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20.An American educational expert,Frederick M.Hess says that a long summer vacation doesn't make sense in today's world.
    This summer,50 million kids will spend much time talking online,watching TV,plsying video games and asking older brothers or sisters to take them to the supermarket.They will also be putting their academic futures at risk.
    During much of the 20th century,many Americans worked in factories that did not need a college degree but still offered a high salary.Also,in the 19th century,there was no air condition.And poor hygiene(卫生)meant that crowded schools had health risks.
    Things have changed.For today's students,academic skills are key to future success..many nations don't give kids an American-style summer vacation.They offer no more than seven consecutive(连续的)weeks of vacation.Most American school districts offer up to 13 weeks.To compete in global marketplace,Americans must be prepared to go up against international competitors.
    Summer vacation also causes challenges for today's families.In the 1960s,more than 60% of families had a stay-at-home mum.Now,two-thirds of American children live families where every adult works.For these families,summer vacation can be more burden than break.Someone must watch the kids.
    But the biggest problem may be how summer vacation hurts academic achievement.Scientist have found that disadvantaged students lose important ground in the summertime.
    A school year can allow time-limited teachers to conduct richer and more imaginative lessons.Schools would have more time for sports,languages,music and the arts.

64.Before the 20th century,a long summer vacation mightC.
    A.cause career failure for Americans   B.reduce income for Americans
    C.reduce health risks for students     D.cause loss in global market for America
65.We can know that an American-style summer vacationC.
    A.lasts no more than two months    B.lasts less than three months
    C.lasts as long as three months    D.lasts as long as four months
66.According to the text,who will benefit from a long school year?A
    A.American students,teachers and parents.
    B.American students,parents and shop owners.
    C.American students,parents and international competitors.
    D.American students,teachers and international competitors.
67.How many reasons did the writer give to support his/her opinion?D
    A.One.  B.Two.  C.Three.  D.Four.

分析 作者在文章中介绍长暑假对学生没有意义的观点,主要因为:长暑假不利于学生的成绩,增加父母的负担,不利于老师安排课程,现在的学校设施齐备,不需要放长假.

解答 64.C.细节题:从第三段的句子:Also,in the 19th century,there was no air condition.And poor hygiene (卫生) meant that crowded schools had health risks.可知在20世纪前长暑假会让学生减少健康的危害.故选C.
65.C.细节题:从第四段的句子:Most American school districts offer up to 13 weeks.可知大部分美国的学校提供3个多月的暑假.故选C.
66.A.细节题:从倒数第三段的句子:Someone must watch the kids.和最后一段的内容,可知长学年可以使家长,学生和父母受益,故选A.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

My uncle hasn't been able to quit smoking,but at least he hascut down.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

11.A.Get to know yourself.
B.Take care of your body.
C.Practice basic respect towards yourself.
D.Be honest with yourself and with others.
E.Think about what it means to respect someone.
F.Recognize when people disrespect you and take steps to stop it.
How to Respect Yourself A lack of self-respect can prevent you from fulfilling your potential and developing healthy relationships.Here are some steps to help you know how to respect yourself.
61.E  The  qualities  that  we  respect  vary  from  person  to  person,and  the  way  we express it varies from culture to culture.Generally,we respect people who have more experience and are more accomplished  than ourselves.But  there  is  also a basic  level of  respect  that most people will  agree  is  a  right,and  does  not  need  to be  earned.So  think  about what  it means  to respect others.Here are some widely agreed-upon signals of respect:You don't steal from,harm,
or  insult  them; you are honest with  them; you  listen  to what  they say,consider  their opinions,and avoid interrupting them.
62.C We  often  do  things  for  ourselves  that  we  would  never  dream  of  doing  for someone we care about.Whatever you believe to be respectful,apply it to yourself.Don't harm yourself.Don't insult yourself.Don't steal from yourself.Be honest with yourself.Develop your own opinions and don't be afraid to stand by them.
