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【答案】MyViewsonSharingbikes Presently,inbigcitieslikeShanghaiandGuangzhou,sharingbikeshavebecomeincreasinglypopular.Alargenumberofsharingbikescanbefoundandrentedatalowprice.(高分句型一)Moreover,youcanparkthebikealmostanywhereyoulike.Urbantransportationhas thusbeenmademuchmoreconvenientandevenrevolutionized.However,alongwithitsrapiddevelopment,sharingbikesalsobringsomeproblems,includingrandomparking,vandalismandpossessionofsharingbikes,etc.(高分句型二)





1步:根据提示可知,本篇是一封倡议书共享单车(sharing bikes)的出现,为大家带来了方便。同时,也反映出一些问题.例如,随意停放,影响行人通行;故意破坏车辆,造成维护成本增加,并影响他人正常使用,等等。请针对此现象,写一封倡议书,号召大家文明用车。要点提示:共享单车的好处;使用过程中出规的问题;如何做到文明用车。

2步:根据写作要求确定关键词,如:sharing bikes(共享单车);become increasingly popular(变得越来越受欢迎);Urban transportation(城市交通);(城市公共交通)等。




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】最近 The Researchers 杂志对 2,000 人进行调查发现,现在的年轻人走路很少,这对于他们的健康不利。现在请你把这个发现写一篇英语短文 ,以提醒身边的人们要重视运动, 关注健康。


1. 研究发现:18-24 岁的年轻人中有四分之一平均每天步行不到 5 分钟;

2. 原因:① 很多人把步行少归咎于科技的发展;② 有些年轻人觉得没有人一起散步也是步行少的一个原因;

3. 你的建议。


1. 词数 120 左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Have you heard of such an experiment ________ wine experts were fooled into thinking a cheap bottle of wine was an exceptional one with the labels changed.

A. as B. where

C. that D. which


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


The Silk Road is in fact a1(relative) recent term. These ancient roads had no particular name 2 in the middle of the 1800s, Baron Ferdinand Von Richthofen named the trade and communication network the Silk Road. Since then the term has been accepted globally.

In the 3(nineteen) century, a new type of travelers stepped onto the Silk Road: archaeologists and geographers, enthusiastic explorers who were eager 4(look) for adventure. Researchers who came from many countries traveled through the Taklamakan Desert, which is now in Xinjiang, to explore ancient sites along the Silk Road, leading 5many discoveries and 6 (study), and most of all,a renewed interest in the history of these routes.

Today, many historic buildings and monuments still stand, 7 (mark) the passage of the Silk Road through hotels, ports and cities. What's more, the long-standing legacy(遗产)of this8(remark) network is reflected in a large number of cultures, languages, customs and religions that 9(develop) for many years along these routes. The passage of merchants and travelers of many different nationalities resulted not only in commercial exchange, but in a widespread and continual process of cultural interaction. Obviously,it has become 10driving force in the formation of diverse societies.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Skin cancer deaths among men have jumped sharply in wealthy nations since 1985, with death rates among women rising more slowly or even declining, researchers have told a medical conference in Glasgow.

Reasons for the difference between sexes are unclear but evidence suggests men are less likely to protect themselves from the sun or pay attention to public health warnings, Dorothy Yang, a doctor said.

More than 90% of melanoma (黑素瘤) cancers are caused by skin cell damage from exposure to the sun or other sources of ultraviolet (UV) radiation, according to the US Centers for Disease Control.

In eight of 18 developed countries examined, men’s skin cancer death rates had increased in the past 30 years by at least 50%.

But the nations with the biggest rise in skin cancer deaths were often not those with the highest death rates, the research showed. In Australia, for example, nearly six out of every 100,000 men died of the disease in 2013 -2015. That is twice the second highest death rate (Finland), but only a 10% increase compared to 30 years earlier.

Australia has been an early performer of public health media campaigns since the 1970s to promote sun-smart’ behaviour. While debate continues on how much of Australia’s record skin cancer rate originates from the sun, 30 years of public health campaigns have no doubt made Australians acutely aware of the dangers.

Skin cancer deaths among women in 1985 in Australia occurred at half the rate as for men, and declined by 10% over the next 30 years. In other countries, female death from the disease went down over the same period. In some other sun-loving nations, however, women saw at least as sharp a jump from 1985 to 2015 in death rates as men.

Scientists are studying whether biological or genetic factors might also play a role in skin cancer, but findings so far are inconclusive.

1What can be concluded from the passage?

A.Death rates among women are declining all the time.

B.Australia is the first country to conduct public health media campaigns.

C.Death rate of skin cancer in Australia was once the highest.

D.Female death rate of skin cancer in some sun-loving countries went down.

2What probably keeps people away from skin cancer according to the text?

