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20.-It's none of your business that I beat my son to death!
-But it is illegal.According to the law,parents         punish their children physically.(  )

分析 --我把我儿子打死跟你无关.

解答 答案是A.本题考查情态动词辨析.mustn't 禁止;needn't不必;daren't不敢;wouldn't不会,根据句意可知,法律"禁止"体罚孩子,所以本题答案选择A.

点评 要在正确理解情态动词的基本含义的基础上,整体理解语境中的情感态度,做出合理的判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

There are different train ticket for people to choose from when traveled by train.They may want to buy a single ticket and a return ticket.A single ticket allows us to enjoy more freedom at their destinations while a return not only is cheaper but also saves them trouble of buying the ticket when they have decided to return.Some people prefer hard seats to soft ones.Young people would like to have hard seats because enjoying the company of other passengers is exactly when they need during a journey.Businessmen would not like to have soft seats.They wanted to have a good rest.When they get on the train,they are still energetic and can rapid go on to do their jobs.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

20.He only charged me half price for repairing the bike.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.It's raining cats and dogs.I'm so surprised that you ________stand outside!(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.The classroom is noisy._____ we go to the library for reading?(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.-I called you last night,but nobody answered it.
-Oh,I __________ my friend at the station.(  )
A.metB.was meetingC.have metD.would meet


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.Dave            be guilty because he has enough evidence to prove that he is innocent.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.The﹩11billion self-help industry is built on the idea that you should turn negative thoughts like"I never do anything right"into positive ones like"I can succeed."But was positive thinking advocate Norman Vincent Peale right?Is there power in positive thinking?
Researchers in Canada just published a study in the journal Psychological Science that says trying to get people to think more positively can actually have the opposite effect:it can simply stress how unhappy they are.
The study's authors,Joanne Wood and John Lee of the University of Waterloo and Elaine Perunovic of the University of New Brunswick,begin by citing older research showing that when people get feedback which they believe is too positive,they actually feel worse,not better.If you tell your stupid friend that he has the potential of an Einstein,you're just underlining his faults.In one 1990s experiment,a team including psychologist Joel Cooper of Princeton asked participants to write essays opposing funding for the disabled.When the authors were later praised for their sympathy,they felt even worse about what they had written.
In this experiment,Wood,Lee and Perunovic measured 68students'self-respect.The participants were then asked to write down their thoughts and feelings for four minutes.Every 15seconds,one group of students heard a bell.When it rang,they were supposed to tell themselves,"I am lovable."
Those with low self-respect didn't feel better after the forced self-affirmation(自我肯定).In fact,their moods turned significantly darker than those of members of the control group,who weren't urged to think positive thoughts.
The paper provides support for newer forms of psychotherapy (心理治疗) that urge people to accept their negative thoughts and feelings rather than fight them.In the fighting,we not only often fail but can make things worse.Instead,meditation (静思) techniques can teach people to put their shortcomings into a larger,more realistic way.Call it the power of negative thinking.

41.What do we learn from the first paragraph about the self-help industry?C
A.It was established by Norman Vincent Peale.
B.It is a highly profitable industry.
C.It is based on the concept of positive thinking.
D.It has provided positive results.
42.What is the finding of the Canadian researchers?D
A.There can be no simple treatment for psychological problems.
B.The power of positive thinking is limited.
C.Unhappy people cannot think positively.
D.Encouraging positive thinking may do more harm than good.
43.What does the author mean by"…you're just underlining his faults"(Para.3)?A
A.You are emphasizing the fact that he is not intelligent.
B.You are not taking his mistakes seriously enough.
C.You are trying to make him feel better about his faults.
D.You are pointing out the errors he has committed.
44.It can be inferred from the experiment of Wood,Lee and Perunovic thatC.
A.It is important for people to continually boost their self-respect.
B.Self-affirmation can bring a positive change to one's mood.
C.Forcing a person to think positive thoughts may lower their self-respect.
D.People with low self-respect seldom write down their true feelings.
45.What do we learn from the last paragraph?B
A.People can avoid making mistakes through meditation.
B.Meditation may prove to be a good form of psychotherapy.
C.The effects of positive thinking vary from person to person.
D.Different people tend to have different ways of thinking.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.Hidden in our subconsciousness(潜意识)is a perfect mental picture.We see ourselves on a long trip that goes across the continent.We are traveling by train.Out the windows,we think in the passing scene of cars on nearby highways,of children waving at a crossing,of cattle feeding on a distant hillside,of smoke pouring from a power plant,or row upon row of corn and wheat,of flat lands and valleys,of mountains and rolling hills,of city skylines and village halls.
But uppermost in our minds is the final destination.On a certain day at a certain hour,we will pull into the station.Bands will be playing and flags waving.Once we get there,so many wonderful dreams will come true and the pieces of our lives will fit together like a completed jigsaw puzzle.How restlessly we pace the aisles,condemning(谴责)the minutes for loitering(虚度)-waiting,waiting,waiting for the station.
"When we reach the station,that will be it!"we cry."When I'm 38.""When I buy a new 450SL Mercdes Benz!""When I put the last kid through college.""When I have paid off the debt!""When I get a promotion.""When I reach the age of rement,I shall live happily ever after!"
Sooner or later,we must realize there is no station,no one place to arrive at once and for all.The true joy of life is the trip.The station is only a dream.It constantly outdistances us.
"Relish(appreciate) the moment"is a good motto,actually it isn't the burdens of today that drive man mad.It is the regret over yesterday and the fear of tomorrow.Regret and fear are twin thieves who rob us of today.
So stop pacing the aisles and counting the miles.Instead,climb more mountains,eat more icecream,swim more rivers,watch more sunsets,laugh more and cry less.Life must be lived as we go along.Then the station will come soon enough.
63.Why does the author describe the mental picture?D    
A.To lead us into a perfect world.
B.To let people enjoy the scenery.
C.To introduce an actual trip of his.
D.To compare it to our life's journey.
64.How do people feel when they're on their trip?D
65.What does the author mean by"Regret and fear are twin thieves who rob us of
today"in Line 2 Paragraph 5?C
A.Regret and fear are responsible for the loss of today.
B.We must be careful of the two thieves:regret and fear.
C.Regret and fear stop us from enjoying our present life.
D.We're frequently challenged by the two:regret and fear.
66.Why does the author write the passage?B
A.To teach us a good lesson.
B.To tell us the right attitude to life.
C.To advise us to forget our worries.
D.To stop us wandering along the aisles.

