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【题目】The Palace Museum has a _________ of 96 million pieces of ancient Chinese art works.

A.collection B.mixture

C.combination D.series



试题分析:考查名词辨析。have a collection of 是“收集”的意思。而mixture是“混合物”的意思;combination是“结合”的意思;series是“系列”的意思。句意:颐和园收集了9.6亿古代艺术碎片,所以选A。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


We're living in a new period of technological and social advancement. Technology has developed at a 1 (fast) speed over the past one hundred years than it had in the previous thousands of years. With this speed of advancement, it's easy to fall behind. Even if a person’s life seems 2(go) well now, several years down the line, he may find that lack of development in important skills may cause some big 3 (problem) in his life. For example, a person today 4is comfortable with his job may find himself 5(replace) by a machine tomorrow.

If we stop trying to improve ourselves, we'll find that our skill level doesn't stay on the same level, but instead 6(decrease). So we are supposed to keep testing what we know and keep learning new stuff to stay ahead. Also it's a good idea to 7(careful) evaluate the things and skills in our life 8replace those outdated things with better ones

Although it's impossible to predict exactly how things 9(change)over the next few years, with update of our skills and a desire to adapt, we’ll find that we're able to stay ahead 10 a changing world.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假如你是李华,你的英国笔友Peter对于中国粉丝给国外明星取昵称的行为非常感兴趣,比如说“卷福”、“霉霉”、“小李子”、“寡姐”等。请你给他写一封邮件,介绍一个你认为最喜欢的中文昵称。内容包括:1. 中文昵称的含义;2. 中英文名字在含义或发音等方面的关联;3. 粉丝起该昵称的原因。

注意:1. 该昵称可用中文或拼音表示;2. 邮件词数在80词左右。

Benedict Cumberbatch

Taylor Swift

Leonardo DiCaprio

Scarlett Johansson







科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:




参考词汇:高速公路 expressway 环城高速 circular expressway



Dear Mike,



Li hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:








When Mom was 61, she showed signs on the lung cancer. We knew something was wrong and that Mom needs a journey. She suggested a movie and a dinner. But I had another plan Though Mom had been to the ocean only twice, but she loved the seashore. Her kitchen was decorating with souvenirs(纪念品) from those two trips. I told Mom that we would leave for Jersey Shore. Mom was very excited that she screamed. Once we got Jersey Shore, she began to enjoy the trip, greeting strangers and spending hours collected shells. The morning we left, I found her taking photos of every inch of her bedroom. Short after we returned, Mom passed away. For a long time, Mom s shells stayed in a box. I found it again while searching for something else. I put them in a familiar place as a reminder(提醒物) from a mother which never lost her sense of wonder.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


When you throw something in the trash, soon a garbage truck will come to take it away. Then where does it go? That depends on where you live. Different towns deal with trash in different ways.


A recycling truck picks up paper, cardboard, metal, plastic and glass. These go to the recycling plant to be sorted and made into new things.


An incinerator is a huge stove that burns trash to make heat and electricity. The ash that’s left gets buried in a landfill. Trash ash can be poisonous, so it has to be stored carefully. But is takes up a lot less room than just plain trash.


Food waste might go to a composter. In a compost heap (堆肥堆), bacteria and worms break down dead plants and old food. They turn it in into good, rich oil. Some people keep compost heaps in their gardens. Big commercial composters handle waste from restaurants and farms.


Some trash gets buried in landfills. A landfill starts as a big hole. Trucks dump trash. Big earth movers push it into place and crush it down. They cover the trash with dirt to keep scavengers (食腐动物) away. The bottom of a landfills is lined with a barrier to keep bad things from leaking into the ground. Pipes drain away liquid. When the landfill is full, it’s covered with earth. It might become a park or lawn.

1What can we learn from the passage?

A.Recycling helps to generate energy.

B.Bacteria and worms helps handle food waste.

C.The landfill is used to drive scavengers away.

D.Trash ash is carefully handled to save room.

2What’s the purpose of the passage?

A.To inform us of trash treatment.

B.To appeal for trash classification.

C.To discuss solutions to trash pollution.

D.To raise awareness of the harm of trash.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】----I’m dead tired. I can’t walk any further, Jenny. ----_______, Tommy. You can do it.

A. No problem B. Come on

C. No hurry D. That’s OK


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Lucy has been fired by her boss.

She is late for work five times a week!

A. Hardly surprising B. Forget it

C. How come? D. Who knows?