A.Declining exposure to UV.

B.Biological or genetic factors.

C.People’s love for sun.

D.People paying little attention to public health warnings.

3What does the underlined word “inconclusive” in the last paragraph probably mean?


4What’s people’s attitude to public health campaigns in Australia?



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


China’s new cross-sea bridge was 1(office) opened on 24th October after 9 years of construction. The 55-kilometre-long structure is the 2(long) over-sea bridge in the world, 3(link) the cities of Hong Kong and Macau to the Chinese mainland.

In one section, the bridge consists of 4 6.7-kilometre undersea tunnel (隧道) and two artificial islands. The tunnel is built for ships 5(cross) and planes to take off from the nearby Hong Kong International Airport. As there is height limitation in the airspace, the tunnel must 6(build) subsea instead of a bridge with tall towers.

About 400,000 tons of steel was used in the project, equal 7 eight times the amount used to build the Sydney Harbour Bridge. According to 8(it) engineers, it should be able to withstand a magnitude-8 earthquake, a super typhoon, or a collision with a 300,000-tonne ship.

With full 9(cover) of 4G network, the bridge can be seen as a unique application of wireless technology. According to Chinese media, authorities will use facial recognition system to detect yawning drivers on the bridge. 10 a driver yawns three times, an alarm will go off.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Sleep Tips: Steps to Better Sleep

Think about all the factors that can influence a good night’s sleep from work stress and family responsibilities to unexpected challenges. 1 While you might not be able to control the factors that affect your sleep, you can adopt habits that encourage better sleep.

Stick to a sleep schedule.

The recommended amount of sleep for a healthy adult is at least seven hours. Most people don’t need more than eight hours in bed to achieve this goal. 2 Try to limit the difference in your sleep schedule on weeknights and weekends to no more than one hour. If you don’t fall asleep within about 20 minutes, leave your bedroom and do something relaxing. Go ahead to bed when you’re tired. Repeat as needed.

Pay attention to what you eat and drink.

Don’t go to bed hungry or full. In particular, avoid heavy or large meals within a couple of hours of bedtime. 3 Nicotine, coffee and alcohol deserve caution, too. The stimulating effects of nicotine and caffeine take hours to disappear. And even though alcohol might make you feel sleepy, it can interrupt sleep later in the night.

Create a restful environment.

Create a room that’s ideal for sleeping. Often, this means cool, dark and quiet. 4 Consider using room-darkening shades, earplugs, a fan or other devices to create an environment that suits your needs.

Limit daytime naps.

Long daytime naps can affect nighttime sleep. If you choose to nap, limit yourself to up to 30 minutes and avoid doing so late in the day. If you work nights, however, you might need to nap late in the day before work to help make up for sleep debt.


Regular physical activity can promote better sleep. Avoid being active too close to bedtime it raises your body temperature so that your sleep is disturbed. However, spending time outside every day might be helpful, too.

A.Your discomfort might keep you up.

B.It’s no wonder that quality sleep is sometimes difficult to get.

C.Sleeping with light on might make it more challenging to fall sleep.

D.Go to bed and get up at the same time every day.

E.Know how to manage worries.

F.Include physical activity in your daily routine.

G.Read or listen to relaxing music.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Starting a new school term is always exciting. It is a chance 1 (see) your friends again. But most exciting of all, the new term lets you take up new hobbies. In Britain, it is common for students to take up new hobbies after the Christmas holidays. Most schools offer different kinds 2 hobby classes. Students 3 (usual) take them in their free periods or after school. Some classes you have to pay for but some 4(be) free. For example, I once took a free Wednesday evening gymnastics class 5 is offered by my school. But when I learnt how to play the drum, my parents had to pay for the lessons.

The most popular extra classes at my school were piano lessons and drama club. Students with many hobbies sometimes felt more stressed 6 those without any. But the students with hobbies left school with many extra 7 (skill). I haven’t continued any of the hobbies I 8 (begin) at school. But I have never regretted taking 9 (they). My 10 (good) friend today is someone I met in my gymnastics class.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1The ____________(现代的) Olympics were first held in 1896, in Athens.

2Many expressions that people no longer use are being d____________from the new dictionary, and some new words are being added to it.

3He had suffered from headaches for a long time, so the doctor r___________him to take a vacation.

4As you know, sales of our Snowman ice cream have ___________(成倍增长) since we gave it a new package.

5When it comes to advertisements, we must use our i___________ and not be a slave to them.

6It’s hard to imagine how this peaceful volcano ___________(毁灭) the whole city.

7The __________(简化的) version of the book differs from the original greatly.

8Old English is very different from the English we speak n____________.

9C_______________ to what many people might assume, evidence shows that sharks seldom attack humans.

10The team p__________ when they realized they were lost.