63.F A person with self-respect doesn't allow others to treat them badly,and would rather not be around someone who is disrespectful.This might seem obvious,but there are many times when we accept being  treated badly.When someone doesn't give you basic  respect,you need to be able to say,in one way or another,"You just disrespected me and that's not acceptable!If you don't respect me,I won't spend time with you any more."Can you say that,and mean it?Can you turn your back on someone who's clearly shown that they don't respect you?Once you do,you'll feel your sense of self-respect go up.
64.B When you make an effort to keep your body in good working order,you'll not only feel better physically,but also  feel a sense of pride.Respecting your body also means not insulting it for what it is,naturally.Make an effort to get fit and stay healthy.Focus on the things you can change and improve,and do them because it feels good.
65.A The more  you  know  about  yourself,the more  you'll  see  and  appreciate  how unique you  really are.And you'll  respect yourself more.Discover your principles,personality,and  talents.Stop waiting  for other people's approval and start developing your own standards.Develop a unique and original way of expressing your opinions while at the same time being a good listener.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.As young people spend more time on computers,iPads and other TV sets,researchers are asking how all that screen time affects children's and teenagers'ability to focus and  learn-even drive cars.
An online survey offers a new question:how is technology affecting their happiness and emotional development?The answer,from girls ages 8 to 12 having the habits,is that those who say they spend amounts of time using multimedia describe themselves in ways that suggest they are less happy and less socially comfortable than other teenagers who say they spend less time on screens.
    Among the key questions that the researchers are not able to answer is whether the heavy use of media is the cause for the relative unhappiness or whether girls who are less happy to begin with are drawn to heavy use of  media,in fact,coming to a virtual(虚拟)world.But the researchers assume that heavy use of media is a main factor to the social challenges of girls.
    The reason the researchers is that on a basic level girls need to experience the full face-to-face communication  such as learning to read body language and facial expressions.
    Lucy Gray,45,who lives in Chicago,said her daughter,Julia,13,has been a heavy consumer of media for several years-she watches movies on her laptop,and has an iPad,an iPhone and a Nintendo DS portable game machine.Ms.Gray said that Julia can have trouble getting on with other people especially adults in face-to-face interactions,but she is not ready to blame her daughter's heavy use of  technology
    In fact,she things that,on the whole.the technology has helped her daughter navigate(航行)the world socially."she'd be missing out on an opportunity if she wasn't connected,"she said:
    At the same time,Ms.Gray said she worries that her daughter,who is using Facebook more,is  playing out her social life online sometimes without the benefits of the full emotional range that comes from face-to-face interaction.
"It's a double-edged sword."Ms.Gray said to social media
51.What is the disadvantage of online habit for young girls?C
    A.They are more likely to cause car accidents.
    B.They are less likely to be liked by teachers at school
    C.They may feel uncomfortable and unhappy in social life.
    D.They may be cheated into doing something bad at school.
52.With heavy use of media,girls may tend to beA.
    A.led into a world breaking away form the reality
    B.inspired to devote themselves to learning science
    C.directed to come to a world of happiness and luck
    D.encouraged to face the challenges  of the unhappy life.
53.Girls may face more social challenges because theyB.
    A.are not good at making friends online
    B.lack real communication experience in general
    C.are careless at seeing others'facial expressions.
    D.spend too much time  studying at and after school.
54.What will Ms.Gray do with Julia's heavy  use of technology?D
    A.She will allow her to use her iPad and  iPhone only.
    B.She will forbid her to use any kind of media.
    C.She will allow her to use the media on weekends.
    D.She will allow her to use all the media as usual.
55.What does Ms.Gray concern when it comes to Julia's use of social media?C
    A.Their quarrels are about whether she should use the media.
    B.Julia  likes to meet the real people knowing of on Facebook
   C.Julia's performance isn't good enough in real social life.
    D.Julia spends too much time sending text messages.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.There are a couple of ways to forecast the destructive potential of a hurricane (飓风) so that people in the way can take adequate precautions (预防措施).Satellite images of cloud patterns can be analyzed to estimate peak wind speeds,but the estimates are often way off the mark.Specialized aircraft can fly into a storm to measure the winds directly,but the flights are costly.
Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology come up with a third way:listening to a storm underwater.
