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  Minh Pham was born in Vietnam.He left there when he was 21 years old.Minh has been in America for almost two years.There is still much he does not understand about America.

  Once, Minh was in a supermarket.He saw an old man and an old woman.They wanted a box of cereal(麦片).The box was on a high shelf.The man and the woman couldn't reach it.Minh saw a stepladder.He got on the ladder and got the box.He handed it to the elderly couple.They thanked him.

  “Where are your children? ” asked Minh.“Why don't they help you buy food? ” “Our children have their own lives, ” said the man and the woman.“We like to be independent.” Minh doesn't think this is right.In his country, children help their parents.Minh gave the elderly couple his phone number.He told them to call him if they needed help.One night they asked Minh to dinner, but they never asked him for help.

  One day, Minh was walking with a Vietnamese friend.The two men were going to a movie.Minh wanted to go to a restaurant first.Minh took his friend's hand.He pulled him towards the restaurant.People on the street stared at Minh.In Vietnam, friends often hold hands.Minh found that the people in America are not used to men holding hands.

  Minh Pham is going through a process(过程)known as resocialization.Socialization(社会化)is the process in which a person learns to live in a society.Everyone goes through this process.Minh went through it when he lived in Vietnam.But the Vietnamese way of life is rather different from the American way of life.When Minh came to America, he had to learn a new way of life.He had to learn how to live in a new society.Minh has learned a lot about American life in two years.He still has a lot to learn.The process of resocialization can take many years.


The main idea of the passage is that socialization is the way in which a person ________.

[  ]


learns to live in a society


travels from one country to another


learns to act independently


learns about their country


The passage states that Minh didn't understand why the elderly man and woman were not ________.

[  ]


helped by their children


shopping for their children


holding hands


using a stepladder


According to the passage, socialization happens to ________.

[  ]


only the Vietnamese in America


only Americans


only older people




The underlined word “resocialization” means ________.

[  ]


keeping one's own way of life?


keeping up with others?


a process of learning how to live in a new society?


understanding a new culture?


科目:高中英语 来源:全优设计必修五英语北师版 北师版 题型:050


  Super Girl is Time Magazine Hero

  “Super Girl” winner Li Yuchun, with her tomboy style hair and a shy smile, appears on the cover of the latest edition of Time Asia Magazine, issued on Monday, as one of the 25 Asia Heroes of 2005.

  Six people from China were on the Asia Hero list, including actress Zhang Jingchu who played the heroine in the Silver Bear Award winning movie “Peacock” at this year’s Berlin Film Festival and Taiwan dance artist Lin Hwai-min who founded the Cloud Gate Dance Theater.

  The other Asia Heroes are from Japan, India, Thailand, Malaysia and South Korea, including volunteers who helped search for missing people in last year’s havoc(浩劫)caused by tsunami.

  Time said the 21-year-old Li, a pop singing major at the Sichuan Conservatory of Music, has become a new pop icon for her boyish charm and unconventional personality.

  Li polled more than 3.5 million votes via cell phone text messages at the finals of “Super Girl”, the Chinese version of “American Idol”.

  The gala finale attracted about 400 million viewers, nearly one-third of China’s population.

  According to the magazine, the influence brought by the “Li Yuchun phenomenon” goes far beyond her voice in China.Her “attitude, originality and a proud androgyny(雌雄同体)” are challenging the country’s traditional customs.

  Time said actress Zhang, “with her taste for traditionally inspired dress and her reverence(尊敬)for ancient Chinese aphorisms(格言)”, may be a perfect ambassador for China.

  Described by Time as “Asia’s synthesizing(综合的)dance genius, ” dancer Lin’s outdoor performance in Taipei could attract an audience of more than 60 000.

  It is the fourth continuous year the magazine has elected Asia Heroes.

  The listed heroes are considered brave, courageous, persistent and can encourage locals.

  Last year, Athens Olympics champion Liu Xiang and prima ballerina Tan Yuanyuan from China were on the list.


What does the underlined word “unconventional” probably mean?

[  ]


not personal


not professional


not international


not traditional


According to Time Asia Magazine, the person who can stand for the image of China is _______.

[  ]


Li Yuchun


Zhang Jingchu


Lin Hwai-min


Liu Xiang


All of the following facts can show that Li Yuchun is a “Super Girl” except that _______.

[  ]


she has appeared on the cover of Time Asia Magazine


she is a pop singer at the Sichuan Conservatory of Music


millions of people voted for her using cell phones


about 400 million viewers were eager to know the result


Who is likely to appear on the cover of Time Asia Magazine?

