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19.---Let's go shopping.It's said that Jinying Shop ____________,and all the sweaters are sold at half price.
---Why not?(  )

分析 --让我们去购物吧.据说金鹰商店在大减价,所有的毛衣都半价销售.

解答 答案:B.根据Let's go shopping可知金鹰商店正在大减价,所以close down用现在进行时,因此答案是B.其他选项分别是A现在完成时;C过去进行时;D一般现在时.

点评 考查现在进行时.
It is said that表示据说,它可以写成其他形式,例如表示"据说她是一个演员"的三种方式:
Someone says that she( works) as an actress.
It is said that she works as an actress.
She is said to work as an actress.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.An ATM that spits out cupcakes instead of cash is now filling a popular demand in the American market:late-night desire for freshly baked sweets.
     In six cities across the country,sugar addicts can now purchase a cupcake for $4.25 from an automatic machine 24 hours every day.The freshly baked goods are made by the California-based cupcake shop Sprinkles.
    The idea came to the company's co-founders Candace and Charles Nelson when Candace was pregnant with their first child.Candace thought it was ridiculous that she owned cupcake bakeries aad couldn't get a freshly baked treat at an unusual hour.That desire inspired the company's first cupcake ATM in Beverly Hills,Calif.in 2012.
    Charles said each ATM serves about l,000 cupcakes per day.The machine is so popular that when it appeared in Manhattan,customers were lined up around the block to use it.
Yet,inventing the first cupcake ATM was not as easy as convincing customers to use it.When the Nelsons started defigning the machine,they quickly realized nothing existed that could give a fully unbroken cupcake to a customer.The company had to partner with a European firm to develop the technology that could deliver a cupcake without dropping it several feet like a typical machine.After going through a seeond development cycle with the product,the ATMs can now satisfy tlle demand of growing customers and even make as many as four cupcakes at a time.
    In terms of the company,the-machine allows Sprinkles to do the impossible:increase hours of operation without raising costs.Now the company can sell cupcakes around the clock through the ATM without paying employees.
    Now the company is partnering with a Middle Eastern company to open 34 new locations abroad.

51.What's the purpose of the text?C
A.To tell us a newtrend of the diet.
B.To advertisefor the cupcake ATM.
C.To introduce a newly-invented cupcake ATM.
D.To advise more customers to buy cupcakes on ATM.
52.How did the Nelsons come up with the idea of'a cupulke ATM?B
A.Their first child wagted to eat fresh cupcakes.
B.Candace hoped to eat a fleshly baked cupcake at any time.
C.The cupcakes they sold couldn't satisfy the customers'demands.
D.They couldn't afford to employ enough workers.
53.What problem did the Nelsons face when starting to design the machine?A
A.Serving an unbroken cupcake to customers.
B.Convincing the customers to use the machine.
C.Dealing with so many orders every day.
D.Making as many as four cupcakes at a time.
54.What does the underlined word‘‘it''in Paragraph 4 refer to?A
A.The machine.    B.The block.    C.The cupcake. D.The customer.
55.What can we infer from the text?B
A.The ATM will replace the traditional cake shops.
B.The ATM will appear in more cities in the world.
C.The company will promote different kinds of products.
D.People will get cupcakes through the ATM without paying.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.Global warming ______ to result in a rise of two feet in sea levels by the second half of next century.(  )
A.is expectedB.is expectingC.expectsD.has expected


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.Katherine ______ on that poem for a month,and it's still not finished.(  )
A.had been workingB.has been working
C.has workedD.had worked


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.All of the books_____ by the workers in that factory at present.(  )
A.are being printedB.is being printed
C.is printingD.are being printing


