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He was reduced to ________ now after he was fired by his boss.

A. wander all day   B. beg every day

C. begging all day   D. go about every day



在be reduced to“被沦落到”中,to是介词。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

  A few days ago I asked my sons’ governess(女家庭教师)Julia to come into my study. “Be seated, Julia, ”I said, “Let’s settle our accounts. I guess you most likely need some money, but maybe you’re too polite to mention it. Now then, we agreed on thirty dollars a month...”


  “No, thirty. I made a note of it. I always pay our governess thirty. Well, um, you’ve been here two months, so...”

  “Two months and five days.”

  “Exactly two months. I made a special note of it. That means you have sixty dollars coming to you. Take off nine Sundays... you know you didn’t work with Tom on Sundays, you only took walks. And three holidays... ”Julia was biting her finger nail nervously, her face red, but - not a word.

  “Three holidays, therefore take off twelve dollars. Four days Tom was sick and there were no lessons, as you were occupied only with Dick. Three days you had a toothache and my wife gave you permission not to work after lunch. Twelve and seven - nineteen. Take nineteen off ... that leaves. hmm.... forty one dollars. Correct?”

  Julia’s left eye reddened with tears welling up. Her chin trembled; she coughed nervously and blew her nose, but - still not a word.

  “Around New Year’s Day you broke a teacup and a saucer; take off two dollars. The cup cost more, it was a treasure of the family, but- forget it. When didn’t I take a loss! Then, due to your neglect (疏忽), Tom climbed a tree and tore his jacket; take away ten. Also due to your carelessness the maid stole Dick’s shoes. You ought to watch everything! You get paid for it. So, that means five more dollars off. The tenth of January I gave ten dollars.”

  “You didn’t. ”sobbed Julia.

  “But I made a note of it.”

  “Well... if you say so.”

  “Take twenty seven from forty one -that leaves fourteen.”

  Both her eyes were filled with tears. Beads of sweat stood on the thin pretty little nose. Poor girl!

  “Only once was I given any money,” she whispered, her voice trembling, “and that was by your wife. Three dollars, nothing more.”

  “Really? You see now, and I didn’t know that! Take three from fourteen.. leaves eleven. Here’s your money, my dear. Three, three, three, one and one. Here it is !”

  I handed her eleven dollars. She took them and pocketed them.

  “Merci (法语: 谢谢),”she whispered.

  I jumped to my feet and started pacing the room. I was overcome with anger. “For what, this - ‘merci’?” I asked.

  “For the money. ”

  “But you know I’ve cheated you - robbed you ! I have actually stolen from you ! Why this‘merci’?”

  “In my other places they didn’t give me anything at all.”

  “They didn’t give you anything? No wonder! I played a little joke on you, a cruel lesson, just to teach you... I m going to give you all the eighty dollars! Here they are in the envelope all ready for you... Is it really possible to be so spineless (懦弱)?Why didn’t you protest? Why were you silent? Is it possible in this world to be without teeth and claws(爪)—to be such a fool?”

  Embarrassed, she smiled. And I could read her expression,“It is possible.”

  I asked her pardon for the cruel lesson and, to her great surprise, gave her the eighty dollars. She murmured her little“merci”several times and went out. I looked after her and thought,“How easy it is to crush the weak in this world !”

  While talking to Julia, the wrier expected from her ________.

  A. a protest           B. gratitude

  C. obedience           D. an explanation

  What shocked the writer was Julia’s ________.

  A. nervousness in front of her boss

  B. acceptance of injustice

  C. shyness when talking about money

  D. reluctance to express herself

  The writer said, “Is it possible in this world to be without teeth and claws?” He was actually telling the governess ________.

  A. to be more aggressive

  B. to be more careful in her work

  C. to protect her right

  D. to live independently

  At the end of the story, the writer said,“ How easy it is to crush the weak in this world!”to show ________.