[  ]


Zhang Li, who has won the title of Miss China.


Li Fei, who is fluent in several foreign languages.


Zhao Dan, who started a primary school offering free education.


Sun Gang, who caught a murderer armed with a gun by himself.


科目:高中英语 来源:吉林省延边二中2008-2009学年度高三11月阶段测试英语试题 题型:050


  What do you think about your Chinese textbook?Are all the articles in it beautifully written and interesting enough?If not, just replace some boring ones with the good pieces you find elsewhere.

  That's-exactly what students at Shanghai Jianping High School do.One fourth of their texts are widely taken from works by authors such as Zhou Guoping, Lin Yutang, Francis Bacon, or even written by their fellow students.

  “We’re fascinated with these new articles because they were chosen by people of our age and most of the pieces relate to our lives,”said Hu Mengchun, 17.

  Yao Minyi, 18, and her friends once came across an article on Peking University' s old professor Ji Xianlin, which was written by a well-known CCTV host Bai Yansong.They found it inspiring on how to become a respectable person, so they showed the article to their teacher.The article soon became a hot topic once it was collected into their book.

  Chen Dui, 18, loves Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore.Two years ago, she wrote a report on the poet’s works Stray Bird.Last term she gave a lecture to the lower grades on it and shared her experience on how to enjoy Tagore' s poems.

  However, Senior 1 Hu Yang argues that their Chinese readings are still not enough.

  “I hope to read some passages from novels or articles by young authors born in the 1980s such as Han Han, Guo Jingming and Min Xiaoxi,”she said.

  “Some lyrics by Lin Xi and Vincent Fang, who often write for Jay Chou’s songs, are also great.”Hu added.


Bai Yansong' s article is included in the textbook because ________.

[  ]


it is about a famous professor


it is very interesting


he is a famous host


it is encouraging and educational


Hu Yang suggests that students should ________.

[  ]


read articles aloud


learn more from Jay Chou' s songs


do more Chinese reading


learn how to write lyrics


According to the passage, what has happened to the Chinese textbooks in the school?

[  ]


Some attractive and popular pieces are added to the textbooks.


Some students' works are taken out from the textbooks.


The textbooks are thicker and more beautifully printed.


The Chinese textbooks are totally changed.


What is the main idea of the passage?

[  ]


We should change our Chinese textbook.


Chinese textbooks keep updated in a Shanghai high school.


Chinese textbooks are too old for students.


Students’ works are included in Chinese textbooks in a Shanghai high school.


科目:高中英语 来源:甘肃省天水三中2009-2010学年高二下学期第二阶段测试英语试题 题型:050


  There are several reasons for hair loss in women.However, in most cases, treatment is quite effective.Female hair loss patterns in women are not as easily recognizable as they are in men.A woman may experience it temporarily(暂时地)due to pregnancy or illness, although they may experience it for other reasons.

  Hair loss can be due to a variety of factors, including a genetic tendency(which is not genetically linked to just one parent-both parents contribute to the tendency to lose hair).

  Women who are experiencing hair problems seem to have more limited choices than men.There are some female hair loss treatments that are available such as the Tricomin System which is a topical treatment that is nutrition based.Shen Min for Women is another natural treatment that contains herbs(草药)that are said to stimulate(刺激)hair growth and even restore hair that is graying to its natural color.

  The majority of the popular, proven hair loss treatments are only intended for men and are not suitable for women.True, a woman's hair issue is different from a man's.The biological makeup is different and the needs are different.Women have different needs and their bodies react in different ways to environmental changes, physical illness and even the treatments that are available.There are many natural treatments such as vitamin and mineral supplements that are said to stimulate hair growth, but, for the most part, these claims are currently unproven.

  One of the first and most important factors to effectively treating is to get a diagnosis from a doctor.Talk to your doctor about any symptoms that you may be experiencing in addition to the thinning hair.Stress, weight loss or gain, illness and depression, all of these can be contributing factors.


It can be learned from the 1st paragraph that ________.

[  ]


usually hair loss is hard to heal


female hair loss is more common than the men's


women tend to suffer from hair loss during the pregnant period


only illness contribute to hair loss


Which of the following statements matches the text about the two treatments?

[  ]


Both are to solve the problem of male hair loss.


Tricomin System is effective in speeding the growth of the new hair


Shen Min is an updated way of treating hair loss


The former is nutrition-based, while the latter is medicine-based.


