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6.Several weeks ago I was at a bus station in California waiting in line to buy a ticket.As I stood there I saw a little boy (71)begging (beg) people for money so that he could buy his breakfast.Most of the travelers simply ignored the little boy or gave him a dirty look,(72)but/yet a well-dressed middle-aged man reacted differently.When(73)approached (approach) by the little boy,the gentleman looked at him and  (74)quietly (quiet) asked,"How much will you need?"I could't hear what the little boy said but watched as the gentleman pulled several notes from his wallet and calmly placed (75)them in the little boy's hands.
I don't know (76)whether the little boy actually used the money for his breakfast or for other (77)purposes (purpose).What I do know is that I witnessed two different reactions (78)tothe same situation.I saw people who were either afraid or annoyed.And then I saw the gentleman who was not afraid and treated the homeless little boy as though he were a brother.I decided then and there that,even though we have to be (79)careful (care) in this world,I would rather I (80)behaved (behave) like the gentleman,choosing to trust what is beautiful.

分析 本文作者通过描述几周前,自己在加利福尼亚车站排队买车票时看到的大多数旅客以及一位穿着考究的中年男人对待要钱买早餐的小男孩的截然不同的态度问题,从而表明了自己的想法,即:在当今的社会,尽管我们需要小心一些,但我们应该向那位男士一样选择相信美好的事物.

解答 答案:
71.begging    考查感官动词   由于此处看到的是当时正在进行的动作,所以应使用现在分词形式;故用begging.
72.but/yet    考查连词   本句的意思是:大多数的旅客完全不理会那个小男孩,或是给了他一个白眼,但一位穿着考究的中年男人却做出了不同的反应;此处表达的是转折或对比关系,故用but/yet.
73.approached   考查过去分词   此处在句中作时间状语,动词approach与其逻辑主语the gentleman 构成的是被动关系;意为:当那个男孩靠近这位男士时;故用过去分词approached.
74.quietly   考查副词   此处用来修饰动词asked,故用副词quietly.
75.them   考查人称代词   此处在句中作动词placed的宾语,指代的是前面提到的"several notes"(几张钞票);故用them.
76.whether   考查句意理解及固定搭配    本句的意思是:我不知道这个小男孩是真的将钱用来买早餐还是其他用途;whether…or…意为:是…还是…;不管…还是…;故填whether.
77.purposes    考查名词的单复数  此处指的是其他的一些用途,故用复数名词purposes.
78.to  考查动词不定式   此处在句中作后置定语,修饰名词reactions,意为:对于同一情形所做出的(两种不同的)反应,故用to.
79.careful   考查形容词   此处在句中作表语,用来说明主语we的情况,故用形容词careful.
80.behaved   考查虚拟语气   此处用在would rather 之后,应使用虚拟语气;由于这里表达的是现在或将来的愿望,所以应使用一般过去时,故用behaved.

点评 本题主要考查了各种语法在短文中的具体运用.做本题时,需要在正确理解短文的前提下,逐句分析句意以及所考查到的语法现象;因此在平时的学习中,应熟练掌握各种语法知识,其中包括词法,句法,各种时态语态以及虚拟语气等.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.Hurry up!The train ______.You know it ______ at 8:30.(  )
A.leaves; leavesB.leaves; is leaving
C.is leaving; leavesD.is leaving; is leaving


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

17.I don't think she has forgiven(原谅) me for getting her name wrong that time.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

14.One of the first questions young children ask is"Why?"It is human nature to want (41)to find (find) out why things are the way they are.You can find out"Why"by turning the question into a hypothesis (假设) for(42)an experiment.
(43)For example,suppose you have been trying to grow tomato plants,but insects keep destroying (44)them.Someone tells you that(45)putting (put) large strips of colored cloth around the plants will keep insects away.(46)Your(you )question might be"Do certain colours of cloth keep insects(47)away?"Then you'd begin your experiment.The first step would be to place different-colored strips of cloth around all of the plants except one.Then,as regular intervals,you would observe and record and note(48)whether the plant had any insect damage or not.
This experiment may prove that the answer to your question is"No,it is not different-colored strips of cloth (49)thatkeep away insects."Or you may find that answer is"Yes,certain insects are kept away by blue cloth,but not yellow cloth."…(50)Whatever you have found,you are well on your way to understanding how you can use scientific thinking to solve a problem in you own life.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

