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________ you’re wondering why Joe’s here——let me explain.

[  ]

A.In case

B.So long as

C.Now that

D.The moment




科目:高中英语 来源:2012届浙江省杭州市西湖高级中学高三8月开学考试英语试卷 题型:填空题

【小题1】 Most expensive restaurants will add a 10% service charge to the bill.
【小题2】Though tipping is not allowed, people who have served you accept tips in a certain way.
【小题3】Culturally, tipping is unnecessary, but customers sometimes pay service charge when checking out.
【小题4】 If you want to get loyal service, you should give a tip more than 10%.
【小题5】You ae not expected to pay tips at a low class hotel.
Bangkok (曼谷) There are no established rules of tipping in Bangkok, capital of Thailand. Some places expect it; others don’t. In general, the more westernized the place is, the more likely you’ll be expected to leave a tip.
Restaurants: Some expensive restaurants will add a 10% service charge to the bill. If not, waiters will appr eciate your increasing by 10% yourself. However, if you’re eating at a cheap eatery, a ti is not necessary.
Porters: At Bangkok’s many five-star hotels, you’re expected to tip the porter 20 to 50 baht(铢), depending on how many bags you have.
Taxis: Taxis are now metered in Bangkok, so there’s no bargaining over your fare. The local custom is to round the fare up to the nearest five baht.
Jakarta (雅加达)  Tipping is not part of the Indonesian culture, but international influences have turned some westernized palms upward in search of a few extra rupiah (卢比).
Restaurants: A 10% service charge is added at most high-end restaurants. At moderately priced restaurants, 5,000 rupiah should do it---if the service is superb, add an extra 1,000 rupiah or so.
Porters: Pay a few hundred rupiah for each bag.
Taxis: Most drivers will automatically round up to the next 500 rupiah. Some will claim they have no change and will bleed you for more. Don’t accept anything more than a 1,000-rupiah increase.
Kuala Lumpur (吉隆坡)  Like Indonesia, tipping in Malaysia is only common in the expensive westernized joints, which often add a 10% service charge to your meal or hotel bill.
Restaurants: If you are at a hotel restaurant, expect a 10% service charge or add the same amount yourself. But at local stalls, there’s no need to add a tip.
Porters: At five-star hotels, one or two ringgit(林吉特) will be enough. At low-end establishments, you are not forced to tip.
Taxis: Many taxis are now metered, so you can just round up to the nearest ringgit. In unmetered taxis, expect a session of hard bargaining for the ride.
Manila (马尼拉)  Tipping is common in Manila, the Philippines, and anything above 10% will gain you long-lasting loyalty.
Restaurants: Even if a service charge is included, it is a custom to add another 5%-10% to the bill.
Porters: Service in top hotels is good and should be rewarded with 20% pesos(比索) per bag.
Taxis: Most taxis are metered, and rounding up to the next five pesos is a good rule of taking taxis.
Seoul  Tipping is not part of the Korean culture, although it has become a rule in international hotels where a 10% service charge is often added.
Restaurants: If you are at a Korean barbecue (烧烤店), there’s no need to add anything extra. But a luxury Italian restaurant may require a 10% service charge.
Porters: If you are at a top-end hotel, international standards apply, so expect to tip 500-1,000 won per bag.
Taxis: Drivers don’t expect a tip, so unless you’re feeling remarkably generous, keep the change for yourself.
Singapore City  According to government rules in the Lion City, tipping is a no-no. It’s basically outlawed at Changi Airport and officials encourage tourists to neglect the 10% service charge that many high-end hotels add to the bill.
Restaurants: Singaporeans tend not to leave tips, especially at the outdoor eateries. Nicer restaurants do sometimes charge a 10% service fee, but there’s no need to supplement that.
Porters: Hotel staff are the one exception to the no-tipping rule. As a general guide, S$1 would be enough for baggage-lugging service.
Taxis: Drivers don’t expect tips, but they won’t refuse if you want to round up the fare to the next Singaporean dollar.


