigzag (之字形的)pattern to make the road rise gradually.
All Roman roads had milestones (里程碑),placed every thousand paces (a Roman mile).The milestones told when the road was built,who was emperor at the time,the road's destination,how far the traveler was from the destination,and how many miles had been traveled since the beginning of the road.This information was a great help to travelers.
Because of their excellence in construction,it really is no surprise that many parts of Roman road still exist today.These roadways are one of the most impressive achievements of the Roman Empire.
21.The following description about Roman roads is true EXCEPTB.
A.Roman roads were built by the Roman soldiers directed by the engineers
B.Roman roads could prevent flooding using the technique we don't use today
C.Roman roads had milestones that were placed every Roman mile
D.Roman roads still exist today as an impressive achievement of Roman Empire
22.What information can you find on the milestones?C
A.The builders of the road.
B.The materials used in building roads.
C.The distance from one city.
D.The time spent in building roads.
23.The passage mainlyD.
A.explains the saying"All roads lead to Rome"
B.praises ancient Romans for their great achievements
C.shows how great the Roman Empire was
D.introduces the construction of the Roman roads.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.Christmas in the United States is traditionally a time of gift-giving and family gatherings.But small towns across the country have their own traditions.
Middleburg,a small town in the state of Virginia,is known for its horses.For more than 50years,Middleburg has organized a yearly Christmas parade(游行).Men and women ride horses through the woods and fields.They follow hunting dogs as they search for a wild fox.But first,these hunters ride in the yearly parade,wearing their bright red hunting clothes and hats.
John Hale,a citizen of Middleburg says many city people visit his town."We have a lot of people from an urban area that come to visit,but it incorporates a lot of the o1d traditions."The nighttime hay ride is one such tradition.Small groups gather under the moonlight on an open wagon filled with hay.The passengers sing as farm horses pull the wagon slowly across the fields.
There are some newer traditions,too.Trey Matheu works at the nearby Salamander Resort.He says a visit to Middleburg is a chance to slow down for a day.He says Middleburg can be a calming,peaceful place without tension.
"Middleburg is an opportunity to take a step back,to take a deep breath,and understand that  even though life is moving on at a very fast pace,there's really an opportunity where you're allowed to step off for a little bit."
Parade organizers say more than 13,000people attend even in below-freezing weather.But if you ask,you will hear many different reasons why people come to watch the parade:
"I come here because I'm from a small town.  I like how everybody comes together.""I live right down that street;right there.And that's my dog."
Middleburg looks its best at Christmastime.That may be why so many people return each year.
24.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?C
A.Middleburg Christmas parade
B.A small town known for horses
C.Christmas traditions in Middleburg
D.Newer traditions at Christmastime
25.At Christmas,people in Middleburg usuallyD.
A.visit friends and families
B.feed farm horses with hay
C.hunt for dogs in the woods
D.ride in the yearly parade
26.According to Trey Matheu,why do people visit Middleburg?A
A.To relax themselves.
B.To enjoy the fresh air.
C.To escape competition.
D.To challenge themselves.
27.What do we know about the small town Middleburg?B
A.It makes a large profit from tourism.
B.It attracts many people each year.
C.It is a good place for family gatherings.
D.It doesn't respect Christmas traditions.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.If you see a group of people dancing and singing on the street or in the railway station,you don't need to feel surprised.They are a flash mob (快闪族),which is a group of people who come together suddenly in a public place,do something unusual for a brief period of time,and then quickly break up.They are usually organized with the help of the Internet or other digital communication network.At a predetermined time,they gather and perform some  distractions(消遣) such as waving their hands and exchanging books,Then,they quickly break up before the police can arrive.Using mobile phones,the flash mob can change its location if the first one has been replaced for any reason.
        Bill Lasik,senior editor of Harper's Magazine,organized the first flash mob in Manhattan in May 2003 and the first successful flash mob came together on June 3,2003-after the first attempt was foiled at Macy's department store.Lasik claimed that the activity was designed to make fun of hipsters (起时髦的人),and call attention to the cultural atmosphere.       