In a paper to be published in Geophysical Research Letters,Nicholas C.Makris and a former graduate student,Joshua D.Wilson,report a strong connection between the intensity (强度) of sound recorded by an undersea microphone in the mid-Atlantic and the wind power of a hurricane that passed over it.They say that such microphones,known as hydrophones,could be a safe and relatively inexpensive means of estimating hurricane force.
Dr.Makris and Dr.Wilson,who are now with Applied Physical Sciences Corporation,worked out the theory of underwater acoustic (声音的) monitoring of storms in a 2005paper."To be very frank with you,it's a mystery what makes storms noisy underwater."Dr.Makris said.The most popular idea currently is that it has something to do with oscillating air bubbles (气泡振动).
The researchers then went looking for experimental data to back their theory,and found it from a hydrophone placed at a depth of 2,500feet by the National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration.It happened that Hurricane Gert passed over the area in September 1999,and a hurricane-hunter plane directly measured the wind speed at the same time.The hydrophone data showed sound intensity rising when the storm's outside wind"wall"passed over,and again when the inside wall,the most destructive part of the storm near the eye,passed over."We got a beautiful connection,"Dr.Makris said,"between the hydrophone data and the actual wind speeds as measured by the aircraft."
Dr.Makris is conducting additional experiments,working with the Mexican Navy off the west coast of Mexico.The eventual goal,he said,would be permanent hydrophones in known hurricane zones or temporary ones that could be easily laid by plane or ship in the path of a coming storm.

72.Compared with the traditional methods,the new way of measuring isC.
A.more expensive            B.more direct
C.less dangerous            D.less accurate
73.Which statement is WRONG according to the article?B
A.The scientists gained support from different fields.
B.Dr.Makris and Dr.Wilson have figured out what makes storms noisy underwater.
C.The scientists have found the relationship between the changes of sound intensity and the force of the hurricane.
D.There are several ways for people to forecast the force of the coming hurricane.
74.Why is Dr.Makris now making other experiments with the help of the Mexican Navy off the west coast of Mexico?A
A.To place permanent hydrophones in some zones.
B.To collect more images of cloud patterns.
C.To be secure in carrying out their experiments.
D.To get more information from the hurricane-hunter planes.
75.Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?D
A.Ways to Stop the Destructive Force of a Hurricane
B.Connection between the Intensity of Sound and the Wind Power of a Hurricane
C.Hydrophones,Safe but Expensive Means of Estimating Hurricane Force
D.Measuring a Hurricane by Sound Underwater.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.On my first job as a sports editor for the Montpelier Leader Enterprise,I didn't get a lot of fan mail,so I was intrigued by a letter plopped on my desk one morning.The envelope bore the logo of the closest big-city paper,the Toledo Blade.
When I opened it,I read:
"Sweet piece of writing on the Tigers.Keep up the good work."
It was signed by Don Wolfe,the sports editor.Because I was a teenager (being paid the grand total of 15cents a column inch),his words could not have been more exciting.I kept the letter in my desk drawer until it got rag-eared.Whenever I doubted I had the right stuff to be a writer,I would reread Don's note and walk on air again.
Later,when I got to know him,I learned that Don made a habit of writing a quick,encouraging word to people in all walks of life."When I make others feel good about themselves,"he told me,"I feel good,too."
Why are upbeat note writers in such short supply?My guess is that many who shy away from the practice are too self-conscious.They are afraid they will be misunderstood,sound old-fashioned or flattering.Also,writing takes time and it is far easier to pick up the phone.The drawback with phone calls,of course,is that they do not last.A note attaches more importance to our well-wishing.It is a matter of record,and our words can be read more than once,appreciated,and treasured.
What does it take to write notes that lift spirits and warm hearts?Perhaps just a desire and a willingness to express our appreciation.The most successful people write notes that are short on words and long on feeling,sincere,short,specific,and usually spontaneous in nature.
It is difficult to be spontaneous,however,when you have to hunt for letter writing materials; so,keep paper,envelopes,and stamps close at hand,even when you travel.Fancy stationery is not necessary; it's the thought that counts.
So,who around you deserves a note of thanks or approval?A neighbor,your librarian,a relative,your mate,a teacher,or your doctor?You do not need to be poetic.If you need a reason,look for a milestone,the anniversary of a special event you shared,a birthday,or holiday,and do not hold back your praise.Such words as:"greatest,""smartest,""prettiest"make us all feel good.Even if your praises run a little ahead of reality,remember that expectations are often the parents of dreams fulfilled.