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年江苏省淮安中学高二上学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:填空题

There are many people who are interested in knowing how to become a better person in life. Though there’re many people who can guide you to become a better person, you can become one only if you’re eager enough to bring about a change in yourself.
If you wish to learn to become a better person, then you should first of all learn to recognize your mistakes. Think of what are those things which you do in your day-to-day life and aren’t liked by other people around you. Then analyze(分析) them and try to avoid them as far as possible. However, it requires a lot of patience and courage to change yourself.
Then you should also apologize for your past mistakes. If you don’t apologize, then you’ll always be ridiculed(奚落) in the society for being a person who has bad behaviour. By apologizing to those whom you’ve hurt, you can hope to get a second chance from them to prove that you’re as good as the others.
Forgetting the past misbehavior and thinking about the present and the future is one of the best ways to become a better person. This is because it’s impossible for you to change the past. Start your life again and make sure to go on the path of being honest. You can keep a personal diary in which you can write the dos and don’ts for yourself.
Having a role model is also very important. A role model is someone you respect. You should study the thoughts and sayings of these great people and try to understand what they actually mean. Read informative books on these people and this will definitely change the way you think and look at the things. However, just reading about the great people won’t help you. You’ll have to practically carry out their thoughts to earn respect for yourself in the society.
So actually becoming a better person isn’t difficult.  

【小题1】__________ to become a better person
【小题2】__________ on becoming a better person
【小题3】___________ your mistakes.
●Think of your daily performance others dislike.
●Analyze them and try to avoid them.
●Be 【小题4】_______________ and brave to change yourself.
 Make an 【小题5】________for your past mistakes.
●To avoid being ridiculed for being a person with bad 【小题6】______________.
●To prove you are as good as the others.
Forget the past, and think of the present and the future.
●Be 【小题7】____________ in your future life.
●Write the dos and don’ts for yourself in your 【小题8】 __________________.
Have role models.
●Study the great people’s thoughts and sayings to understand what they actually 【小题9】__________________.
●Read informative books on them to change your way of thinking and viewing.
●Carry out their thoughts to earn respect for yourself.
It’s 【小题10】____________ difficult to become a better person.


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届湖北省荆门市高二下学期期末质量检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

When I met him, I had a lot of anger inside of me.I never had a father, though in my neighborhood that's not  31 .I know some kids just like me.You have to  32 yourself.

There are fights and killings all the time.I have friends who ended up in jail or pregnant.1 could have ended up that way, too, but Mr. Clark and my mom 33 let that happen.

Mr. Clark worked long hours, making sure I did my work.My grades rose.In fact, I did so well that in sixth grade, I entered the  34 class, and Mr.Clark was the teacher.I felt so  35 to have him for a second year!

He took our class to see The Phantom of the Opera.Before the show, he 36 us to dinner at a restaurant and taught us not to talk with our mouths full.We didn't want to let him 37 , so we listened to him attentively.

  38 of us were surprised when Mr.Clark was selected as Disney's 2000 Teacher of the Year.When he learned he'd won, he said he would 39 three names out of a hat; he would go to Los Angeles to get the 40 with those students.But 41 it came time to draw names, Mr.Clark said, "You're all going."

He got 42 to fly all 37 of us out to Disneyland in California and put us up at the Hilton.People were 43 , but Mr.Clark really cared about us.There's no way I can 44 most teachers doing that.No way.But he saw something in us that nobody else saw.

On graduation day, there were a lot of tears.We didn't want his class to 45 .In my new school year, we were all happy when Mr.Clark  46 in our class once again.He's been a  47 in our lives.

In 2003, Mr.Clark took some of us on a trip to South Africa to 48 school supplies and visit orphanages.It was the most amazing 49 of my life.It's now my 50 to one day start a group of women's clubs, helping people from all backgrounds.




























































































A.picked up

B.showed up

C.rang up

D.packed up



























科目:高中英语 来源:广东普宁一中2010届高三第一学期限时训练测试题二(英语) 题型:阅读理解

  More than four out of five people admit to telling little white lies at least once a day and the preferred way of “being economical with the truth” is to use technology such as cell phones, texts and e-mails, a survey last Thursday said.

  The research by UK pollsters 72 Point found that “techno-treachery(高科技说谎)” was wide-spread with nearly 75 percent of people saying gadgets made it easier to fib(撒小谎).

  Just over half of respondents(被调查者) said using gadgets made them feel less guilty when telling a lie than doing it face to face.

  The workplace was a favorite location for fibbing with 67 percent of the 1,487 respondents admitting they had lied at work.

