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The Internet has opened up a whole new online world for us to meet, chat and go where we’ve never been before.

But just as in face to face communication, there are some rules of behavior that should be followed when on line. 1.________ Imagine how you’d feel if you were in the other person’s shoes.

For anything you’re about to send: ask yourself, “Would I say this to the person’s face?” If the answer is no, rewrite and reread. 2.________

If someone in the chat room is rude to you, your instinct (本能) is to fire back in the same manner. But try not to do so. 3.________ If it was caused by a disagreement with another member, try to fix the situation by politely discussing it. Remember to respect the beliefs and opinions of others in the chat room.

4.________ Offer advice when asked by newcomers, as they may not be sure what to do or how to communicate. When someone makes a mistake, whether it’s a stupid question or an unnecessarily long answer, be kind about it. If it’s a small mistake, you may not need to say anything. Even if you feel strongly about it, think twice before saying anything. Having good manners yourself doesn’t give you license to correct everyone else. 5.________ At the same time, if you find you are wrong, be sure to correct yourself and apologize to those that you have offended.

It is not polite to ask others personal questions such as their age, sex and marital status. Unless you know the person very well, and you are both comfortable with sharing personal information, don’t ask such questions.

A. It’s natural that there some people who speak rudely or make mistakes online.

B. Repeat the process till you feel sure that you’d feel comfortable saying the words to the person’s face.

C. Everyone was new to the network once.

D. The basic rule is simple: treat others in the same way you would want to be treated.

E. When you send short messages to a person online, you must say something

beautiful to hear.

F. You should either ignore the person, or use your chat software to block their messages.

G. If you do decide to tell someone about a mistake, point it out politely.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届河北邯郸大名县一中高三上学期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空



Dubai was a 6,000-person fishing village half a century ago. Since 1966, when oil was discovered there, the population of Dubai has grown 1. 2.6 million. Over the years, it has become a well-known tourist destination.

2._ attracts tourists to Dubai are tax-free shopping, dry weather, excellent accommodations, delicious food and beaches that go on for miles. In fact, some foreigners come here only 3. (experience) the shopping. There are dozens of shopping malls, 4._ (provide)every famous brand you can name. Those outdoor markets sell everything from spices(香料)to gold at fair prices.

Choosing what places to visit in Dubai is difficult, because even the hotels there are also amazing 5. (attract). The Burj A1 Arab is considered one of the world’s best hotels, and __6. is located on its own island, about 1,000 feet offshore from Dubai. Built in the shape of __7. ship, this hotel is still 8. (tall) than the Eiffel Tower and nearly as tall as the Empire State Building. Certainly, there are also other great places of interest to visit.

Indeed, travelling around this country will 9. (true)give you an amazing experience because of its interesting things 10. (offer) to all types of tourists.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届江苏无锡高三上期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—I can't believe you took my phone! Give it back!

—________!It was Tony.

A.You are killing the fatted calf

B.You are barking at the wrong tree

C.You are the pot calling kettle black

D.You are making a mountain out of a molehill


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届河北省高三下期三模考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


The best travel experience of my life

Before I realized what had happened, we were off the ground. The earth just seemed to drop away from the hot air balloon. I 1.__________(honest) felt nothing when the ropes were unfastened and we started to fly into the sky. Graeme reminded us 2.__________(relax). He then set out to point out some of the best sights and photo opportunities, starting with the sunrise. Once the sun was up, the temples and pagodas were even 3.__________(beautiful). Graeme was too anxious to introduce some of his 4.__________(person) favourites, as well as those buildings experiencing repair work.

With the end of our flight 5.__________(approach), Graeme began to describe some final sites to us, including a small village and farm area. He then reminded us of landing procedures and asked us to hold additional sightseeing 6.__________(question) while he concentrated on the landing.7.__________ I really appreciated was that he was so clear and responsible 8.__________ safety! Our gentle landing went off smoothly and we were soon back on solid land. Hot air balloon rides 9.__________ (be) an unbelievable travel experience and I cannot think of 10.__________ more exciting place to enjoy them than in Bagan.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年西藏拉萨北京实验中学高二下期末英语卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达




















科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年贵州思南中学高二下期末考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


注意:1. 字数100左右;

2. 文章中不得出现真实学校与班级;

3. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

4. 开头与结尾已为你写好。

Dear Anne,













Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年贵州思南中学高二下期末考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

From the moment that an animal is born it has to make decisions. It has to decide which of the things around it are for eating, and which are to be avoided; when to attack and when to run away. The animal is, in fact, playing a complicated and potentially dangerous game with its environment, discomfort or destruction.