63.On seeing the letter on the desk,the author feltB.
A.annoyed     B.curious      C.doubtful      D.shocked
64.According to the author,many people don't write upbeat notes mainly because they areD.
A.afraid of being out of date             B.too shy to flatter others
C.prepared to make phone calls            D.too concerned about what others think
65.It can be learned from the last paragraph thatB.
A.praises often run ahead of reality
B.praises help in pursuing a dream
C.parents often write upbeat notes
D.parents expect children's success
66.What might be the suitable title for the passage?A
A.The Power of a Positive Note            B.Notes Help to Fulfill Dreams
C.The Necessity of Writing Notes          D.Note or Phone,Your Own Choice.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.After decades of skimpy(小而暴露的)skirts and sleeveless tops on game days,some schools in the US are saying cheerleader uniforms will have to meet stricter dress codes when they are worn in class.
In Lake County,Florida,cheerleaders with uniforms too skimpy for the code are being asked to wear long shorts or trousers under their skirts and a T-shirt under the sleeveless tops,according to a district memo.Principals at two of Lake's eight high schools-Leesburg and Lake Minneola-are not allowing the outfits in school at all.
Michelle Thomas,a cheerleader at Leesburg High School,was disappointed when she learned she couldn't wear her outfit to school on game days.
"It shows that we're a team just like all the other sports."She said.
But the school administrators didn't agree."During the educational portion of the day,they have to meet the dress code just like every other student,"said school board chairwoman Debbie Stivender,who ordered the staff to bring the outfits into line with the dress code.
Bare midriffs(露腰装) are banned across the state by the Florida High School Athletic Association,but no state rules mention cheerleader miniskirts.Sheila Noone,a spokeswoman for cheerleading uniform company Varsity Brands,says the outfits haven't become more revealing over the last 10 years.She says that the short skirts are designed to help the girls jump and kick.
"Cheerleading is athletic,"Noone said."There's a lot of jumping so you won't want a knee-length skirt that might hamper a toe touch."
Most cheerleaders were sad to hear the news,but say they'll follow the rules.Even male cheerleaders,whose pants and tops meet dress codes,chose not to wear their outfits to show unity.
"I understand,because they are kind of short,"said Holly Bishop,14,a Lake Minneola High School cheerleader,about her miniskirt."It would've been really,really cool to wear them to school."
66.According to the new dress codes for cheerleaders in some American schools,D.
A.bare midriffs are banned
B.cheerleading miniskirts are banned
C.cheerleader uniforms have switched from skirts to trousers
D.cheerleaders have to make their uniforms less revealing.
67.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the article?A
A.School administrators believe cheerleader uniforms do not match school dress codes.
B.Most cheerleaders show understanding of the new dress codes.
C.Sheila Noone believes that cheerleading miniskirts are not revealing.
D.School administrators don't take cheerleading seriously.
68.Some cheerleaders are not happy about the news becauseB.
A.they hate the dress codes that other sports have 
B.they consider their uniforms special and cool
C.they want to wear revealing clothes
D.they will have to buy new uniforms
69.What is the main point of the article?D
A.Stricter dress codes for cheerleaders meet opposition.
B.Positive reactions to stricter dress codes for cheerleaders
C.American schools encourage unity in dress codes.
D.Changes in dress codes for cheerleaders in American high schools.
70.What does the underlined word"hamper"in paragraph 7 mean?C
A.protect      B.miss    C.prevent    D.help.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.Beijing-The public has responded with vigorous support for an NPC deputy's proposal to extend the Spring Festival holiday from three days to 10.
More than 78 percent of about 27,600 respondents to a poll on www.people.com.cn voted in favor of the idea of Li Jing,who is also the mayor of Meishan city in South-west China's Sichuan province.Li said the lunar new year festival holiday was too short for family reunions,especially fog the nation's 220 million migrant workers.
