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2. He is a little slow in understanding,so please be p      with him.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1. If you want to improve your study,you should first change your attitude      it.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. I don't mean that. There must be some     between us.

2. There are some mistakes in your composition that need     .

3. I get a lot of     from my grandchildren. They are so lovely.

4. The film was said to be good,but I found it          .

5. Her     gave me a lot of confidence.

6. Can you give me some advice on improving the     in speaking?

7. While reading new words,make sure you give each word its correct     .

8. I am waiting to hear your        for your being late.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. We have three foreign teachers,    are from America.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  I took my 7-year-old daughter to a restaurant by tho heach for lunch. When we arrived,I saw Jojo,a rich man in the hotel business. We sat down to chat in an open-air cafe. Suddenly,our conversation was inter rupted (打断) by a stranger,who politely asked to speak to me alone.

  We stood a bit away from my table. Usually,peo?ple who asked to talk to me told me their opinions on the shows I hosted (主持) .But he was different. He said, "I'm James,the father of a 7-year-old girl who's very sick. Doctors have said that if she is treated in the UK,she will probably become better. I don't have much money. Can you please help me?"

  I looked into the man's eyes,which were filled with tears. Then I went to sit back at the table. Jojo asked, " What's wrong? Your face changed. " I told him why.

  I thought of James and his daughter all the week?end. I even thought of doing a special TV show to col?lect money for the sick girl. On Monday morning,I was at the office when Jojo walked in,which was surpris?ing because Jojo was so busy. I never thought he would have time to come and see me at the studio (演播室) . With a checkbook in hand,he said, " Please call James and tell him I'll pay for his sick daughter's treat?ment. I've been married for 35 years,but I'm not lucky enough to have a child. I love children and want to help this child."I picked up the phone to call James.

  The daughter is living a normal life now and Jojo visits her sometimes. I'm so happy that there're so many good people in this world.

1. Why did the writer go to the restaurant?

   A. To meet the father of a sick girl.

   B. To have lunch with his daughter.

   C. To have a conversation with Jojo.

   D. To have coffee in an open-air cafe.

2. The father talked alone with the writer in order to__________

   A. ask the writer to introduce him to Jojo

   B. ask the writer to give him a lot of money

   C. ask the writer for help to save his daughter

   D. tell the writer what he thought of his shows

3. After hearing the father's story,the writer most probably felt _________.

   A. sorry   B. hopeful

   C. angry   D. disappointed

4. We can learn from the fourth paragraph that the writer_________ .

   A. did not try to help the sad father

   B. was usually very busy with his work

   C. was sure he would find a way to help the girl

   D. didn't expect Jojo would come for the sick girl

5. The writer was thankful that _________.

   A. Jojo and he are such good friends

   B. so many people helped the sick girl

   C. Jojo came to the studio especially to see him

   D. there are good people who are ready to help others


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. At last he had to admit        (犯了一个错误) .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1. Our teachers are very strict        us in class,but they are kind ― everyone after class.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

7. There will be an      (有组织的) trip to the seaside this weekend and many of us have decided to join in it.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

6. You don't have to wear too        (正式的) clothes that day.

