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An old _______ wants to see you.

A.peopleB.personC.the peopleD.the person


科目:高中英语 来源:活题巧解巧练·高二英语(上) 题型:001



1.How long did the concert last?

[  ]

A.Two hours.
B.Half an hour.
C.Ninety minutes.

2.Where is the man?

[  ]

A.In a hotel.
B.In a shop.
C.At home.

3.When did Peter set the world record?

[  ]

A.In 1980.
B.In 1997.
C.In 1982.

4.What will Sue do after supper?

[  ]

A.To meet Mr. Black.
B.To visit Disneyland.
C.To visit an airport.

5.Why can't men do better in a computer company than women?

[  ]

A.Because they are too strong.

B.Because they are not so careful as women.

C.Because their hands are too big.




6.What is the wan doing now?

[  ]

A.She is looking for a new job.

B.She is thinking of whether to take the job or not.

C.She is struggling to get a new job.

7.Why does the man suggest the woman go to the joint venture(合资企业)?

[  ]

A.Because she will have a promotion(升职).

B.Because she will learn to work with others.

C.Because she will earn a lot of money.


8.What is the relationship between the man and the woman?

[  ]

A.They are lovers.

B.They are teacher and student.

C.They are classmates.

9.Where did they probably meet?

[  ]

A.At the bookstore.

B.At the library.

C.In the classroom.

10.What do they think of Prof. Robinson?

[  ]

A.They think he is quite knowledgeable.

B.They don't like his class.

C.They don't know anything about him.


11.What did the Browns go to the man's house for?

[  ]

A.They wanted to visit their old friend.

B.They wanted to rent a house.

C.They wanted to interview the man.

12.What kind of house were they looking for?

[  ]

A.Modern and comfortable.

B.Small but comfortable.

C.Nice and quiet.

13.What time would they probably move in?

[  ]

A.Around two in the afternoon.

B.About eight in the evening.

C.Around ten in the morning.


14.What problem does the girl have in English?

[  ]

A.She worries about mistakes.

B.She is afraid to talk.

C.She simply says“yes”or“no”.

15.When does the dialogue take place?

[  ]

A.At the end of the term.

B.When they were having supper.

C.At the beginning of the term.

16.What are they talking about?

[  ]

A.How to make speeches in class.

B.How to make fewer mistakes.

C.How to learn writing by his will.


17.What does the speaker mainly talk about?

[  ]

A.The history of cola.

B.Soft-drink production.

C.Using cola as a drug.

18.How was cola originally sold?

[  ]

A.As a soft drink.

B.As a medicine.

C.As a cooking oil.

19.Why does the speaker mention John S. Pamberton?

[  ]

A.He sold cola to doctors.

B.He was a drugstore clerk.

C.He developed cola as a drug.

20.How was the drug made into a soft drink?

[  ]

A.By mixing it with special oils.

B.By heating it.

C.By adding soda water.


科目:高中英语 来源:人教社新课程2003年审核高一上册练习 人教社新课程2003年审核 题型:050


  Mrs.Green lives in a mountain village.Eighteen years ago,when she was twenty--nine,her husband died in the fire.He left her a little son,Mike.The boy studied hard.After he had finished middle school he went to college.Now he works in a hospital in a city as a doctor. The young man works hard and is paid much money.Now he has his own house.He wrote to his mother and asked her to live with him together.The woman was very happy.She sold her only farm and left the village where she lived for half a life time.

  On her way to the city,something was wrong with the bus.She and the other people had to stay at a hotel by the road.She knew none of the people in the hotel and felt tired.After supper she decided to go to bed.As soon as she lay down,she remembered something and went out of her room in a hurry.She opened the door next to the ladder and saw an old man bathing in it.She felt shy and asked herself,“Where's the exit?”,then she closed the door and left quickly.But she heard a shout behind,“Is there a fire in the hotel,madam?” Mrs.Green turned round and found the old man was running after her,having nothing on!

(1)Mrs.green is now _________.

[  ]

C.forty seven

(2)Mrs.Green was happy because __________.

[  ]

A.her son had gone to college

B.her son became a famous doctor

C.her son found work in a city

D.Mike asked her to live with him together

(3)As _________,Mrs.Green sold her farm in the village.

[  ]

A.she wouldn't return there forever

B.she couldn't work on it by herself

C.her son needed much money to pay for his house

D.she had no money to pay for her travel

(4)Mrs.Green went to bed after supper because _________.

[  ]

A.she would get up early the next morning

B.there was no place of interest near the hotel

C.she knew few men in the hotel

D.she was very tired that evening

(5)Mrs.Green left the room quickly because __________.

[  ]

A.the hotel took a fire

B.she wanted to find an exit

C.she had left something on the bus

D.it wan too wet to live in


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:053


  Mrs.Green lives in a mountain village.Eighteen years ago,when she was twenty--nine,her husband died in the fire.He left her a little son,Mike.The boy studied hard.After he had finished middle school he went to college.Now he works in a hospital in a city as a doctor. The young man works hard and is paid much money.Now he has his own house.He wrote to his mother and asked her to live with him together.The woman was very happy.She sold her only farm and left the village where she lived for half a life time.

