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10.One of my next-door neighbor is a sweet 92-year-old Polish lady.A few days ago,I came back from a trip.As I was(16)C.my clothes in my room,I heard a(n)(17)A,frantic(发疯的) knock on the door.It was 10:30 pm,and I wasn't sure who it could be.I went downstairs and (18)A the peephole,and saw that it was our sweet next-door neighbor.
I quickly (19)D the door,and she seemed really distressed and kept(20)
B,Please help me.I need your help.The fire alarm won't go off.Please help me."I (21)C told her that everything would be okay,and (22)B her to her house to see what was going on  (23)Dthe fire alarm.
She (24)C that the alarm had been going on and off inconsistently(反复无常的) for the past two hours,and that her (25)A to call her daughter to come and fix it was fruitless.So I took a chair from her dining room table,(26)Dit,and looked at the tire alarm.
After twisting the fire alarm off,I blew into it,because sometimes  (27)Bcauses it to make strange noises.She seemed (28)C but was literally shaking out of fear.I asked her (29)D she was okay,and she said she was (30)A,so I gave her a hug.I felt her shaking in my embrace,and held her (31)
B for a few minutes until she stopped shaking and sighed a breath of relief.
We then (32)Cand talked for ten minutes,until I felt that she was okay.and safe to sleep.She was so generous with  (33)Dfor being with her,but I thanked her for (34)B me that hugs are indeed good tools!So,sometimes,a(n) (35)A hug is a good and powerful way to hold someone going through a difficult period.

18.A.looked throughB.made outC.cut offD.turned to
32.A.broke downB.sped upC.sat downD.turned around

分析 本文是一篇故事类阅读.文章通过作者帮助一个恐慌的老人修报火机,并拥抱老人使她恢复平静的故事说明,有时候,一个简单的拥抱是帮助别人渡过难关的很好且有效地方法.

解答 16.C联系上文分析.根据前句A few days ago,I came back home from a trip.可知这里想说我正在我的房间里取出衣服."unpacking"表示"取出".故选C.
17.A联系下文分析.根据后文frantic(发疯的) knock on the door.可知我听到了不断的敲门声."continual"表示"不间断的".故选A.
18.A动词短语辨析.A.looked through穿过…看;B.made out制成;C.cut off切断;D.turned to转向.空格处语意为:我下楼去,通过猫眼看,发现是我的邻居.故选A.
19.D语境分析.根据下文and she seemed really distressed.可知这里想说我很快打开门,看到她很伤心.因此答案为opened.故选D.
20.B联系下文分析.根据后文please help me,I need your help.The fire alarm won't go off.Please help me.可知这里想说她一直在重复说."repeating"表示"重复".故选B.
23.D介词辨析.空格处语意为:我去看一下她的报火机发生了什么事."go on with"表示"什么事发生在什么身上".因此答案为with.故选D.
25.A语境分析.根据后面to call her daughter to come and fix it was fruitless.可知这里想说她试图让她的女儿回来修一下."attempt"表示"试图".故选A.
26.D语境分析.根据前面So I took a chair from her dining room table,可知我从餐桌旁搬来了一个椅子,爬上它.故选D
27.B联系上文分析.根据前文After twisting the fire alarm off,I blew into it,可知这个报火机里有灰尘.故选B.
30.A联系下文分析.根据后文so I gave her a hug.可知她很害怕,所以我给她一个拥抱.故选A.
32.C动词短语辨析.A.broke down抛瞄了;B.sped up加速;C.sat down坐下来;D.turned around转身.空格处语意为:然后我们坐下来,聊天十分钟.故选C.

点评 答题前一定要略读全文,把握文章要表达的主题,注意前后句与句,段落与段落之间的关系.答题中,一定要认真分析,注意选项与上下文的关系,与前后单词的关系.对于一时没有太大的把握的题可以放到最后再来完成,因为有时答案可以从下文内容体现出来.答完后再通读一遍文章,看看所选选项能不能是语句通顺,语意连贯.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

20.She'll never give up even if she should fail ten times,for she's a very determined person.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.-I've just finished my interview.I'm pretty hopeful.
-______.I hope it works out for you.(  )
A.It's all rightB.Good idea
C.All the bestD.That sounds great


