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20.The Group of Eight ______ by eight of the world's wealthiest nations in 1998.(  )
A.was formedB.formsC.is formedD.formed

分析 八国集团是由八个世界最富有的国家在1998组成.

解答 答案是A.考查被动语态,分析句子可知The Group of Eight 是主语,form动词"组成"与主语形成被动关系,1998年是过去时间,所以用一般过去时的被动语态,故答案选A.

点评 被动语态由"助动词be+及物动词的过去分词"构成.被动语态的时态变化只改变be的形式,过去分词部分不变.疑问式和否定式的变化也如此.掌握各种时态的被动语态是解题的关键.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.If not _____________a lift on her way,Jerry couldn't have got to the station in time.(  )
A.offeredB.to be offeredC.offeringD.to offer


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

3.近来,越来越多的家长在学校附近租房陪读.21世纪报"Your Opinions"栏目近期就"Should Our Parents Accompany Us in Studying at School?"进行征文,请根据下面的要求写一篇英语短文.内容包括:
Should Our Parents Accompany Us in Studying at School?
Dear editor,
That's all.Thank you!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

手机小巧方便为了炫耀(show off)
Recently,my class holds a heated discussion about whether students should carry a mobile phone.Recently,my class holds a heated discussion about whether students should carry a mobile phone.
  About 60% of us students agree that we should be allowed to carry a mobile phone.This is because mobile phones are small in size,light in weight,and easy to carry.It is convenient for us to communicate with our parents and friends.
  However,while the others(About 40% of the students)disagree,saying that it is bad for our growth.The students carry a mobile phone in order to show off.And it is a waste of time and money.
  Personally,I think it has both advantages and disadvantages.If we make use of it properly,it may be changed a better thing..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.By 2050,a completely new type of human evolve as a result of extremely new technology,behavior,and natural selection.This is according to Cadell Last,a researcher at the Global Brain Institute,who claims mankind is undergoing a major"evolutionary transition".
In less than four decades,Mr.Last claims we will live longer,have children in old age and rely on artificial intelligence to do ordinary and boring tasks.This shift is so significant,he claims,it is comparable to the change from monkeys to apes,and apes to humans."Your 80or 100is going to be so radically different than your grandparents,"Mr.Last says,who believes we will spend much of our time living in virtual reality.Some evolutionary scientists believe this age could be as high as 120by 2050.
Mr.Last claims humans will also demonstrate delayed sexual maturation,according to a report by Christina Sterbenz in Business Insider.This refers to something known as life history theory which attempts to explain how natural selection shapes key events in a creature's life,such as reproduction.It suggests that as brain sizes increase,organisms need more energy and time to reach their full potential,and so reproduce less.
Instead of living fast and dying younger,Mr.Last believes humans will live slow and die old."Global society at the moment is a complete mess,"he told MailOnline."But in crisis there is opportunity,and in apocalypse (启示) there can be transformation.So I think the next system humanity creates will be far more sophisticated,fair,and abundant than our current civilization."
"I think our next system will be as different from the modern world,as our contemporary world is from the medieval (中世纪的) world.The biological clock isn't going to be around forever,"he added,and said that people could pause it for some time using future technology.
The change is already happening.Today,the average age at which a woman in Britain has her first baby has been rising steadily stands at 29.8.In the US,just one percent of first children were born to women over the age of 35in 1970.By 2012,that figure rose to 15percent.
"As countries become socio-economically advanced,more and more people,especially women have the option to engage in cultural reproduction,"Mr.Last added.And as well as having more child-free years to enjoy leisure time,he believes artificial intelligence will make up the need for low-skill jobs.We may also spend a large amount of time living in virtual reality."I'm not quite sure most people have really absorbed the implications of this possibility,"Mr.Last said.
His views are detailed in a paper,titled"Human Evolution,Life History Theory,and the End of Biological Reproduction"published Current Aging Science.

59.According to Cadell Last,a completely new type of human will appear because ofA.
①artificial intelligence ②new technology ③natural selection ④mundane tasks
60.Which statement is compared by Mr.Last to the change from monkeys to apes,and apes to humans?D
A.We have diseases and die young.
B.We give birth to a child when we are young.
C.We spend less time in virtual reality.
D.We use intelligent robots to do everyday housework.
61.The underlined words in the third paragraph most probably mean"A".
A.Organisms need more energy and time to ripen.
B.Natural selection shapes key events.
D.Reproduce less.
62.In the next system Mr.Last explained we can infer thatA.
A.women are engaged in careers or hobbies instead of giving birth to babies
B.women are engaged in playing computer games rather than working
C.women are engaged in cultural reproduction in place of men
D.women are engaged in living in virtual reality without options.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

