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I made coat ________ my own hands. It was made ________ hand not with a machine.

A. in; in     B. in; with         C. with; by        D. with; with



by hand意为“用手工”;with“用”, 表示使用的工具, 手段,如He hit it with a hammer.


科目:高中英语 来源:河南省郑州盛同学校2010届高三下学期模拟测试(一) 题型:完型填空

One Sunday morning my mother walked into my room. “_ 36  !” she said, proudly holding up a yellow  37  with black and white stripes. “I made it just for you. What do you think?”
I   38  my tongue. How could I tell Mom it was the most hideous one I had ever seen?
“It’s perfect for   39  ,” my mother continued. “I  40  someone had made a dress like this for me.”
41  you can’t wear it, I thought. But I knew Mom had spent a lot of time on the dress. Only the world’s most   42  daughter would refuse. reluctantly(不情愿的). I put it on.
All through church I prayed, Lord, let me get out of here __43   anyone seeing me. Especially Dennis Pearce, the boy I had a crush on. He was one of the cutest (bright) guys at Neptune High. Although we were in some of the same classes, Dennis had   44  taken any notice of me.
At the end of the service I  45   for the door. But I had to wait on the   46  while my parents chatted with their friends. Just a little while longer… Then   47  the corner of my eye I saw the Pearce approaching.    48  I could escape, Dennis was right beside me.
I started gabbing a mile a minute, hoping if I kept it   49   he wouldn’t notice my horrible dress. “I am going to college in September,” I said.
“That’s great,” Dennis replied. “I got   50  to the police academy.”
“Wow!” I said. Somehow I kept the conversation going. Soon we were walking to the parking lot together. The next thing I knew Dennis had first asked me  51  .
We courted through college, and eventually got married. Months after our wedding I asked Dennis if he remembered the day   52   he had first asked me out.
“You bet I do,” he said. “You were always 53 in school, almost standoffish (coldhearted). I didn’t think you’d be much fun. But you were so animated (lively) when we talked on the church steps, I wanted to get to know you better.” Maybe that   55   yellow dress wasn’t  55  I would have chosen, but that day it was the perfect dress for me.
36. A. Strange       B. Surprise        C. Interesting     D. Puzzled
37. A. dress         B. coat           C. skirt          D. hat
38. A. beat          B. held           C. bit           D. caught
39. A. the party      B. church         C. school        D. your birthday
40. A. hope         B. expected       C. wish          D. wished
41. A. Too beautiful   B. Too big        C. Too small      D. Too bad
42. A. ungrateful     B. lovely          C. considerate    D. responsible
43. A. beyond      B. before          C. until          D. without
44. A. never         B. sometimes      C. frequently     D. ever
45. A. made        B. ran            C. escaped       D. walked
46. A. steps         B. gate           C. door          D. bench
47. A. within        B. out of         C. beside         D. off
48. A. Until        B. After           C. Not until       D. Before
49. A. on          B. back           C. in            D. up
50. A. agreed      B. accepted        C. permitted      D. allowed
51. A. my telephone   B. my address      C. out          D. in
52. A. that          B. which          C. on when       D. \
53 A. quiet        B. calm           C. silent         D. still
54. A. blue -white striped                B. black and white stripes
C. zebra-striped                    D. dark-white-striped
55.A. what        B. which         C. that            D. One


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年辽宁丹东宽甸二中高一下学期学期初摸底测试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:填空题

注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
Yesterday I bought new coat in a shop. When I came back home, I found
it so big for me . This morning, I went to the shop and change the coat I bought. But the sales girl in the shop treated me cold.  Firstly, she didn’t admit why I bought the coat in her shop. Then, she said I made it be dirty . So I got very angry but quarreled with him, pointing to the rules on the wall.  Just then, a manager turned up. He said sorry to me and they changed other one for me . At last, I said goodbye to them and took the new coat home.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届广西柳州铁路第一中学高二下学期月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错


This morning I went to the shop to change

the coat I bought it yesterday. But the salesgirl          1.________

treated me coldly. At first, she didn’t admit that the    2.________

coat sold in her shop and then she said I made         3.________

it dirty. She gave various excuse to refuse my         4.________

request. So I got angrily and quarreled with her.          5.________

Then the manager turned up and asked how was       6.________

the matter. Before I told him the whole thing,         7.________

he said sorry for me and criticized the salesgirl.     8.________

At last, they changed another coat for us. With        9.________

satisfaction I take the new coat home happily.         10.________



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

I made coat ________ my own hands. It was made ________ hand not with a machine

  1. A.
    in; in
  2. B.
    in; with
  3. C.
    with; by
  4. D.
    with; with