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错


My soccer coach retired in last week.I wanted to do anything special for him at his retirement party.My mum made the better biscuits in the world,so I decide to ask her for help.Mum taught me some basic step of baking.I insisted on doing most of the baking myself.I thought the biscuits were really well.My only mistake was that I dropped some on the floor after I was packing them up.
At a party,my coach,with a biscuit in his mouth,asked surprisingly who made them and joked,"I might have to retire again next year just get some more of these biscuits."
The picture of my coach enjoy the biscuits with happy laughter was my favorite one taken  at the party.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.For centuries,in the countries of south and Southeast Asia,the elephant has been an important part of the culture,economy and religion.And nowhere more so than in Thailand.Unlike its African cousin,the Asian elephant is easily domesticated(驯化).The rare so-called white elephants have actually lent the power of royalty to its rulers,and until the 1920s the national flag was a white elephant on a red background.To the early Western visitors,the  country's romantic name was"Land of the White Elephant".
Today,however,the story is very different.Out of work and out of land,the Thai elephant   struggles for survival in a nation that no longer needs it. The elephant has found itself more or less deserted by previous owners who have moved on to a different economic world and a society in  the western part.And while the elephant's problems began many years ago,now it has a very low  national advantage.
How does the national symbol turn into ignored animals?It is a story of worse environment and the changing lives of the Thais themselves.According to Richard Lair,Thailand's expert on  the Asian elephant and author of the report Gone Astray,at the turn of the  last century,there may well have been as many as 100,000 national elephants in the country.
In the north of Thailand alone,it was estimated (估计) that more than 20,000 elephants were employed in transport,1,000 of them alone on the road between the cities of Chiang Mai and Chiang Saen.     
This was at a time when 90 percent of Thailand was still forest--a habitat that not only supported the animals but also made them necessary to carry goods and people.Nothing ploughs through thick forest better than lots of sure-footed elephants.
By 1950 the elephant population had dropped,but still to the number of 13,397.However,today there-are probably no more than 3,800,with another l,350 wandering free in the national parks.But now,Thailand's forest covers only 20 percent of the land.This deforestation(采伐森林) is the central point of the elephant's difficult situation,for it has effectively put the animals out of work.This century,as the road network grew,the elephant's role as a beast of Burden decreased.
41.What can we know about African elephants from the passage?B
A.It is easy to domesticate them.
B.It is hard to domesticate them.
C.They are living a better life than Asian elephants.
D.Their fate is quite similar to that of Asian elephants.
42.Thailand was once called"Land of the White Elephant"becauseA
A.white elephant was a national symbol until the 1920s
B.white elephant is rarely seen and thus very special
C.white elephant has helped kings to gain the ruling authority
D.this name was so romantic that it was popular among visitors
43.Why is the Thai elephant"out of work",according to the author?D
A.Because there are too many elephants but too few jobs.
B.Because the elephants can't do labor work any longer.
C.Because the government pays little attention to the problem.
D.Because the elephants are no longer useful to their owners.
44.Which of the following statements is TRUE about the elephant population at various times?D
A.There were 100,000 domesticated elephants at the turn of the last century.
B.20,000 elephants were employed in transport in Thailand at the turn of the century.
C.By 1950 the elephant population in Thailand has been quite small.
D.Today the elephant population is estimated at 5,150.
45.The passage is most probably fromC
A.a travel magazine                                      
B.a history book
C.a research report                    
D.an official announcement.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

15.Yang's ambition was to get an architect certificate or become a bowling master.But when he was c (25)conducting experiments with a microscope in the basement,a tank on the bench exploded,sending him flying outwards through the exit.He was out of b(26)breathwhile knowing he lost his eyesight as well as 70% of his hearing.In other words,he was d(27)disabled.
Feeling clumsy,he was a(28)annoyed at first though nobody made fun of him.He cut out going outdoors and just sat around at home talking to his parrot or tortoise silently.His sister r(29)resigned to help him in many ways.Her assistance and encouragement were so beneficial to his psychology that he adapted to his disability soon and became o(30)outgoing again.In a college accessible to him,he studied politics and literature.He always sat in the front row near the e(31)entry without any absence and,with the help of his handy laptop,he studied well by means of d(32)dictation.His thesis Abolishing Slavery met with all professors'approval.After class,he and his companions often played drum music,which was noisy but s(33)suitable for his hearing.After graduation,he made high p(34)profits by designing software for a firm.All in all,in his community,he won dignity and people's congratulation.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.Not only ________learn a foreign language,but also ______ master it well.(  )
A.must we; we mustB.must we; must we
C.we must;'we mustD.we must; must we


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.Much to our surprise,not a single word about himself _____ in the class meeting last Monday.(  )
A.had John saidB.said JohnC.John saidD.did John say


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

17.-I've got a full scholarship for this semester.
-___!You are really great.(  )
A.CongratulationsB.Good luckC.So whatD.It's a pleasure