  The top lie was pretending to be ill (43 percent) followed by saying work had been completed when it hadn’t (23 percent). Worryingly for bosses 18 percent said they lied to hide a big mistake.

  But, employers were not the only ones on the receiving end of dishonest statements. Just over 40 percent of the respondents said they had lied to their families or partners.

  Key topics to lie about were: buying new clothes or the cost of them (37 percent), how good someone looked in something (35 percent), how much they had eaten (35 percent) and drunk (31 percent) and how much they weighed (32 percent).

1. The underlined phrase “being economical with the truth” probably means ________.

A. telling lies           B. making apologies      C. feeling guilty     D.admitting mistakes

2. It can be inferred from the passage that ___________.

A. employers sometimes lie to their employees, too

B. 75% of people have ever lied to someone

C. without gadgets, people may feel more pressure when telling white lies

D. more people lie to their family than to their bosses

3. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A. Cell phones make people more likely to lie.

B. Some people might lie to their bosses when they are not doing their work well.

C. 40% of employers admit that they have lied to their families or partners.

D. Nearly 1,500 people were questioned in the survey.

4. According to the passage, in which of the following situations are you most likely to lie?

A. You are going to spend the night at your friend’s, which your parents won’t allow.

B. Your friend is wearing a new dress and asks you how you find it.

C. You are a little too fat, and you’re trying to tell your friend how heavy you are.

D. You want to ask your boss for a sick leave, although you are not ill.

5. The main idea of the passage is that __________.

A. people are getting more likely to lie

B. gadgets are seen as the best way to tell white lies

C. most people tell white lies at the workplace

D. 18% of people lie to their bosses



科目:高中英语 来源:2011年北京市东城区高一下学期期末考试英语题 题型:完型填空

One of the most common social fears is that we are not good enough. Perhaps you feel you won’t   21   others because they are more confident, successful, intelligent or attractive than you. Such thinking is misguided. The   22   of doing well is accepting yourself as you are.

When I was a student, I kept a diary filled with   23   memories. Some were painful memories from   24   when I felt hurt, confused, lonely and insecure. I   25   pieces of dreams and personal feelings of anger and hatred,   26   things I enjoyed such as magic shops and coin dealers.

Then a terrible thing happened.   27   dinner one night I realized I had left my diary in the cloakroom(衣帽间)outside the campus dining hall.   28   that somebody might read it and find out the truth about me, I   29   back, but it was gone.

Weeks passed, and eventually I gave up hope of ever finding it   30  . A month later, I was 31   up my jacket in the same place when I saw my brown   32   diary, just where I’d left it.

  33   I read through the pages and found that a   34   had written the following, “God bless you. I’m   35   like you, only I   36   keep a diary, and I’m   37   to know there are others like me. I hope things turn out well for you.”

    Tears came to my eyes. It had never dawned(开始为人所明白)on me that any one could know my inner feelings and also   38   things just like the way I did.

No matter what you are like, whether you’re rich or poor, brilliant or average, attractive or 39  , there are people like you. Discard(抛弃)your fears of not measuring up(符合期望), and 40   yourself as you are.

1.A. like           B. impress     C. consult          D. admire

2.A. idea           B. success      C. secret           D. purpose

3.A. private        B. painful      C. wonderful        D. simple

4.A. works          B. friends     C. neighbors   D. childhood

5.A. described      B. hid         C. showed      D. noticed

6.A. instead of     B. as well as       C. in case of       D. because of

7.A. Until     B. When         C. After       D. Since

8.A. Excited        B. Puzzled      C. Surprised        D. Frightened

9.A. walked         B. searched    C. turned       D. ran

10.A. hardly        B. soon        C. again       D. seldom

11.A. hanging       B. looking     C. turning     D. breaking

12.A. new           B. worn         C. broken       D. similar

13.A. Nervously     B. Happily      C. Sadly       D. Excitedly

14.A. friend        B. policeman        C. stranger         D. classmate

15. A. a lot        B. a little        C. nearly           D. slightly

16.A. mustn’t       B. don’t            C. won’t       D. can’t

17.A. sorry         B. thankful         C. curious          D. anxious

18.A. feel          B. enjoy            C. remember         D. hate

19.A. strong        B. pretty      C. clear            D. plain

20.A. insist            B. accept      C. help             D. balance