      Flash mob gatherings can sometimes shock people.Such an activity might seem amusing and untrue,but it also might frighten people who are not aware of what is taking place.Undoubtedly,flash mobs can serve as good political tools in any direction.They also have great economic potential,such as using flash mobs to advertise a product.
      The flash mob is now becoming more and more popular.People use it to do many things.For example,in 2009,Michael Jackson's fans took part in a flash mob to remember him.Hundreds of his fans gathered singing and dancing Michael's famous song"Beat It"together.Flash mobs give people from all walks of life an opportunity to come together to create a memory.
24.The undefined word"foiled"in Paragraph 2 can be replaced byB.
A.forgotten          B.prevented       C.announced            D.confirmed
25.What can you learn about the flash mob from the passage?D
A.The flash mob usually breaks up quickly for lacking enough time.
B.Once the place for the activity is determined,it can't be changed.
C.The flash mob can be made use offing many fields just for fun.
D.It gives people the chance to come together to do something unusual.
26.The main purpose of the passage isC
A.to entertain                         B.to encourage                  
C.to inform                            D.to persuade
27.The writer's attitude towards the flash mob isB
A.negative         C.favorable        B.objective        D.doubtful.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.I went to Arizona earlier this month to see what the college of the future might look like.What I found is an exciting new era of higher education that will help more students get a great,personalized education at an affordable price.
This future may not always include the lecture halls,dormitories,and other features of the traditional college experience.Instead,the colleges I visited are experimenting with ways for students to get their degrees online,allowing them to take courses any place and at any time.
These"colleges without walls,"as they are sometimes called,are at the forefront of the effort to broaden access to higher education,especially for low-income students with full-time jobs and families.During my visit,I heard encouraging stories of students who were taking advantage of these flexible learning models to pursue degrees that could put them on paths to new careers.
One of those students was Shawn Lee.He had a compelling story:After dropping out of college decades ago,he found himself in a series of low-paying,often back-breaking jobs.He recently decided to get his degree when he had his first child and wanted to start building a better life.
Tucked away in an industrial park in Tempe,Rio Salado didn't look much like a traditional institute of higher education.There were no students running to class.Just a couple of glass-faced office buildings.The college had just 22full-time faculty serving 60,000students,with more than half of them attending classes online.
Several students I met during my visit said they liked learning online."I've taken college classes in a big auditorium with herds of people.There was no personal connection,"one student said."Now I can reach my teacher with the click of a mouse."
After several days'visit,I left Arizona feeling quite optimistic about what the future holds for higher education.
21.What does"colleges without walls"in the third paragraph refer to?B
A.Colleges that have no walls around.
B.Colleges that students attend online.
C.Colleges that can be entered freely.
D.Colleges that give students more freedom.
22.What made Shawn Lee return to attend college again?D
A.That he has nothing to do.
B.That he couldn't find a job.
C.That the cost of the college is low.
D.That he wanted to find a better job.
23.How did the writer feel after the visit?A
24.What is the writer's purpose by writing this passage?D
A.To explain what"colleges without walls"are.
B.To advertise the colleges.
C.To encourage people to attend higher education.
D.To introduce a new model of education.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

Wechat is becoming increasing popular with people.I had already made a survey among my classmates about the use of Wechat.According to a result,45% of the classmates admit they often use it because comparing with other means of communication,Wechat has more advantage.It's cheap,convenient and easy to send all kinds of messages around.Therefore,35% of them are against using it,saying it will affect their study.Not using Wechat,the rest has no opinion about it.As far as I'm concern,since Wechat offers us great convenience,it should be made good use.We should not be slaves to it or let it to govern our minds and behaviors.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.Personally,I have never __________ the view that either sex is superior to the other.(  )
A.accounted forB.turned toC.allowed forD.subscribed to