1.Paper books will never be replaced by e-books.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.Children with autism (自闭症) have difficulty with social skills and communication.They often behave in limited and repeated ways and have what seem like unusual strong interests.
Autism is more common in boys than girls.What causes it is not clear.Scientists are studying genes and possible environmental influences.
Doctors usually cannot confirm a diagnosis of autism until a child is about three years old.Rebecca Landa is a researcher at the Kennedy Krieger Institute and Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Maryland.Professor Landa wanted to find out what differences in development might be seen earlier.She led a new study that observed 235babies between six and 36months of age.
"At six months of age,the signs of some risk for developing communication and social delays,including autism,include motor delays,like when you lay your baby on their back and you pull them by the arms gently into a seated position,the baby's head may nod back behind the shoulders,like poor head control.So that does not mean that the baby is going to have autism,but it does mean the baby needs to have some exercises to strengthen their body.And when they strengthen their body,they are better able to play with toys and engage with people,which then goes on to help them have better outcomes."
By the time a baby is one year old,signs of possible autism include difficulty in using words and not looking eye-to-eye or reaching out to other people.By 14months,the baby might smile less and use language less.However,Professor Landa says these signs can be so small that they might be missed during a short health exam.
"It's important for parents to stay tuned in to their children's development,and if a parent is concerned about a child's development,for professionals to listen to them."
The earlier parents notice delays,she says,the sooner they can begin doing simple things that may help improve their child's development,such as talking to the child about what they are doing,commenting when the child shows them something,and playing simple games that keep the child's attention.

51.What's the best title of the passageA?
A.Watching for Early Signs of Autism in Babies
B.How to Confirm a Diagnosis of Autism
C.Children with Autism Have Difficulty in Communication
D.Ways to Help Children with Autism to Recover
52.What can we learn from the third paragraphB?
A.Landa has found ways to confirm a diagnosis of autism when a baby is about six
B.Landa tried to find out autism earlier by comparing the differences as the baby grows up.
C.Now doctors can confirm diagnosis of autism before a child is about three years old.
D.Doctors observed 235babies between six and 36months of age under the guide of Landa.
53.When a baby with signs of possible autism is a year and two months,he or she mayD.
A.show great interest in learning
B.have difficulty in raising his head
C.like reaching out to other people
D.hate to communicate with others
54.What should the parents do when their child is diagnosed with autismC?
A.Send the child to the hospital at once.
B.Find a special school for children with autism.
C.Spend more time talking with the child.
D.Encourage the child to play games online.
55.In which column could you find this passageB?
A.Education Report.
B.Health Report.
C.Economics Report.
D.Sports Report.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.-Tom,why don't we help our son work on his paper?
-We can't help him all the time.He _________ learn to depend on himself.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6.You __________  get changed because the party is not formal.(  )
A.have toB.don't have toC.canD.can't


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配

7.Family Values
    To understand a nation,you should first get to know its minimum unit-family.(36 )B
In the US,upon reaching an appropriate age,children are encouraged,but not forced,to"leave the nest"and begin an independent life.(37)DParents do not arrange marriages for their children,nor do children usually ask permission of their parents to get married.Young adults meet their future spouses(配偶)through other friends,at jobs,and in organizations and religious institutions.Although children choose their own spouses,they still hope their parents will approve of their choices.
Parents feel that children should make major life decisions by themselves in many families.A parent may try to influence a child to follow a particular profession but the child is free to choose another job.(38)FA son may deliberately decide not to go into his father's business because of a fear that he will lose his independence in his father's workplace.This independence from parents is not an indication that parents and children do not love each other.Strong love between parents and children is universal and this is no exception in the American family.
(39)AIt is not like we Chinese.Parents are rulers and masters.We Chinese love our parents with fear and total respect.In America,children always have their own opinions and even can talk about some sensitive problems with their parents,like family financial situation,the relationship between mother and father,and even sex.
(40)ETherefore,it is contrary that,on one hand,Americans admire independence and equality that they don't want to make sacrifice to make up a family,but on the other hand,Americans thing highly of family in their value system.

A.In the American family,children and parents are equal.
B.It can reflect the traditional values and customs of a nation.
C.When it comes to big problems,children do not have to always follow their parents'ways.
D.After children leave home,they often find social relationship and financial support outside the family.
E.Although Americans pay much attention to independence and equality,they don't believe in making sacrifice.
F.Sometimes children do precisely the opposite of what their parents wish in order to declare their independence.
G.Many of them are expected to leave what could be life's most important decision-marriage almost entirely up to luck.