  A. his understanding of Julia’s anxiety

  B. his worry about Julia’s future

  C. his concern on the living condition of working - class people

  D. his sympathy for the mental state of those exploited


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届山西省山大附中高三1月月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:完型填空

During Christmas break from college, a young man wanted to borrow his father's car to drive to a New Year's Eve __16__ to be held in Vermont. The father was __17__ about the son hitting one of the roadblocks that people set up all over the place on New Year's Eve. The __18__ that was reached was that the son would be allowed to use the car, but he would not drink at all.
So he drove to Vermont, got completely __19__ and attempted to drive home. On the way home he hit a roadblock. He was told to __20__ the car and stand in a line of people that were being given the infamous sobriety (not drunk) __21__. However, the policeman __22__ him out. He was __23__ standing off to the side while the others were __24__ the police officer how well they could walk a __25__ line, etc.
At 7:00 a.m., his father got up to answer the __26__. There were __27__ policemen there. They asked him if he was the __28__ of that red FIAT. He replied, "Yes, I am," One of the policemen asked him if he was driving the car the evening before and he said that his son had been the driver.
When the young man __29__ himself in front of the policemen, he knew he was in some sort of __30__. Upon questioning, he __31__ that he was driving the car, but when asked if he had been __32__, he said, "No!" When the policemen asked if he could see his car, he was unable to remember the __33__. He said that it was in the garage.
And when the four of them walked out to look at the car,instead of looking at the car he had driven the __34__ before, they saw a __35__ car parked there.

A.partyB.meetingC.concertD.sports meeting
A.stopB.get out ofC.driveD.get into


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届四川省成都市高新区高三2月月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:完型填空

Mr. Glen is a millionaire. Years ago, after returning from abroad to his motherland, he  1  his company. Speaking of success, Glen often tells us a story about his extra expensive “school” fee. He always  2  his success to it.
At that time, Glen, who already got a Ph.D. degree,  3  to return home, starting a company. Before leaving, he bought a Rolex watch with the   made through years. At the airport he had to accept the  5   customs check. The watch on his wrist was also demanded to be  taken down for  6 . Glen knew that carrying such goods out had to pay the tax, and he worried about paying   7  for his watch. So while checked, he told a lie that his watch was a  8   fake(假货). When he was  9   of his “smarts”, immediately, in the presence of Glen, the officers hit the watch,  10   cost nearly 100,000, into pieces  11  hearing Glen’s words. Glen was  12 . Before he understood why, he was taken to the office to be examined  13  . For many times of entry-exit  14  he knew that only those people in the “blacklist” would “enjoy” this special treatment. The officers looked over everything carefully, and  15  him no matter what time of entry and exit he must accept the check and if   16   reusing and carrying fake goods, he would be   17  by law! Suddenly, his face turned red, and he had nothing in mind after boarding the plane for long.
After that, he often told the story to his family and his employees. He said that this made a deep  18  on him, because the additional high “school” fee that he had ever paid made him realize the value of  19  , which he would remember as the  20  of his success forever.

A.went up B.set upC. took upD.picked up
A.owes B.mentions C.bringsD.honors
A.objected B.refused C.decided D.asked
A.books B.things C.pounds D.savings
A.ordinaryB.regular C.routineD.common
A.itB.one C.them D.these
A.carelessB.priceless C.hopelessD.worthless
A.afraid B.ashamedC.proudD.hard
A.whoseB.whatC.which D.as
A.at B.onC.inD.by
A.amazed B.delightedC.disappointedD.satisfied
A.strictlyB.quietly C.quickly D.curiously
A.conditions B.chancesC.experimentsD.experiences
A.found out B.came outC.sent outD.set out
A.hit B.chargedC.praised D.blamed
A.liesB.honesty C.goods D.bravery


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年福建清流一中高一上学期第二阶段(半期)考试英语卷(带解析) 题型:完型填空

Our three-year-old daughter Becky wanted a dog. But we were too busy to buy one. One day, Becky ran in, shouting, “Mom! Come to see my dog!” Her face was red with   1 .
I followed her to the bush and found a   2 ! He was hurt. Seeing me, he stood up   3 ! I could see his teeth! God! My mouth felt dry. “Don’t be afraid. That’s Mom. She  4 you, too.” Becky said. Then he became friendly. It was  !
I   6  to find my husband and told him about the wolf. We should have  7  the wolf, but Becky loved him. Besides, he was gentle(温柔的) to Becky. So we called the vet finally.
Becky named the wolf (狼) Ralph ,  8  she carried food to him every day. Later, Ralph got well. They played together in the daytime. At night, Ralph would return to the mountains. Sometimes he   9  but came back several days later.
On Becky’s first day of school, we could see Ralph’s   10 . After the school bus left, Ralph lay by the side of the road and   11  . When Becky returned, he got happy again. This   12  throughout Becky’s school years.
Twelve   13  passed.
One day we heard that a she-wolf was killed. The other wolf was hurt and ran away. We were   14  about Ralph. That night, Ralph returned with a wound (伤). Fifteen-year-old Becky held his head and   15  him. We hope he could come through. However, he   16 .
Becky cried. I noticed something strange in the bush — two little yellow eyes! Ralph’s  17 ! Before he died, Ralph   18  his child to us! He knew he would be  19  here, as he had been. Ralph, Ralph. I was   20 .
“Don’t be afraid, little ... Ralphie. That’s Mom. She loves you, too.”