This is a difficult and unpleasant business and few animals would survive if they had to start from the beginning and learn about the world wholly by trial and error, for there are too many possible decisions which would prove fatal. So we find, in practice, that the game is always arranged in favor of the young animal in one way or another. Either the animal is protected during the early stages of its learning about the world around it, or the knowledge of which way to respond is built into its nervous system from the start.

The fact that animals behave sensibly can be attributed partly to what we might call genetic learning, to distinguish it from individual learning that an animal does in the cause of its own life time. Genetic learning is learning by a species as a whole, and it is achieved by selection of those members of each generation that happen to behave in the right way. However, genetic learning depends upon a prediction that the future will more or less exactly resemble the past. The more variable individual experience is likely to be, the less efficient is genetic learning as a means of getting over the problems of the survival game. It is not surprising to find that very few species indeed depend wholly upon genetic learning. In the great majority of animals, behavior is a compound of individual experience added to the action patterns animals are born with.That is why animals can survive.

1.The survival game is considered complicated and potentially very dangerous because ________.

A. decisions made by animals may prove fatal

B. animals are often in danger of being attacked

C. animals make decisions entirely by trial

D. environment is not fit for animals to survive

2.Most animals survive because they can make right decisions by ________.

A. a series of trials and errors

B. knowledge obtained in their life time

C. the nervous system

D. genetic learning and individual experience

3.Concerning the relationship between genetic learning and individual experience, which of the following is right?

A. They develop side by side.

B. They are contradictory, but individual experience is the dominant.

C. Genetic learning is likely to function more if the environments don’t vary much.

D. Genetic learning is more efficient than individual experience.

4.“Genetic learning” refers to ________.

A. learning after an animal is born

B. learning obtained by some members of each generation who happen to behave properly

C. learning gained by all the members in a species

D. learning gained by young animals from their experience

5.What cannot be inferred from the article?

A. The majority of animals depend thoroughly upon genetic learning.

B. Animal behave in particular ways as a result of both individual experience and genetic learning.

C. If animal depended wholly upon individual experience, its chance of survival would be little.

D. Genetic learning depends on the assumption of resemblance between the future and the past.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年广东实验中学高一下期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

I would rather you _________ at home tomorrow.

A.to stayB.stayed

C.stayD.had stayed


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年山西太原五中高一入学考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读表达

Traveling abroad during the vacation is the top choice of many Chinese people. But do we have good manners abroad?

On Feb 25, a report said that a Chinese mother let her child pee (小便) in front of a shop in Tokyo. A journalist came to the mother. Instead of saying sorry, the woman said that her child had peed inside a plastic bag and had not made the floor dirty.

This case has caused a big discussion about Chinese people' s traveling manners again.

In recent years, improper behavior has become a real embarrassment for China as overseas tourism increases. With the improvement of living standards, more and more Chinese are traveling abroad. But there are still a number of Chinese lacking in (缺乏) a sense of public manners. For this situation, the Chinese government has suggested proper manners. The National Tourism Administration has made a list of tourists' worst behaviors, including littering, line-jumping, taking off shoes and socks in public, speaking loudly and smoking in non-smoking areas.

We are going to improve the inner being of every Chinese citizen. “Traveling manners are a turning point.” said an official. And changes have begun to appear. Most people minded their behaviors during this Spring Festival holiday, according to the National Tourism Administration. They kept their voice down, waited in line and respected local rules.

1.Did the mother say sorry for her child's behavior?

2.What is the big discussion about?

3.Why did Chinese government suggest proper manners?

4.How many tourists' worst behaviors are listed to the Tourism Administration?

5.What should we do to improve our manners while traveling?