参考词汇:推荐:recommend,文学名著:literary masterpiece
Dear Tom,
How is everything going?I am writing to share with you one of my favorite movies,The Road Home(推荐的理由).It's a wonderful movie which is not only beneficial to your language study,but also helpful to your better understanding about common Chinese people's life(整体说明写信的目的).
The film is well worth seeing.For one thing,the language in this Chinese movie may contribute to your study of Chinese in listening and speaking.For another,the cultural elements in the scene will equip you with Chinese cultural background,and above all,broaden your mind.Hope you can enjoy it(具体论述推荐的理由).
I'll appreciate it if you can also recommend an English literary masterpiece or a wonderful English movie to me.(希望对方推荐一部英文名著或优秀英文电影)
I am looking forward to your reply.                 
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.Beginning college is exciting:new ideas to explore,new challenges to be met and many ecisions to be made.Your future begins here.
However,you will find college life is different from your previous school environment.Many of s can be easily overwhelmed ( 压垮) by the details of running a well-balanced life.While some of us ay have the know-how,I guess there are more of us who can benefit from learning about the xperiences of others who have walked the college halls before you.
The following you may find of use about life on campus.
Plan well.There are so many new things to do at a new college or university.Give yourself time o make new friends and become familiar with the campus,but don't forget why you are there.Give ome time for social activities and manage your time wisely.
If you don't have a"system"for planning your time now (like a day timer,a computer date book),et one.Most of all,don't depend on your memory.
Don't miss the guidelines.The restrictions,rules and regulations of all kinds can usually be found n your student handbook.Consider them well-balanced food for thought.What dates are important?
What pieces of paper need to be handed in?What can/can't you do in class?What can/can't you do in our student residence ( 住处)?Who has right for what?What do you need to complete to graduate?rite the word"STUDY"on the walls of your bedroom and bathroom,and maybe it will help to rite it on a piece of paper and stick it on the telephone,TV and the kitchen table.Consider this you re paying thousands of dollars for your courses.You pay every time you have to repeat or replace a ourse.
Build your identity.This is the time for you to decide what to do and what not to do.Take as much time as you need to explore new ideas.Do not be afraid of the beyond.This is learning to make odd choices.

43.What is the main purpose of the passage?A
A.To offer advice on college life.
B.To explain why college life is exciting.
C.To describe the importance of college life.
D.To persuade'you to go to college.
44.According to the text,why is it exciting to begin college life?BecauseC.
A.you will have more freedom at college
B.you will no longer be afraid of the beyond
C.you prepare for your future career and life there
D.professors there will provide you with many new ideas
45.What is the probable meaning of the underlined word"know-how"?B
A.An understanding of how things are going at college.
B.Practical knowledge about how to behave and what to do at college.
C.College halls where rules and regulations are presented.
D.An environment completely different from the one you're used to.
46.According to the text,college studentsC.
A.needn't learn from those who went to college before
B.spend as much time as possible on social activities
C.should know what they have right for on campus
D.are supposed to repeat or replace at least one course.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.When ________ help,one often says"Thank you"or"It's a kind of you".(  )
A.offeringB.to offerC.to be offeredD.offered


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.Cellphone feels like a part of your body?Calling mobile phones the"remote control"for life,market research firm Synovate's poll(民意调查) said cell phones are so ubiquitous that by last year more humans owned one than did not.Three-quarters of the more than 8,000 respondents(受访者) polled online in 11 countries and regions said they take their phone(s) with them everywhere,with Russians and Singaporeans the most attached.More than a third also said they couldn't live without their phone(s),topped by Taiwanese and again Singaporeans,while one in four would find it harder to replace the mobile than their purse.Some two-thirds of respondents go to bed with their phones nearby and can't switch them off,even though they want to,because they're afraid they'll miss something.
"Mobiles give us safety,security and instant access to information.They are the number one tool of communication for us,"Jenny Chang,Synovate's managing director in Taiwan,said in a statement.
Mobiles have also changed the nature of relationships,with the survey finding nearly half of all respondents use text messages to communicate.Apart from the obvious calling and texting,the top three features people use regularly on their mobile phones globally are the alarm clock,the camera and the games.As for email and Internet access,17 percent of respondents said they checked their inboxes or surfed the Web off their phones,led by those in the United States and Britain.
"As the mobile becomes more and more an all-in-one(一体化) device,many other businesses are facing challenging times.The opportunities for mobile manufacturers and networks however are enormous,"said Synovate's global head of media,Steve Garton.

49.Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the underlined wordubiquitous in the first paragraph?A
 A.widely used       B.cheap        C.well-designed       C.good-looking
50.What Steve Garton said in the last paragraph impliesC.
 A.many other businesses are attempting to set foot in the mobile phone field
 B.the cellphones are becoming smaller and smaller
 C.mobile manufacturers and networks will surely make more profit
 D.only mobiles drive networks to develop quickly
51.According to the passage,which of the following functions of mobiles are most frequently used?A
 A.calling,alarm clock,the games,camera and texting
 B.e-mailing,Internet access,calling,the games and texting
 C.calling,surfing the Internet,alarm clock and e-mailing
 D.calling,texting and e-mailing
52.The main purpose in writing this passage is toD.
 A.introduce the various functions of mobiles
 B.prove that the mobile is gradually becoming an all-in-one device
 C.tell readers that mobiles are the most popular with Russians and Singaporeans
 D.show that mobiles have become connections to our lives.