A.dogB.foxC.wolf D.tiger
A.preparedB.rushed C.pretendedD.wanted
A.confusedB.disappointedC.moved D.frightened


科目:高中英语 来源:2015届安徽泗县二中高一下期期末考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

“Well, what did I say?Buck’s a real fighter, all right,” said Francois the next morning when he discovered that Spitz had disappeared and that Buck was covered in blood.

“Spitz fought like a wolf,” said Perrault, as he looked at the bites all over Buck.

“And Buck fought like ten wolves,” answered Francois. “And we'll travel faster now. No more Spitz,no more trouble.”

Francois started to harness the dogs. He needed a new lead-dog, and decided that Solleks was the best dog that he had. But Buck jumped at Solleks and took his place.

“Look at Buck!” said Francois,laughing. “He's killed Spitz,and now he wants to be lead-dog.Go away, Buck!”

He pulled Buck away and tried to harness Solleks again.Solleks was unhappy too. He was frightened of Buck, and when Francois turned his back,Buck took Solleks’ place again. Now Francois was angry.

“I'll show you! ” he cried,and went to get a heavy club from the sledge.

Buck remembered the man in the red coat,and moved away. This time,when Solleks was harnessed as lead-dog,Buck did not try to move in.He kept a few meters away and circled around Francois carefully. But when Francois called him to his old place in front of Dave, Buck refused.He had won his fight with Spitz and he wanted to be lead-dog.

For an hour the two men tried to harness him.Buck did not run away,but he did not let them catch him.Finally,Francois sat down,and Perrault looked at his watch.It was getting late. The two men looked at one another and smiled. Francois walked up to Solleks,took off his harness, led him back and harnessed him in his old place.Then he called Buck. All the other dogs were harnessed and the only empty place was now the one at the front. But Buck did not move.

“Put down the club,” said Perrault.

Francois dropped the club, and immediately Buck came up to the front of the team.Francois harnessed him, and in a minute the sledge was moving.

Buck was an excellent leader. He moved and thought quickly and led the other dogs well. A new leader made no difference to Dave and Solleks; they continued to pull hard.But the other dogs had had an easy life when Spitz was leading.They were surprised when Buck made them work hard and punished them for their mistakes. Pike,the second dog,was usually lazy;but by the end of the first day he was pulling harder than he had ever pulled in his life. The first night in camp Buck fought Joe,another difficult dog,and after that there were no more problems with him.The team started to pull together,and to move faster and faster.

“I've never seen a dog like Buck!” cried Francois, “Never! He's worth a thousand dollars. What do you think, Perrault? ”

Perrault agreed.They were moving quickly,and covering more ground every day. The snow was good and hard,and no new snow fell.The temperature dropped to 45°C below zero, and didn't change.

This time there was more ice on the Thirty Mile River, and they crossed in a day.Some days they ran a hundred kilometers,or even more. They reached Skagway in fourteen days; the fastest time ever.

1.The writer mentioned “the man in the red coat” in the passage to show that____.

A.the man in the red coat once beat Buck severely with a club.

B.Buck remembered Francois was the man in the red coat.

C.the man in the red was quite friendly to Buck in his memory.

D.Buck remembered Francois was a friend of the man in the red coat.

2.Why did Buck fight Joe the first night in camp?

A.He wanted to get rid of Joe.

B.He wanted to make some trouble.

C.He was interested in fighting with others.

D.He wanted to teach Joe a lesson.

3.According to the passage, which of the following is true about the other dogs?

A.Dave stood in the second position in the team.

B.Joe was always quite lazy in the team.

C.Pike was a trouble-maker in the team.

D.Solleks was hard-working in the team.

4.What did Francois think of Buck at the end of the passage?

A.annoying          B.admirable         C.aggressive         D.average

5.Which of the following best shows that Buck was an excellent leader?

A.He killed Spitz at the beginning of the story.

B.He punished them for their mistakes.

C.He fought Joe the first night in camp.

D.They reached Skagway in the fastest time ever.

6.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A.The Fight with Dogs                      B.The New Lead-dog

C.A Dog Called Buck                       D.A Real Fighter