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

4.Each spring brings a new blossom (开花)of wildflowers in the ditches(沟渠) along the highway I travel daily to work.
There is one particular blue flower that has always (21)Dmy eye.I'veB(22)Bthat it blooms only in the morning hours,the(23)B sun is too warm for it.Every day for about two weeks,I see those beautiful flowers.
This spring,I(24)Aa wildflower garden in our yard.I can look out of the kitchen window while doing the dishes and see the flowers.I've often thought that those(25)C  blue flowers from the(26)Awould look great in that bed alongside(27)C wildflowers.Every day I drove past the flowers thinking,"I'll stop on my way home and (28)Bthem.""Gee,I don't want to get my good clothes dirty…"(29)Dthe reason,I never stopped to dig them.My husband even gave me a folding shovel(铁铲) for my trunk to be used for that(30)Dpurpose.
One day on my way home from work,I was saddened to see that the highway department had mowed(铲) the ditches and the pretty blue flowers were (31)B.I thought to myself,"Way to go,you(32)Ctoo long.You would have done it (33)Byou first saw them blooming this(34)A."
A week ago we were (35)Cand saddened to learn that my oldest sister-in-law has a brain tumor(瘤).She is 20years older than my husband andB(36)Bbecause of age and distance,we haven't been as (37)Cas we all would have liked.I couldn't help but see the(38)A between the pretty blue flowers and the relationship between my husband's sister and us.I do believe that(39)C has given us some time left to plant some wonderful memories that will bloom every year for us.
And yes,if I see the blue flowers again,you can bet I'll stop and transplant them to my wildflower(40)B.

27.A.anotherB.othersC.otherD.the other
39.A.MomB.my husbandC.GodD.my sisiter


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.After researching the history of the Vietnam War,I called my mum and asked her if she knew anyone who went to Vietnam that I could interview.She thought for a while and suddenly remembered that she has a cousin who is a veteran of the Vietnam War.
She says,"I know him since I was little.He was one of the greatest athletes of the school.You can not imagine how good and fast he was.Well,he was ranked number 18in the country for being an outstanding track and field runner.But now,those things are only memories."
I called him and introduced myself.He was in an agreeable mood at the beginning,but as soon as I began to question him,his attitude changed."What happened in Vietnam?"I asked.There was a moment of silence on the other line,and then he said he was willing to tell me about Vietnam.
He said that he was drafted when he was 20years old and that the two years later he spent there a part of his life he would rather forget.He said,"The problem is that you will never imagine how much suffering and pain I saw in that place."There is not one book or article that can really describe the human disaster that took place there.There is nothing worse in this world than killing a man who you know has a family.It is very sad,but it is the truth,and it turns more complex when you realize you were part of that truth.
When I returned to Puerto Rico,it was a total disaster:young kids without fathers,wives without husbands.Most of those who made it back have no legs,like me,or no arms.I was praised because of my bravery,but for me,that was and is pure nonsense,because that war decided my future,decided the future of my family.I,now,am just a veteran who has nothing.
The thing that bothers me the most is that the people who decided to fight will probably never know that it is likely to kill a man,or feel pain and suffering from hunger and the absence of love.In war,every minute you are fearing because the only thing you have in your mind is that if you don't kill first you are going to get killed.

66.Why did the author's mother say"Those things are only memories"?C
A.Because she would rather keep what happened in the past as a secret.
B.Because her cousin is no longer a vigorous young man.
C.Because though her cousin was a good runner,he lost his leg during the war.
D.Because time passed quickly and she can't remember much of the past days.
67.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the 4th paragraph?D
A.Books and articles all presented a false picture of the war.
B.It takes mental strength to survive the war.
C.The sufferings during the war greatly damaged the memory of soldiers,
D.The author's uncle felt very painful when he realized the truth of the war.
68.Why did the author's uncle find the praises"pure nonsense"?B
A.Because praises came too late.
B.Because no praise could make up for his loss.
C.Because he didn't kill anyone during the war.
D.Because too many praises seemed worthless.
69.What can we infer from the last paragraph?C
A.Those who decide to fight should take part in the war by themselves.
B.The veterans could stand any hardship in their life after the war.
C.Those who made the war should be severely blamed.
D.Firing first is the best policy on the battlefield.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.____ I have made this first visit,I hope I can come many more times.(  )
A.ThoughB.Now thatC.WhenD.While


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.It's ______ that you were so sleepy,you hadn't slept for four days.(  )
A.no needB.no wonderC.no doubtD.no use