With hundreds of millions of people on the move during such a short time span,the holiday puts great stress on the public transport system and suppresses tourism,he added.He suggested the ho1iday be extended and cover the three adjacent (毗连的) weekends,which means the public could take a total of 16 days off and floating population could spend the Lantern Festival,which falls on the 15th day of the lunar new year,with their families.
People would then have sufficient time to fully enjoy the traditional holiday with their families,Li said during an interview with People's Daily Online on Friday.
Most online voters agreed that extending the holiday will ease the burden on public transport and strengthen family ties."The Spring Festival is an occasion for family reunions and should be longer than the National Day holiday,"one responder said in an online post."Every year,I wish I could spend more time at home for the Spring Festival,but I always have to go back to work.I hope the NPC will approve this proposal."
Another online comment read:"Extending the Spring Festival holiday could prevent the annual transportation crush,which has in recent years resembled an exodus (出走) of fleeing refugees (难民)''.
Most of the about 13 percent who opposed the idea citied difficulties readjusting to work after the break.Some pointed out that office moral (士气) was generally low during the first week after the holiday."After the six-day holiday,many people come back to work feeling absent-minded,"one respondent said.Some who opposed the extension suggested adding the Lantern Festival as an official holiday.
Another 10 percent said lawmakers should carefully study the impacts before they make any decisions on holidays.
72.Which of the following is NOT the reason why Li Jing suggested extending the Spring Festival holiday?B
A.The floating population could spend the Lantern Festival.
B.People could spend more money and this could promote consumption.
C.The lunar new year festival holiday was too short for family reunions.
D.The holiday puts great stress on the public transport system and suppresses tourism.
73.What was Li Jing's plan for the lunar new year festival holiday?D
A.It could cover the two adjacent weekends.
B.The holiday would be from the first day of the lunar year.
C.He added the Lantern Festival as an independent official holiday.
D.The public could take a total of 16 days off including the Lantern Festival.
74.The underlined word"crush"in the sixth paragraph probably means"A".
A.uncomfortable pressure caused by a great crowd of people
B.a drink made by pressing fruit and used as juice
C.a traffic accident resulting from traveling too fast
D.people's eagerness to go home to meet their families
75.Why were some netizens against extending the holiday?D
A.It was a waste of time
B.people would not earn much money.
C.It would have a bad effect on China's economy.
D.people wouldn't be in a good working stag after so long a holiday.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.The Man Booker Prize
The Man Booker Prize for Fiction is awarded every year for a novel written by a writer from the Commonwealth or the Republic of Ireland and it aims to represent the very best in contemporary fiction.The prize was originally called the Booker-McConnell Prize,which was the name of the company that sponsored it,though it was better-known as simply the‘Booker Prize'.In 2002,the Man Group became the sponsor and they chose the new name,keeping‘Booker'.
Publishers can submit books for consideration for the prize,but the judges can also ask for books to be submitted they think should be included.Firstly,the Advisory Committee give advice if there have been any changes to the rules for the prize and selects the people who will judge the books.The judging panel changes every year and usually a person is only a judge once.
Great efforts are made to ensure that the judging panel is balanced in terms of gender and professions within the industry,so that a writer,a critic,an editor and an academic are chosen along with a well-known person from wider society.However,when the panel of judges has been finalized,they are left to make their own decisions without any further involvement or interference from the prize sponsor.
The Man Booker judges include critics,writers and academics to maintain the consistent quality of the prize and its influence is such that the winner will almost certainly see the sales increase considerably,in addition to the£50,000that comes with the prize.

4.When the Man Group became the sponsor,theyB.
A.were forced to keep the name'Booker'.
B.decided to include the name'Booker'.
C.decided to keep the name'Booker-McConnell'.
D.decided to use only the name'Booker'.
5.Who advises on changes to the rules?C
A.The sponsors
B.The judging panel
C.the Advisory Committee
6.The judging panelD.
A.doesn't include women.
B.includes only women.
C.is only chosen from representatives of the industry.
D.includes someone from outside the industry.
7.The consistent quality of the prizeC.
A.is guaranteed by the prize money.
B.is guaranteed by the gender of the judges.
C.is guaranteed by the make-up of the panel of judges.
D.is guaranteed by the increase in sales of the winner.