  On her way to the city,something was wrong with the bus.She and the other people had to stay at a hotel by the road.She knew none of the people in the hotel and felt tired.After supper she decided to go to bed.As soon as she lay down,she remembered something and went out of her room in a hurry.She opened the door next to the ladder and saw an old man bathing in it.She felt shy and asked herself,“Where's the exit?”,then she closed the door and left quickly.But she heard a shout behind,“Is there a fire in the hotel,madam?” Mrs.Green turned round and found the old man was running after her,having nothing on!

(1)Mrs.green is now _________.

[  ]

C.forty seven

(2)Mrs.Green was happy because __________.

[  ]

A.her son had gone to college

B.her son became a famous doctor

C.her son found work in a city

D.Mike asked her to live with him together

(3)As _________,Mrs.Green sold her farm in the village.

[  ]

A.she wouldn't return there forever

B.she couldn't work on it by herself

C.her son needed much money to pay for his house

D.she had no money to pay for her travel

(4)Mrs.Green went to bed after supper because _________.

[  ]

A.she would get up early the next morning

B.there was no place of interest near the hotel

C.she knew few men in the hotel

D.she was very tired that evening

(5)Mrs.Green left the room quickly because __________.

[  ]

A.the hotel took a fire

B.she wanted to find an exit

C.she had left something on the bus

D.it wan too wet to live in


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

As we all know, it was Thomas Jefferson who wrote the Declaration of Independence (《独立宣言》). He wrote it in two weeks, and after a few changes, it was accepted by the Congress (国会). As a result, he became famous.

Born in Virginia, Thomas Jefferson, a brilliant student at school and almost talented lawyer later, was much interested in politics.

Jefferson was elected the Governor of Virginia in 1779, and he was sent to France as the representative of the American government in 1784. Sixteen years later, at the age of 57, he was elected president after Washington and Adams.

Far from a handsome man, he was tall with long arms and big hands. Jefferson, who was an amusing talker in conversation but a poor speaker, was generally good-natured.

Jefferson was regarded as a defender of freedom in America. As a president, he protected the right of free speech. Interestingly enough, in his eight years as president, Jefferson never vetoed (否决) a bill which the Congress had passed. He did a lot in organizing the new University of Virginia.

Thomas Jefferson died on July the fourth, 1826, the fiftieth anniversary of American Independence.

5. From the passage we can infer that America won its independence in _______.

A. 1786       B. 1800       C. 1842           D. 1776

6. How old was Thomas Jefferson when he became the Governor of Virgina?

A. He was 26.                         B. He was in his forties.

C. He was 36.                         D. We don’t know.

7. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Jefferson wan an amusing talker, but not good at speaking in public.

B. Jefferson was not an easy person to get along with.

C. Jefferson was not only very talented but also very handsome.

D. Not being politically minded, Jefferson never vetoed a bill passed by the Congress.

4. Jefferson died when he was ________.

A. 72          B. 83           C. 73             D. 92

8. Jefferson’s greatest contribution in American history should be that ________.

   A. he did a lot in organizing the new University of Virginia.

   B. he was strongly against the slavery

   C. he wrote the Declaration of Independence

   D. he was for the right of free speech


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

As we all know, it was Thomas Jefferson who wrote the Declaration of Independence (《独立宣言》). He wrote it in two weeks, and after a few changes, it was accepted by the Congress (国会). As a result, he became famous.

Born in Virginia, Thomas Jefferson, a brilliant student at school and almost talented lawyer later, was much interested in politics.

Jefferson was elected the Governor of Virginia in 1779, and he was sent to France as the representative of the American government in 1784. Sixteen years later, at the age of 57, he was elected president after Washington and Adams.

Far from a handsome man, he was tall with long arms and big hands. Jefferson, who was an amusing talker in conversation but a poor speaker, was generally good-natured.

Jefferson was regarded as a defender of freedom in America. As a president, he protected the right of free speech. Interestingly enough, in his eight years as president, Jefferson never vetoed (否决) a bill which the Congress had passed. He did a lot in organizing the new University of Virginia.

Thomas Jefferson died on July the fourth, 1826, the fiftieth anniversary of American Independence.

5. From the passage we can infer that America won its independence in _______.

A. 1786       B. 1800       C. 1842           D. 1776

6. How old was Thomas Jefferson when he became the Governor of Virgina?

A. He was 26.                         B. He was in his forties.

C. He was 36.                         D. We don’t know.

7. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Jefferson wan an amusing talker, but not good at speaking in public.

B. Jefferson was not an easy person to get along with.

C. Jefferson was not only very talented but also very handsome.

D. Not being politically minded, Jefferson never vetoed a bill passed by the Congress.

4. Jefferson died when he was ________.

A. 72          B. 83           C. 73             D. 92

8. Jefferson’s greatest contribution in American history should be that ________.

   A. he did a lot in organizing the new University of Virginia.

   B. he was strongly against the slavery

   C. he wrote the Declaration of Independence

   D. he was for the right of free speech