The reasons for the differences between the female and male hair loss problems do not include ________.

[  ]


The biological structure and composition of the hair


The wants and needs


The reactions and responses to the outside changes


The approach to taking exercise


The natural treatments ________.

[  ]


include vitamin and mineral supplements


are applied to keep the hair healthy


have been proved useful


are the most commonly-used ways


科目:高中英语 来源:黑龙江省大庆铁人中学2010-2011学年高二下学期期末考试英语试题 题型:050


Nanjing and Hangzhou summer camps offered

  We are looking for hard-working and open-minded English teachers to join the Nanjing(Jiangsu Province)and Hangzhou(Zhejiang Province)summer camps!

  Both of the summer camps will run from the beginning of July to the end of August.You will be expected to teach spoken English to Chinese students of different ages.We encourage you to bring your own culture to the classes to make things more interesting.

  The information of the Nanjing camp:

  ● Working hours:40 hours per week, 5 working days per week.

  ● Salary:about 7,000 RMB per month.

  ● Accommodation:free(single room).

  The information of the Hangzhou camp:

  ● Working hours:5 hours per day(=50 min./class × 6 classes), one day rest per week.

  ● Salary:20,160 RMB in total(420 RMB per day =70 RMB/class × 6 classes).

  ● Accommodation:free(shared room).

  The requirements of the summer camps:

  ● Native English speakers(US, England, Canada, Australia, New Zealand).

  ● A university degree.

  ● Teaching experience.

  Please send us your resume(简历), copies of certificates and passport if you are interested in the camps.


  For more information you can visit our website at http://www.Englishsummercamps.com.cn

  Look forward to hearing from you soon!


What kind of people is the passage mainly written for?

[  ]


English-learning students.


Foreign English teachers.


Chinese-speaking students.


Chinese English teachers.


How long will a teacher work for the summer camps?

[  ]


Less than one month.


About five weeks.


About eight weeks.


More than two months.


Which of the following people might be accepted as a teacher at the summer camps?

[  ]


Wang Li, an excellent teacher from China.


Robert, a high school student from the USA.


Jerry, a university student from Australia.


Linda, an experienced university teacher from Canada.


Compared with the Nanjing camp, the Hangzhou camp _________.

[  ]


has longer working hours


has fewer students to teach


pays a higher salary


provides better accommodation


科目:高中英语 来源:云南省建水一中2012届高三10月月考英语试题 题型:050


  Students at the Hogook Middle School in South Korea have a unique homework:going online to message boards and write positive,cheerful comments.Teachers and other adults hope those comments will discourage others from leaving vicious(恶意的)and negative remarks.This is one of the activities in a nationwide program called the Sunfull Movement.

  Online attacks are an increasing problem in South Korea.The National Police Agency receives tens of thousands of complaints every year, but there is not much that can be done to stop it,since attackers seldom use their real names.In the worst cases,authorities say cyber-bullies(网络攻击)have pressured some people to take their own lives.That is why the Sunfull Movement's founder, Min Byoung'chul, a professor at Kunkuk University,began the program three years ago.

  Min says research indicates ninety percent of the attackers are under the age of 30.“Young kids,they're stressed out because of schoolwork.They have to prepare for their college entrance examinations and they just write whatever they feel.That's one of the ways to blow off their discontent and stress.” explained Min.

  Student Kim Hee-joo,15, says she writes thank-you messages to friends,family and teachers on her school' s homepage.And when she sees people making bad comments about famous people,she leaves nice messages,because when people see positive comments they are more likely to stop saying bad things and change their attitude.

  Teacher Kim Eun-young says Koreans do not really say “Thank you” or “I love you” to friends or parents.But being not face-to-face, they feel more comfortable saying those kinds of things.She also says violence at the school,both online and offline,has decreased and students and teachers get along much better now.


What's the aim of the Sunfull Movement?

[  ]


To teach students how to make comments on the Internet·


To stop cyber-bullying and create a positive atmosphere on the Internet·


To offer students suggestions on letting off their discontent and stress·


To serve as a model for other nations by gaining experience.


It can be inferred from the last paragraph that ________·

[  ]


People in South Korea tends to express themselves frankly


Koreans sometimes are not polite to their friends or parents


Students and teachers don't get along well in Korean schools


Changes have taken place since the school began the program


The best title of this passage probably is ________.

[  ]


Battle Cyber-Bullying with Positive Comments


Keep Away from Negative Remarks Online


Students in South Korea Face Much Pressure


A Remarkable Concern in South Korea

